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▲主题整理▲2001文胜旭《蝴蝶》Nabi/The butterfly










发表于 2004-5-7 03:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& ?, b$ h$ P: \- ^- |0 G主演:金皓珍、姜惠贞! R  N7 |: `% x- N
& [$ B2 T& @- J5 w6 Y4 S+ ]4 }! D, V' i& ^
2001年PIFF之第二回釜山映画评论家协会赏:审查委员会特别赏;- J9 [2 t. i" q7 F1 Y9 t) ~! E0 j
2001年瑞士第54界洛迦诺国际电影节:青铜豹奖\最佳女主角奖(金皓珍)\青年评审团奖\;" [' M0 N; G2 y; I  u3 A6 e
2002年美国加利福尼亞第16界Wine Country国际电影节:最佳音效设计奖\最佳摄影奖\环境贡献奖\
. A( k3 f4 D4 U; V/ ]2001年富川国际奇幻电影节女优主演赏(姜惠贞);
9 S# [, S% k- H6 y, W# j2001年东京国际电影节[电影棱镜]单元参展;
0 x* k  L( L* L, S6 F* g5 H# x2001年加拿大多伦多国际电影节官方竞赛单元入围;. n4 D" h1 m) a' O
2001年第20界加拿大温哥华国际电影节官方竞赛单元入围;, L% E2 E. T2 v" S, c
2001年英国伦敦国际电影节官方竞赛单元入围;' @! A9 J8 [1 X  E
+ |( O2 z* J: c- Z

. P% ~+ Z3 M! O* e; ?4 V) d. D
! c9 N" k3 `6 k$ y: M5 g' N=====================================
2 |: J$ @3 E8 h
; ~* Z' [. v, B. ?. t9 w3 E电影导读
: |: R# `2 S. m/ V6 `& ~% K; y7 `. ?
% @# v/ n- [& m  {) j' z- Eby 阿韩:
) C% q' p$ P" a8 M; X
  s0 N. x! h6 [3 h( y/ t这片偶是两年前看的~奇怪~好像都没人知道这部~~但偶觉得是部蛮好看的cult片,用手提摄影机拍摄的小成本制作。故事有点奇幻色彩,但其实也不是很玄,拍得很平实,注重的是人与人之间的心理以及情感交流的描写刻画,手法细腻,是关于一个少女、一个中年女人和一个中年男人之间的故事。。。应该不算是科幻片。两个女主角的表现都相当不错,饰演少女的姜惠贞就是《Old Boy》里的那个,这应该是她的第一部电影。。金皓珍是演中年女人的,气质不凡,演技精湛,深深切切的眼神,蕴涵了很多东西!导演在表现两个女人之间互相关爱的场面让人粉感动的说!在这个有点冰冷的世界里,铅毒患者甚至要被政府强制隔离,但可贵是,人与人之间还是充满爱、理解与关怀的,这也为这部显得过于阴晦忧郁的电影抹上几许温情而动人的暖色。。。
' q  c/ B. C4 v7 r/ U. k* ~1 L4 w! c! c8 q$ V8 L3 H' {
  |% o  h9 ^" E
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$ t0 B  K( Y$ O3 [. h3 ]  ~; C! e% M( E4 D) p9 {9 b! c0 p  i) Q) k

) F. S- v' X0 |6 H  A3 X% p- V
/ {2 C0 C+ t$ D
, M: {. e5 T- {影评区
8 M! z+ J  ?) d  ~" A$ D+ J- O/ V6 J4 A' w4 f( z. |
2 C7 p. Y( c' F) m" o2 O0 Z1 u( F% [' G

) m# z3 ~' z( k+ S2 Y: Q8 Z; T! b; P# `$ K

/ L7 r" K1 h1 J6 `) m=========================================0 @5 C, N) K: h, E* Z1 `. d
$ G1 Y* S. a8 W6 U: l. v. \
0 k' D" c" g9 S% v/ K0 _
4 T: E$ f9 S& i( ?0 ^来源:中国新闻网 2001年10月12日5 U8 \; ~2 ^7 z0 D, _/ `* |
& I' k7 {8 e9 [) {: ?: Y. Y; c
' T) u" w, O+ r6 i4 A7 F4 u
9 @3 b  g+ ]0 v$ R" s$ W据报道,用6毫米数码摄像机拍摄的电影转换成35毫米影片在普通剧场上映,让人预感到韩国电影的可能性和多样性。《蝴蝶》一片在首映之前就受到了海外的关注。主角金皓珍在今年洛迦诺国际电影节荣获最佳女演员奖,还被陆续邀请参加多伦多、温哥华、伦敦、东京电影节。$ K( T+ N( l. V9 s& w

8 @8 O+ {! M& |电影的想象力也值得称赞。它设想一个不久将来的韩国城市,并且讲述了在那里发生的追求绝望爱情的故事。它描绘了在淅淅沥沥下着酸雨的城市里中铅毒的人们在艰难生存的暗淡的未来社会。
* i1 o/ B( D' w- G, w- O
& U& ~1 V+ n4 }  [3 E) m* |) c, R影片通过为了寻找忘却病毒从德国飞到父亲所在国家韩国的安娜(金皓珍)、怀孕七个月的导游雪儿(姜慧情)、身为孤儿想尽办法寻找父母的出租车司机K(张铉城)等处境不同的三个人遭遇和矛盾,表现了“人生还是充满希望”的主题。具有很强的现场感的小型数码摄像机把他们忘我的演技拍摄得非常真实而生动。
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+ [+ M& A: B. V2 L" @mms://wms01.bcst.yahoo.co.kr/00/00/45/96_x1_300.asf
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6 @  m# j& v! U3 w: p限量版DVD封面:. Y  V5 n$ A: P0 [8 Z  a# q" |2 o
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[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2005-3-14 at 11:18 PM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-7 16:33 | 显示全部楼层
amarugia-1 8 v" M, w  l" O1 f
Seattle. United States) t. X6 M" m7 P
# g2 t) d4 C  ]% P3 ]
Date: 15 February 2004# s; N7 X& f8 V: G
Summary: Another incredible movie from South Korea& u& O/ s/ K$ @: h; ~* G& b

# G: N% f- R4 pSouth Korean cinema has really become the top drawer of dramatic cinema in the world. This story of suffering and redemption is of the highest quality in all aspects. the cinematic skills of the director using DV brings that often maligned technology to the screen with a movie that is as visually stunning as anything shot on 35mm. And the acting is totally top drawer. All three of the main actors go through an almost embarrassingly intimate psychological transformation that exemplifies the films message of redemption. This film beautifully contrasts a sad dystopian (and I think accurate) failure of the modernist/Spectacular capitalism and a more eternally personal search for meaning and emotional anchors. Overall brilliant. ' q$ k3 l' x4 B. N

! T9 Q( L3 e2 A6 r1 M! t
1 V& S  P0 q8 g9 D2 h, M: q9 _: z0 u" w( V( N9 j
+ |$ F: i# T1 k  t
3 \  N! [. y/ D4 b% J( R* D
& A  k$ ^, N2 _$ d6 m
' T: j: q: M, L3 U; T

' \2 ~7 @6 y/ d9 ?0 c$ d=====================================
6 K8 U* w7 \2 d* F
! \# N3 g+ `- ?; U, R! z7 j4 e* X3 l9 q+ ^; ]; x6 D

, ?7 [6 h  W9 r; Ndavid.widlake
/ c, ]  X+ M0 L% o* x- IEngland0 \& O' n4 H1 a
1 H. F9 ]$ e! W( s
Date: 19 November 2001
1 k$ y1 A( ?, q2 D' M8 B: X- |Summary: The Butterfly is not 12 Monkeys
* D+ E6 Y0 M$ @
* E* n2 n9 N4 B% O* B! r9 T- OA woman named Anna arrives in a city afflicted by lethal acid rain in search of the oblivion virus - an virus which erases memories. An agency provides two staff to help her: the guide Yuki, who tracks outbreaks and rushes clients to the scene to seek infection, and their driver K, an orphan who is desperate to find his family. But the virus proves elusive, and Anna (whose bad memories are triggered by guilt over her dead child) is ready to give up - until she comes across evidence that this may not be her first visit to the city. Shooting fast and cheap on DV, Moon Seung-Wook creates a powerful dystopian vision in which the longed-for salvation is amnesia. The imagination on display here is impressive - I thought the film was going to match 12 Monkeys but it was all a little too experimental for that. The performances are excellent - It has Best Actress prizes from Puchon and Locarno festivals to prove it. / f7 ~2 o  ^- N
http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0293442/usercomments, R5 B4 _/ g: `$ R  C% O, P
! }) q* q( K' }$ K0 B; K

: r& a: g. h: Y! M* o+ ~" A- C- j+ i) [' v( f# T3 F, T% p% A

3 t/ O* _2 b* H+ {' N% `6 i4 v+ R' i4 l0 |$ {
* W+ }) [! s; Z3 ~' e

! O1 Y) n9 W6 y+ o/ A: |
: |1 ~  i4 x: x+ b0 \7 w======================================
8 q( f/ S1 B; g- X, x6 A
* I4 C* k* {5 U  {/ v6 Q
8 |: H1 A0 {! p9 f& a. R- K' m
6 u% U7 n; O& x* j
2 Q; L8 X+ @& Y- b. |- ?! y0 f0 x5 h9 `) M2 e4 d; I, @! [; [/ f  x
8 E% i2 x) h% x  S3 {& [! N8 w
Nabi (The Butterfly)
$ ]2 @/ @+ v* t; H3 q
" Y2 s( v2 q  s0 R% mIt's exciting to see a small picture elbow its way into the spotlight every so often. Despite its minimal budget and lack of established stars, Nabi has captured notice with invitations to several high-profile festivals and a pair of best actress awards. It certainly deserves the attention; this beautiful and strange film offers its viewers a memorable experience.
: k7 x' s/ a* I; r2 v; K5 ^/ O  F; K3 _# h; i" N+ L
Nabi is set in the not-too distant future, in a Korea which looks only vaguely familiar. Acid rain and lead poisoning have created new dangers for the population, while the outbreak of a mysterious virus has perversely resulted in a new tourist industry. This so-called Oblivion Virus causes no physical harm, but it erases the memory of its victims. Henceforth a wave of 'tourists' begins to flow into the country; people suffering from awful memories, hoping to start their lives over.1 d, |* w  M7 j% W/ u3 s. k
& T1 N1 }1 M; |. c+ {2 ?
Anna Kim is one of these travelers; the film charts her return to Korea after living in Germany most of her life. Rather than emphasize her search for the virus, the film concentrates on the relationship she develops with her guide -- a teenage girl -- and her driver. The time she spends with them changes her, leading her down paths she wasn't expecting.
) r- X0 R- h! w) f& X7 G
, O5 `  A0 k7 mNabi's director, Moon Seung-wook, studied at the Poland National Film School at Lodz and made his debut in 1998 with a little-watched film titled Taekwondo, shot in Poland and starring Ahn Sung-ki. In Nabi he creates a dark and vivid world using creative lighting, disjointed editing and hand-held digital video. Perhaps his biggest accomplishment is the performance he draws out of his cast. Actress Kim Ho-jung acted previously as the wife in Barking Dogs Never Bite, and her heartbreaking performance here won her a Best Actress award from the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland. Kang Hae-jung, who plays the guide, also excels in her role, and she in turn won the Best Actress award at the Puchon Fantastic Film Festival in July. 1 D5 _1 l4 ]! P9 ~+ C  {6 Y

7 l$ j( }0 W9 M* uSometimes you feel that a film is getting at something elemental, if not in words, then in images. Nabi's strongest scenes portray for us people and emotions at their most basic level. Whether splashing in a pool or playing on a beach, the characters in this film seem to embody the core of what it is to be human.     (Darcy Paquet) 8 `2 g- s' K3 S
# w0 U' J4 J" c( z! H) t. m8 T
. n* S4 u9 N/ S4 n1 m[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-29 at 01:58 AM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-7 17:25 | 显示全部楼层


匿名  发表于 2004-6-1 02:10

姜惠珍的嘴巴很有特点,请问阿韩斑竹,她还拍过哪些电影,除了《THE BUTTERFLY》和《OLD BOY》。









 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-1 14:31 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by YueYue at 2004-6-1 02:10 AM:
8 x; [. W0 T, f, f& h" b让我想起韩国的动画片《晴空战士》,同是讲述未来的污染时代的故事。

) P/ [9 P) v8 \2 g- Y虽然同以污染时代为背景,但《蝴蝶》讲的其实是人心。不算科幻片。( _* S6 K7 R& F; x! V
& o; l; j, b8 N. E- U' N5 g# f









 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-23 00:30 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by allin at 2004-6-23 12:20 AM:
  `$ M/ i* m" t2 s' K5 Z8 c$ z1 c姜惠珍是否演過一個有關911消防員的MV?

- m2 d  p2 a; _是曹诚模的那首歌吗?
2 k* z+ ~# ~9 K! t# v' I: C+ v不是吧,偶记得那个女的是林恩京。
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