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▲主题整理▲1999金时言《夏.雨.灯》Fly Low










发表于 2004-11-13 23:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 Q* k+ R: Q5 }, J- J; n' w. d) {1 G. _8 v

5 k0 |1 w3 a5 Z1 ?- q9 U! v                               
4 A: Y+ d0 T2 r, O3 M4 K

0 |3 L) B  d# G1 Q0 F- d1998第3回釜山国际电影节新浪潮单元参展;- J( C$ k( ?: B# L. G4 d
1999美国第35界芝加哥影展新人导演单元参展;' P; c! e4 p! D9 F; s; V3 }
6 _, u, S; d. N% o! I$ r1999荷兰第28界鹿特丹国际电影节新人导演龙虎奖竞赛单元入围;- M4 k9 v/ `* O

6 g4 r: f3 j7 c0 M5 E' Q, S0 B/ v4 e/ Q  W: e4 _$ H
=================================0 G& B' ?/ G+ a+ y0 r6 X' M& [

8 R* `6 B* v: ~: F% _& H5 g剧情简介
, B0 B7 w* J7 o
3 ~9 r; J8 G% _. r4 A) B夏:雨后盛夏。炳林,昌道,韩秀罗3个人拿着钱包,走进废弃的学校迎接他们的是桌子上的一束鲜花和黑板上写着的"您好,昌道去买东西期间,警察来到学校"俩人惊恐万分。
; O3 ]$ {+ a5 U3 ~- ~
8 a3 s5 s" U; A) i) E& X! w% x雨:初夏,雨季来临之际,艺林分校的最后一届毕业生周京,多晶和松嫣3人到教室留纪念。 3 m$ L# k* h: ^8 c

( H' [4 d4 n4 ]2 _1 d9 e. U$ k灯:一年后,周京又来到艺林分校。炳林和韩秀罗走后留下昌道一人。周京和昌道喝茶聊天。最后,昌道把炳林做的灯送给周京作礼物。
; v: s' e3 X% ]" E+ a  j( P
5 R% p. Y4 T: r: z=================================
$ H& F' ]! ~" e  ?* `3 a
; S% P! E) {% K电影导读" d8 A) b* e6 f' x! u+ b
5 z0 _$ `% C, B1 h4 \- F7 W( i/ l) R
1 o; D* r, S8 n( U9 U5 c7 {5 ]
1 d. |0 z; I8 z4 s2 l7 Q3 X  @《夏.雨.灯》实际并非专业电影也非商业电影,没有了刻意买弄的摄影技巧或夺目的色彩,让人感觉如身处一间业余话剧的小型剧场中。但这并不意味着此片是粗糙的不值得观赏,因为这是部非常新奇和简约的风格电影。除此更重要的是,它还是关于一个哲学命题的严肃而真诚的思考。作为一部彰显电影多样性的不拘泥于形式的年轻的实验作品,《夏.雨.灯》有着未成熟的青涩,但在炎炎夏日的商业大众电影热浪里,它本身的存在即让人如沐春风般清爽。
1 g! }: v" _$ @8 e4 g. _& v# v+ n* ~, A$ T
* f7 I, k1 [) x
8 D, z  ?3 y: U4 l/ T影片头20分钟,镜头聚焦着从复杂的社会大染缸逃脱寻求避难所的三个少年。他们必须在这个夏天消磨时间,这所荒废的乡间小学校舍让他们感受到自由。这个地方让他们回归到纯洁的本真状态。在这间小学之外,他们是罪犯,这个小小的避风港让他们体验了从未有过的舒适。他们开始在里面自在的喝酒、唱歌、跳舞,甚至吵架,摄影机就这样静静的对着他们,他们在舞台上没有伴奏的动人舞姿足以让观者陶醉。然而随着时间的流逝,他们开始各自沉浸在自我中。三位少年都来自同一所孤儿院,虽然性格迥异,但他们都有一种相同的感受——灵魂的迷失。这种空虚感源自母爱的缺失。他们从外面的世界成功逃离出来以此寻求沉重命运的解脱,但他们最终还是无法逃过自己。此时的三个人,一个在画画,一个正打算要离开和忘记一些东西,另一个在点着蜡烛。刚来的时候,三人看起来都那么的朝气蓬勃无忧无滤,但当他们各自的精神创伤渐渐显现出来后,每个人都在这里拼命挣扎着想寻找一丝心灵的慰藉。3 q% B0 h; |$ _* K7 |
7 R1 v8 |+ ]' N, z+ `& R! E/ M4 [
影片进行到20分钟后,导演揭开了另一面事实的存在——三个少年到来之前早已三个女孩来过这里。她们是12年前从这所小学毕业出去的同学,这里有她们共同拥有的童年记忆,但她们在长大成人后就在彼此不同的人生道路上分道扬镳。跟男孩一样,女孩们一开始也沉浸在纯真的回归中,但之后她们还是得面对现实的生活,暂时的偏离只成功了一半。6 g& b# ~) e, n5 A

$ ~8 _4 n7 t- C男孩们和女孩们在不同的时间相同的空间擦身而过,这种情况下他们的相遇是不可能的,但电影却制造了的这种可能性。就这样,除了空间以外,不同的被割裂的事物又被命运的红线牵起了。当然,导演只是暗示了他们发生关系的这种可能性。) y9 U- X, v& Z9 P% q
' f! s8 A0 O" q1 S5 E- u! w
- x5 \: `4 `  _, H9 k7 J: w; o( q; p3 N0 _- d  Y! N- [6 P
7 {; a4 v4 R3 ~( p3 q8 a( Z7 Z- a/ Y) b% y; s

& K1 c, A2 X" e6 j, Y6 _! i2 B6 r' \3 D% P9 P) C7 i) y
6 X! t( E% K$ q/ A9 d4 ?% Q" V
=================================: x) S5 S  O# ]7 ]3 |

' b4 e# A7 B7 b) G4 ~相关资料
$ p; p9 r. S; T% H4 M5 m  Q# `' j
4 L/ H& T5 u9 ]$ m6 a金時言的《夏﹒雨﹒燈》(2001年的访谈实录0 a# t7 p0 A& S( Q
! J: u) S# Q" u4 {4 O
0 O$ J  \" [# x/ {/ o1 Y# E
=================================4 B1 E* _( J8 m

' {* P1 p6 ]0 d* f% x* E! V2 F  H; z; N' S- c$ Z

! F5 G$ ^* @4 y/ R7 M6 c                               
( S+ Y- [: c5 @# e! A8 a7 a7 @; f

) X% a6 H1 U# M. a) r( r3 `                               

' J- p' ^+ A. t

. ]6 a# q0 B0 L0 s1 P' R$ h8 ~) X  C6 \                               

1 r3 i' P. U2 G* n6 O+ f
! I2 R* l) q2 s1 `

' h0 n: u6 Y" h% R' z
; x" [2 ?9 ^& z* @. A[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-11-14 at 01:06 PM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-13 23:34 | 显示全部楼层

English Review

review by Jerry Shin4 K- {3 X) Z5 W# U/ m2 x4 L" l
February 04, 2000' F! r  D6 G- A% S
Read: 253- `# y& S) n* @$ r! ]
Fly Low(aka Ha-U-Deung) is actually not a professional or commercial film. Instead of artificial camera working and splendid coloring, it makes people feel they're in a small amateur drama theater. But, it does not mean that this film is course and worthless to see. Because it's very fresh and neat film. Moreover, it has serious and polite consideration about a philosophic theme. Young experimentaions about various film makings in the formalism. Fly Low is definitely premature but becomes a clean shower in hot summer called commercial common movies just as it exists. - H0 R/ L1 z. C5 k' i, T- @4 ?

6 z  d) o7 d; n+ q) h& m2 Z2 dDirector uses the film aesthetics of time and space. Ha-the summer and U-the rain represent specific seasons of an year. Characters share the same space at the different time. Fly Low is a documentary of their common memories shared by the space and the possiblity of encounter between two seperated railroads. These coincidence and passing of time and space shape meetings and relations among people. ' _) R6 w1 r/ Q+ a0 Q2 ?
6 O5 s0 y. Y  v! F+ [& q' Z8 v( S
At the first 20 min., the camera is staring at three guys flee from the complex society to find a refuge. They must waste their time during the summer. The deserted rural elementary school let them feel free. The space let them returning to their innocence. They are criminals outside of the small school. For them, the small place supplies them a comfort shelter they did not have before. For the first time, those three guys spend time to drink, sing, dance and even quarrel. The camera is still staring at them silently. Their dance on the platform without any music melt on two eyes of audience. However, as time goes by, they begin to sink into themselves individually. All of them are from a same orphanage. Even though their personalities are very characteristic, they feel same loss in their soul. That hollow comes from the absence of their mother. For fleeing from the weight of their fate - they already fled from the outside society but couldn't get free from themselves. - one draws pictures, another is eager to leave and forget it and the other tries to make candles. At the first time, they look like just naive and young, but after the traumas of their souls appear, all of them look like seeking to their own remedies desperitely in the deserted school.
0 T" A! H, n7 p, _2 A7 R; _4 ^/ L5 D" C
After 20 min. of the running time, ti is devulged that the fact, there were three girls before those guys are coming. They graduated from this school 12 years ago. Those three girls share the same juvinile memories there, but they stand on seperate posts far from each other becoming mature. Like guys, even though girls also return to those old innocence for a while, they come back to their worn routine life. Her instant deviation succeed only a half.
% E' ^" U& j$ x" U8 t
0 c1 l* B# x7 o% ^4 nGirls and guys cross each other at the different time in the same space. Even though their real meeting is impossble, this film makes it coincidences. So, divided and different things except the space are connected with a thin thread of karma(fate). Of course, director remains the possiblity of their relation just a suggestion.
: e$ f9 P3 V7 }- _
& r% ^9 H4 x9 [$ f0 aAfter a year passes by, she comes back to the deserted elementary school, There is still a guy painting and planting vegetables. The other two left already. But, his soul scar looks like being cured there. He doesn't wear a hat any more. The other guy burned a imaginary picture of his mother for forgiving and forgetting. After that night, he left before anybody else. He was also cured.
0 ?9 c, F3 V+ Y: I% O1 J5 ~% i3 l# J& r# a- L( X6 J: a8 h8 b, l& ~
Their meeting looks like a monk and a buddhist's and the deserted elementary school becomes a kind of sanctuary at the scene. All of them who come by the school are cured and find their remedies. The space becomes a womb of mother to them. Moreover, after watching them, we also wish the necklace would become a symbol of fate and meeting even though it is too dramatic and artificial. Maybe it's because we 're also there with them and cured through Fly Low. - |: A" D! P, g4 X. u, R2 A, z9 i+ P; J
" x$ k/ W6 q* E  C  t  p
Director Kim Si-Eon made this film as a good sample of the independent film making. He spend just 80,000,000 won for this film. Forthemore, its printed on 16 mm film and recorded as the first 16 mm film released in commercial movie theaters. Fly Low has been already introduced in the New Currents Section at the last PIFF(98) and get good reactions from audience and the film
1 Q* W8 A- p/ I" \5 o( xcommentors.+ H$ J+ T. H9 Y8 X

+ n: \" r  s  v3 Jfrom:asian DB
+ ]+ G! @0 D9 [+ }& P
4 L9 U: X, P; C[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-11-13 at 11:39 PM ]
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