Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda has recently created two charity T-shirts, the proceeds of which will be donated to the victims of the Tohoku Pacific Ocean earthquake.
On March 11th, Mike asked his followers on Twitter about which of the two T-shirts they would want to see being used for the tsunami/earthquake survivors. Both shirts were received well, so Mike is now going to sell both of them. The first one is a butterfly made from origami, and the second one says “Not Alone” with the Japanese flag as layered over it.
Furthermore, Mike and the other Linkin Park members will be leading fundraising through their charity organization, “Music for Relief”.
According to Mike’s blog, you can purchase the T-shirts at the Linkin Park store. They wrote, “All proceeds will be donated to Music for Relief to help survivors of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan and subsequent tsunami.”
林肯公园的Mike Shinoda近期设计了两款公益T恤,其收益将捐助给日本地震的灾民。
在本月11日,Mike在推特上征询其追随者的意见,关于他们愿意将哪两款T恤用于救助海啸/地震的幸存者。被选中的两款都受到相当好评,所以 Mike决定开始发售这两款。第一款是日式折纸的蝴蝶图案,第二款写着 “Not Alone" (不孤单),并伴有日本国旗图案。
与此同时,Mike和其他林肯公园成员都将通过他们的慈善机构”Music for Relif"筹款赈灾。
据Mike的博客说明,这两款T恤都可以通过林肯公园网站购买。他们的网站上注明“所有收入将通过Music for Relief捐助给日本8.9级地震和随后的海啸的幸存者。” |