T-ara為了“Dream Girls” 接受空姐訓練
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2 H8 D8 e1 B( v/ U1 B" |' V! i1 I. J3 @4 k7 w" {2 g
Filming for their new Mnet reality show, “T-ara’s Dream Girls“, the girls of T-ara stepped up to the challenge of becoming stewardesses. The members went through theory training, as well as learning CPR and other vital first-aid procedures.
% F2 S6 p; |- o$ Z; B! H* V為了拍攝Mnet新真實秀 “Dream Girls'' . T-ara 女孩們為了當空姐而接受訓練. 透過理論課學習 人工呼吸(CPR) 和 其他急救訓練課程都學的很好.
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The image of composure, dignity, and elegance associated with stewardesses sparked a small competition between Hyomin, Jiyeon, Eunjung, Soyeon, Qri, and Boram to see which one of them suited the image best.. Y% p, T9 I5 v( d) s4 Y* W
鎮定的模樣 很莊嚴 像空姐般優雅 大家為了展示最佳狀態 引發了小小競爭.* n2 s- X3 W% M
+ ]* y4 e1 e) WThe staff also had a hard time deciding which member was the best “stewardess” because they individually excelled in different areas. Jiyeon showed exceptional skills and quickness in fieldwork; Eunjung’s outgoing personality was well-suited for the service area; Soyeon completed all her stewardess missions; Qri’s feminine and considerate appearance best represented the stewardess “look”; Hyomin controlled the atmosphere with her positive attitude; and finally Boram showed leadership skills that were hidden in her small build.
& Q. p: @5 a# @+ U8 ~: Z3 q3 v; `8 z工作人員也很難決定誰是最好的 “空服小姐”,因為他們在不同領域上各有特色. 智妍在實地演練上表演特殊技巧與機敏; 恩靜個性放的開, 在服務方面很適當; 素妍完成所有空姐任務; Q-ri 的溫柔體貼獲 ''空姐形象''最佳代表; 孝敏以自信的態度控制氣氛; 最後寶藍展現隱藏在她嬌小身材裡 的領導技巧.+ }% K3 e+ w- m" O4 N. U
0 ?9 u0 C f" iThe producers stated, “Because this is a reality program, the tests and classes are all real, from the first step of applications and interviews to finally partaking in an international flight. Actual prospective ’stewardesses’ trained alongside the T-ara members. The members were also trying their hardest because they could have been disqualified from the tests. Please watch with optimism.”" R. p- \3 i8 j3 c
製作PD說 “因為這是真實節目, 課程測驗都很真實. 從適用與面試開始,到最後參加國際飛行. 正如期待, T-ara女孩們一起接受空姐培訓. 女孩們作最困難的嘗試 因為有可能在測驗中失去資格.敬請愉快觀賞''.+ V: @3 t! D' c; ]6 ]
2 N1 c( ]$ w4 G2 `8 A# c: |$ JIt’s shaping up to be an interesting episode, but where is Hwayoung?, z( c: d6 J' X* N( B
節目製造有趣的插曲 但是花英在哪裡啊? |