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▲主题整理▲1998李光模《那年春天》Spring in my hometown










发表于 2004-5-29 03:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ G! H* U" V3 Q/ |; A主演:李仁、安圣基- T; I$ |' X+ f5 q9 z6 Z

0 [  y& h6 c7 n$ ^: c                               

4 t9 U% v. e- Z- C% ^$ \& [- @3 |8 `( Z" c
+ w: J9 n* ]: b! `% a4 l# f1 F
* V5 W( D) B! t0 X1995年第7回 Hartley-Merrill 国际剧本竞赛大奖(电影未拍摄前)- N6 y1 w9 M* A" V0 j
1998年戛纳国际电影节“导演周”单元参展作品;; P) k$ y& _* o
. _& P( t/ a" Z6 X- f+ _1998年第18界夏威夷国际电影节最佳影片;
! \0 x9 W5 p2 @6 q5 K  C1998年第39界希腊萨洛尼卡电影节艺术贡献奖;
; B/ p$ u5 a" e+ f3 x' E1998法国BellPoul电影节最佳影片;
2 s" l% O: L3 p" ~% f7 ?0 ?1999年第13界瑞士Freiburg国际电影节国际电影联盟奖(国际Cine Club奖)
+ l: D+ I( ?1 Z  ]+ V1999年第3回印度KLARA国际电影节评委会特别大奖;
6 z7 z* w' t2 d) c1 Q; v2 C- ]曾被蒙特利尔世界电影节、芝加哥国际电影节、香港国际电影节、爱丁堡国际电影节等世界50余个电影节邀请参展…2 i! J  S, M2 ?; M! }% E

+ h4 h3 y$ w% _9 V6 Q3 |4 r& g2002年第3回全州国际映画祭「韩国映画回顾展」参展;9 b3 V1 ~5 C. |  T& v' g+ F: h
1998年韩国映画振兴公社「艺术·实验电影」选定作品;! k& o$ Y& x+ S8 a7 A
) q+ r$ _  P; N1999年第7回春史映画艺术赏、最优秀作品赏、企画赏、音乐赏;' M! m4 x, _, v4 A" T  m
1999年第35回百想芸术大赏新人监督赏;6 J/ R$ A9 a% L4 |
1999年第36回大钟赏最优秀作品赏、监督赏、摄影赏、音乐赏、美术赏、衣装赏;0 ], i/ c: n* y* Y+ Z2 l! |

9 g. O8 d1 m! K5 p; N8 w
, B, f4 v0 S% }http://www.seochon.net/korean_movie/movie/springinmyhometown.htm& d( S. u, B( B& r' |0 M. P
( C/ m0 z0 i3 [' B
======================================5 Z' R8 Q4 Z' X
( y8 s5 u' v& S9 P4 m
5 d+ u/ ?( x& f
5 i! W- ~. F' c" I" x8 ?& G# x% vfm:大洋娱乐
2 J5 n9 `2 t0 J# G
9 S9 K7 R2 I6 V+ J近一百年的高丽民族历史是奴隶和血腥的历史,战争、饥荒、动乱……充溢着痛苦的记忆,反战片犹如一碗酸涩的冷面,难以下咽,却不得不品尝。于是,一位十三岁的少年在《故乡之春》里用他的纯真之眼,回望了朝鲜战争时的种种经历。! L" X, o* j; c& d5 ~: X
- \% @, m0 y! _/ T: ]& _$ U
1 P( }5 m" K( f7 V2 ^, E9 {: q
! Y! J* C: j) V! d# L2 `5 Q3 K  本片甚有《悲情城市》的味况,间场字幕和长镜头的运用、精致的场面调度,刻划得淡然细腻,简朴情真。一道历史的伤口,看得人心深暗痛。! D: O# F; V( d; u1 ]; K' M" \3 ^
8 @2 T/ Y' A' }- B+ E/ p
, j9 k! L. O0 O8 c
=======================================! v5 Z4 [' v5 z8 {5 r9 c

8 D0 }) W2 \. M2 j  R7 R0 R1 j3 w5 \4 {, s0 g& w9 e$ @% `& I

; c8 L5 ^9 `, L. T! Z: @3 [% J" h
% [& K" `$ G% B& C7 E葬礼的片段(浓浓的乡土气息,哀怨优美的音乐):1 W; |) G, h) |7 s$ g- K3 ~% D
http://www.menggang.com/movie/as ... ghome/springhome.rm[/url]
3 h" R8 D6 N5 S+ p' s
. ]3 d& s4 B0 _& P9 R  x6 a7 n4 t6 L! i! @4 r/ F+ a5 q3 y1 x5 n/ W, @+ q
=======================================6 |' \9 V4 O. ]- d. ]7 @

( X/ ^3 U+ y! U' |8 q* ^5 t剧照海报:
- f' I* ~9 i$ W' |( m
0 d5 Z7 A  {" i7 [# X, y

. H0 c8 h& S* G                               
7 A5 M- Z$ A# S) R# [! k
  D) }' x% t$ H( A) R$ v: N$ u

3 X' \; B. \- c; \: Y; G3 y

0 ?0 i8 |2 f' z% x/ l) C                               

* a( a' y7 ?4 Z* N$ A; ?( a. U( V
, l8 h: k4 z! O

0 Z, z: d. ]) m" L- c. i
; W( F7 u* K( n! O! l
- Q" R7 N/ R- F0 E

% W8 ?% p# X2 X                               
) w5 D" i& Y" i: J; P1 }
: ^* k# O( o6 n0 S# U2 P

% h, M" I; Q: h) k; S4 |  \  o9 dhttp://www.menggang.com/movie/as ... /springhome-clp.jpg
0 c( e6 Q1 V# B  {3 S9 \; w' S! L+ k1 L4 L5 {# Y
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2005-7-5 at 01:30 AM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-29 03:51 | 显示全部楼层
5 Z% H1 Y6 `6 _9 i0 R8 ?, M
) L8 t% E* y/ J6 D& G7 [昨天看了一部韩国片子,DVD封面上写着《天堂有绿色》,我记得上大学看的时候叫《故乡的春天》,到底叫什么我也不清楚。字幕翻译得混乱,人名叫常和、旭东、桑明奇之类,片名可能也搞得有偏差吧,这个且不管它,对盗版盘要求不宜太高。
7 r8 U$ w* G" ~( \- U% T5 t; H讲的是1952年到1953年朝鲜战争,即我国历史上的抗美援朝战争,结束这段时间内,一个韩国小山村里的是是非非。说起抗美援朝,我们通常会想到谁是最可爱的人、我的祖国、邱少云、罗盛教这些正面的东西,宣传所致,也有关于人海战术、牺牲人数众多、叛徒的负面报道,有心者可以自己找来看。不过此事已是历史,现在的形势和那时候真是有天壤之别,我们的战友快变成敌人,我们的敌人已经是朋友,这大概也是毛主席和当年打打杀杀中的各国士兵所未料到的吧。" A3 M) H+ N% e' M' B0 u( J9 f) M7 E
在那个小山村里,共产主义臭名昭著。影片就是以村民追捕一个共产主义者未成年的儿子开头,村民们把他从藏身的井里拉出来,游街示众,辱骂的同时拳打脚踢。影片没有直接交代共产党做了什么坏事,只从村民嘴里知道一些人,比如李老师的父亲,被共产党害死,别的就没什么了。但是村民们反共心理特别强,出现了两次反共的讲演,都是一个半秃顶的老头子用激昂的声音在山村的学校里做的,这应该是当时李承晚政府的政治手法吧,桑明奇为美国人做事的爸爸提到了李总统。从这个侧面可以看出来,当时意识形态的斗争相当激烈,社会主义国家这边如当时的中国,出现恐慌乃至频繁洗脑的运动,对比之下也是可以理解的了。2 g! }/ n4 Z; j3 T- U
6 I% e! E2 Q+ }- P, g+ x影片围绕着两个家庭展开线索,牵动着两条线索的是桑明奇和常和两个孩子。通过两个孩子的眼睛,影片记录了战时的学校、临时慰安妇、贫困的生活,还有,像影片最后说的,父辈们从未放弃希望的抗争。
" m: X1 Q+ [" N/ O- [+ W这是一部很沉闷的片子,记录着乡下节奏缓慢、缺少变化的生活,镜头老老实实,从不离开那个黄土覆盖的小山村。音乐很少,有也是似有若无飘着,好像怕惊动了那些美丽的黄土和花草,还有愚昧而坚强的人们。除了一个例外,孩子们为常和举行葬礼的时候,音乐凄厉高亢起来,似乎在放声痛哭,孩子们举着自制的灵幡,抬着自制的棺材,风吹动灵幡和他们破旧的衣裳,蜿蜒的黄土路,缓缓行进的行列,庄重又悲凉。这也是片子里最崇高的一刻,似乎是在安抚所有死去的人,还有那些无聊的仇恨。
" B" f3 u& F& j& v+ ?/ ]! O8 p片子里大都是庸常的生活,但是流露感情的地方并不少,桑明奇把饭分给常和,桑明奇的妈妈想念走失的大儿子,对一个长得像儿子的小乞丐依依不舍,桑明奇的爸爸因为他作业做得不好而责罚他,等等。虽然在打仗,虽然贫穷,人们总是在认真地过日子,这也是片子的意义所在吧。
3 O2 b% W3 ^' `" p( Z影片里出现了不少路的镜头,好像都是同一条路。不同的人在上面走过,前面伸展到看不见,后面也伸展到看不见,人就在上面走,多么直白的人生示意图。不同的路总是跟不同的生活联系在一起,乡下是土路,不宽,也不平,最适合人、牲畜和马车走,城里是柏油路,宽而平,最适合汽车走,两种路两旁的风景也截然不同,走在两种路上的人,心里想的手里做的也截然不同,而不管怎么不同,都是活着,有差别的都是细节而已。, Y/ U5 F7 x: q& K( [" E

0 d3 }$ }# w7 F) |: U8 j
( i; p; w& f0 Z0 k* N0 j9 B3 C- U+ h; B* y$ Q( f/ |- m) c
3 H$ [: t3 @% ~6 K

; j# U- C( |' p0 S
0 K) W* f+ {( M, N3 R: K++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. s  p' n. `) q  w8 N! f

( `/ k# Z$ \" k+ a' f/ d' m
3 l+ t5 {% x# r
* R% k* Z7 s- y% _2 U. u+ v+ M  u4 e, x9 e
发信人: spanner (中国大米士巴拿), 信区: Korean_Culture5 N, ]0 I& Y# g+ l+ Y
标  题: 那年春天 spring in my hometown (spoiler)) x' y' z! q% Y+ J4 B% t
发信站: 香港网站 (Sun Jul 15 15:25:16 2001), 转信6 Z7 `( s# D) ?/ E, a  t
5 p6 c3 p( z: |5 ]1 {! b
导演: 李光模
( c# e$ ?- j$ B# b, P年份: 1998, q; t  d( d$ T  @2 j+ x1 z
片长/菲林: 121分钟/35mm
6 `. F4 y7 f0 Z* u6 R( R/ d3 B/ `0 d# Q5 C7 h
这片的中文片名似乎有点奇怪. 在时序上, 是由1952年至
# ?; g$ [4 I% x( N1953年底, "那年春天"指的到底是哪一年? 而英文名的spring,  m/ @; ^4 a/ @! n6 n
究竟所指的是春天, 还是水泉? 我希望知道电影的韩文原3 f8 w$ u) ]) R( ~5 X: p7 P
名.) |8 a2 c9 D  S3 O4 _7 S. |
& h+ K3 Z4 t4 n  V! g2 c$ y
片子以小孩Sung-Min为核心, 讲的是他看到的韩战及韩战
3 O8 N! _# t0 \! U# Y2 Z( J后的克难岁月. Sung-Min和好友Chang-Hee同住一处, Sung-Min
2 J! Y& N* I/ S' X家较为宽裕, 父亲在战时因为女儿跟美军谈恋爱, 得到一
$ o' K% p( c1 g- X7 d" \份美军的洗衣活. Chang-Hee父亲因事下狱 (因为他是共产
, Y- p( v4 O, v! B* |党员? 犯了事? 还是进的是北方的战俘营?), 母子女三人
5 g$ m% D+ q8 d# \: \4 D相依为命. ) _' A  {- w2 B, l1 I
3 v7 P2 T/ |  L3 {9 @" s7 X2 L
可是穷还是当年的普遍面相. 孩子没有甚么好玩具, 简简
9 u" t/ t9 S- y" [单单的跳房子, 看昆虫格斗, 或是自行拼凑一管单筒望远( F, b) I, r8 O* Z4 G: }
镜, 要更好的洋货么, 就得要经"保韩"的美军要, 或抢或! y% q; b2 L% B7 b# d* S/ u9 Z
检或索. 学校也是如此. 但小学设于军用帐蓬, 不只是因
, s! O. j3 o9 y: N8 ~为穷, 还有是为了随时能够拔帐而去, 避开曾两度有力南
- \! k# x- e2 n) v下的共军. 1 s- E; \( G- y4 V3 e1 u
# l' g( s$ q  |* w
不消说, 当年在太极旗下的人的主流共识, 就是铲除共匪8 i/ }% ~; d7 f, M( i' v
. 有如寓居在香港或台湾的中华民国公民一样, 教育和集+ V' F4 j$ b* i0 P
会都是为了锻出一批批的反共志士, 让大家团结在国旗下
! `+ ]# B- _& [, 光复染红了的国土. 被国家掀起的激情, 会脱离国家自
7 y4 G8 j5 o9 E; J行生存, 最后政府接受停火, 人民却不甘愿. / w+ i( p: T1 k  O0 Q4 w, }

# c/ z. c8 L, D6 N% d两个男孩和朋友另一种娱乐是偷窥跟检东西, 两件事先后5 q0 M0 e' T$ x
进行. 村里的一座废谷仓, 是美军的 "性地" -- 因为总有" X- r; N+ \1 R  r4 w0 S/ j8 n
成年男人带女人给这些开小差的美军 --, 也是男孩们的 "  v4 F: h9 i# B
圣地" -- 因为或可以找到美国大兵留下的打火机, 望远镜1 k) s2 S  S& N/ R  f: ^
6 b1 C+ ?: \, N" K) k( W7 I2 |. s3 f! Z) q
偷窥从男孩在墙外的视角开始. 画外空间让观众自行想象% ~5 x: U: O. d% v/ U+ N) I3 G
朝鲜女人和美军在作甚么事, 它也代表性和外国军人带来
- }) x0 P5 k/ s9 L# c1 k的禁忌和危险. 最后镜头指向室内, 看到的是完事的男女
. C9 O) v5 ?0 }4 D; U" ~: q.
0 c8 L* `2 w% W$ A& V
' [0 Q( @, o: P+ A  w, N- V在第二次偷窥时, Chang-Hee因为眼前的景象而震愕. 当镜8 }  f# i" D1 }) }: Z
头再次指向室内, 观众可以见到今次提供性服务的, 是因
  g$ Y" E& o: k8 F为家贫而卖身的Chang-Hee母亲. 二人在分处室内室外, 在
( c8 Y. D* ~, U7 J4 J哭. 母亲哭的是不忠和无路可走, 儿子哭的是面前残酷的
  L; y9 O8 Y, E: p7 t现实. 6 W$ i! |! t0 |- Z) a

% m9 {; q% m2 s% i/ l* u  q+ D. `9 x. mSung-Min自此拒绝乘坐爸爸的自行车, 因为父亲的副业是) v1 ~( E( }% C/ v1 t% I* T
皮条客, 带的女人包括他好友的母亲. - }8 b4 k( F1 Z, c7 t
6 v% Z6 |6 X. ]# A# I

2 G* ]. J* [& ]9 C+ }第二天教室不见Chang-Hee的踪影, Sung-Min遍寻不获, 却- y4 s$ V1 }3 w! b! _: i" `
看见烈火熊熊的谷仓和泊在外边的美军吉甫, 和Chang-Hee
$ P; v0 @5 Q3 a, U% Y3 G5 q那已没有打火机的树洞宝库. 美军宪兵开始搜捕疑人: 他
, f# L; Y0 n. K们拿着在谷仓拾获的一只鞋子, 如找灰姑娘般到小学抓人$ x% X. _: x$ U4 d. U2 A' O0 {% ~, U
. 抓到了疑人, 远镜影着军车扬长而去, 老师和通译的对
+ j. H# e. P; N6 ~% H' ~; D话, 全被消音.
  L% q/ E3 w, g- a  k
+ P# U9 H, J& z& Y$ u+ t究竟谁放火? 导演引导观众是Chang-Hee要报复, 但真正放% X3 e# E; O# J3 t$ ]. o) y; s$ V
火的人却没有答案.' G% G; X) M5 D+ U# i/ Z
3 ^; S" \' z# g/ V( D2 V+ v$ d
疑案还是疑案, Chang-Hee还是没有回来. Sung-Min还得要
: H" N! ?8 k  x# n9 ?+ N生活. 因为他父亲为美军工作, 渐渐富起来, 因此全家搬
# G6 c; `- s% K2 S7 B; I3 g, w到山上的一座旧豪宅去. 跟美军要好过的姊姊, 腹部渐渐0 y5 K7 q( g: C; u6 t
隆起, 但情人一去不回头.
. N9 p. r0 D, G
- ]/ Q6 o+ K7 x7 T9 _* d! P1952年10月, Chang-Hee的父亲从营逃出来. 翌年七月底,
$ p& v( n- n6 q" f" s0 }" M南北停火, 有民众在喊宁死不和.
9 k4 W& D/ ~* E3 I6 \: A+ f' F  P' A' V! q: w
停火后不久, 村中流传附近的沼泽发现了一具腐尸. Sung-Min4 `) R) l5 p; Z
疑心它是他的好朋友, 但他始终没有证实它是谁, 他只是* S; C" Q" ^( n9 l# s1 J
跟一班少年朋友准备空棺和祭文, 为Chang-Hee作一场丧礼
& ~" \& M8 \* V/ _  ]% O9 T, 立一个空坟, 为的是尽朋友的责任.4 A% h( t) N; @. L2 `
, n$ `% d( U1 \; Q0 C+ j5 ^, j
没有证实, 结果是当Chang-Hee父亲问及儿子的下落时, Sung-Min& l; |  t7 J8 ]" j7 a" i$ G
说 "不知道" . 此事过后, 一夜Sung-Min在梦中重温从前
4 ?  P- J4 b! {0 y6 S  b跟Chang-Hee争夺打火机的一幕: 和当日不同, Sung-Min已
: v) b5 R& b% C' ~0 v( D, @/ v经有了Chang-Hee的打火机, 而Chang-Hee离开后, Sung-Min" ~4 k0 g, Q/ ~+ g8 u
发现那本来已用韾的打火机, 竟能重燃. 或许是好友在世- G; B. A6 V' b3 M( c
4 X5 h4 P, M; M- @* m
, E0 B" W% ^8 I8 C1 F6 m7 x$ i休战后不久, Sung-Hee的父亲丢了美军的差事, 过不久全
5 e2 C3 T& s' R% x) z2 r5 Q家 -- 包括未生产的姊姊 -- 都得要离开旧豪宅, 远镜画: ?, x! W0 z; X4 d3 J
面看到一家向着和平而未可知的未来慢慢走去. 而导演要
# Z( R! d! t& x% {% r- h, p7 S! d. S赞叹的, 就是长辈和上一代那种在战时战后仍要活下去,
/ O9 w; S* P* V+ ]仍要往前走, 不致完全失望的精神.5 I, d+ i. q4 p/ ^2 h

2 m7 b; y, F- ]0 |9 X$ j! R4 l片子气氛淡淡的 -- 虽然时代背景是拉锯战, 故事又有死
, |3 J6 P5 s/ o  ]% x6 @别和家庭变异, 但没有呼天抢地, 反而伤痛已早在童趣间$ m1 h/ X! ^2 A; V& O9 ]) U
结疤, 成了日后的回忆和感觉. 间场字幕将主角的感觉,
# V2 J3 ?; Z. Q9 J) w5 q) j- H* C与更大的历史连起, 令人看到当时的每一个人, 都逃不出2 N, t# p6 Q2 Q. G& q$ t3 t
2 O! ~. o# _) C% O

: i, Q1 C( K5 b1 b- b[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-29 at 03:29 PM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-29 03:52 | 显示全部楼层
English reviews
5 e2 I  |# k/ I$ f! ]  V==================================
3 f: w+ G: `8 p: T3 |$ E# @; A  ]. s! j9 y  F/ O
Spring in My Hometown, or 'Areumdaun Sijeol' (1998) 0 g2 X9 T' _0 \3 I* }+ t+ q8 m7 j
   Directed by Lee Kwang-mo 4 z' \! |% q- Q5 b* m$ t$ V# W

& B7 w+ c9 ^- u3 ~5 a"Spring in My Hometown" is one of the few Korean movies that has been produced about the Korean War, which began in 1950 and ended in 1953. Surprisingly, the movie doesn't show any battle scenes nor war atrocities. Rather, it's focused on describing what happened in a small town from a boy's perspective. Even during and right after the war, life had to go on. Schools, not all of them surely, stayed open and children played war like any other kids in other times. Some less fortunate families fell victim to extreme poverty. The boy's mother had to sell her body to earn the bread for her family. Some mean people made easy money by taking advantage of war-induced, legal loopholes. The movie shows those daily life realities with the war as a backdrop and thereby makes the cruelty of war more noticeable. The scenes are so beautiful that the director's messages are powerful. In addition, many long takes were often used to give the movie an art film quality. It's director Lee Kwang-mo's debut film, and it earned Lee fame at home and aborad. The film was invited to the Directors' Fortnight at the Cannes International Film Festival, the first time the honor has been bestowed upon a Korean filmmaker. It won a gold prize at the Tokyo International Film Festival. The films's script that was also wriiten by the director won a Grand Prix at the Hartley-Merill International Screenwriting Contest in 1995.  
8 p0 N$ d7 r8 @8 b: W6 @; m: t( B! y9 ~
from:http://www.korea.net/koreanculture/% K& k7 \4 h4 }$ \

/ |6 [+ J: `6 P. ^+ ^/ h& h) \. _& L% U2 e4 v

; J/ ?- r" U3 g7 x: J, S" |0 [======================================
2 b6 u* p5 J4 _: F. T# s% U: D0 j2 i* q- }: D
1 a4 @  b8 R" N/ P$ j
2 U- I1 N$ y- @8 \
Spring in My Hometown  
, ?% i, d/ I/ U, y9 VLee Kwang-Mo   
4 \& s: T, z5 [. ~+ \
6 E* a5 k) _; ]5 n5 |7 YKorea  
) W8 s% z3 }( b$ F 6 M$ O0 [/ R0 c  O; `8 O
     Spring In My Home Town, directed by first-time helmer Lee Kwang-Mo, is set during the volatile closing months of the Korean War. The movie focuses on the tensions that mount between survivors as the grim hardships of the immediate post-war years in the divided country begin to set in.  ! C3 p7 R- l: ^% _% [: ]
   9 k# ]( G$ |4 i) \& v/ U! `
An old man arouses jealousy by using family connections to get a job on a US military base, while two young boys are forced to grow up after stumbling on a meeting place for American GIs and local prostitutes. Drama and intrigue enter the story when, years later, one of the boys goes missing – and a body is found floating in a swamp. Is it him?   
. N( ^3 T7 u5 S) z9 I+ t6 F$ h5 q( }Lee spent a full eight years writing the script for Spring. "Expectations run high for his directorial debut," trumpet the producers. 'He is deemed as possessing both literary sensitivity and visual mastery.'  
, q/ m8 m! X$ r- L; y# ]* t/ a6 m# M& Y# L( Y2 `& {# x
Spring denotes the first move into production by the Korean Film Art Centre (the organisation which Lee himself founded). "We will try to make Spring In My Hometown a film which will embody our people's painful past, sentiments and social conditions," they say. Other investors include Baek Du-Dae Gan along with technology, audio-visual, and software manufacturer SKC Ltd.  - l, |9 ~4 b5 ]. F9 z, u! r; D

! ~! i! b) u- n) q) y/ Q- M; ~Earlier films that have dealt with the Korean war – a subject that was, until a few years ago, politically taboo – have been artistically successful. Korean master Im Kwon-Taek's epic Taebaek Mountains painted a picture of the devastation caused by both sides to the population – something that didn't go down well with the extreme Korean Right. Two Flags covered a similar theme on a more personal level, while Park Kwang-Su's To The Starry Island looked at wartime feuds that  continue to this day.
( u! e' }6 a* l7 m2 C5 l3 f-------Richard James Havis
( Y1 C. D, h2 `# ?7 u3 Y: X7 s
' _! @" x& E+ j7 q! w1 ?" xfrom:koreanfilm.org' @9 f, p9 }0 ~( s  [; Q

7 b% F4 n& u6 W! p( a- Z' t/ ~  L$ X- F5 a! L$ c

9 A/ a2 {8 J& D% g  \
6 h( B$ z3 A$ B+ `* {8 A; D) c, w5 X7 ?/ Q) L1 f  g6 m4 ^, \
=====================================: u4 E/ H2 z+ O# n$ Y
' |3 q" O/ X0 e' c) N6 x& |, L/ x
Martin Kohler ; Q. A: C6 K- [: H& f) K/ `) f# J0 l
Pretoria, South Africa% T) F6 b" ~6 ^8 p. f7 E
( F* j# S* o3 \/ m* E
Date: 22 November 20002 O7 a" U7 P: G$ Z) f: f/ A6 |2 @
Summary: Beautifully filmed, but an ugly reality.
) q0 v8 E6 u) y
) S4 @# u+ ]5 r. F6 vAn interesting study of the effect of foreign occupation of a small country by a militarily and economically more powerful nation, in this case the de-facto occupation of South Korea by the US during the Korean war. In particular the observation of small details, and in themselves, perhaps insignificant incidents, are brought together with more significant events to show how almost every aspect of life, down to the most intimate and personal details, are affected by the unequal power relationship between the occupier and the subjugated people.! I/ N" h3 u5 t- z9 U6 {! }; G

, C' \* r) z4 [* k( r( sExcept for the opening scene, almost all of the violence and atrocities are off screen, one observes, for example, the expressions on the faces of children turning from inquisitive curiosity to nauseous horror, but not the act that they witness itself. The war, as such, is never shown, but only referred to in title screens reporting some of the most significant events. We see a funeral, but not the killing. To me, this is a very interesting (and in a time where most films rub your nose in graphic and excessive violence, also unusual) technique, because it allows the film to make its point without having to depict what it is actually condemning.
8 D- s1 P, J2 @+ j) g/ z2 F" f
, m, R, M( r1 e  L& H) [4 p9 u8 wAdmittedly this technique, of only indirectly, or not at all, showing the cardinal incidents, and the overall tendency to view events from a distance (where you can't really recognize characters) made the film very difficult to follow. However once one constructs the sequence of events from the consequences that are shown, the effect is all the more compelling.

" z; E1 F" ~6 o) C2 W. @3 t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' Y* d5 |  I4 l5 H! A- P  ]) H+ X3 w* o6 e# A- U# o& \0 Q
Noods 3 q' g2 n* r: k0 K

& Q, l( S  ^2 aDate: 17 June 2000
& V/ \+ h7 u2 e* @6 n4 [" LSummary: Too great a distance3 ?; K- Y: K, o4 ]3 o. j

) X; a  M- Z, ^English name: Spring in My Hometown.
& x/ [( m9 U* e8 |0 D) j" `
! N3 S* R8 t; w2 t5 t1 Y7 x2 Q% `Set in Korea in the early 1950's, family members find tragedy when a small village boy witnesses his mother having sex with an American soldier., |5 M1 Z/ r1 h& k2 T; Z

4 y0 a0 Y* A) _  U' S, G# @Korean movies are rarely seen in the USA. I gave this film every chance, however with few exceptions most every shot is overly distant from the actors. The pacing becomes slower as the framing becomes wider.
- v- h! ?, j. U( S6 v. D. O& j
6 g# \3 v0 P# |Kept away at a distance, it is nearly impossible for the viewer to care about the people in the movie.1 \6 [7 M2 q  w5 u

# F# t! L1 i; t4 D2 ^3 RSpring in My Hometown is highly ranked. The shadowed subtitling was very easy to read. Check it out if you find it, but don't plan on being overly enthralled.
: l! B  z0 F0 g3 C) U1 _
  g7 N/ M' f$ d2 FStevie Cho (stevie@unitel.co.kr) 5 A4 D: C/ E: A! B
Seoul, Korea$ h9 s7 H- I8 T9 J9 l0 k+ x8 w

8 F; |5 ~% p5 F% jDate: 30 November 1998
1 D/ w& q) _9 A6 l% j4 n7 mSummary: One of the most beautiful films ever made in Korea!
0 t) B$ |" U& P. {) u2 a3 `/ d' `. u$ e  Y( X
Korean War can be an out-of-date topic for most Koreans by now, especially for younger generations. The story of two boys during those hard years sounds quite familiar, even somewhat boring. However, when this story is portrayed in such a masterful way, it suddenly gets whole new aspects! Filmed at remote country villages, the movie shows stunning beauties of Korea's four different seasons. And only through this breath-taking scenery, the theme itself obtains its deepness. It's just unforgettable!
) x/ ~" r4 A% C7 j) J: U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

9 l; X5 U1 q, D+ Q! \3 |$ ], i# n3 ]2 _
' S2 v- }1 ?3 G
$ p- L5 v2 N/ e
=================================! Z" f" b2 {6 W4 j* f! O- h

; h. a  Q9 N9 o
# H; {* O" _9 t3 B7 q; c$ |+ k( B, g+ ?! J  G" m* h
, j5 h0 ]1 A$ \3 n

8 C) p: X: O# I' j% Wreview by Lee Yu-Cheol
8 N/ _2 b4 W2 m* sFebruary 27, 2000
# H. z1 t7 b: r+ I( l3 C( `Read: 219; K( N+ T- u  b, a# L
Contrast between light and darkness, focusing on images of a road and a flame ! f) \% U; K8 D# c% i# @
% W4 Y/ ]. ^; V7 c
The movie Spring in My Hometown is a beautiful film which draws an attractive picture of our fathers’ and grandfathers' sorrowful, regrettable, and depressed life which cannot be done as beautifully as easily on a pastel canvas. - w0 k8 A7 A! K5 N- {: I6 ~

* R9 n* {- r7 \  S3 [The viewer goes back in a time filled with light and darkness
( X; E( j* _/ E  R& ethrough the opening of a well cover to 1952 when few were liberated from an ideology that was deeper and darker than blood. The small town is seen through the eyes of a 12-year old boy, Sung-min where people muddle through their daily routines. His father works for the U.S. army. Because of this, his family can life well in rooms which are Sung-min's house's gate section near a mill that has become a house of prostitution, very typical of those times.
; R0 V, V0 I& }" T4 x1 A# e$ z1 D# m$ J3 I- c0 M: d" b; W
This work is a present by a director from the previous generation that lived with pain, but tried to keep hope. Consequently, the scenes are drawn more beautifully than reality calls for. Sung-min's point of view represents the director, Chang-hee's, youth. Scenes with long takes make the characters move like a backdrop without individuality. The close-ups are limited to the members of Sung-min’s family and Chang-hee. Is it because that the story is a fading memory? Gentle fathers and strong mothers existed, like Chang-hee's mother, who carried the family burdens alone, so mothers could not be anything but strong. . M$ ]1 J+ @8 f* [. A

% _, q7 Y5 k: h  [! o5 [$ cAs a contrast to weak fathers, mothers commonly struggled to make a living while the fathers were losing ground everywhere. With no ill intentions, Sung-min's father, like many others at the time, picks up American products to sell for his family, yet when he finds a lighter in his own young son’s bag, he beats him so he will not become like himself. The father is forced to walk through town with the spilt red paint on his clothes in front of his son, and finally is compelled to leave the town with his family. / ^2 \$ r6 E4 ^: x* Q
4 C# F$ {" h# E$ z0 `& g
In this movie light is used rarely but intensively. In the first scene the luminance in which people who are compelled to hide partisans' families under the darkened well is round and ardent. But as soon as Sang-un forces his father out, the light goes out and even the darkness disappears, as the yellow and green background is replaced by the fading perception of being in the near distance continues. The panorama is spread with the people's silhouettes in what resembles a two-dimensional world. The film shows us a light-blocked picture like a landscape covered with the green color of moss and the yellow color of old photographs. Light is frequently used for close-up scenes, such as the silhouette of a mother sewing behind the candlelight in the moonlight. Few sights could be more touching that that one. And the mill! Light is thrown into the dark center of this mill, spreading to each corner and creating a faint ambience. This dimming light contrasts with the daytime brilliance coming through the well’s hole, driving Chang-hee’s face into sorrow rather than anger.
- }, N& L, g/ W% @, _# J# |6 t/ f. g
In Spring in My Hometown the flame is the main symbol. In the mill, in the corner of darkness, which the light failed to reach, Chang-hee picked up a lighter. Click! A small, quiet flame! But this tiny spark becomes a fire that burns the whole mill. Sparks shoot up in the air. This fiery blaze is the ceremony of the little crucified boy who resists the adult world. Unwillingly, Chang-hee, who burnt the U.S. Army house is burnt also to erase the sin of adults of which his mother is a part. ' S% z2 \/ j! G7 C

3 |0 o2 ]- m) `* |# K- N) lThe surviving children see their own flame through hers. Fires burst out of hidden places in their minds. Sung-min's lighter, which had been forgotten on the day Chang-hee once came to him, burns again. Sung-min's family leaves their devastated home and seeks a better, more blessed place to start over again. " \7 U, j2 v0 O4 y+ y( ?

2 ?' f4 c) M% L; hThis movie does not give permission for interpreting any emotions a town with evaporated colors, people moving in monotonous motion, the mill burning scene and the turned face of Chang-hee from the hole in the well are cut by the scenes which follow. A terribly sorrowful history, the people who lived in those times struggled, but the director only watches and gives the audience a glimpse from afar without stepping fully into the past. He only asks you to see the shimmering, beautiful scenes. Dejected fathers swinging their arms from slouched shoulders on narrow and dark side streets! ) b4 l. B) t; }; ]# A3 ?0 D

7 d: r' }) |% E& f2 I6 DThe director pays his respects to the past generation that came through hard times and raised the next generation with awareness. Led by his voice we are reminded unwillingly yet with reverence, of what we have ignored and put aside. Leaving the theater, I felt deep respect for this generation that survived after long trials and afflictions and their succeeding generations.
' @0 p3 F: x& m7 v& o2 j
/ i7 b6 i- D" `; s. A0 Hfrom:http://www.asiandb.com/browse/movie_detail.pfm?code=16&mode=review&num=78! v0 K" {) ^7 n, Z' o

$ V2 H2 {4 T0 X7 w[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-29 at 03:56 AM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-29 03:56 | 显示全部楼层










发表于 2004-5-29 12:19 | 显示全部楼层
[img]http://besthj.001.com.cn/photo/oldparr/oldparr.gif [/img].............直道相思了無益,未妨惆悵是輕狂............[img]http://besthj.001.com.cn/photo/oldparr/oldparr2.gif[/img]
匿名  发表于 2004-5-29 13:32










 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-29 14:34 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by oldparr at 2004-5-29 12:19 PM:
6 A! V: i: [2 ~/ }' }7 |本来以为天堂有绿色是有童趣的电影,看了片子才知道是揭伤疤
6 J2 u7 I# w! u% Q' Z5 b
O老大,这部的碟名叫《天堂有绿色》吗?在哪里买到的?' l  k) Y  F) Q6 ~, N

1 y7 y, U. ]  o1 K! \7 ~
Originally posted by YueYue at 2004-5-29 01:32 PM:$ _! x) V2 c5 m- I8 y( j' J

. }. x9 V/ E$ B# X5 U林权泽的《太白山脉》也是在讲述那段相煎何极的往事,它以朝鲜战争为背景,跟《那年春天》一样没有正面描写战争,但揭开的伤疤却是血淋淋的。伤口一旦形成,要弥合又谈何容易。那是一场没有胜者的战争http://www.krdrama.com/bbs/viewt ... B%B0%D7%C9%BD%C2%F6! R* P8 H! e( F: o

+ r5 D) s0 q* q1 v描述那场战争后遗症的电影,其间的佳作:《JSA》、《收件人不详》、《海岸线》~
# C9 s% V# a& n) c5 M: @  u. ~6 n" g








发表于 2004-5-29 14:45 | 显示全部楼层
匿名  发表于 2004-5-29 15:03








发表于 2007-10-12 17:30 | 显示全部楼层
一直对 那年夏天 这个名字感兴趣, 所以才看的,歌也是如此,不知道为什么,就是喜欢这个名字
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