这则旧闻是刊登于韩国著名电影杂志《Cine 21》上,大概是2003年4月号的,也就是说当时《杀人的追忆》还未上映,《OLD BOY》也还未拍竣,那时候谁都没想到这两部电影都会如此成功的。
《杀人的追忆》本是一出舞台剧(剧名当然不叫杀人的追忆,而是叫〈Come to see me〉),该剧讲的是一位神秘连环杀手坐在戏院观众席上正在看一出连环杀人事件改编的舞台剧,而且他清楚的知道,剧里所演的就是自己的罪行。朴赞郁在《JSA》后,产生了想把这个舞台剧改编成电影的想法,于是他跑去找那个舞台剧作者要买下电影改编权。可是真不巧,他的好朋友奉俊昊就在几天前,刚刚买走了。朴赞郁只能失望而归,回来后只能着手改拍另一部电影——《我要复仇》。就在拍《我要复仇》的过程中,朴赞郁在一次和奉的聊天中问奉的下一步计划是什么,于是奉俊昊就跟朴说自己对日本漫画《OLD BOY》很感兴趣。就这样,朴赞郁便从奉俊昊那里“偷”走了灵感(朴导笑谈自己有点报仇的意味;)),这回他倒是比奉俊昊抢先一步买走了《OLD BOY》。
正如那个人所说的,奉导跟朴导都是才华横溢的青壮派导演,但他们的风格是很不同。两人都喜欢玩黑色幽默,都偏爱批判现实主义,但奉导更俏皮温和一点,朴导更冷酷极端一点。如果不是这样子戏剧性的的阴差阳错,《杀人的追忆》导演就是朴赞郁,而《OLD BOY》的导演就是奉俊昊了。:P那这两部电影又会变成什么样子呢?你们觉得呢?
by sang
Memories of Murder vs Oldboy (OR Dir. Bong vs Park)"
Thu Dec-11-03 10:19 AM
Recently I read some dated article from Cine21, I think it was around April or sometime, before the opening of Memories of Murder by Bong and before the shooting of Oldbody by Park.
It was quite interesting story about how Park chose his next movie after Sympathy for Mr Vengence. Originally he wanted to make Memories of murder (might not be the same title though). He visited the writer of the original play to buy the screen adaptation right. He found out his close friend Bong bought that right just a few days ago.
Park was disappointed and made Sympathy for vengence instead. While he was shooting this film, he heard that Bong is interested in Japanese comic 'Oldboy'. He took that idea from Bong (bit of revenge, he joked) and made his movie.
Now it looks like both movie are competeing for the best of 2003 in Korea (both critically and commercially), it would be quite interesting to think of:
What if Bong decided to make "Oldboy" before Memories of Murder? It could happen. In that alterantive universe, we are going to discuss about Oldboy by Bong and Memories by Park on this board.
They both very talented young film makers, but their styles are different in many ways.
I cannot imagine these two movies, Memories by Park and Oldboy by Bong, would be. They should be far different from what we saw now. Surely, both of them could be great ones.
For people who saw both movies, what do you think about this?
by Q
Hmm... intriguing idea. The question is whether we assume that the screenplay remains the same or the directors also develop their own screenplays. I think so much of the successes of both films come from their superior screenplays. So I will proceed on the assumption that they would have written entirely different screenplays from the scratch.
1. What if Bong Jun-hjo directed OLD BOY? That would greatly depend on how he chooses to interpret the Japanese comic. OLD BOY is an exceptional case in the history of film adpatations of Japanese manga in the sense that Pak's film version is actually vastly superior to the manga. I sorta suspect that Bong Jun-ho would want to remain faithful to the manga... which in this case would be a big mistake. I am sure he would have put in some jaw-dropping creative touches, too, but overall the movie would be less intense and perhaps more "humanistic."
OLD BOY as currently stands is a little diabolical... it is the first Korean movie that captures the dangerous flavor of great Japanese manga, such as DEVILMAN or KISEIJU, where literally ANYTHING can happen, no matter how shocking or repugnant, as long as they make sense in terms of the fictional world depicted by the author. I doubt Bong Jun-ho would have made such a movie (of course, if any Korean director is capable of surprising us, it would be Mr. Bong).
2. Had Pak Chan-wook directed MEMORIES OF MURDER, I think it would have been akin to Martin Scorsese directing SCHINDLER'S LIST rather than Steven Spielberg. It would have been much more personal, more intense, or conversely, perhaps a lot colder and with a much subdued possibility of salvation via inherent human goodness. Mostly, I think the cops would have been portrayed as eviler and far less sympathetic, as the historical Oskar Schindler really was a petty criminal, a man who had no redeemable values. Spielberg makes it as if Schindler had a change of heart to realize how evil Nazism was, but there is no historical evidence that Schindler went through this conversion experience. In a sense, this was a perfect character for Scorsese, a scumbag who does angelic things without even realizing what he has done, risking his life in the end.
Likewise, Pak Chan-wook would have been, I think, attracted to the spectacularly incompetent cops. I wonder he would have done something truly disturbing, like having the rapist-murderer played by Song Kang-ho (!) in the imaginary sequences, to really throw off the audience. Then again, if he was in the JSA mode, he might have made a beautiful mystery that actually figures out who the murderer(s) were in real life!
I would say the successes of MOM and OLD BOY are partly due to the fact that they chose the subject matters as far removed from their previous hits: MOM could have been marketed as "another JSA," and OLD BOY could easily have been another "wacky comedy" with some disturbing, film noir elements in it. So in the end, they made right choices for not jumping for the more obvious.
What do others think?
http://www.koreanfilm.org/dc/dcb ... listing_type=search
by sang
MOM is a film adaptation of a theater play "Come to See Me!". The original playwriter once had a strange vision, that the mysterious serial killer lived ordinary and free life and came to see a play about serial murder and he realized that it was about his crime. The writer want to send a message to him. The title of play is directly citing the murderer.
Mr. Bong wanted to make this play a movie. He once told to the media "The first step of the punishment to this unthinkable crime is to remember what happened to the victims, to make him realize that we will never stop to find him."
There is another interesting story about making of MOM. Park Chan Wook also wanted to make the movie based on the same play "Come to see me!". But when he visited playwriter, he heard that Bong visited the writer just a few days ago and bought the story.
Disappointed, Park went to Bong and asked what was his next idea. Bong told him, after MOM he want to make a movie based on Japanese Manga called "Oldboy". "Oh, really?" Well, the rest, you already know. Actually, Park and Bong are very good friends, they are teasing each other for who stole whoes idea first.
But if Park went to the playwriter just a week earlier, we should have seen, Park's Memories of Murder and Bong's Oldboy.
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-6-19 at 04:55 AM ] |