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发表于 2003-6-12 05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[这个贴子最后由断鳍雨鸢在 2003/06/11 11:02pm 第 1 次编辑]  `, H5 Z7 s  I! `. K, O, C
. m3 z1 I# g; H/ d" @
9 d; y5 E; \7 {( b9 E0 V; i" K2 Q/ k( a5 f7 i6 x
) K6 X" }9 |$ E) k; G3 l+ W% _6 L6 ?& B$ E- r: l
     有关爱情?非也。爱情只不过是一个引子,伤痛的不仅仅是表面的爱情。因而薄荷糖也只是一个悲剧的引子。我把它归结为初恋的后遗症,由于“患病”的时间太长,得不到根治,最终走上不归路。让他沉痛多年是他的“错手”,导致他终结一切可以美好的东西,那深埋心底的谴责,让他只剩下一具躯壳,犹如行尸走肉一般,自欺欺人的“幸福”着。那不经意流露的呆滞与悔恨随着呼吸倾泻而出,犹如含着一颗薄荷糖,清凉、辛辣的味道只有自己才能体会。无心的“错手”煎熬着他,他不知道怎样才能更好的生活。生活真的是美好的吗?他不停追问自己和曾经的囚犯。" r2 S. m/ s, |3 B+ E- o, b

1 v. ~# |  O7 i: [2 Z' y  v     顺任,他的初恋情人。她是他一生中遗憾,曾经他是可以触摸到她的。但那一场意外,他把她推出了自己的领域。曾经的羞涩和甜蜜就这样结束了。在一组组时间段里,顺任总有出现,不同的是身份。越往前我才逐渐体会顺任的重要,在此之前我认为他的“后遗症”并不严重。他的初恋留给他刻骨的伤痛与刻骨的思念。这个男人真的不懂爱吗?他骑着自行车不停绕圈,只为他亲手撕碎了自己的初恋,那歇斯底的疯狂掩饰了他的脆弱与无奈,不甘与不舍;在顺任的老家,他抱着别的女人,叫着顺任的名字,象个孩子般哭了,他那欲说还休的初恋。。。。。。跨不出自己的心门,无尽的岁月磨蚀了所有的意志,他将自己放逐了。
+ ^0 a8 W7 w, a, @2 o: J" d1 B! I! \+ f8 y/ K' A% ]$ P5 c
" N7 Y% H" @: p* u4 W% R, {* [' d$ k: C, A- Z0 X& l) C6 k: R
, W$ Y& X$ _) s( l2 l$ {* W' J& `, H6 }9 D: |
2 E' b) M1 t! t
$ [& U3 {. S( z  P     影片倒叙的手法运用得很艺术,倒退的火车,呈现一幕幕逝去的记忆。二十年前的羞涩,二十年后的悲凉,毫无任何修饰的袒露在我的面前。含着这样一颗《薄荷糖》,不感任何清凉,感觉一股浓稠的苦涩向四肢漫去,呛人的辛辣直冲心门与脑海,我想对于李沧东的这部作品,我的感觉似乎挨着边了?也许!) _' E  q% s9 M; p6 c

2 h2 C/ v; |; g! E/ i4 L; b[ Last edited by 断鳍雨鸢 on 2003-7-3 at 03:09 PM ]








发表于 2003-6-12 16:53 | 显示全部楼层


下面引用由断鳍雨鸢2003/06/11 09:25pm 发表的内容:
0 u2 ~) R" g: a3 Z8 J  o4 m7 |; k. A性格悲剧?或许。他是善良的,但他又是邪恶的。
5 R$ n- T, O/ e8 |他說著:鞋子裏有”水”,我走不動了.等到坐下來,才明白那是”血”;在黑暗中,看不清楚顏色,足掌對傷口又失去痛的感覺,水和血也就分辨不出來了:(
! P9 z- u1 \% I3 ~他的悲劇是從服兵役開始,這部電影讓我對軍隊的操練、演習、實戰等更加感到害怕~~~:
0 V9 n7 g# @6 Z, [7 L, T, ^4 F(((
[u] [/u]








归去来兮 醉红尘

发表于 2003-6-12 17:41 | 显示全部楼层


爱情,婚姻,事业可以说是一个人活着的支柱所在,金永浩的二十年,是支柱一一倒塌的过程,他无法面对灵魂的残壁断瓦,当回忆中的爱人离去的时候,他也放弃了活着的希望。& n# X4 D3 h; @! I% X# a
这部影片所涵盖的深意可以放之四海而皆在,这个世界又有多少个金永浩式的小人物? 这是一部让人沉思的影片。








发表于 2003-6-13 03:01 | 显示全部楼层


如果我们遭遇初恋的金永浩...6 L/ A- K# n7 z- y, H% ~. c
面对自卑自弃的他,是会坚持还是如顺任一样哭泣着离开?!8 |7 L: F' ^, T6 u7 h
2 ~# i0 N. e$ F2 S. q生命里最重要的到底是什么?难道阴霾就永远是阴霾了吗?我们不能从负罪里走出来,重新活过吗?9 r6 c. P: f2 T& @1 o" a








发表于 2004-8-14 00:50 | 显示全部楼层

【资料】薄荷糖 (薛景求主演 李沧东导演)

英文片名: Peppermint Candy
5 |9 c$ V1 y7 C; i5 Q5 U) E; d, S9 ]& _
片長: 130 分鐘
8 R! s" r- [' f韓國級別: 18歲以上觀覽可
$ T4 p4 h8 a$ p9 i, s韓國開封日期: 2000年 1月 1日
6 q, r& }6 P7 A# K. h
2 N6 R' j! D( w+ X# F) K/ I導演: 李滄東 (LEE Chang-dong)' d( V1 W  X; s. e% t8 ~( ^

  j, k+ u( s  p+ z; Q演員: 薛景求 (SOL Kyung-gu) 飾演 KIM Young-ho 0 S6 J" ]6 q( l( _- j. x
    文素利 (MOON So-ri) 飾演 YOON Soon-im
# h8 N' z& v. Q7 y$ U) d0 V    金麗珍 (KIM Yeo-jin) 飾演 YANG Hong-ja
) F4 N* W! m& W) d8 i: D  F    KONG Hyung-jin 飾演 宋探員
. V7 j  K, P' b* C( S& ]# M. b6 a    KO Seo-hee 飾演 Kyung-a . p6 N; j3 J2 f3 ^" }
    徐情 (SUH Jung) 飾演 Miss Ri . Y1 v$ m7 j0 {: Z& q6 G6 d: H5 y4 _. L

$ p$ G/ z, u, n! r

9 E) B: o9 K2 m                               

- o0 W: m/ i& {0 v( j1 R- V3 V% Y$ s3 u& d. Q
    1999 年 春 天 , 一 個 滿 臉 滄 桑 的 中 年 漢 Young-ho 再 次 踏 足 他 第 一 次 跟 初 戀 情 人 旅 行 的 地 方 。 雖 然 只 是 相 距 廿 年 , 但 他 似 乎 已 經 失 去 一 切 , 包 括 他 的 理 想 和 愛 情 。 四 十 歲 的 他 , 受 不 了 被 朋 友 的 欺 騙 和 跟 太 太 Hong-ja 離 婚 的 陰 影 , 於 是 嘗 試 用 槍 了 結 自 己 的 生 命 。 就 在 這 一 刻 , 突 然 有 一 個 人 叫 他 再 見 他 的 初 戀 情 人 Soon-im 。 8 H1 Z2 |! T; E8 f/ q' o
9 g6 `6 M( z. v+ P5 \' w' E
    回 憶 自 己 過 去 的 二 十 年 , Young-ho 仍 然 忘 不 了 他 跟 Soon-im 初 戀 時 的 甜 蜜 , 而 當 時 Soon-im 送 給 他 的 一 粒 薄 荷 糖 就 成 了 這 世 上 最 美 味 的 東 西 。 一 年 後 , Soon-im 來 到 Young-ho 服 兵 役 的 地 方 , 希 望 可 以 找 到 Young-ho , 可 是 見 不 到 他 … …








发表于 2004-8-14 01:14 | 显示全部楼层


"PEPPERMINT CANDY is a sweet-centered movie wrapped in a tart coating.A meditation on lost Innocence paralleing south korea's evolution over the past 20 years… film stil works, however, on a human level, thanks to excellent playing by all the leads." 1 Q0 B* {% o3 w# _
- Derek Elley, VERIETY - # Z7 v! p8 R5 s0 N5 P$ j

) L$ v0 Y" u  m"A Korean melodrama of virtuoso construction … As the story goes along, what happens becomes more and more simple and paradoxically more and more moving …PEPPERMINT CANDY retraces over20 years the itinerary of Kim Yongho,a complex and multifaceted character… PEPPERMINT CANDY is a beautiful melodrama unpolished(in the simplicity of its melodramatic effects.).The film sets up with much elegance this multi-layered pastry of reminiscences and tropisms. It mixes the virtues of a romance novel (a teardrop rolling down the cheeks of two lovers separated for decades seals a pact that life has not stopped straining) with political commentary (the police interrogation scence are of a stupefying brutality) and with poetic meditation."
" Q0 e, `, a, I. ~- Jean-Marc Lalanne, LIBERATION(France) -
5 Q$ z5 n5 c( c$ t7 K
3 O# ?- s/ k7 O2 s6 j/ B"For the spectator put in reverse, a certain indifference hovers over when found confronted with people and situations whose connections are not grasped at the moment they are seen, whose bonds are found always father upstream… Beyond this frustration, PEPPERMINT CANDY spreads its caustic flavors well after it is seen."   w0 _; c% V* Y
- Sophie Bonnet, LES INROCKUPTIBLES(France) - " g5 R0 @) I! \7 x) @
+ ?  a# ]/ c& u* \- z
"a small masterpiece of emotion and narrative virtuosity…" 6 p% C6 {* }# H. L+ G7 s% r
- Thierry Riviere, NICE-MATIN(France) -
+ O6 {* P+ q( V1 e$ s# P! `' l! A7 B! k0 j) U3 A' c
"The film's strength lies in the progressive accumulation of tragedies, betrayals, lies… Emotion wins over gradually until the moment when the main character arrives at the end th the same place and discovers the place where he will die 20 years later.A sublime ending for the film where the character cries at foreseeing his future…"
( u. F& _$ v% M0 o6 R"… a force of impact respectful of the declared game of the genre…"
+ }3 J5 C. N6 E8 {7 Z6 t  h- Cristina Piccino, IL MANIFESTO(Italy) - 6 C; a' [& X6 g% O6 Y8 j
4 [1 P1 M7 I  b# P: H! D
"…the movie possesses all the exquisite qualities that made Korean art-house films such a hit on the festival circuit during the 1990s… cleverly uses political themes to comment on the human condition … the chief focus here is psychological rather than historical…"   Q! ]5 o0 e( V
- Richard James Havis, MOVING PICTURES -
8 [& B, \  t% K4 _7 M3 _  b
1 ^  u8 r$ {+ i2 e: W7 f1 F"For a second film, writer-director Lee Chang-Dong's PEPPERMINT CANDY shows an enviable maturity.His style is accomplished and the thought behind it is considerable… the longer you watch PEPPERMINT CANDY, the stronger it seems, helped along by excellent acting and musical score …" 9 P6 z6 v9 k( e4 Q1 \8 b! h" |. L1 ?








发表于 2004-8-14 01:16 | 显示全部楼层
review by Tony Raynes
" W5 B1 \3 d$ G. dMarch 10, 2001
1 \  l, e0 C% G3 e# d" s" BRead: 683
$ g! S, H2 K0 Y/ kMeanwhile ex-novelist and screenwriter Lee Chang-Dong has followed his outstanding debut Green Fish/Chorok Madogki (1997) with the even more ambitious Peppermint Candy/ Bakka Sartang, which premiered in Pusan and goes on release in Korea as this is published. It spans 20 years in the life of one man, Yongho (Seol Gyeong-Gu, on the strengh of this performance and a couple of earlier supporting roles the most promising young actor in Korean cinema), from his callow teens to his fraught and self-hating middle age. His life of course serves as a barometer of the country's changing political, economic and social climate.
6 ]. M, G; u, \3 A" D3 l
' ?/ ]; d% e& j% F& yCalled up for military service in 1980, soon after the assassination of the country's most dictatorial president Park Jeong-Hee, he has the misfortune to be part of the force sent to quell the popular uprising in Gwangju-Which means he is involved in the Korean equivalent of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Emotionally and psychologically blighted, he joins the police after leaving the army and becomes an expert in torturing arrested leftists. The scene in which he brutally rejects the childhood sweetheart who has come looking for him- bringing the candies of the title because he used to love them- has a force of emotional cruelty undreamed of by the likes of Arrabal and Jodorowsky. This and some other scenes are almost unbearably intense. 8 ]+ Z' C/ z( R4 c: @) r
0 s$ O$ k3 {( a
The surprise is that the film's seven chapters are presented in reverse-chronological order, so it begins with Yongho's middle-aged death wish and ends with his first date with the only person he ever really cares for. Jane campion attempted something very similar in her television film a Friends, but her focus was narrower. Lee's orchestration of a wretched social history with the devastation of one man's psyche is uncompromising but also curiously uplifting. The film's release gets Korean cinema off to the strongest start in the year 2000. 7 m/ W7 V5 i) W4 Z1 D
0 U/ `5 o5 I" w) o& v
(extracts from 'Sight and Sound')








发表于 2004-8-14 01:17 | 显示全部楼层

A Life Retreats From Tragedy to Happy Beginnings

review by A. O. Scott (New York Times), I- Z" L+ M! D1 Z3 w5 I4 [" d7 S
March 31, 2001' H+ z  G2 j2 Q
At the beginning of Lee Chang Dong's "Peppermint Candy" a well- dressed man, possibly drunk and visibly distressed, stumbles into the reunion picnic of a group of men and women who had worked together in a factory 20 years before. They remember him from the old days, but he seems to have fallen out of touch. After alarming the group with his erratic behavior, the man, whose name is Yongho (Sol Kyung Gu), climbs a nearby railroad bridge and, as the train approaches, screams into the camera, "I want to go back." 9 x' f: x* D6 U0 _; y3 K" w
9 c4 X( Q) i9 U$ m5 ^
The film, which will be shown tonight and tomorrow at the New Directors/New Films festival, grants Yongho's wish, vaulting backward across 20 years of South Korean history to track his dissolution in reverse. The movie ends where it began: at the same riverbank in 1979, where the young factory workers, their lives still ahead of them, sing songs and prepare a picnic. Yongho, a tall, shy 20-year-old, shyly tells his sweetheart, Sunim (Moon So Ri), about his dreams of the future, none of which, we know by now, will come true.
8 J- u+ E7 p/ M/ v$ Z
2 n- _$ P- T4 k+ ~& |" DThe end has a quiet, heartbreaking power because the audience knows what the young man does not: that in the next two decades he will drift from youthful optimism into brutal, callous manhood and cynical, ultimately despairing middle age. The film's seven sections are punctuated by images shot from the front of a moving train and shown in reverse motion, to suggest a life backing away from its destination toward its starting point. The chapters of Yongho's life make sense only in relation to one another. The awkwardness of a chance encounter in a restaurant in the early 90's is retroactively explained by a brutal police interrogation in the previous decade. 2 m' b: }& S  P# `5 |4 k
  t) }+ r2 `/ O/ N, l8 V: d( `+ d
Yongho, who is the interrogator in that scene, is both thoroughly unsympathetic and pointedly ordinary, a man whose sins are egoism and conformity. Before failing as a husband and as a businessman he had some modest success as a police officer, beating up student dissidents and labor leaders. Later in life (and early in the film), he is consumed by longing for his Sunim, but unable either to express his love for her or to find any tenderness for Hongja (Kim Yeo Jin), the tea shop waitress he eventually marries.
' p6 [3 y& w: n: U% X
  s+ N1 y* t) ?! a( ]5 xThat there is a political dimension to Yongho's malaise is evident, but also, for one not intimately familiar with recent South Korean history, hard to grasp. The defining crisis of Yongho's life comes during a tense military mobilization. Only by consulting the film's press notes after the fact did I learn that the scene takes place during the 1980 Kwangju massacre, a watershed moment in South Korea's long and difficult transition to democracy.
0 g# D* m8 u% L, _8 Z( }# J9 a% k* g+ G2 {( ~) z4 s' N1 W% _
But if some of the force of Mr. Lee's film may be lost on non-Korean audiences, the artful assurance of his directing and the brooding charisma of Mr. Sol's performance will not be. The immediate source of Yongho's anguish may lie in a specific series of national traumas, but the anguish itself-the feeling of a life gone incomprehensibly wrong, of events that overwhelm the capacity to understand them-is a painfully familiar modern malady.








发表于 2004-8-14 01:18 | 显示全部楼层
MediaCircus.net: Peppermint Candy
6 o, z+ t, u+ p1 ^ $ q$ @* C- |3 C. }

1 h6 Z  l/ q. C# H; r4 l5 ]$ D( R# E* }. y9 o
review by Anthony Leong; c( t' _' V! l3 z
March 07, 2002
, r0 X" j' p3 U. PMovie Review by Anthony Leong (c) 2001 ! U' H  X3 a  T; u9 d

7 g6 E3 t( _0 p
2 e9 f. _: s5 \- W1 QSimilar to this year's mind-bending indie hit "Memento", the 2000 South Korean film "Peppermint Candy" starts at the end of the story, and gradually works its way back to the beginning. However, whereas "Memento" was a revenge thriller spanning a mere two weeks, the ambitious canvas of "Peppermint Candy" covers two decades of recent South Korean history, with its contemplative and poignant tale of innocence lost, echoing the social, political, and economic turmoil of a nation's arduous climb to democracy. Of all the films to have sprung from the recent renaissance in Korean cinema, "Peppermint Candy" is perhaps one of the more substantial ones, easily making this South Korean-Japanese co-production a modern classic.
2 W* j/ [$ o2 q: ^% f' M& f6 D$ \* D3 y$ Y  [  ^7 Q  f2 u! b
The 'ending' of the story begins in the spring of 1999, where a group of former high school friends gather at a riverbank for a 20-year reunion picnic. A well-dressed but emotionally-erratic man wanders into the sedate setting, whom the picnickers recognize as Yongho (Sol Kyung-gu), a member that they had lost contact with long ago. Unfortunately, before they can catch up on old times, Yongho climbs onto a railroad bridge, seemingly with the intention to jump. In the last few seconds of his life, just before he is hit by an approaching train, Yongho defiantly declares, "I'm going back!"...
  I0 y* x' }0 @' b" ~* f2 _! p
7 ^( H: [9 V9 o8 \9 @/ e... which he does, in a way, as the story jumps back three days before, filling in the holes as to who Yongho is and why he ends up killing himself. Unfortunately, Yongho is not in much better shape-- he has lost all his money to a stockbroker, he is heavily in debt with a loan shark, and his wife has left him. With his last bit of savings, he has purchased a handgun to put himself out of his own misery. However, before he can do so, he learns that his first true love, Sunim (Mun So-ri), is on her deathbed, and he has been asked to see her one last time. , P. b, v- P+ ]$ k) e. j4 o1 ?5 \
5 E8 I" M1 @' l! r7 {- W! h1 D
The story then continues to jump back through time, gradually revealing more about Yongho, his relationship with Sunim, and the circumstances that end up unraveling the tapestry of his life. As the story moves back through Yongho's life, director Lee Chang-dong segues each segment with film of a train moving backwards. In addition, the action of each segment prominently features railroad tracks and a passing train, emphasizing that each of these vignettes comprise the same thread of history, permanently linking Yongho's past with his destiny.
: b3 ~* K0 S! k0 U1 c2 V
4 i% l% t& E' N. p" HThe next stop is 1994, where we find Yongho juggling his small business, his unhappy marriage to Hongja (Kim Yejin of "Girls' Night Out"), and an affair with his one of his employees. A chance meeting in a restaurant, where Yongho runs into a figure from his past, then leads into the film's next sequence, set in 1987. In this time period, Yongho is a policeman who is willing to use any means necessary, including torture, to extract confessions from government dissidents. In addition, Hongja is pregnant with their daughter, and it is already apparent that the seeds for the marriage's dissolution have already been sown. When we catch up with Yongho in 1984, he is a rookie cop who ends up being traumatized when he beats his first confession out of a suspect. But the defining moment for Yongho comes in 1980, when as a soldier, his unit is called on to quell a civil disturbance and he ends up accidentally shooting an innocent bystander.
* V- j0 n' |1 u- Z# s7 t: W7 r/ I- j) X
When the film reaches its end at the beginning of the story, the year is 1979 and the setting is the same riverbank seen at the beginning of the film. The picnickers are twenty years younger, and among them are Yongho, a young man full of hope and innocence who aspires to be a photographer one day, and the love of his life, Sunim. Unfortunately, because of what has come before this, we know that none of his dreams will come true, the love of his life will slip through his fingers, and he will end up a tragic figure, lonely and heartbroken on the same riverbank twenty years later. 9 _# c4 K. b' u9 E0 h. x4 i. ]4 \5 K- q
) I$ Z; z, E% q# X3 T
In many respects, "Peppermint Candy" has much in common with "Forrest Gump". Similar to how the titular protagonist of the 1994 Robert Zemeckis film was a stand-in for the American people and his adventures through history reflecting the experiences of the Baby Boomer generation, Yongho is a stand-in for the South Korean people, with his degradation and despair a reflection of the country's long uphill climb towards democracy. 0 C/ @) A( X& f! M+ L
6 l" \3 F4 R, z; B
The most important turning point in the development of Yongho's character, when he accidentally shoots a student on her way home, is set against the backdrop of the Kwangju Massacre. This important landmark in the South Korean democratic movement, in which a clash between government troops and student pro-democracy demonstrators resulted in 200 dead (mostly civilians), was a specter that would haunt Korean politics for the next two decades, and ultimately result in the arrest and imprisonment of two former South Korean presidents. Furthermore, the Kwangju Massacre also triggered the rise of anti-American sentiment, as the Reagan administration had strongly endorsed the use of force in quelling the riot.
4 M, J0 x; N# f! w* K
6 u( \6 i5 n1 n) ?0 f1 QDuring much of the Eighties, we see Yongho's character being hardened by the brutal tactics employed by the police. Similarly, the Eighties were a turbulent period for South Korea under the leadership of General Chun Doo Hwan, whose iron-fisted regime kept the country in a state of martial law and blocked all efforts towards constitutional reform. Finally, in the Nineties, we see a battle-scarred Yongho initially riding the wave of economic expansion brought about by the new constitution of 1988, only to come crashing down during the economic crisis of 1997, when investors abandoned the debt-ridden South Korean economy, the currency rapidly depreciated, and the country was ravaged by soaring unemployment and bankruptcies.
' ]9 \# G! a  `4 B- I- ^6 n
5 F2 R2 O" S' H0 \However, even if one does not have a passing knowledge of South Korean politics, "Peppermint Candy" is still a compelling film with its stirring portrayal of a man's disintegration. With his moving portrayal of Yongho, Sol exhibits tremendous dramatic range, from the film's opening scenes, as an unsympathetic and volatile boor, to the very end, as a poignant and tragic figure whose dreams will never come true. Given his unsavory introduction, as well as a number of scenes that underscore his volatility (such as how his temper ruins a celebratory get-together with friends), there is a constant threat of Yongho exploding in violence at any time, which adds an added level of tension to the film. 6 X3 o+ X( I1 [
' q1 U% P) C) U3 w3 G$ g6 [
Unfortunately, this cinematic gem has not seen wide distribution outside of South Korea, other than brief appearances at the Toronto International Film Festival, the London Film Festival, and the New York New Directors/New Films Festival. However, thanks to the advent of the Internet, "Peppermint Candy" is available through an import DVD, complete with English subtitles. ) A9 r. O" Z5 z: J4 m
7 V1 E% e5 E9 z1 B6 M* @$ p; L- t
Regardless of whether "Peppermint Candy" is viewed from a personal or political angle, there is little doubt that director Lee Chang Dong has created a modern masterpiece. With a judiciously-applied narrative structure and the brooding performance of Sol Kyung-gu, "Peppermint Candy" is a bittersweet confection that illustrates how the innocence and optimism of youth can end up crushed under the relentless march of time, the travails of happenstance, and the frailties of the human heart.








发表于 2004-8-14 01:45 | 显示全部楼层
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