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▲主题整理▲2000裴昶浩《情》My heart










发表于 2004-5-22 22:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
裴昶浩作品" D5 M* l0 d% z- C) Q9 l% q$ [( _
" @7 B; O5 o+ V===================================) g2 e4 k  {' _4 d* g) e  p

& C0 H2 C, j5 [/ ~5 Y/ @# v

1 K8 [' S! |5 [. d# _                               

% ]$ e0 B: U' z) T; x! X) s0 Z3 b' R: T/ e3 ~
- a; Y8 {' @# ~- [1999年第一界法国Benodet国际电影节:影评人协会奖、最优秀观众奖;
3 p" K# D9 n* A) r2 T. V: ~2000年意大利第14界远东国际电影节[韩国映画周]参展:最优秀观众奖;
+ {6 X) L* D3 L; V8 i; K0 z2000年第5回釜山国际电影节[韩国全景]单元参展;  z$ ]4 D1 r. b0 O: K! S$ G
2000年苏格兰爱丁堡国际电影节参展;/ F! q: F. P. d: w' _
2001年法国第3界杜维尔亚洲电影节参展;  I. ?/ H0 _. N5 }5 K
( |5 A$ _3 j- z3 c) P8 O- r0 q! ~

0 ~7 Q. m) `, j7 e0 lhttp://www.seochon.net/korean_movie/movie/jyou.htm+ O) y% S; C0 L9 b4 v, X# F
====================================: n3 |3 y0 o7 P
  x* q. S5 F7 N, T. O
1 a+ P9 Z0 @8 Q' y9 J$ d5 F2 m6 O* }5 |
《情》——忍冬草,一个女人的一生% |/ ~8 Q4 v- H& D5 q* f

' l+ V/ C, C  q作者:阿韩
' T( F6 T5 {) L( P
5 G8 `6 J9 U$ Q* X  H; H/ @(警告:下文有较多剧情泄露)8 [" l- h9 R7 z

; d( D( ^* ?- {" N& L- g' z0 F忍冬草,一种遍布整个韩半岛的藤蔓植物。它看起来很柔弱,却能在雪地里开出鲜红的果实。电影〈情〉里的主人公,就如一株寒风中的忍冬草,挺过一个又一个严冬,最终迎来绚丽的春天...1 k. l' x- Z# z8 d9 \* a

6 f% ~5 D- J# @那时的世道风云变幻,时代的变迁,新旧观念的碰撞。。。但导演只是把镜头对准了一个闭塞的小山村,讲述了一个不平凡的年代里一个普通乡村妇女一生,却也道尽了韩国普通劳苦大众在那段新旧交替转型时期的艰苦历程。整部电影如同小桥流水般的平淡舒缓,以自传体的形式展开追忆,关于一个女人漂泊无依的一生。。。: X$ K# V& _. V% F4 _8 c+ u  H
; p( f' _& V. \8 ~0 k( S/ J# q! K
6 z2 `7 s! R$ T% c, I# s0 W8 T9 n+ J6 Q1 _( s* P
少年时代,正直妙龄的Soon-yi被一段没有感情的封建婚姻所束缚,过早的结束了花季少女所应享有的欢乐,在婆家任劳任怨,不仅要伺候着比自己幼齿的丈夫,还要忍受着严厉的婆婆的百般刁难,心里的苦水无处发泄,只有身边的那本《蔷花红莲传》能让她找到些许安慰,忙里偷闲时就捧起它,感同身受着蔷花红莲两姐妹的可怜遭遇,每次读来都是以泪洗面。。。; o5 W- @; a$ M' K, B4 g
$ ^( b6 T5 b% n2 w# D" h" y
+ Z8 @2 k# _. g
6 I6 X3 h; L8 D, }8 x2 T7 m  g中年时代,山里面一位憨直的卖瓮人颇具戏剧性的闯入了Soon-yi的生活,她被他的真诚所打动,接受了他卤莽却诚恳的求婚,终于享受到了那迟来的爱情。他们过得很幸福,和谐共处,相敬如宾,在深山里一起劳作,共同歌唱:
" A* v9 ?8 O! B, o4 z/ p% }8 r        (注:这首民歌好象出自《蔷花红莲传》)
8 v7 y" P. |1 l+ J        妈妈妈妈,我可怜的妈妈/& g* i, o/ W" O- I- O6 t
        生我养我的,可怜的妈妈/9 f8 w, W( |5 F3 S
        到戴胜鸟哭蹄时,来找我/5 F6 ~% \) Q* h5 Y9 X! p
: q6 y( s/ W8 v6 P6 C        别哭,别哭,可怜的鸟儿/  V3 e' {  ^7 |7 [
        听到你的哭声,我的心跟着碎/, p5 B0 C( X! ?
        又有谁知道,我的怨……/# z" D) M6 r2 H
9 e! N/ S! {) d4 O
/ M( r( G: }- T1 o
1 K/ O6 `0 L! \. O$ h  |) @时光又回到了70年代,老年的Soon-yi在追忆完自己的前半生后,终于盼到了儿子归来的巴士车……影片结尾处她与儿子相处的种种温情画面让人感动。苦尽甘来,Soon-yi最终还是得到了属于自己的幸福。  M3 _4 S' {2 d& R; H" X
  A0 p. @# Q* P+ a: L# j. r
影片的风格朴素、细腻、婉约。这种质朴的乡村电影让偶想起了《the way home》和《记忆中的风琴》。影片里国画般意境悠远的乡村风景也让人沉醉,再加上片中行云流水般的配乐,淡淡的伤感,让人感觉清风扶面般的心旷神怡。
' \1 @4 f; I& a1 [0 a1 W
+ m' K2 Z4 J  W# T6 U4 o
6 j- k1 s. d4 s==================================
# c8 l9 B4 [8 @) P* |9 O6 q' n& W3 m8 B+ x+ j
剧照海报  R2 }) \- M9 o5 K( F
5 a1 @" P& x- q6 N$ R' ]) t
+ ]' K' L7 |) G% p7 W, G6 ehttp://mxm.movies.yahoo.co.kr/po ... 0003943&mname=?
, M) q" U* O, e1 x# Ahttp://mxm.movies.yahoo.co.kr/mo ... asp?m_id=M000003943  H) r, J5 |7 `5 h7 p# C

. [2 D/ h. g4 y/ [6 s==================================* u1 a  D7 L/ U. W' V: `

# Y6 ?- w( E5 ~, `% y8 O! Q影音区
5 w1 Y2 o; L- D$ _
0 C. }' u1 ]# V4 Q% r5 ~
; q, [6 Q3 K8 M( N' v3 hOST(第153楼):; I4 O+ [" w6 ?7 [* @
http://www.krdrama.com/bbs/viewt ... hlight=&page=11) `; t. W" T8 C% [$ S3 m
6 m7 E% K6 S- R; h
2 o% l" E- R- m6 }2 T( G" q
! S7 G1 ~' n( \! }# D* J7 Y! {7 W& \0 `( z
OST精选(强力推荐)——/ D9 a' A$ k( g

3 J4 U' }/ R/ l% x情:mms:// ... 000008885001001.wma
6 m7 Q. j$ J8 p6 l(节奏较快的版本)mms:// ... 000008885001011.wma
- g/ u/ a! l$ d3 |$ Z
# H. ]' {" [$ U; Q- _* n3 H6 o5 Q2 ?
, C; ~( W1 g4 ~) q
眷恋之情:mms:// ... 000008885001003.wma0 V+ Z% h( H8 @% J
+ q+ D9 |6 j0 F/ r+ j2 q$ q
* p4 [2 d8 M. z7 b& P
# F1 U8 R$ V3 i1 A. y
% F! J  S* ~0 k7 _* G( c& ]mms:// ... 000008885001004.wma: o. g2 p; L+ M( o; ~
(女主角独唱的版本)mms:// ... 000008885001015.wma; V4 p/ f, P$ y' ~$ S0 l8 K2 ]
8 d/ z9 s: E. c1 c
: ~& r/ n+ _. u7 R) X
+ }% S. ~. y$ j& X7 {1 l
1 E( C* S5 P- p( s  rmms:// ... 000008885001005.wma* c. f6 E2 [2 K' p( Z; W

8 K# {% b, A! k$ H( d$ W3 Q3 n7 T- g$ E0 P8 l. f
jeel ne ya:
' Q9 l& ?- \- ?# fmms:// ... 000008885001006.wma; R) u! }( l& Z, z9 n
2 a5 r) w( p% u, G$ Z  f$ P" I
( u) v4 n+ Q3 L" ]9 y# ~

, l2 j* V& R4 ]1 R) n梦(这乐器的声音粉特别,应该是他们的传统乐器,古萧吗?):
1 Q9 V9 [3 f3 v! vmms:// ... 000008885001012.wma9 D8 ?7 w* I1 O( \, z
3 X6 m& h9 H+ s( m
- J6 J7 P# C* p5 u' ~' m( }) n0 I: W0 R; v0 u0 M
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2005-5-23 at 05:53 PM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-22 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
English reviews
& E5 U  m" e% D* r  W+ Q==============================" D) g( O5 q" a, }. y% M
Stuart-93 . [. f8 Y5 U$ x( A
Melbourne, Australia
2 g( w" I% C4 `* K. ~  `
: }; o. f; l, _3 hDate: 3 August 2003
+ j( v" z+ C8 [9 K( z2 c1 G& OSummary: Great, emotional movie
/ n( R: M6 a' t* D6 T* u
' U5 C% H0 u6 ?; ^' Z4 y- Jeong: 8/10$ `  Y) t: H! s; q5 c9 u( [
7 j! O, m' L8 U( Q( }3 _+ l
+ P5 {$ A. p2 h- i
/ J! z3 e# G& f, b* x3 @! cGod, this movie was so tragic, almost enough to bring me to tears at the end. The literal title for this South Korean movie is "My Heart". An elderly woman (Sun-mi) sits in a beautiful meadow and starts talking (in narrator form) about her past. We then see her life, which as the only other review (at present time) of the movie here put it, "... how she then struggled through life, against the most cruel and hopeless circumstances." She is married off at a young age to an even younger boy who doesn't even seem to be a teenager yet. Her step-mother is very cruel to her, and works her like a dog for years. Her husband goes away and returns about ten years later with a girl... who is pregnant. Realizing this isn't the right girl for him, the step-mother is suddenly nice to her daughter-in-law, almost as if she realizes something Sun-mi's husband wants a divorce from her down, and she quietly leaves the house, never to return. She settles in her own small house in an isolated area, and meets a potter. She eventually marries this kindly and awkward man and gets him off the booze, which he had problems with. One day, he spends all the money he made from selling pots on some expensive face powder for his wife. He is talked into having a drink with a friend, and one turns into many. As he's walking home, he realizes he has left the powder behind, and goes to retrieve it. He has another drink, and walks home in the pouring rain, drunk. He drops the powder box in the raging river and tries to grab it, but falls in as he clutches it. He ends up drowning, and the next time his wife sees him, he's a corpse. She takes the powder box as a lasting reminder of her husband, and leaves his house (with many unsold pots still there), carrying only a few possessions - just like when she left her mother-in-law's house. Sun-mi finds work doing some sort of agricultural work in harsh, snowy conditions. There, she befriends a wandering young lady with a baby, who has fled an oppressive husband. They form a older sister/younger sister bond, and the main character becomes attached to the child. One day, the "younger sister" leaves with her child, after a man who now legally owns her (having won her in a bet with the woman's real husband) almost finds her. However, one day the baby appears, and the woman is gone. Sun-mi picks up the baby and races to the river, where she sees her "younger sister" sailing away on a raft. In another gritty, tear-inducing scene as she races to the bank, she yells to the baby, "That's your mother! That's your mother!", knowing he'll never see his true mother again. Once again, Sun-mi loses someone close to her. However, she has the baby and raises him as her own. Back to present day, her son is a tall young man in university, and arrives home for a stay. He treats his "mother" (I don't think he knows about his true mother, but in this sort of movie it doesn't really matter) so well, worrying and caring about her. He goes back to school, and the now elderly Sun-mi watches. It's probably the most emotional part of the movie - she has a content look on her face, because after all the hardship, she finally found something, and has a young, well educated son to be proud of. Really, an excellent movie, grim and depressing, almost too depressing at times. My only gripe is that the transitions from eras of the woman's life were often too quick - like she went from being about 18 to being 30 or 40-something. Highly recommended though.
; ^+ u. y" V) C  D+ J5 Whttp://us.imdb.com/title/tt0297990/usercomments' n; r0 J+ @7 y8 @& \
. G: c4 |8 H, r# i
8 J- k" t1 m( l# `
. H/ d# A% U" c  S
  M* \9 I6 ~) q4 ^  l' ?) j: u0 a/ h3 U9 _3 Z/ b
Meatfarmer Kangas
+ V  x$ j2 g5 i& K& `Svensson, Sweden& A# V4 j0 H. ?5 Y9 u

& \' v' d8 {. F, x) B6 C: ~7 cDate: 10 March 2002
! A: r% @3 \4 M! v/ bSummary: "My heart" - sad and beautiful
" N# b4 f) I& i: v2 V
. R- D4 t1 @. v. u2 M9 HAn old Korean woman sits down in a meadow and begins to recollect her past - how she was married off as a girl, and how she then struggled through life, against the most cruel and hopeless circumstances.
8 f) b. a/ B7 `
) I; ^7 n+ u" A8 b# C) D8 _This is a tragic story, but not without humor. And above all, this is a beautiful, beautiful film. It makes you wonder why other film makers even bother...! m) g/ l% v. }. U# F, ?5 B

$ Q) v  a- ^& S3 p4 s  ?In a perfect world, I would not have to write this. You would already know "My heart" by heart.
0 X' \, \7 W% L% p! M: E; ^# D) L' D$ b5 ^/ e; d2 c1 R
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-22 at 11:13 PM ]
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