Memory is a wonderful thing. 回忆是美好的,不管是几年或是几十年过去了,都不会fade away。一口气把法国电影《Before sunset》看完了,泡一杯香茗放在电脑旁,搬把椅子抱膝坐下,影片开始就是一首忧伤哀婉的情歌。
Now we're together. Sitting outside in the sunshine, but soon we'll be apart…the clouds are far away above in sky, but soon I'll be on the plane…You promise before I loved you always love me. Time goes by and people cry and everything goes to fast.
依依不舍的感觉在这首歌里体现得淋漓尽致,而歌曲恰恰正和影片所讲述的故事情节像吻合。他是已经爬上了美国畅销书排行榜的作家,她是法国Green Cross环保组织的成员。在巴黎的一个秋日午后,他们再次相遇了,整整隔了9年之久。
之前并没有看过《Before sunrise》,所以感觉情绪上无法全部投入。其实并非导演的问题,当然也不出在编剧身上。因为对这部影片有着很高的期望,在看的时候想当然希望可以尽快融入到故事中。
Let me sing you a waltz about that one night's thing, you were for me that one night everything I dreamed all the life. But now you gone, you're far gone, you go to the island of the rain. It was for you just a one night thing, but you were much more to me just so you know. I don’t care what they say, I know what you meant for me that day, I just want to another try, I just want to another night. Even it doesn't seem quite right. You meant for me much more than anyone I met before. One single night with you, little Jesse. I'll never forget this one night thing, even tomorrow in other's, my heart will stay here till I die. Let me sing you a waltz…
聪明的导演Richard Linklater选择在法国拍摄,可以说在某种程度上延续了观众的“法国情节”。觉得只要是法国电影,就没有不好看的。
趁热打铁写个小东西纪念一下我喜欢的法国电影以及法国艺术家们,尽心竭力地制作出精良考究的饕餮之宴。他们是认认真真拍电影的可爱的人们!Je t'aime。 |