韩翻英:cheerkoo @ soompi HS
15회차 셋트촬영이 오늘끝이다...어제의 힘든 마지막감정씬을 끝으로 이젠 햇빚을 받으러 들판으로 고고씽^^ 힘들고 있기 지겨운 현장에서는 그리시간이 안가더니...이현장은 시간이 너무 빨리가서 아쉬운감이... 복숭아나무 현장 화이팅이다~~~ㅋㅋㅋ♥
Today, we completed the 15th filming at the set location..yesterday was the end of the very difficult emotional scene. Now we go to the bright sunshine of the open field. Let's go, go^^ Time moved so slowly at the set location which was so hard and wearisome to deal with. But the time seem to move too quickly at the open field location that I am having some sad feelings...PEACH TREE filming on location FIGHTING~~~kekeke
18회차 촬영중인 복숭아나무현장...5회차만 찍으면 쫑이다 당진의 드넓은 목장에서 촬영중인 우리는 거센 바람과 추위 햇빚을 견뎌내고있다...아쉬운 현장의 하루가 가고있다^.^
This is the PEACH TREE film location for its 18th filming....5 more filming and we will be done with this big ranch location. But we are tolerating the strong wind, cold and sunlight. Sadly, another day is passing away soon.
makeup331 @ 推特 (桃树的工作人员) |