文熙俊 是 T-ara 的 男粉丝 ??
本文来自: T-ara中文首站 ( @" V1 e" ]$ J. B2 d
& s1 g- e, B9 W( D
来源 allkpop
/ E8 C. G! z. ?. f8 f, NH.O.T’s former member, Moon Hee Jun expressed his admiration for T-ara member Eunjung’s talents on the December 1st episode of MBC’s “Radio Star.”
4 ]! I/ }- J1 x* f7 L, SH.O.T前成员 文熙俊 在12/1日 MBC“广播明星.”提到对 恩静 才华的赞赏.8 y/ U m9 }$ |7 t
6 a& R& {; G! {" G H
He began by stating, “I always thought that the person that sang the highlight part in T-ara’s ‘Crazy Because of You‘ would do well as a solo artist. I wanted to bring her to me once her contract ended and produce her myself.”
$ n; d/ o7 U! w2 \9 @. F9 c他开头说 “我总认为她是 T-ara "因你而疯"中 最棒的部分, 能做的像独唱歌手一样好. 我曾经想过 当她合约结束, 要跟她签约 并自己栽培.”: W. g3 m, c9 h. ~% u5 `
/ H* g! b# e8 E6 |% tEunjung, unable to hide her joy after being complimented by a senior, began singing her highlight part on the spot, causing Moon to exclaim, “Oh, it’s her!”
) n7 P+ O( N8 W6 B被前辈称赞后 恩静 暗自窃喜, 就开始唱起 她担当的最棒部分, 文熙俊 听到后说 “ 哇, 就是她!! ”( c+ @2 b9 V+ V8 R' L
E6 f7 {8 n1 c8 ] }MC Kim Gura sarcastically butted in by adding, “You can’t even raise yourself, what’re you talking about being the CEO?” Moon retorted, “Why not? I’m not bad, you know!,” but soon after turned towards Eunjung and asked, “Please raise me. I’ll work hard.”
5 k. S2 K& F6 r- I' V& mMC金久拉 接著讽刺说 “你不提升你自己 还谈什麼当经纪人??”文 回答 “为何不行? 我不差, 你知道的!,” 又马上转向 恩静 “提醒我. 我要努力工作.”
& y9 j6 r9 x7 A% q6 r7 k1 f
7 `5 `* {. [/ f, f* DMoon then went on to reveal, “I’ve always liked SNSD up until the point where I saw another team that managed to shake my heart. It was none other than T-ara. I fell in love with Jiyeon after seeing her dance to ‘Bo Peep Bo Peep.‘” Jiyeon then got up and began dancing the choreography, causing Moon to shout with joy while the others burst out with laughter.
2 z! T# u, f8 y4 ?文 接著说 “我一直喜欢少女时代 直到我看到另一个团体 震撼我的心灵. 它就是T-ara. 看过 智妍Bo Peep Bo Peep的舞蹈后 爱上了, 就站起来跳她的舞. 听完其他人哈哈大笑, 文 也高兴的大叫. |