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【资料】2015年 奥斯卡 美国电影艺术与科学学院“扩招” 崔岷植宋康昊奉俊昊林权泽入









发表于 2015-6-27 21:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 corona0911 于 2015-6-29 18:29 编辑
8 j6 D8 y3 k/ M# t2 l0 c
% W4 B1 k$ Z, a8 F% ]4 E$ khttp://article.joins.com/news/ar ... 18116521&cloc=olink|article|default
: J( \/ f) {& q8 U$ E* T  q, V美 아카데미, 최초로 한국 영화인 5명에게 문 열었다! }8 p, ^. q/ t) j  S
[중앙일보] 입력 2015.06.27 09:12 / 수정 2015.06.27 21:33
  u# k' ^5 G( ^; Y2 w임권택, 봉준호, 최민식, 송강호 등 아카데미 회원으로 영입* |1 D$ w, @( a8 F1 W6 J( [, c' z
  Y2 z4 ~+ c/ T4 Y- W# ^' b9 ?

- r$ w5 Z$ L4 O4 D; }. x& C                               
/ b; B/ d# j; E. o
导演 林权泽

  C- W; C6 n: k5 |                               
; t. a2 G2 b3 _: j
导演 奉俊昊
: z1 h9 E( U9 V: m6 e1 N% O
9 U% `, a( U3 u% Z/ b8 N9 M) j- s( v
演员 崔岷植

& v* ^. f# e( E                               
# H; P$ `0 D8 B; ]% [8 N
演员 宋康昊

* a& @7 B/ k, o9 i) v* N                               

0 ], o% Q( T* |: A动画导演 金相镇
' m" f4 K0 X& ~9 n
0 h; O( \: {: b! [8 A# @8 j. W
임권택 감독  I1 o' L9 i- p
봉준호 감독. d; I8 W7 }; s+ D( {; Z- x
배우 최민식
6 V" P* }; l* F) Q8 V$ a+ `6 L배우 송강호9 N, W1 r' j( P4 H$ r. d% }$ L
김상진 감독. m$ Q* H4 A8 N) ?3 O

* O& D7 l! P& `" m  v  B) G# a아카데미가 드디어 한국 영화인들에게 문을 열었다. 88년 아카데미 역사상 처음이다.
$ A( N$ f% {+ e' Q% C
  T* z4 d* o  F( c아카데미 시상식을 주최하는 미국영화예술과학아카데미(AMPAS·Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)는 26일 발표한 보도자료를 통해 새롭게 아카데미 회원으로 선발된 322명의 명단을 발표했다.
! V: @$ a- s* W; N# u, o# G+ M) M: w& X
이 명단에는 한국을 대표하는 영화인 임권택 감독과 봉준호 감독, 배우 최민식과 송강호의 이름도 포함돼 있다. 디즈니 애니메이션 스튜디오에서 활약하며 '프로즌' '빅 히어로 6' '탱글드' 등의 주요 캐릭터 디자인을 담당했던 김상진 감독도 이번 회원 명단에 이름을 올렸다.
1 i' r  a* y% P& _( D8 S: W8 I# P7 E! I$ y" D
지금까지 단 한 번도 아카데미의 초대를 받지 못했던 한국 영화계가 한꺼번에 5명의 한국인 회원을 배출하는 쾌거를 올린 셈이다. . y/ c* |5 Z+ l# l% ~1 L
! j0 p' v3 o+ P' b  j
이와 함께 '캠프 엑스레이' '더 굿 걸' 등을 제작한 한인 2세 프로듀서 지나 권도 아카데미 회원으로 초대를 받았다. 이밖에 올해 아카데미 신규 회원으로 추천된 영화인들로는 크리스 파인, 베네딕트 컴버배치, J.K 시몬스, 대니얼 래드클리프, 마틴 프리먼, 엠마 스톤 등 할리우드 스타배우들과 데미언 차질레, 제임스 건, 저스틴 린, 웨인 왕 감독 등이 있다. % v1 E, t( e! Q' Y4 W+ t

, ?) C  L, h3 S" m이들은 아카데미의 초대에 응하는 수락 과정을 거쳐 정식으로 회원 자격을 갖게 되며, 매년 열리는 아카데미 시상식의 투표권을 행사할 수 있게 된다.
% P& N2 E0 g& M: u7 r; o; M3 D: a8 u
이번 한국 영화인들의 아카데미 입성을 통해, 그간 유난히 아카데미 시상식에서만 홀대를 받았던 한국 영화가 새롭게 조명되고 그 작품성을 인정받을 수 있는 가능성이 커질 것으로 기대를 모으고 있다. % b3 u6 g4 r1 P# A9 P0 z) A
) k0 {3 r  X' N/ P& Z
한국영화진흥위원회 미국사무소 황수진 소장은 "이번 초청은 진입장벽이 높기로 유명한 할리우드에서 한국 영화인들의 위상이 달라졌음을 보여주는 좋은 예"라고 의의를 평가했다.
# I- `, n, M. H8 m5 U9 }
9 e5 p( I; |7 q# K4 a7 j) l( S김상진 감독은 "아카데미 회원으로서 한국 영화와 애니메이션을 널리 알릴 수 있는데 조금이라도 도움이 될 수 있도록 노력하겠다"고 소감을 밝혔다. 2 N% J9 o0 Y+ [3 M) s

" f0 r7 U% T* {8 V현재 아카데미에는 약 6천명의 영화인들이 회원으로 활약하고 있다. 신규 회원이 되기 위해서는 영화계에서의 활동기간과 필모그래피를 기반으로 배우, 감독, 음악, 분장, 편집 등의 전문 분야로 나뉘어 있는 각 부문 기존 회원 2인 이상의 추천을 받아야 한다. " n8 O: K5 J5 H* h
3 V, B. ^- e/ f& o
아카데미 측은 매년 사망한 회원이나 투표 자격을 잃은 회원 등을 대체할 신규 회원 200여명을 선발, 초청해 왔다. 신규 회원 초청이 300명을 넘어선 것은 올해가 처음이다. * ^1 E  m0 J+ f; X! R% A! `

3 n: ?3 s4 r+ S이는 아카데미의 회원 구성이 고령의 백인 남성들 위주로만 이루어졌다는 지적에 대한 돌파구 마련으로 풀이된다. 그간 회원 구성에 다양성을 더하기 위한 자구책을 마련을 고심해 온 아카데미 측이 외국인을 비롯한 각계각층의 영화인들을 대거 초청함으로써 시상식에 새로운 활력을 더해보려 했다는 분석이다.( L0 @9 C+ T* n: Q- y

% w1 a" ^" Y3 x: o( p' S아카데미의 셰릴 분 회장은 보도자료를 통해 "올해는 각 분야에서 그 어느때보다 다양하고 포괄적인 영화인들을 리스트를 선정했다"며 "신규 회원들이 아카데미에 불어넣어줄 창의력과 경험, 아이디어에 대한 기대가 크다"고 전했다.
2 b: I+ |# ]! q  Q
/ J& ?- \: g- h4 ^: c이경민 기자 lee.rachel@koreadaily.com
4 e' }4 ~* v, z4 d) y" `0 B4 a4 ]& H

! P  [  S' _+ r2 }8 S( e! F; E+ ihttp://www.1905.com/news/20150629/906216.shtml
, z2 i9 ?! l0 B1 i崔岷植宋康昊林权泽加入学院 将参投明年奥斯卡: [! q4 z5 J" O# e, q8 Q- w
时间:2015.06.29来源:1905电影网作者:橙小樱0 z7 B) D  @. R! Q" z8 _. c

: B# H/ A+ H$ K- ^5 P    1905电影网讯 美国最具权威的学院奖(即奥斯卡奖)主办方电影艺术与科学学院于日前公布了今年新入会的322人名单,期中包括了5名韩国电影人,分别是演员崔岷植、宋康昊和导演林权泽、奉俊昊,以及动画片导演金相镇。
/ ?  ?( C) L% G5 t; p6 H, I& ~/ [3 e9 R7 S+ v# V2 L/ I8 P
    这是韩国电影人首次当选美国电影艺术与科学学院会员,也表示着韩国电影在世界电影界受到越来越多的关注。( x/ K1 b8 \/ B2 O$ ?
% y+ b; i  |& l3 k) G  r








 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-27 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com ... -invites-new-805328
1 c0 v( k" j1 Q1 Q7 q9 x5 E
) N0 O0 |8 o6 {1 L. ~Academy Invites 322 New Members. I# U6 o! y2 u$ J9 I+ L7 h# `& a

" s4 i; _# h9 W' A) Q  P1 N( p, @3 l0 S
7 P1 a! M4 u- P: f9 V* N. N, h& Dby Gregg Kilday        6/26/2015 10:59am PDT4 ?+ X8 o2 {7 T7 a
, N3 P* u2 }8 T& ]8 [: o3 j
Benedict Cumberbatch, Emma Stone, Eddie Redmayne, Elizabeth Banks and Chris Pine are among the extensive list of those whom have been asked to join the Oscar-granting organization.
9 n  |: G+ ^" Z0 v1 j& w$ ?* {: C% ?3 J0 d$ Q. a& b$ @
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced today that it has issued a record 322 invitations to new members to join the Oscar-granting organization — a significant increase this year in the number of new members it is welcoming. Last year, it invited 271 new members, but in previous years the Academy generally replenished its membership roles by inviting about 100-plus members annually., m( O5 n; e4 ]! H5 [% `
! f: X+ j4 R, ?, i4 {4 Q9 \
This year's invitees range from recent Oscar winners like Eddie Redmayne and J.K. Simmons to new stars like Benedict Cumberbatch, David Oyelowo, Chris Pine, Elizabeth Banks and Emma Stone.- j7 W( g( L* H( M  [
, A( L9 l# K+ K- b
The extensive list encompasses everyone from execs like Netflix's Ted Sarandos and NBCUniversal's Steve Burke to foreign-based directors like Joon-ho Bong (Snowpiercer) of South Korea and Damian Szifron (Wild Tales) of Argentina to documentary filmmakers like Mathilde Bonnefoy (who produced and edited Citizenfour) and Ondi Timoner (who wrote and directed the upcoming Brand: A Second Coming.)* b6 E3 |% G5 |1 q; S: H$ ~

5 x# R1 o- G8 G% ?* @/ jNewly-minted Oscar-winners who received a golden ticket to join the Academy include the "Glory" song-writing team of John Legend and Common (invited to join under their formal names John Stephens and Lonnie Lynn),  Pawel Pawlikowksi, director of Poland's foreign language Oscar-winning film Ida, screenwriters Graham Moore (The Imitation Game) and Nicolas Giacobone and Armando Bo (both of Birdman), and film editor Tom Cross (Whiplash).
1 Z. j. N, j+ |/ C
- ]1 D& N+ r3 x% FOscar nominations and wins don't guarantee an invite, but they make the nominees eligible for consideration. Each of the Academy's 17 branches then set their own criterion regarding the number of credits and years of experience that are used in deciding whom to invite.. `. q# F! _* o8 w; v  ^

( V" d% e% a  a  GUnder current Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs and CEO Dawn Hudson, the Academy has made a concerted effort in recent years to develop a more diverse membership for the group, whose overall membership number has hovered around 6,000.
1 V7 M4 L- U$ H0 }# U, e1 `
; p+ D% h$ g+ o' z8 b# z"It's very gratifying to see the big increase in gender and people of color, in age and national origin. It's a testament to the extraordinary breadth of talent in our industry," said Boone Isaacs, who personally signed all the invitations, which went out Wednesday after they were approved by the board of governors Tuesday night. "This organization is committed to increasing the diversity of voices, opinions and experiences. The branches, which set the criterion for membership, have really stepped up and looked out and about and around to recognize filmmakers and artists and crafts people who maybe might have been overlooked in the past."5 A; I/ p6 l/ X0 x

$ \! ?0 u9 N/ I+ e7 {+ PThe actors branch, for example, invited a mix that encompassed veteran actors like Stephen Lang (Avatar) and John Carroll Lynch (Zodiak), comic performers like Kevin Hart (The Wedding Ringer) and Jason Segel (The Five-Year Engagement), a big contingent of British thesps that includes Martin Freeman, Tom Hardy, Felicity Jones, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Dev Patel, Rosamund Pike and Daniel Radcliffe, Asian actors such as Choi Min-sik (Oldboy) and Song Kang-ho (Snowpiercer) and Native American actor Sonny Skyhawk (Geronimo: An American Legend), who has long fought for accurate portrayals of Native Americans in film and TV.
* A, @6 Q" c7 c1 b
/ ?/ d; q% a7 @"Our goal is to recognize filmmaking and talent no matter where you live," said Boone Isaacs of the Academy, which is increasingly taking on an international flavor as it goes beyond its home base in Los Angeles. "The heart and soul of the motion picture business is here, in Los Angeles, California, which is where we are, but it's also important for people to understand that we are a global organization," she added.1 U0 z! P5 t0 @7 t
" z6 l5 X$ J  g2 L9 E4 J" H+ j5 o
In the case of the directors branch, invitations went out especially far and wide. All of the directors of the past season's nominated foreign-language films got a nod: In addition to Pawlikowski and Szifron, that included Leviathan's Andrey Zvyagintsev, Tangerines' Zaza Urushadze and Timbuktu's Abderrahmane Sissako. The list also had room for British directors like Edgar Wright (The World's End) and Joe Wright (Anna Karenina), American indie filmmakers like Kelly Reichardt (Meek's Cutoff), Ira Sachs (Love Is Strange) and Lynn Shelton (Laggies) and even more commercially-minded directors like James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Justin Lin (Fast & Furious 6). 6 n4 F) h- l; V8 ^
2 N0 ?& }) u: d
The complete list of new invitees follows:
$ o5 R) d0 V: a5 w8 a" b( c0 x  L) H, Q0 ~3 d4 R
Actors6 C; C# y" s0 T- `, ^
Elizabeth Banks – “Love & Mercy,” “The Hunger Games”( S: z8 [1 z3 k8 P' i, c5 v8 |
Choi Min-sik– “Lucy,” “Oldboy”
/ g% ^7 Y8 n* w/ u" F" fBenedict Cumberbatch – “The Imitation Game,” “Star Trek Into Darkness”6 L2 Y* O9 `% J1 [# ?
Martin Freeman – “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” “Hot Fuzz”
. o# }1 O7 U0 c& J4 u. @Heather Graham – “The Hangover,” “Boogie Nights”
4 @) W" z. J* ~3 \Tom Hardy – “Mad Max: Fury Road,” “Inception”
2 D# S) E+ A% wKevin Hart – “The Wedding Ringer,” “Ride Along”
% O6 C+ `7 g! Q) O, v0 i1 NFelicity Jones – “The Theory of Everything,” “Like Crazy”
. b6 i  P+ T$ r1 s$ _Stephen Lang – “Avatar,” “The Men Who Stare at Goats”# T, A9 ]- {& [* Q9 T
Jodi Long – “A Picture of You,” “Beginners”# _7 k0 W. g6 h( K7 N9 c+ a
John Carroll Lynch – “Shutter Island,” “Zodiac”
* N2 [! W: L4 B/ pGugu Mbatha-Raw – “Beyond the Lights,” “Belle”
& s, I8 O$ O$ P# T9 QDenis O’Hare – “Milk,” “Michael Clayton”: q- z$ R) f2 m% a6 [+ k1 t
Michael O’Neill – “Dallas Buyers Club,” “Transformers”5 K  Y4 n) ]* p$ g
David Oyelowo – “Selma,” “A Most Violent Year”
6 _, U' J$ \2 D6 u' y- V- A' {# MDev Patel – “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,” “Slumdog Millionaire”
( w4 V: E3 d5 ORosamund Pike – “Gone Girl,” “Pride & Prejudice”# ~; C2 j* L) a. |  A( f
Chris Pine – “Into the Woods,” “Star Trek”
0 m0 O- F' l: ~6 bDaniel Radcliffe – “Kill Your Darlings,” “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2”
7 s5 n4 g* T0 U6 w+ ~1 O, Z8 }) iEddie Redmayne – “The Theory of Everything,” “Les Misérables”! ~1 \( g7 O" x' w4 J: c2 ?
Jason Segel – “The Five-Year Engagement,” “The Muppets”* F" J% l7 |/ \; G( p
J.K. Simmons – “Whiplash,” “Juno”
* u' ?' V2 F. C. D$ y3 wSonny Skyhawk – “Geronimo: An American Legend,” “Young Guns II”; t( F' h* I! f2 V# ~2 X, E+ c
Song Kang-ho – “Snowpiercer,” “The Host”
- Z3 [6 `3 m% n/ ^; CEmma Stone – “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance),” “The Help”
7 H; P" i4 q6 S6 H# U4 d: ^3 o, ^5 \- D( S6 c+ `$ Y3 t- E
Casting Directors, @! U6 _' d/ g
Lucy Bevan – “Cinderella,” “The Hundred-Foot Journey”
0 O) D3 j9 N% l- |; Y2 ^Victoria Burrows – “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” “King Kong”
) N2 N' M$ R' s* y/ l1 }Aisha Coley – “Selma,” “Beyond the Lights”
6 c. L8 A% j+ U: APatricia DiCerto – “Blue Jasmine,” “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”
. l5 i: P3 t3 C& I* ~; QMary Hidalgo – “The Lego Movie,” “The Incredibles”( ^& _9 F* F2 F9 I1 J7 P/ @% z3 ^
Roger Mussenden – “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “Get Smart”
% p; A/ J" Q3 ]" HLucie Robitaille – “Incendies,” “The Barbarian Invasions”
1 v! k6 T6 Q" \! C& wLuis San Narciso – “The Skin I Live In,” “The Sea Inside”
! r4 e' [( J+ [April Webster – “Tomorrowland,” “Star Trek”
" o) }% R3 m4 m5 @Tricia Wood – “Woman in Gold,” “The Lincoln Lawyer”4 v  w7 w/ T  X! G! o7 P5 O, |) v0 H! w
" h/ U- M0 r. {3 q
Cinematographers3 ^8 W+ `) b4 _3 v' b
Christopher Blauvelt – “The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby,” “The Bling Ring”
1 d5 H# g' T! {: b. [4 Q4 |4 F: vAdriano Goldman – “August: Osage County,” “Jane Eyre”3 M- _' r9 A& _: r" @+ l
Ben Kasulke – “Laggies,” “Safety Not Guaranteed”) U$ `% m3 ?: m! i, B; Q6 w
Ryszard Lenczewski – “Ida,” “Margaret”
: J- Q% E% ]' z8 l8 N6 |Jody Lee Lipes – “Ballet 422,” “Martha Marcy May Marlene”
1 L" S  S, C$ Y- E0 ^Sharone Meir – “Whiplash,” “Mean Creek”
6 E2 n% x$ {9 V% u( X. RRachel Morrison – “Cake,” “Fruitvale Station”$ t# Q& _. S5 x) r% ^& G$ T# d
Tristan Oliver – “ParaNorman,” “Fantastic Mr. Fox”1 r" t9 _" M, {0 R$ f  ^) F
Hoyte Van Hoytema – “Interstellar,” “Her”( x1 ~, T3 T7 s' k2 L7 h1 W
Roman Vasyanov – “Fury,” “End of Watch”
3 ?8 \+ v3 V# e* OŁukasz Żal – “Ida,” “Joanna”$ D. B! u/ \( ~5 w  U; ^8 \/ k
, B& Z0 _) Y5 G* l9 ^
Costume Designers' ?: i* y+ [, y) c
Kasia Walicka Maimone – “Foxcatcher,” “Moonrise Kingdom”
  V$ n7 d) @& A8 u5 C: iFrancesca Livia Sartori – “Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy,” “When the Night”# q5 [: @2 \9 ~+ p4 @0 _4 K1 c
Jany Temime – “Gravity,” “Skyfall”
% `8 Q' R. ^6 ?. `8 S! l- H* C  ^$ e" ?1 a$ p$ Y6 \: S
& U8 p4 {& Q+ b1 T) A) N. WRamsey Avery – “Tomorrowland,” “Star Trek Into Darkness”7 Z$ U) y# j9 |" l' @
Gae Buckley – “The Book of Eli,” “He’s Just Not That into You”# F$ R8 H' \+ D7 K
Keith Brian Burns – “The Best Man Holiday,” “2 Fast 2 Furious”
2 I, G7 }+ ~0 l: d+ w+ GLester W. Cohen – “Fading Gigolo,” “Cop Land”! l6 K0 ?# {+ Z/ d7 ]3 n' s
Suzie Davies – “Mr. Turner,” “The Children”
, c; R! A; G( e5 o$ EJohn F. Fenner – “The Phantom of the Opera,” “The Talented Mr. Ripley”
6 e+ {+ X: F. d: |- {6 wDarren Gilford – “Oblivion,” “Tron: Legacy”5 B4 k. B  ^# d, o+ ^
Derek R. Hill – “Southpaw,” “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl”: D( \9 G5 v. u2 x8 k
Bryn Imagire – “Cars 2,” “Up”
* Z; ]0 ?  d# u' D# lDina Lipton – “Baggage Claim,” “Love Hurts”
7 t* m8 R' Q3 e3 B* s" G( {Tatiana Macdonald – “The Imitation Game,” “The Invisible Woman”2 U, Y( O' k! n+ F- d
Dominic Masters – “Woman in Gold,” “Casino Royale”6 a) S! @0 H. a! _5 A
Doug Meerdink – “Jurassic World,” “Ocean’s Thirteen”2 ]; K3 H6 e  O7 }$ |9 L- X/ s6 V
Chris Spellman – “Paper Towns,” “This Is the End”
2 P# @2 n5 U5 E: O2 KPatrick Tatopoulos – “300: Rise of an Empire,” “Total Recall”/ M, i& i$ F/ A3 n- R+ \" w
Charlotte Watts – “Mr. Holmes,” “Mr. Turner”) z# m" B, Q! O' g# h
5 C  {* N# ^0 }1 g
Directors, [& P8 J, J8 j) L( c' q
Michael Binder – “Black or White,” “Reign over Me”4 o1 x( c+ w+ U" Q
Bong Joon-ho – “Snowpiercer,” “Mother”
; F- O- |; U# Q8 D# l* q/ d# kNiki Caro – “North Country,” “Whale Rider”
, I8 g( P) x2 A4 ^. G9 b) YDamien Chazelle* – “Whiplash,” “Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench”; \/ i) v& R& g  t& J
Simon Curtis – “Woman in Gold,” “My Week with Marilyn”
% C1 I1 w9 }/ v9 t. u. p( D2 N; YFrançois Girard – “Silk,” “The Red Violin”; ?3 m3 \4 i, f8 @1 u
F. Gary Gray – “The Italian Job,” “Friday”
! l( Y; [) p6 p9 zJames Gunn – “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Super”( l! }  m/ {& A6 N- Z" ?
Im Kwon-taek – “Chi-Hwa-Seon (Painted Fire),” “Chunhyang”1 `3 N/ k6 f& r1 w( L
Stan Lathan – “Beat Street,” “Amazing Grace”" J1 I* t( F! Q, r
Malcolm D. Lee* – “The Best Man Holiday,” “The Best Man”
$ g' w" M& y) r- p' |9 SJustin Lin – “Fast & Furious 6,” “Better Luck Tomorrow”
2 k1 t# h3 J' Z  yFrançois Ozon – “Young & Beautiful,” “Swimming Pool”" V" L+ J; T# _5 [
Paweł Pawlikowski* – “Ida,” “My Summer of Love”' l0 P7 C/ `& I: }; u
Kelly Reichardt – “Meek’s Cutoff,” “Wendy and Lucy”
9 a# ?; V+ `8 @8 ?! i( F( TIra Sachs – “Love Is Strange,” “Keep the Lights On”0 }4 j# |3 L1 f8 [" U, |( u
Lynn Shelton – “Laggies,” “Your Sister’s Sister”* X6 M  Y9 g: k; j
Abderrahmane Sissako* – “Timbuktu,” “Bamako”
: b0 k- K  s: |8 ?5 KDamián Szifron* – “Wild Tales,” “On Probation”: e. V% ^  i$ r  ~
Fernando Trueba – “Chico & Rita,” “Belle Epoque”, u; M+ g7 D5 m
Morten Tyldum – “The Imitation Game,” “Headhunters”
, |1 e& Q. A  H, S7 @Zaza Urushadze – “Tangerines,” “The Guardian”$ }* X8 n) u3 m+ Z
Wayne Wang – “Anywhere but Here,” “The Joy Luck Club”% ^3 N$ B0 n2 P" p9 r6 W1 J
Edgar Wright – “The World’s End,” “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”( N" N6 k" W$ F/ H7 D
Joe Wright – “Anna Karenina,” “Atonement”
- M/ L4 |6 r$ aAndrey Zvyagintsev* – “Leviathan,” “Elena”
8 o9 h% A8 i, V6 h* Q2 g! c1 L
6 R* H( m, W) d; MDocumentary$ q9 {1 n$ q$ m- |
Richard Berge – “The Island President,” “The Rape of Europa”
" b8 B6 u; ?! W, f5 @/ u" iMathilde Bonnefoy* – “CitizenFour,” “The Invisibles”3 l& ]9 {6 P% \9 G. e1 _: p; S
Emad Burnat – “5 Broken Cameras”
0 m: p/ X0 R* O5 X9 v8 Q2 UGuy Davidi – “5 Broken Cameras,” “Interrupted Streams”% K( E& Q2 f! M& v9 |2 K5 R
Geralyn Dreyfous – “The Square,” “The Invisible War”
. N( g4 J5 p& X0 S+ a  _% lLewis Erskine – “Free Angela: And All Political Prisoners,” “Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple”# T* S0 d& ~; S% F# N
Shana Hagan – “Misconception,” “This Film Is Not Yet Rated”7 b0 i1 d; h. n( |1 S
Tony Hardmon – “Detropia,” “Semper Fi: Always Faithful”/ s" C1 [( y: J* l6 }7 L( A
Leonard Retel Helmrich – “Position among the Stars,” “Shape of the Moon”
! e8 V1 l+ w, Z, z" W3 a; U" ]. G" rPirjo Honkasalo – “The 3 Rooms of Melancholia,” “Atman”8 J8 ]  n: l8 U/ o% j0 b2 u
Judy Irving – “Pelican Dreams,” “The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill”
$ _; e& d; h/ b. ~! z4 |Robert Kenner – “Merchants of Doubt,” “Food, Inc.”
  W; o1 I! s! o. v- d8 EMarc Levin – “Mr. Untouchable,” “The Last Party”! h; P& M7 \7 i' i
Jesse Moss – “The Overnighters,” “Full Battle Rattle”% B) h% j5 _* l" K/ L
Pratibha Parmar – “Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth,” “A Place of Rage”9 s7 A- @* O$ [  R9 d
Paula DuPre’ Pesmen – “Keep On Keepin’ On,” “The Cove”
% N5 x! X, y" }0 }; iGordon Quinn – “Life Itself,” “Hoop Dreams”
' f3 @/ @. S2 N1 `Kim Roberts – “Waiting for ‘Superman’,” “Lost Boys of Sudan”
. L5 c! h5 @: e' {+ TRichard Rowley – “Dirty Wars,” “The Fourth World War”
' `  d9 V! z, C. e7 HJoão Moreira Salles – “Santiago,” “Entreatos (Intermissions)”
* N( g' F$ V7 j5 O) T9 uOndi Timoner – “We Live in Public,” “Dig!”
# d$ b; @9 e8 @1 t. w3 h0 C
& B6 `% b7 I* m+ ~( w: fExecutives
* E1 [' l* E% kCarolyn Blackwood
! j$ P( }5 e7 X+ O$ j1 f0 P5 v5 sRobbie Brenner, [6 Z, u3 J* O  N4 y4 O( M* S
Lia Buman) f; @1 P( t0 Y8 K
Steve Burke
8 R" m: m! K9 v+ o4 D7 vDavid Fenkel
2 B4 u3 G# D. w+ D7 `( j3 pMellody Hobson4 |, b* q+ T" D1 o, _& D
Brian Keane+ ?. D/ O9 B4 r+ b- e
Steven Paul O’Dell
7 B- C. t" q. A# J- Y+ OJim Orr( t. J$ s% N8 G& H3 j
Mark Rachesky
3 z. q# G4 |$ ^8 L. V* c6 N2 jTed Sarandos
4 u3 h! d3 {, |2 z& a5 f* LJeff Shell- B' G" F& C* s& G2 N

. e( F1 h  _: s. FFilm Editors
. ^$ u+ O' y% B. w9 W2 ]6 [Craig Alpert – “Pitch Perfect 2,” “Pineapple Express”
  G8 P( Q0 J8 I! QMick Audsley – “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus,” “Dirty Pretty Things”
) a4 n/ k) n: |" i; V0 c. HPablo Barbieri – “Wild Tales,” “La Antena (The Aerial)”9 E$ y6 A. \. t* m; F; U# N8 X
Nadia Ben Rachid – “Timbuktu,” “Bamako”0 m3 Q, A; e, N) h
Kristina Boden – “The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby,” “Cake”
  o5 _+ ^4 E8 j- X. _' I  IMathilde Bonnefoy* – “CitizenFour,” “Run Lola Run”
4 `4 v- {0 q1 ^2 `2 S, sJulian Clarke – “Chappie,” “District 9”
* ?' F  V1 H% P, SDouglas Crise – “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance),” “Babel”
; n- A5 n% t- e4 T' t! Y7 CTom Cross – “Whiplash,” “Any Day Now”6 O* ^4 E; s, H% ?7 H
Jinx Godfrey – “The Theory of Everything,” “Man on Wire”4 A; l5 h2 |- `2 u
Robert Grahamjones – “Brave,” “Ratatouille”
0 d. ]- r0 i% `  O) u' t& J! \Masahiro Hirakubo – “Virunga,” “The Duchess”
+ E, D  D) L, z# @Jarosław Kamiński – “Ida,” “Aftermath (Pokłosie)”
& N) D8 a* N$ ^) RWilliam Kerr – “Bridesmaids,” “I Love You, Man”/ ~0 T/ z) D( }9 @( H0 {
Nico Leunen – “Lost River,” “The Broken Circle Breakdown”
( y8 _- S# ^5 h, w2 W4 q8 v% OMike McCusker – “Get On Up,” “3:10 to Yuma”4 `0 r) N" s) {* ]0 C  ^% r. W
Tim Mertens – “Big Hero 6,” “Wreck-It Ralph”
7 H" O; X; X' B4 n1 MBarney Pilling – “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” “An Education”' o4 F8 ]# t5 C) Z3 }' R
David Rennie – “22 Jump Street,” “Office Space”
  i4 N* e4 c$ F4 O! H# ]& wGary D. Roach – “American Sniper,” “Prisoners”& M1 N% Q! X0 E4 Q
Michael L. Sale – “We’re the Millers,” “Bridesmaids”3 h% J9 c% d. Y; }& o) D
Stephen Schaffer – “Cars 2,” “WALL-E”% m$ m2 R7 ~4 `8 k$ G
Job ter Burg – “Borgman,” “Winter in Wartime”
4 u; Q+ B) E# m/ [% LPeter Teschner – “St. Vincent,” “Horrible Bosses”
, b0 Y- R, f1 \% \" Q7 I; ~  `Tara Timpone – “Friends with Kids,” “Bad Teacher”# I0 f8 O5 F, @8 ~1 l3 J/ h

8 j% o3 M0 s$ Q2 ?# z- ~4 UMakeup Artists and Hairstylists
- A1 Y; F3 i! N5 x. y0 t1 MFrida S. Aradottir – “August: Osage County,” “A Serious Man”
) Z' I- f- c2 y, hVictoria Down – “Big Eyes,” “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”% i& k4 d5 Y/ N2 u
Frances Hannon – “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” “The King’s Speech”
" |- w2 x! i' n. z, S1 u. cTodd Kleitsch – “Run All Night,” “Black Swan”
/ W0 w0 e2 w+ G$ @; \' uDennis Liddiard – “Foxcatcher,” “Jobs”
% ~; k+ P, k" ZJerry Popolis – “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance),” “Noah”
) z* P* z' @6 W2 E: @% ^; a2 gJanine Rath-Thompson – “Star Trek Into Darkness,” “Bridesmaids”: |7 V+ Q- {2 I% x
Johnny Villanueva – “The Gambler,” “The Fighter”
& @* x' F3 u3 t% \8 a. q) xDavid White – “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “La Vie en Rose”
' O2 s$ u0 I% H$ B) cElizabeth Yianni-Georgiou – “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “An Education”8 z* D7 \) r5 U, C$ ^- R
- C- q. ?! U0 w  o
Members-at-Large) G5 ]( L% h- V) D. s
Andy Armstrong' g" i7 K/ ~/ Y* b% U( }" j
Wayne Billheimer
. u+ `! V& Q/ m8 P% v+ V. u& j. i& r) TKevin Brownlow( f1 V* l5 R  q5 [. m
Simon Crane
0 [# A* l$ m3 ?+ E# B% ~+ pDebbie Denise7 ^+ I* k& B$ o* [5 C; E2 Q% C7 o
Jeff Habberstad
& I- S, u$ j! {0 H9 }Andy Hendrickson! [* G. Z* @/ v! R( X9 Y  C
Elissa M. Rashkin Loparco
8 H+ S/ k0 \; |& h/ aGuido Quaroni
% @1 {2 r; x* |% s+ F+ RNicole Scalise
) @2 P6 q( D2 |5 s) s9 M1 k8 H' w6 \Steven J. Scott
; _4 Z$ e& U/ V) kLeon D. Silverman- {- @) p: z4 P3 A( b8 W/ J: l
Gregg Smrz' @6 C/ Q3 o% Z
Lynda Ellenshaw Thompson6 z2 \& B4 ^, L) s0 h( Y
Steve Venezia
. p# w4 k* R) k+ U4 [8 y/ L
8 c8 e) }6 u) r  WMusic, I/ {+ x0 d" Z5 C* q
Tyler Bates – “John Wick,” “Guardians of the Galaxy”
1 [# R) b& e# vAlex Gibson – “Interstellar,” “The Dark Knight”  }$ |( `' y2 {5 w* \$ u' _
Jonny Greenwood – “Inherent Vice,” “The Master”
# _6 w" y, ^1 s  aDave Grusin – “Skating to New York,” “The Firm”
7 I# z9 g+ R& h8 o2 p0 PAlex Heffes – “Love and Honor,” “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom”) |) t) C+ B6 g: F% R
Lisa Jaime – “Annie,” “Rock of Ages”
2 I8 E0 }- R% ^) M( y% kJóhann Jóhannsson – “The Theory of Everything,” “Prisoners”
  X: h5 Y) P) H0 p$ yLaura Karpman – “States of Grace,” “Black Nativity”
( B6 r0 j/ X2 kChristopher Lennertz – “The Wedding Ringer,” “Horrible Bosses”- B9 H/ y1 A5 P7 w+ c
Lonnie Lynn – “Selma,” “Freedom Writers”+ i2 P# \- z& ]  `2 W
Chris McGeary – “Jersey Boys,” “RoboCop”
2 L" \' C! t/ Y' \" @3 q# T) K* bSergio Mendes – “Rio 2,” “Rio”
  v% u- x% }" K+ e3 Y8 ?- UDaniel Pinder – “Big Hero 6,” “Captain Phillips”
( k: x; g" h5 \Trent Reznor – “Gone Girl,” “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”% V$ d4 f/ @7 Z  r* N
Atticus Ross – “Love & Mercy,” “The Social Network”
- I; K( }' S. G3 Y4 v$ a2 DJohn Stephens – “Selma,” “Django Unchained”
* }2 \( E5 `( R% k( }Marc Streitenfeld – “Poltergeist,” “Prometheus”
$ {. G  K8 Q& |' P: _Erica Weis – “Spy,” “The Heat”
! c5 N9 C9 c. d" d: P8 {4 J% jGary Yershon – “Mr. Turner,” “Another Year”# t& j1 L0 ]) g& |* n. |+ C- p7 p+ D8 x5 [

+ s5 O. i% H7 c% J  u# AProducers
+ Q8 |( W6 \! f1 @/ I  `' VCaroline Baron – “Capote,” “Monsoon Wedding”9 v! q/ D7 s2 Q" \  m3 N  n. Q
Effie T. Brown – “Dear White People,” “Real Women Have Curves”! s+ m) Y( w4 [6 L  X: P8 p$ T* ]6 r6 p. W
Terence Chang – “Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale,” “Face/Off”% s% p) I7 S, _& [& S4 Z
Wyck Godfrey – “The Fault in Our Stars,” “Twilight”
* X- S; k3 c: h+ S! `& W% s( XJeremy Kleiner – “Selma,” “12 Years a Slave”
& I7 D0 [0 M+ D4 ^0 ?Pamela Koffler – “Still Alice,” “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”
- k+ }3 S3 I" @Gina Kwon – “Camp X-Ray,” “Me and You and Everyone We Know”
; u# H& ?$ x3 a1 R$ h3 sDan Lin – “The Lego Movie,” “Sherlock Holmes”# J( Q% y8 R0 m. t4 m6 e
Eric Newman – “RoboCop,” “Children of Men”  S3 c6 `2 U/ J# d' c, ~
Bruna Papandrea – “Wild,” “All Good Things”7 |7 Q9 I: A" v& S) t% \
Lydia Dean Pilcher – “Cutie and the Boxer,” “The Darjeeling Limited”, G* ]8 v- _# L  S  \* L
Rebecca Yeldham – “On the Road,” “The Kite Runner”" {0 L9 [& b1 j' n) k" M6 l

5 |) ]1 W& R7 W* aPublic Relations
& V1 E3 t8 w$ QJennifer Allen1 \' V; {6 [' S7 ?5 Z  b3 }/ ~+ {
Asad Ayaz
- J" _: s1 p3 ]: V. G  c8 l5 [* NDawn Baillie
( r$ ?( c5 ?) A3 t# hAndrew Bernstein: D$ U0 M$ B4 e  V" m) r
Liz Biber  o$ h- f( \$ y) m' Q
Mara Buxbaum
5 y' }8 m5 D2 ^6 _8 xLee Ginsberg
. v, x9 @) F3 t5 o0 k9 o* HR. Jeff Hill* r7 i! i" W3 D% J# s+ H! B
Michelle Hooper
8 V7 W9 g+ o, N% _+ EChris Libby
; z7 |% k1 p: g: s- {Susan Norget5 J( }" ^5 N1 E$ ?. U) p: O
Lewis Oberlander+ n' @, T3 g8 f
Gordon Paddison
" r& l/ \/ y" P7 ~1 Y# sElias Plishner4 `: o7 q5 `* @2 M: O
David Pollick# k) C0 e- @" t; m9 a
Weiman Seid9 S! W7 s8 @5 S# v; e
LeeAnne Stables9 s  L* }: Y# O; T/ A/ z
Ryan Stankevich/ r! k* B( I& y( J  k
Bonnie Voland
6 x. \; b) y8 e1 M4 Y. \# L# k* @! G. [7 L' C) `# {
Short Films and Feature Animation: Y4 L/ a( O. `. X/ Q
Alan Barillaro – “Brave,” “WALL-E”% @, N7 N8 g' Z: u, o
Kristine Belson – “The Croods,” “How to Train Your Dragon”% g. p8 {; C) J# Z
Darlie Brewster – “Curious George,” “The Prince of Egypt”
6 w7 N+ M( U) JRoy Conli – “Big Hero 6,” “Tangled”
! [5 n, `2 D. |: pRonnie Del Carmen – “Up,” “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron”% p  E1 U$ l; n) P: y
Paul A. Felix – “Big Hero 6,” “Lilo & Stitch”
: a% `- [1 I, p1 V! T$ cMichael Fukushima – “Me and My Moulton,” “Dimanche/Sunday”
) W" \1 I: Z2 U  n, [# mDon Hall – “Big Hero 6,” “Winnie the Pooh”: g, x" p/ h2 X6 C
Talkhon Hamzavi – “Parvaneh,” “Taub”8 B" c( Y, A5 c1 T
Hu Wei – “Butter Lamp (La Lampe Au Beurre De Yak),” “Le Propriétaire”
) T8 O! v5 m6 |0 a2 b; BJin Kim – “Big Hero 6,” “Bolt”, R) g8 S; d- l9 D) X
Mat Kirkby – “The Phone Call,” “Hard to Swallow”8 Z' Q; V' E2 l; E
David Kneupper – “Alex and Sylvia,” “The Civil War in 4 Minutes”& v2 a. u; e! k
Michael Lennox – “Boogaloo and Graham,” “The Back of Beyond”
/ V( E) N' U8 s6 TFabio Lignini – “How to Train Your Dragon 2,” “Puss in Boots”
4 a. m  C1 [4 [8 }James Lucas – “The Phone Call”. E" ?, ~. v& O; x! ?
Patrick Osborne – “Feast,” “Paperman”  I) w7 o8 Z* E+ g, g
Jerome Ranft – “Toy Story 3,” “Ratatouille”1 L( Z; ?6 O4 D4 L2 ?+ R
Jim Reardon – “Wreck-It Ralph,” “WALL-E”
5 m2 s5 [, v* P  ]: @* @Kristina Reed – “Feast,” “Paperman”9 {  M1 n0 Z2 H- M4 p/ K- R
Jason Reisig – “Home,” “Shrek Forever After”% k( }+ c# `" o& `' Y
Nicolas Schmerkin – “Habana,” “Logorama”( Y4 }. L) F; `; \( o
Anthony Stacchi – “The Boxtrolls,” “Open Season”
8 I3 L/ d) S& @* h2 x8 b  ]3 _Isao Takahata – “The Tale of the Princess Kaguya,” “Grave of the Fireflies”
8 K0 @$ r9 K' b, t; ?Michael Thurmeier – “Ice Age: Continental Drift,” “No Time for Nuts”
7 b3 j' N: E& u; \" V7 n" ]5 XMarlon West – “Frozen,” “The Princess and the Frog”
. }6 v1 s! I- ~
1 g9 w1 h  {7 [% a6 VSound
* D6 P% O. x0 k. \6 }( `+ iRay Beckett – “Zero Dark Thirty,” “The Hurt Locker”8 Q& u# g; e1 Z( F" S0 ~, z
Odin Benitez – “Frozen,” “Silver Linings Playbook”
6 T+ S  d+ ?( j) D% P7 b" f1 WRon Bochar – “Mortdecai,” “Moneyball”, m6 \$ ?8 K9 F+ ?% I- d
Jason Canovas – “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” “World War Z”6 l( u, C0 h: p  m
Thomas Curley – “Whiplash,” “The Spectacular Now”
# D( b! F# }  t1 _Michael Dressel – “American Sniper,” “Interstellar”" f' F5 ?, N& `( z! o; `$ ?9 T7 V* ?
Mary H. Ellis – “Vacation,” “Prisoners”: A& e5 p( s/ x% j" a& I/ ]
Stephanie Flack – “Jupiter Ascending,” “Ender’s Game”
1 j6 ^, t# i+ M& O2 P' h. JMartín Hernández – “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance),” “Biutiful”
! T( Q0 o( Z: l  sDean Humphreys – “Taken 3,” “The Pianist”
. i  v+ M6 H6 n/ L& N3 Y7 bWilliam Johnston – Vice President of Engineering, Formosa Group
% l) D* E) K  `; C% F  C- m7 BShawn Jones – “Iron Man 3,” “Drive”5 k3 [+ q1 l8 L% s9 j/ @
Daniel Laurie – “Inside Out,” “Big Hero 6”
% Y6 z2 o; N7 q* T6 z. VDavid Lee – “Unbroken,” “The Matrix”" \0 r0 U  S0 n/ T' u% n& \$ Z# ~9 T
Craig Mann – “Dope,” “Whiplash”
- l/ O$ }8 e6 N( \, `% J4 m* `Kyrsten Mate – “Tomorrowland,” “Guardians of the Galaxy”
# ?& y, Z- \" |8 x+ zShannon J. Mills – “Inside Out,” “Big Hero 6”
6 R2 L  \* g4 pBryan K. Pennington – “Transformers: Age of Extinction,” “Promised Land”
6 ~( w) @% l* s6 F5 J* tJuan P. Peralta – “Tomorrowland,” “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”, f, Y- \9 Y. V; J3 F! D- ~  g
John Ross – “Danny Collins,” “American Hustle”
" \2 ?# U# g6 L, i; P) ~% jPeter Staubli – “San Andreas,” “Skyfall”# a, Q2 a7 @/ n9 i7 O
Mark Taylor – “Edge of Tomorrow,” “Captain Phillips”
- l1 D* C6 k, e' CAddison Teague – “Big Hero 6,” “The Amazing Spider-Man”! K- n2 L: B4 c4 L  X. k9 ]- K' E: t
Jon Title – “San Andreas,” “The Divergent Series: Insurgent”
( H( |$ M( Y+ wThomas Varga – “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance),” “The Immigrant”' C6 L9 P4 D# o. G6 O
Ben Wilkins – “Whiplash,” “Star Trek”* \7 v2 T( {  q& r! g# |# W
+ P( H: ^: j  |3 k+ \8 j8 T: p
Visual Effects: R$ ]% F$ J2 h4 Y3 d4 r
Nicolas Aithadi – “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “X-Men: First Class”1 P) f7 D, W# L( g; o0 h, J
Daniel Barrett – “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,” “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”" \( W% o& ^3 k/ t5 S3 J
Stephane Ceretti – “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Cloud Atlas”
! y% ?1 j3 `6 X0 W# c" ^4 pPaul Corbould – “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Guardians of the Galaxy”
/ w! n6 m! a+ d. Y; E( `! {& jTim Crosbie – “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “The Wolverine”
5 X9 O3 l/ P( F$ {Dan DeLeeuw – “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Iron Man 3”
( H3 ~, W! U8 MSean Faden – “Fast & Furious 6,” “Let Me In”
& N2 d+ T" l: @7 u2 S2 RJoe Farrell – “The Wolf of Wall Street,” “Hereafter”
& I6 a2 y% A+ x4 {$ P2 I/ M+ aScott R. Fisher – “Interstellar,” “The Dark Knight Rises”
$ d& x  H( B' @Chris Harvey – “Chappie,” “Fast & Furious 6”3 y# F+ g/ ^7 z7 `/ l' m$ T
Alex Jaeger – “Tomorrowland,” “Marvel’s The Avengers”* I& {7 t8 ]! Q" j( g" t$ X4 J
Matt Kutcher – “Focus,” “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”
! g5 S( W$ K  r% CAndrew Lockley – “Interstellar,” “Inception”  G7 _1 H/ K5 @) K  ^2 x# E9 h- Q. K
Gray Marshall – “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Captain America: The First Avenger”
4 _( T0 d; K: j1 a6 K- sCarl Miller – “Jurassic World,” “Elysium”
! [- P% i2 ?- HDavid Nakabayashi – “Tomorrowland,” “Avatar”! S& V2 P  ?3 i8 ]+ l% N2 i9 E
Rocco Passionino – “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Spider-Man 2”, `+ J# ?. _1 `$ B) N
Lou Pecora – “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”, W# i8 n% ~! ?6 o
Cary Phillips – “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” “Transformers: Dark of the Moon”# T8 s( Z; Y. L+ \" J9 J3 \
Ellen Poon – “Frozen,” “Inception”% @# j/ e$ V) y6 w9 E3 v5 q9 \$ z- ~
Edwin Rivera – “22 Jump Street,” “Moneyball”* F: i6 b: C' |6 j2 k" p
Cameron Waldbauer – “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “Elysium”: d+ s8 b8 B3 d" ~: @
Erik Winquist – “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,” “Avatar”
; ~% }% V$ F$ b5 W. n$ }, ]: S
" f/ l6 A9 z' q, [Writers
* Q: x7 r# \) N2 i0 KArmando Bo – “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance),” “Biutiful”& H# l; H7 k1 H" ]
Damien Chazelle* – “Whiplash,” “Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench”& A+ o6 c& y$ N; V% |& A+ b. m
álex de la Iglesia – “El Crimen Perfecto,” “The Day of the Beast”1 T% D+ J$ L8 n/ Q5 h
Rick Famuyiwa – “Dope,” “The Wood”
4 D, J/ J" B  NMaya Forbes – “Infinitely Polar Bear,” “Monsters vs Aliens”1 Q  U8 P4 h' Z2 s4 V( `
E. Max Frye – “Foxcatcher,” “Something Wild”
" P' f6 o$ M1 iNicolás Giacobone – “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance),” “Biutiful”2 C( }* _) d4 w! t- y8 K
Dan Gilroy – “Nightcrawler,” “The Bourne Legacy”
5 Y3 r# ?$ C/ C+ l& h5 \Jorge Guerricaechevarría – “Cell 211,” “The Day of the Beast”6 [3 W0 d$ l' W1 J* Z/ `2 S/ D
Rita Hsiao – “Toy Story 2,” “Mulan”
/ s* H5 L6 j; r7 O& @Simon Kinberg – “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “Sherlock Holmes”( @1 @3 e  S8 ?8 Q# M: S
Malcolm D. Lee* – “The Best Man Holiday,” “The Best Man”
( ^: B9 Q6 F6 Z  \& wChristopher Markus – “Thor: The Dark World,” “Captain America: The First Avenger”
% W7 f  e5 V9 D3 v; j) _Stephen McFeely – “Thor: The Dark World,” “Captain America: The First Avenger”
$ O- k9 ~; }+ `4 `5 x6 v- U% QGraham Moore – “The Imitation Game”
  U# W! D# Q! q+ IPaweł Pawlikowski* – “Ida,” “My Summer of Love”
( {/ f. n6 S5 P& @8 g$ tAbderrahmane Sissako* – “Timbuktu,” “Bamako”% B1 F9 U$ M# e6 z# P# p" B. N
Damián Szifron* – “Wild Tales,” “On Probation”( y! m# _, ~) j7 a  u" P  F
Kessen Tall – “Timbuktu”5 Q& P; K5 ^$ |+ |" C
Tyger Williams – “The Perfect Guy,” “Menace II Society”
8 ^) j: y/ j5 P% cAndrey Zvyagintsev* – “Leviathan,” “Elena”" ?: ?1 P# e  A( k7 q. n

9 o7 P; U$ a" w$ Q7 r& e4 @Associates
) f. _) o: P8 \8 ~0 }% DVictoria Belfrage
' A. r+ c" b, U9 |. C* o1 EJosh Braun
0 \) j, x& O6 W; V/ Y. D3 O$ T( wWayne Fitterman6 F7 b) n! y9 J( l: Z0 I9 S( R
Sharon Jackson# P. G$ g, S# |. @, S& `  j
Patricia Keighley
0 L, z. u* W3 L- ]! nCliff Roberts  [" n7 U- c# o- K0 L
Elyse Scherz" |  l) @+ h; h2 K
James Toth
0 v! V% |+ N( [! O) `Bart Walker
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