작성자 : 오유경[oukfox] 작성일 : 2008.09.07 23:51
알군 콘써트 다녀왔습니다….알군 오늘 샤방샤방 기분 너무 좋았구요…그래서 저도 오늘 넘 재밌게 잘 놀다가 왔습니다…울알군신애씨가 오셔서인지 기분이 아주 좋아보였어요….신애씨 콘써트 시작후 3분후에 친구분들이랑 들어오셨구요…긴 머리에 무릎까지 오는플레어 스커트에 스커트색상과 똑같은 부츠를 신고 오셨네요….들어오는 모습부터 알군 눈을 못떼구요 다들 앉아서 웅성웅성하는데 제가넘 흥분해서리 벌떡 일어나 손을 흔들었더니 신애씨 눈맞춰주며 인사해주네요…제 자리는 신애씨랑 사선으로 3m정도 떨어져앉았구요(제가 올해는 정말 계탄듯~) 신애씨 미모에 옆에분들은 다 배경이 되더만요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
신애씨 알군 보면서 열심히 응원해주구요 옆에 여자친구분들 3분데리고 오셨는데 중간중간 친구들이랑 장난도 치구 즐겁게계셨네요..1부 마치고 게스트분들이 공연하실때 신애씨 나가셔서 친구분들이랑 2층으로 올라가시길래(아마 알군에게 가시는듯) 따라나가서 싸인부탁했습니다…예쁘게 싸인해주시구 (알군에게한거랑 똑같이~~찌그러진 하트두~~)환하게 웃어주시네요…저쓰러질뻔했습니다…눈이 정말 만화주인공같으시구(얼굴의 반이잖아요) 눈빛이 아주 맑아서 더 순수해 보이시더라구요…(그 작은 얼굴에어떻게 시원시원한 눈코입이 다 들어 있느지…)글구 몸매가 완전 예술~~~골격이 약간 있으신것 같지만 군살이 하나두 없구요 정말모델 이상이던데요~~tv는 정말 믿을게 못되는듯~~
알군 공연 다시 시작할때 들어오셔서 열심히 응원하셨는데 울 알군 너무 좋아서리 노래하는 중간중간에 살짝 신애씨께 손흔들구(신애씨가 무대중앙쪽 통로에 앉으셔서 알군에게는 잘보일듯)그때 제가 얼른 돌아보면 신애씨 알군에게 웃어주구….(둘이아무래도 꼬리가 밟힐 듯…) 알군 급기야 뽀뽀했소 노래 시작하기전 신애씨께 불러준거라며 언급하면서 여러분들은 신애씨가 깜깜해서잘 안보이지만 제게는 너무나 잘 보인다며이야기 하자 팬분들 이제 대놓고 뽀뽀했소 노래 끝날때까지 신애씨 쳐다보았네요… 글구알군이 2층분들 이야기하며 조명을 2층에 비추자 모두들 돌아보았는데 신애씨 2층에 걸려있는 플렌카드를 그때 처음본듯….특히예그리나 분들께서 걸어주신 알신뽀뽀하는 사진을 아주 자세히 보셨어요…한참동안…..(우리 공홈에서도 알신이름으로 한장 걸었으면좋아겠다는 생각에 울컥~)
울알군 애인있어요 부를때 눈물을 보이구….신애씨도 다 보았구 느꼈을꺼에요….글구 마지막곡부를때 나가셔서 차로 가셨구요매니져분이 차에서 기다리라구 했다네요….(공홈 식구분 만나서 들었어요) 알군 마지막 화분부르며 코끝이 빨개지구….고개도못들구…. 만감이 교차하는 듯한 표정 ….성공적으로 잘 끝났구나 하는 안도감….그동안의 일들이 떠오르는듯하면서도 행복해하는표정….. 암튼 오늘 멋진 공연이었어요……덕분에 저도 너무 즐거웠구요…특히나 식구분을 만나서 더 행복했답니다…… 오늘은 행복한꿈을 꾸며 일찍 잠자리에 들수 있을듯….. 여러분도 사랑스런 밤 되세용~~~~
전 요 신애씨 운이 좋아 가까이앉기도 했지만 더 가까이 보고파서 알군 마지막곡 남기고 나가는 신애를 따라갔지요 글구“신애씨 신애씨” 불렀더니 서더라구요 그래서 싸인받으면서 그 귀한 얼굴을 보니 진짜 이쁨 나이도 어려보이고 피부끝내주고 왜쌍추가 유럽인이라고 했는지 알겠더라구요 굉장히 이국적임 진짜 알순이나 알순댁 화면안받는거라는거 실물이 훨나아요 알순이가 왜멍때리는지 직접보니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ접수함 진짜 잘됐으면 해요
english translations by thenatstory
I am back from Alex’s concert. He was in a very good mood today so I have had much fun. Not sure if it was because Shin Ae came, he was in tip top mood. Shin Ae came in 3 minutes after the concert started with her frends, with knee length player skirts with the boots of the same color. From the moment she came in, she wasn’t able to take her eyes off Alex. Others were very noisy but as I was too excited, I stood up and wave. Shin Ae looked at me and waved back. My seat was 4 rows back about 3 meters away. The people behind her seemed like a background.
Shin Ae cheered much for Alex, and she brought 3 girlfriends with her and were having fun. While the first section ended and when it was time for the guest performance, while Shin Ae was going up the 2nd floor with her friends as if to look for Alex, I asked for a signature. She signed beautifully for me. It was almost similiar to Alex’s.. with a heart. Smiling brightly, I almost fainted! Her eyes were really like the main character of a manga (it was half of her face!). Her eyes were so shiny that made her look so sincere. How could that small face carry such eyes, nose, and mouth…and her body was an art. It looked like she had a structure, she had no superfluous flesh and really looked like a model. The TV is really…
When the concert started again, she came in and cheered. Al-gun was so happy that in the middle of the songs, he waved to her (Shin Ae sat infront of the middle of the stage so he could see her well). And when I turned to Shin Ae, she smiled at him. Before he started singing the Bobo song, he mentioned that it was for Shin Ae although the others couldnt see her as it was dark, he explained that he could see her really well. and So that made all the fans look at Shin Ae throughout the whole song. And when Al-goon was talking to his fans at the 2nd floor, the fans were trying to light up and make heads turn and Shin Ae did too. By this, Agra’s obvious banner of Alshin’s bobo picture was hanging and was very obvious from far.
When Al-goon sang “I have a lover”, we saw tears and Shin Ae would have felt it too. And when it came to the last song and she was about to leave, she asked her manager to hold up, and Alex sang his final “Flowerpot”. Her nose turned red, and she couldnt turn her head, like she was very happy and satisfied. As if she was thinking ” it ended with success”. The expression as if as the past didnt matter, as long as it was a cool stage. An expression that showed that she had much fun.
I was sitting near to Shin Ae but because I wanted to get closer, I followed her when she made her exit and called out her name and she actually stood. And I finally saw that face of hers and understood why did Hyun Joong say she was like an European. And I also understood why Alex was speechless.
(Edited by thenatstory: After reading some other fan accounts, it also seems like Alex was looking for Shin Ae in the middle of his songs and he cried at “Eo Nu Sae” (So Soon) after thinking back when he used to write the song, layed on his bed at 2.30AM and stayed up till late. Guess it brings bad memories to him and he cried. and at another account, it was said that Alex let a guy do his marriage proposal to his girlfriend at his concert!)
(1)I am back from Alex’s concert. He was in a very good mood today so I have had much fun. Not sure if it was because Shin Ae came, he was in tip top mood. ShinAe came in 3 minutes after the concert started with her frends, withknee length player skirts with the boots of the same color. From the moment she came in, she wasn’t able to take her eyes off Alex.Others were very noisy but as I was too excited, I stood up and wave.Shin Ae looked at me and waved back. My seat was 4 rows back about 3meters away. The people behind her seemed like a background.
(2)When the concertstarted again, she came in and cheered. Al-gun was so happy that in themiddle of the songs, he waved to her (Shin Ae sat infront of the middleof the stage so he could see her well). And when I turned to Shin Ae,she smiled at him. Before he started singing the Bobo song, hementioned that it was for Shin Ae although the others couldnt see heras it was dark, he explained that he could see her really well.
(3)When Al-goon sang “I havea lover”, we saw tears and Shin Ae would have felt it too. And when itcame to the last song and she was about to leave, she asked her managerto hold up, and Alex sang his final “Flowerpot”. Her nose turned red, and she couldnt turn her head, like she was very happy and satisfied.
[ 本帖最后由 lisa_daisy 于 2008-9-25 18:48 编辑 ] |