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发表于 2004-9-11 07:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




"눈부시도록 아름다운 사랑이었습니다.!"

엇갈린 운명 속에 서로를 사랑하게 된 네 남녀..
이들은 사랑을 위해 바보스러울 정도로 모든
것을 희생한다. 마치 처음 부터 서로를 위해
존재했던 사람들인 것 처럼...

2005년 1월 5일[수] 밤 9시 55분!! 첫/방/송/<北京時間:20:55>


●朴蕙仁(金喜善 飾)


●许俊英(权相佑 飾)


●李健宇(延正勋 飾)


●车华贞(金莲珠 飾)




你和他 在天臺上向對方揮拳;她看到 倦倦的合眼 有淚落...
你們打累了 兩個人躺在地上 看著頭頂同一片藍天
此刻 天邊正雲卷雲舒

愛你...一顆心全給了你 沒有退路、沒有任何猶疑


2005年1月5日-3月17日 MBC傾力奉獻








[ Last edited by lalanono on 2005-5-15 at 11:03 PM ]

[ Last edited by lalanono on 2005-7-15 at 09:41 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:49 | 显示全部楼层

◎戀歌之澳洲主題討論 PAGE1--PAGE38

◎摯愛之紐約板塊討論 PAGE39--PAGE62

◎Lovesadstory韓國拍攝-ing PAGE63--PAGE134

P63 WWW.CAST 戀歌網站改版后之Flash+AWHA2000拍攝現場
P64 kws.zoa.to+公主迷你網相佑、公主相關拍攝組圖
P65 戀歌粉絲製作海報+相佑訪日寫真
P66 公主Mini寫真+Cast戀歌寫真
P67 戀歌漫畫版
P69 一月月曆+新圖
P73 俊英的独白-----和蕙仁的故事Video
P83 戀歌專訪之影音下載
P84-85 miodio.co.kr新照
P88 Magazine 相佑的"shoes"
P91 權心版預告I截圖
P93 剧照
P97 剧中人物服饰
P99 cafe.daum.net/MBCsadsong韩国拍摄部分人物访问截图+30'澳洲预告下载
P100 《悲伤恋歌》中的两种爱情,两种吻 翻译:lovehs
P107 恋歌人物介绍 翻译:Fenny+预告下载
P109 cafe.daum.net/MBCsadsong 现场传真组图
P113 俊英父亲之别墅
P115 cafe预告II截图
P121 公主专访截图 By Rain 翻译:lovehs +权心~预告截图
P123 WWCAST現場傳真[圖]
P124-125 MBC拍攝劇照+預告Flash
P126 MBC一、二集預告 翻譯:無敵天兵+戀歌人物星座分析
P127 MBC圖片文字翻譯
P1619 杂志版完整剧情介绍


[ Last edited by lalanono on 2005-4-6 at 08:31 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:49 | 显示全部楼层

翻譯:lovehs  Credit By hs.cn 譯自MBC

































































[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-4-6 at 08:35 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:50 | 显示全部楼层








[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-1-2 at 05:57 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:51 | 显示全部楼层


英文拼写:Kwon Sang Woo
体重:70 kg
入学经历:Dae Jeon小学--Dong Myung中学--Chung Nam高中--汉南大学美术教育学系
圈中好友:宋承憲 、朴正哲、金英俊、李依静,同公司的艺人...
珍愛的禮物:Aprilia custa踏板车
最拿手的歌:Kim Jang Hoon--笨蛋
2003年 SBS连续剧  太阳深处(愛在陽光里)
2002年 SBS连续剧  正在恋爱中
2001年 SBS连续剧  神话
2001年 SBS连续剧  男和女
2001年 MBC连续剧  求婚

2003年 X计划
2003年 同龄家庭教师
2002年 走为上策
2001年  火山高校

Pass card廣告/hang ten/冰咖啡廣告

《Project X》
《Ace of sorrow》
《One Year's Love》
Papaya《Smile Smile》


所属公司: ISTAR娱乐公司
email: sangwoo@istar.co.kr





















[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-1-2 at 05:42 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:52 | 显示全部楼层


姓名:金喜善  英文名:Kim Hee Sun
出生年月:1977年2月25日  生肖:蛇  星座:水瓶座  血型:O型
出生地:韩国汉城  身高:168cm  体重:45kg  三围:33/23/34Inch 84/61/86CM

毕业学校:希望小学 - 钟岩女子中学 - 惠圣女子高中 - 中央大学 戏剧系毕业







获奖:九五年度最佳新人奖,九七年度最受欢迎女演员奖,九八年凭电视剧《Mr.Q》获SBS最佳女主角,九九年三月获选为最佳MC(广告)女郎 。


[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-1-2 at 05:41 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:52 | 显示全部楼层


姓名:延政勋(Yeon Jung Hoon)
学历:京仁小学–Yang Jung 中学 - Wilson Jr.Highschool - Pasadena Highschool - 美国艺术中心设计学校- 明智大学研究所,主修产品设计
受奖经历:2003 KBS 演技大赏新人奖(黄色手帕)
其它事项:父亲为演员延奎镇Yeon Gyu Jin(MBC 艺人 第8期)

TV: SBS  Kaist
        MBC  Non-Stop

2002 KBS   Drama City

2003 KBS2 rosymary迷迭香

2003 KBS2  黄色手帕

2003 SBS   兴夫家葫芦开了

2004 KBS   白雪公主

         MBC   我想要恋爱

电影:2004 长腿叔叔



[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-1-2 at 05:40 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:53 | 显示全部楼层



[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-1-2 at 05:38 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:53 | 显示全部楼层


포샵카페에서 이것저것 질문해가며..

생전처음 포샵으로 만들어본거라..

막 포샵처리가 덜된부분이나 어색한부분이.. 눈에 무지 많이 띄네요;

그래두.. 시간 오래걸려 최선을다해 만든거니..;;;


By youso


우선준영과혜인으로만들어보았어요 ㅋ

By  shyhj1204




[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2004-12-16 at 03:18 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:54 | 显示全部楼层




1  사랑한다면 4:32 윤건

2  10년이 지나도 5:10 송승헌

3  내게 오겠니 3:03 윤건

4  몇번을 헤어져도  4:13

5  몇번을 헤어져도 4:21 김희선

6  몇번을 헤어져도 4:16 윤건

7  몇번을 헤어져도 (Piano Ver.)




1  Prologue 0:52

2  사랑한다면 4:17 윤건

3  내게 오겠니(来到我身边) 3:01 윤건

4  별 (別) 4:06 윤건

5  헤어지자고 4:41 윤건

6  몇번을 헤어져도 4:10 윤건

7  내게 오겠니 (Piano Nocturn) 2:13
8  몇번을 헤어져도 (혜인 Song) 4:08 김희선

9  사랑한다면 (Music Box Ver.) 2:44 Various Artists

10  Sad Aria 4:11 Various Artists

11  If You 4:13 윤건

12  君ヲ詠フ 3:03 윤건

13  You`re Gone


1.即使过十年 – 宋承宪
2.即使分手几次 – 金喜善
3.即使分手几次 – 延正勋
4.对你... – 宋承宪
5.即使遇到另外的爱情- SG Wanna Be
6.即使过十年 - Vibe
7.被焚烧的树 - M TO M
8. 拜托 – 金栽旭
9. Not Guilty – 郭恩基
10.即使过十年 (Piano Nocturn)
11.即使分手几次 (Piano Nocturn-延正勋)
12.即使过十年 (Instrumental) ... 0150001_128kbps.wma
to ... 0150012_128kbps.wma ... tory_2th_ost_01.wma
to ... tory_2th_ost_12.wma


01 ) Prologue

02 ) 몇 번을 헤어져도 (Humming)

03 ) 사랑한다면 - 윤건

04 ) 몇번을 헤어져도

05 ) L.O.V.E (Children Waltz)

06 ) L.O.V.E  - Nat King Cole

07 ) In The Death Car - Iggy Pop

08 ) Hit The Road Jack - Ray Charles

09 ) Yesterday Once More - Carpenters

10 ) I'Ll Be There  - Jackson 5

11 ) L.O.V.E - Nat King Cole

12 ) Title

13 ) 겨울이야기

14 ) 운명

15 ) 다시또...

16 ) 내게오겠니 (Piano)

17 ) 단풍길

18 ) L.O.V.E (Humming)

19 ) L.O.V.E (Instrumental)

20 ) Memory

21 ) Epilogue
mms:// ... tory_3th_pop_01.wma
to ... tory_3th_pop_19.wma


[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-4-6 at 08:44 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:54 | 显示全部楼层

Thanks MisoSangwoo  Fr  sangwoojjang.com  

來自 cafe.daum.net/KwonSaZoom

Sad Lovestory

Episode 2

On snowy day, Junyoung says to Hyein near their secret place.

Junyoung: Hyein!

Hyein: Why?

Junyoung: Hyein!

Hyein: I can not hear you.

Junyoung: I will make you see someday! I will make you see my handsome face! You look beautiful there if I see you here.

Junyoung’s mom doesn’t like Junyoung and Hyein coming together holding their hands.

Hyein’s aunt: You are so bad to me. I have been doing good job for your business till now.

Junyoung’s mom: When will you stop taking care of her?

Junyoung: Mom!!

Mom: You will be a 3rd grade student in high school pretty soon. Every day, you drop her and pick her up. You are wasting time for her every day.

Junyoug: No! It’s not wasting my time. It’s not your business.

Mom is taking a pill.

Junyoung: What is that for?

Mom: I’m taking pills because you never listen to me.

Hyein’s aunt: You like Junyoung so much! Do you like him that much? I think you
doesn’t resemble your mom because you like men so much like me.

Hyein: I think I am your daughter(…just kidding)

Junyoug is composing a song for Hyein as a Christmas gift.

Hyein: Hi! I’m a smile glove. When you are frustrated and upset, look at me and smile. If
you get angry, you are a bad person.

Hyein:Try it! It matches for your hand.

Junyoung: My hand is not this big. It looks like a boxing glove.

Hyein: Well, I will make it smaller. Give it to me.

Junyoung: I don’t want to give it back to you. I will keep it.

Hyein: I made only one(so it can’t be a pair now). That is for your Christmas present.

Junyoung: No, I want to keep it.

Hyein: All right… then, please be nice to your mom. If you are bad to your mom, I think,
your mom must be very lonely.

Junyoung: O.K. I see. You are a kind of nagger to me.

Hyein: Good night.

Junyoung: Bye.

***** summary from now on*****

Junyoung is so happy whenever he thinks about the smile glove. Even though a bully person, who has been so mean to Hyein & Junyoung from their childhood, bothers Junyoung, Junyoung doesn’t mad at him.

Hwajong, who loves Junyoung very much, invites Junyoung to her parade. Junyoung & Hyein have a good time there, but the bully person, who always wants to be Hwajong’s boyfriend, bothers Junyoun & Hyein, then Hwajong ignores him. This makes him mad.

The bully person kidnaps Hyein. Junyoung rescues her after severe fighting. Junyoung’s mon is so angry because of this. She decides to make Hyein and Hyeins’ aunt leave Junyoung. Hyein’s aunt is so mad after Junyoung’s mom looking down on Hyein and her. She feels disdain from Junyoung’s mon, then, Hyein’s aunt steals money of Junyoug’s mom and runs away with Hyein. They goes to Itaewon in Seoul.

Meanwhile, Junyoug’s mom pushes Junyoung to stay with his father…


Credits to Mariane of Kwon Sa Zoom Cafe!!!

Episode 3

Junyoung is working at a gas station. Here, he comes to meet Gunwoo.

Junyoung: How much do you want?
Driver: Fill it up please.
Junyoung: Yes.

Jinpyo, Junyoung’s co-worker, tries to say hello to Junyoung but Junyoung just works so hard.
Jinpyo: Why is he so cold? You are not a refrigerator. Hey! Come here to me!
Jinpyo: What an egotistic person he is!

Hyein is thinking about the time she spent with Junyoung.
Junyoung: It’s done.
Hyein: We are going to have Christmas party here, aren’t we? I wish I can here your song that you are composing now.
Junyoung: Sure, I will. Well, please hurry up to make my glove.
Hyein: Let’s make a promise!
Junyoung: O.K. I see.

Junyoung is thinking about Hyein, too. He calls home.
Junyoung: Hello! Did Hyein give a call to me?
Charlie: No, she didn’t. How are you doing there Junyoung? Everybody wants to know you are doing well there. When will you come here?
Junyoung: I’m going to go home on Christmas Eve.
Charlie: Really? I should hang up because your mom is coming now.

Junyoung is thinking about the memory of Hyein.
Hyein: What are you doing there?
Junyoung: I wrote the words that I wants to say to you.
Hyein: What is the words?
Junyoung: I LOVE YOU(he whispers, so she can not here what he said)

Gunwoo comes to the gas station driving a car.
Gunwoo: Where is Jinpyo?
Junyoung: He is not here. How much do you want?
Gunwoo: Fill it up!
Junyoung: All right!
Miss.: I like a man like you because you are handsome and spend lots of money, I want to meet somebody like you.
Gunwoo: There is nobody like me.
Junyouny: 80000 won(about $70) please!
Gunwoo: I left my wallet at my house, so I don’t have money now. Get money from Jinpyo.
Junyoung: I can’t do it.
Gunwoo: Don’t you know Jinpyo? I am Jinpyo’s friend.
Junyoung: There are women in your car.
Gunwoo: How do I say to ladies to pay my bill?
Junyoung: Mr.!!(Junyoung calls his boss)
Gunwoo: You are really stuffy person.
Junyoung: All right.
A man: Hey! Lee, Gunwoo! Winter break is just started and you play with your friends everyday.
A man: Who are they?
Gunwoo: They are just my Miss friends.
A man: You will be 3rd grade in high school soon. Please try to be what you suppose to be!
Miss: Are you going to be a just 3rd grade? Are you a high school student?
Miss: I can’t believe this!
Gunwoo: I am sorry Miss.
Junyoung: Miss! Pay 80000 won.
Junyoung: Thank you. Bye!

A man: Just study hard, buddy!
Jinpyo: Hi! What’s up here Lee, Gunwoo?
Gunwoo: You are late. I came here just before with girls, but that stuffy guy gave me a hard time.
Jinpyo: Do you mean the gorgeous girls? Then, What happened?
Gunwoo: I got hit on my cheek and they left.
Jinpyo: Ah! They were cool girls!
Gunwoo: It’s O.K. anyway. It was about to over. Who is that guy?
Jinpyo: I don’t know, either. He didn’t tell me anything if he ran away from his home or not.
Gunwoo: Let’s go together to Jangho’s practicing room after you finish your work.

*** summary from now***

Hyein is going to her hometown to meet Junyoung by herself with the other side of glove that she promised to Junyoung for his Christmas present, while Hwajong is waiting for junyoung at the hometown station.

Junyoung gets angry because Jinpyo took Junyoung’s smile glove and Gunwoo gave money to Junyoug saying “buy new gloves”. Then, Junyoung goes to Seoul Station to ride a train bound for his hometown with the song that he composed for Hyein as Christmas present. Junyoung & Hyein get on the same train but they don’t recognize each other.

Junyoung meets Hwajong at the hometown station and asks her if she saw Hyein, but Hwajong lies to Junyoung that she didn’t see Hyein because Hwajong is so jealous of Hyein.

Hyein goes to their secret place to keep her promise for Junyoung. However, Junyoung is not able to go there because Hwajong got hit by car.

Junyoung gets their secret place to meet Hyein after Hyein’s leaving.

Hyein goes to the bar of Junyoung’s mom, there, she hears about Junyoung from Charlie that he is not here any more and he lives with his father now. She is not able to get Junyoung’s new address because Junyoung’s mom hurts Hyein again. On the way back, Hyein meets Hwajong, but Hwajong tells her lie and push Hyein to leave. Hyein tells Hwajong to give Hyein’s new address to Junyoung, but Hwajong throws it away.

Junyoung is waiting for Hyein in their secret place and finally he finds his the other glove that Hyein promised to him, so he runs to the hometown station to catch Hyein but he fails. When he comes to his old home, he gets the news that Hyein was here and his mom hurt Hyein again.

Junyoung's mon pushes him to go to his father because she has heart disease and has just a little time left to live. Junyoung leaves her saying "I'll never come back here again!"

Junyoung's father is waiting for him at Seoul Station. He confesses how much he loves Junyoung deeply.

Junyoung and Gunwoo become friends after fighting.

Hyein& her aunt happen to meet Father Capistrano who knows them very well. He was a catholic Father when Hyein was a little girl, so Hyein starts to serve as an organ player of catholic church.

One day, Hyein plays a song at the church missing him.....

Episode 4

Junyoung hears the organ sound but he doesn’t know it is song by Hyein.

Hyein’s aunt marries Willie, an American soldier. Willie wants to take Hyein’s aunt and Hyein to America. He says he will be a good uncle to Hyein and will make Hyein get eye surgery in America. However, Hyein doesn’t want to go because she is afraid of never seeing Junyoung again.

Junyoung changes his name to Choi, Junkyu followed by his father’s family name.
Junyoung is transferred to the same high school that Gunwoo attends.
Gunwoo: Hi! There!
Good to see you here, my friend!

Junyoung, Gunwoo and Jinpyo go to Jangho’s practicing room.
Jinpyo: Hey! Scaredy- cats! Come on in!
Jinpyo: Jangho is always here.
Gunwoo: Hi, Jangho!
Jinpyo: You are always here alone.
Jangho: We have new face today.
Gunwoo: Say hello to Jangho. This is Lee, Jangho who was a guitar genius long time ago.
Junyoung: I’m Choi, Junkyu. Nice to see you.

Junyoung shakes hands with Jangho.
Jangho: Do you play guitar?
Junyoung: Yes, little bit.
Jangho: Play guitar.
Junyoung: Ive never tried an electric guitar before.
Jinpyo: It’s almost the same to acoustic guitar. Try it!

Jangho: Let’s cook noodles.
Gunwoo: Awesome!
Gunwoo: Let’s play fun together!
Jinpyo: O.K.

Junyoung, Gunwoo and Jinpyo go to Gunwoo’s villa.
Jinpyo: Everything is perpect, but if there are girls it will be more perfect!
Jinpyo: Let’s go inside.

Jinpyo: Do you know how to open it?
Junyoung: She is very familiar to me. Is she Gunwoo’s mom?
Jinpyo: Yes, she was a famous movie star long ago. She passed away, though.
Please, never say about her in front of Gunwoo.
Junyoung: Why?
Jinpyo: Don’t you know about that scandal? Don’t you even watch T.V? Everybody knows that.
Gunwoo: What you guys are talking about?
Jinpyo: Are there some pretty girls in this village?
Junyoung: What at jerk you are!
Gunwoo: Of course, there are some. The uniform girls that you like.
Jinpyo: What kind of uniform?
Gunwoo: black, sparkling and tight uniform.
Jinpyo: Do you mean dancer?
Gunwoo: Women diver in diving uniforms.

Junyoung: Let’s cheers!

Junyoung is playing song that he composed for Hyein.
Gunwoo: You play that song pretty often.
Jinpyo: Let him do what he wants to. Can’t you guess why, you maybe know if you see he plays that song so often?
Jinpyo: Let’s stop this boring thing.
Jinpyo: Oh, baby(he is pretending a girl). Let’s spend hot tonight.

Gunwoo is playing piano.

Gunwoo: Are you O,K.? You drank liquor just a little bit and got drunk last night. How come?
Junyoung: The piano song sounds sad. Whom did you think about?
Your lover?
Gunwoo: Love? It will never happen that I love a girl.
Junyoung: I think it is a bad news for your fans.
Gunwoo: I don’t believe LOVE because it always changes.
Junyoung: There is everlasting love.
Gunwoo: The girl who you are looking for is that kind of love?
Junyoung: I have only one till I die and after I die!
Gunwoo: I wonder who that girl is. How could you find her?
Please tell me, if you need my help.

Gunwoo: Do you know what Indians call friend?
The one who carries my sorrow. I want to be that friend.

Hyein is praying at the church.
Hyein: I’m going to leave in a few days. Please help me to meet Junyoung just one day, or just a few hours. He is the only light to me. Please help me to find that light.

Junyoung’s father gives Junyoung some money to spend.

Hyein is playing a song that Junyoung composed for her. Junyoung hears this song somewhere and he tries to find where this song come from. He goes into the church, but he gets news that she just left.

Hyein is saying farewell to Father Capistrano because she is going to go to America tomorrow.

In the rain, Junyoung finally finds Hyein, He runs to Hyein and hug her tight both crying.

They go into the church and promise not to part from each other again and kiss.

Junyoung calls Gunwoo to borrow his villa one night. Gunwoo says O. K. and he plans to get there soon.

Junyoung & Hyein are in a taxi.
Junyoung: Is it really O.K. to you that you don’t give any call to her aunt.
Hyein: My aunt got married and she is on her trip now, so I don’t need to call her.
Willie, my new uncle, is a nice man.
Junyoung: That’s good.

Junyoung is playing the song for Hyein.
Hyein: It’s a masterpiece!
Junyoung: I always compose only masterpieces.
Hyein: May I keep this sheet of song.
Junyoung: Sure! I composed it for you.

Gunwoo calls Junyoung. He tells Junyoung that he can not get there tonight and he can be there tomorrow.

Hyein: What did he say?
Junyoung: He told me to do like this.

Hyein: I am thinking about our secret place. Do you remember that day when I was sick and you made a fire for me.
Junyoung: I was so nice at that time. Let’s go to our secret place tomorrow.
Hyein: You are still wearing this necklace.
Junyoung: Sure, I’ve never taken this out. I heard that soldiers never take off their serial number necklace. If one dies in the war, it will show who he is. I’ll never take this off till I die. Look at this. It says Seo, Junyoung is Park, Hyein’s.
Hyein: Junyoung! Let’s never part from each other again. Will you?
Junyoung: I can’t.
Hyein: Why?
Junyoung: I should go out to bring some firewood.
Hyein: Ah!!! You!
Junyoung: Stay here!

Hyein calls her aunt and she says she can’t go to America because she is afraid of departing from Junyoung again.

Junyoung: Why are you crying? Did your aunt blame you for sleeping over?
Hyein: No, nothing.

Junyoung calls Hyein’s aunt and he comes to know that Hyein is going to go to America tomorrow. Hyein’s aunt says to Juyoung, “ Hyein will go to college and will get her eye surgery in America, so please wait Junyoung, I promise you I’ll make you & Hyein meet again!”

Hyein tells about bad dreams to Junyoung.
Junyoung: Why? Did you have a bad dream?
Hyein: I always dream about the same dream. You are calling me in a crowd, I can only hear your voice but I can not recognize you, then, You are going far away from me.
Junyoung: What a fool you are! I’m here right next to you. Don’t worry! Go to sleep again!
Hyein: Are you going to stand by me? Is it true?
Hyein: Are we never going to part again?
Junyoung: Absolutely not!!
Hyein: I wish I could see you just one day. On that day, let’s go together to Waemok village.
Junyoung: Waemok village?
Hyein: They say you can see sunrise and sunset there. I want to see sunrise, run along the seashore and see sunset, moon and stars with you.
Junyoung: Someday, let’s go there.
Hyein: Now, Are we never going to part from each other?
Junyoung: Never! Go to sleep.

Junyoung comes back from grocery market, and he tells Hyein to play the song that he gave to her. He cooks for Hyein. While eating breakfast, Junyoung says “I don’t like skinny girl. Eat this. You look prettier just after eating this. Please, eat like this when I am not able to be with you if you don’t want to eat!”

Gunwoo and Jinpyo arrive at the villa after Junyoung & Hyein left.

Junyoung brings Hyein to airport without telling Hyein, so she gets angry and cries.

Hyein: We promised to never part again!
Junyoung: We are not separating now.
Hyein: Please, do not let me go. I’m afraid that we are not going to meet again.
Junyoung: Please, trust me! I will find you. Stop crying! Be brave just as you are!
Junyoung: I promise you I’ll follow you till the end of the world.

Junyoung gives her a bag to look at in the airplane.

Junyoung’s voice:
This is the first letter to Park, Hyein from Seo, Junyoung. Maybe you are in the plane now. Dear Hyein! I tried not to tell this but I should do now, that is, your crying face look really ugly, so don’t cry and smile! Hyein’s smile face is the most beautiful in the world.
You can see the envelopes in the bag. Those are 100 envelopes. My arms hurt now because I wrote my address on 100 envelops. Let’s meet again before using those 100 envelops, so please write your letters to me as much as you can. When we meet again, I will be a college student. I will make you the happiest girl in the world then. Please never cry and smile till we meet again. Can you promise to me? … and…. I was not able to say these words because I was so shy…. I LOVE YOU…..

[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-1-30 at 06:54 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:55 | 显示全部楼层
Episode 5

Junyoung: Well, I’m not good at studying. Playing guitar is the only thing that I can be good at.
Jangho: Are you drunk?
Junyoung: I want to be a college student, please let me know the way how I can go to college?
Jangho: Ride a bus!
Junyoung: Jangho!
Jangho: Do you know how to play this song? Play this song.
Junyoung: yet, I don’t know well playing that song.
Jangho: You want to be a classic guitar player, but how come! don’t you know that song!
Jangho: Make a hole on your pants.
Junyoung: What do you mean?
Jangho: If you practice playing guitar so hard till you can make worn-out hole on your jeans, then, I’ll tell you the way to enter the college. Do you have anything left to tell me?
Junyoung: No, bye.

This is the first letter from Park, Hyein to Seo, Junyoung.
---- The follows are the quoted passage of Hyein’s letter from GGibangwool’s translation of Episode 1-----

‘I just arrived in my uncle’s house. I’ve been told it is a cozy little white house in around the green grass, and my room is decorated in all pink! like a princess’s room. Don’t you think I may fit into it?
Oh, what can I do? I’m starting to miss you already! I’ve decided to knit whenever I miss you, and I’m going to knit a sweater this time.’

I will knit the nicest sweater in the world. Seo, Junyoung! (whisper -I.. LOVE...YOU)

This is the second letter from Seo, Junyoung to Park, Hyein.
Thank you for your letter. Now, I feel at rest to hear that you live in a beautiful house.
Why didn’t you say any words after calling my name?, but I can guess what it is, so from next time please say loudly! In these days, I’m so busy making hole on my pants. Do you wonder what that is? Jangho says that I should do this to enter the college. I am keeping our promise well, thus you should study English hard and knit my sweater well. I’ll send a letter again. Park, Hyein! (whisper – I. LOVE. YOU)

Jangho gives Junyoung a practicing guitar book to master.

The teacher blames Junyoung, Gunwoo and Jinpyo for not concentrating studying.

Junyoung composes a song that Jangho didn’t finish for almost a year, and Jangho praises Junyoung’s talent for music.

Junyoung’s father becomes a president of a construction company, so he is exited about it.
He says he will do everything for Junyoung if he earns much money.

This is the 12th letter to Hyein
I feel good today because Jangho said I have talent for composing music. I think sooner or later you can see a genius composer, so wait! If I become a composer, I will let only you to sing my music. Then, you are a singer and I am a composer. If you sing on the stage, you will be very beautiful there.

This is the 11th letter to Junyoung.
You are a composer, and I am a singer! It will be so cool. I will train hard to be a singer.

Junyoung’s father says he will send Junyoung to study abroad if he earns much money.

Hwajong gives Junyoung a good luck gift for an entrance examination for college. She hears the news that Junyoug & Hyein met again and Hyein went to America.

Gunwoo meets his brother-in-law at the hotel which he supposed to meet Jangho. He thinks his brother-in-law fell in love with secretary Kim, then he gets mad. By the way, it is just business meeting.

This is the 77th letter to Hyein.
I am going now to take practicing test. I’m little nervous but I think I can do it. Please cheer me up! I’ll send a letter to you as soon as I finish the test.

Junyoung: What’s wrong with her?
Lady: We didn’t know she was sick. She has been taking medicine for heart desease for a long time.
Lady: We were all blind!
Charlie: That is the reason why she pushed you to stay with your father. She was afraid of letting you know this because you are 3rd grade in high school.
Charlie: She didn’t even tell us she was sick. She just took her medicine by herself everytime she was sick.

Junyoung: Mom!
Mom: Did you do good on your test?
Junyoung: Please, get well soon, mom! It is weird that you lie down on the bed. You have to see me going to college. I think you are bold, and you are good at fighting too, so please recover soon!
Mom: Open the drawer. That is for you. That is the only thing I can give you.
I’m sorry. I am so sorry because I was a bad mother to you. I’m so sorry to you.
Junyoung: I think you better stop speaking. You are tired.

Junyoung’s mom dies.

Junyoung: Mom! Mom!! I have something to tell you that I didn’t tell you. Mom, I am sorry, I am sorry… sorry….

Junyoung remember how he was not nice to his mom and he cries…

Hyein’s uncle, in the meantime, starts to abuse her and her aunt…..

Episode 6

-Junyoung: Thank you for your inviting me.
-Jinpyo: When did you come back? Have a seat.
-Gunwoo: Let’s drink. Jinpyo already filled up your glass.
-Junyoung: What time does the plane leave? I will see you off tomorrow.
-Gunwoo: No, thanks. You don’t need to.
-Jinpyo: Why not? Junyoung and I are going to look around the airport and look the pretty stewardesses, too.
-Gunwoo: I am not going to stay there forever. After some years later, let’s meet here again.
-Jinpyo: Hmmm…. after some years later…. then, we will be much better than now.
-Junyoung: What?
-Jinpyo: then, I may be a famous star, and you Junyoung may be a composer who earns a little money, and you Gunwoo, you are a lucky guy, may be a successor of KNT communication company.
-Gunwoo: I’m not interested in that field. I guess I will prepare some other kind business.
-Jinpyo: other business? Oh, do you mean the entertainment business?
Do you think that is what you supposed to say (just kidding)? Then, let me join with your business.
Cheers! Chairman of entertainment business!

-Lady: Why do you come so late! Emergency happened. Your father got arrested and he is in the police office now.
-Junyoung: What?

The friend of Junyoung’s father, who suggested him to become a president of the construction company, cheated Junyoung’s father, thus, Junyoung’s father is in trouble.

To save his father, Junyoung gives step-mother all his money that his mom left for him.
But, step-mother runs away with his money.

This is the 76th letter to Junyoung from Hyein.
How are you? I’m doing fine except missing you. I guess you are missing me a lot as well. Well, I have to say what I want to say… I miss you… I love you.

-Jangho: Why are you acting dumb these days? If you don’t practice like that, you won’t be able to handle your fingers to play guitar.
-Junyoung: Let me work with you in your band.
-Jangho: What?
-Junyoung: because I need some money.
-Jangho: So.. Do you mean you want to play in a room bar?
Did you learn playing guitar to become a street bandsman?
-Junyoung: What can I do, then? I don’t have any penny to live with now.
-Jangho: If so, break this first, if you do that, I’ll take you where you want.

-Jangho: Do you think you are the poorest person in the world now?
-Jangho: Never give up! I say you will be a pretty good composer in some day.
I think my ear is still alive.
-Junyoung: Thank you! Jangho!
-Jangho: Let’s drink. I have just enough money to buy you this.

This is the 78th letter to Hyein from Junyoung.
Why didn’t you send me your letter? Are you upset because I didn’t send you letters frequently? During these days, many things happened. I think I should put off entering the college till next year, meanwhile, my mom passed away. My mom… leaved me… it hurt me. It was hard for me… but I decide to live strongly. I will go to see you first as soon as I save enough money to meet you. Hyein! I really miss you so much… miss you Hyein…

Hi! Junyoung! I think you worry a lot because I didn’t send letters. I was so busy that I was not able to send you letters. My aunt and I moved to New York. The first reason why we came here is New York is much better than the place which we lived. The second reason is that Statue of Liberty is here in New York. The third reason is this. My aunt divorced her husband. Anyway, maybe your letters are there, so I worry about this.
They say New York is the busiest city in the world. We live our busy life here in order to return to you as soon as we get enough money. Tomorrow I will send you the letters that I didn’t send to you yet. I want to meet you as soon as possible. Bye, till the next time when I can send you a letter. A postscript for you – the sweater is growing up now…
Junyoung! I love you…

Hwajong wants to stay with Junyoung, but Junyoung refuses her staying. Hwajong sends back Hyein’s letters. She lies those letter was delivered to a wrong address.

Hyein starts to work as a singer instead of her aunt.

Junyoung’s voice: If I become a composer, I will let only you to sing my music. Then, you are a singer and I am a composer. If you sing on the stage, you must be very beautiful there.

Episode 7

-Junyoung: Happy Birthday, Mom!

He is in the secret place recording his saying to Hyein.

Junyoung: I am here our place. Here is the same as before.
I wished I could come with you. Did something happen to you?
Why did you stop sending me your letter? I worry you very much.
Please, write your letter to me.

Hwajong suggests to go to Seoul with Junyoung, but he doesn’t like to.
Minho is so jealous because Junyoung and Hwajong came together from Seoul riding same train. Minho wants to fight with Junyoung. During fighting, Junyoung lost his necklace. Junyoung tries to find the necklace.

-Hwajong: Are you O.K.?
-Junyoung: I should find the necklace.
-Hwajong: What necklace?
-Junyoung: I should find it.
-Hwajong: Do you mean that Hyein’s necklace? That is just nothing! Let’s go.
-Junyoung: I have to find the necklace…. Necklace…. I have to…
-Hwajong: It is so dark to find it. Let’s go together. My father is going to give a ride for me.
-Junyoung: I have to find the necklace….. I have to…
-Hwajong: Do whatever you want whether you spend the night here or not.

Junyoung is in the secret place remembering the childhood with Hyein.
-Hyein: This
-Junyoung: That is yours.
-Hyein: From now, all mines are yours because we will be together.

-Lady: Junyoung! Where have you been? I was looking for you. I got a letter from Charlie.
Charlie said he met Hyein.
-Junyoung: Really?
-Lady 1: I guessed that Audrey(Hyein’s aunt) would break up.
-Lady 2: Are you happy you were right? Everything turned just as what you said. I think you feel like a fortuneteller.
-Lady1: Junyoung! Charlie said Hyein became a singer.

Junyoung and Jinpyo are in the office. Junyoung is preparing for going to America.
-Junyoung: Let’s go together.
-Jinpyo: I would like to. I would be happy if I see the sexy ladies there, but if I fail the test this time, I will lose my all tuition fee for this semester.
-Junyoung: You need to study everyday.

-Office Lady: Choe, Junkyu.
-Junyoung: Yes.
-Office Lady: First of all, you should get the permission from Military Manpower Administration, and you need a financial supporter if you want to get visa.
-Junyoung: A financial supporter?

Jangho says he is so poor that he can not be a financial supporter for Junyoung.

Junyoung and Jinpyo ask Gunwoo to be a financial supporter.

Junyoung buys a ring for Hyein.

-Hwajong: Did you buy this ring for me? It is so pretty. I think it fits me.
I want you to put this ring on my hand.
-Junyoung: I am sorry, but this is not for you.
-Hwajong: What?
-Junyoung: I bought it thinking of Hyein.
-Hwajong: So, Did you buy it for her even though she is not here?
I’m sick of Hyein. The person who stands by you now is me.
It is me not Hyein who cooks and washes for you now.
-Junyoung: Hwajong!
-Hwajong: Stop it! I don’t need this stuff.

Hwajong writes a letter to Hyein.

Junyoung gets his airline ticket from Gunwoo’s brother-in-law.

-Father: You don’t need to come here too often. You must be busy studying.
-Junyoung: I can not come here for a while because I am going to somewhere.
-Father: Are you going to go a trip with your girlfriend?
-Junyoung: No
-Father: You are lying to me? I can read everything on your face meaning you are happy and excited.

Junyoung is recording: Hyein! Do you remember the promise that I will follow you even the end of the world. I am coming to you to keep that promise. Just wait for a while. I will not let you go this time. Never!

He arrives at JFK air port in New York.

[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-1-30 at 06:57 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:56 | 显示全部楼层
Episode 8

Gunwoo: Hyein! Stay there! I am coming to you.
Hyein: Junyoung… Junyoung…
Gunwoo: Hyein!!

Hyein is hit by a car, and Gunwoo takes her to a hospital riding ambulance car.

A man: Mr. Choe, Junkyu!
Junyoung: Yes.
A man: Lee, Gunwoo can not come here because something urgent happened. He told me to meet you instead of him.

Junyoung and a man arrive at Gunwoo’s house.
A man: Take a rest. Bye.
Junyoung: Bye.

Phone is ringing.
Gunwoo’s voice: Choi, Junkyu! Answer the phone.
Junyoung: Hello? I just came in. Where are you now?
Gunwoo: I can’t come in because I have something busy to do.
I think I am gonna be late.
Junyoung: Don’t worry about me, just do your work.
Gunwoo: If I am late tonight, don’t wait for me. Just do what you're supposed to do.
I will call you later.

Junyoung is looking at the ring that he bought for Hyein.
Junyoung: Park, Hyein! Wait for me. I, Seo, Junyoung am here to catch you.
Wait for me! I am missing you Hyein…. Missing you…..

Junyoung meets Charlie
Junyoung: Charlie!
Charlie: Junyoung! What brings you here?
Junyoung: I’m here to meet you.
Charlie: You are a liar. I think you came here to meet Hyein.
Am I right?
Junyoung: Can I meet her now?
Charlie: Of course. I will be back in a second after telling my boss.

Charlie: Hyein wanted to know about your news.
Do you know that Hyein became a singer?
Junyoung: Is it true?
Charlie: Sure! I think she is a lot better than her aunt, Audrey.
Anyway, Hyein and Audrey will be surprised at your coming.
Junyoung: How is Audrey doing?
Charlie: She is fine as she used to be.

Junyoug is looking at Hyein’s picture on the door of the club that she worked.
Charlie: Oh, My God! They said Hyein stopped working here yesterday to go back to Korea.
Willie the bad guy came to club, and he caused trouble yesterday.
I think Hyein and Audrey ran away from Willie. By the way, Willie is the worst guy. I heard he hit Audrey and Hyein, too. Hyein’s house is there.

They try to meet Hyein, but Hyein and Audrey are not there. Junyoung decides to wait for Hyein in front of her house and the club, however, he can not meet her.

Charlie: You look so thin! Please eat something!
Junyoung: Did you hear about Hyein?
Charlie: No. Maybe, Hyein and Audrey got caught by Willie.
Junyoung: Do you mean Hyein’s uncle?
Charlie: I think so because they are all disappeared.
Junyoung: Let’s go to uncle’s house. I know the address.

Charlie’s boss makes Charlie deliver the heroin drug. Charlie is not able to refuse to do it because he is an illegal immigrant.

Junyoung rides on the bus bound for Willie’s.
Charlie: Take care! If something happens, call me. You ride first, I’ll be back with something to eat.
Charlie: I think you are hungry. Eat this.
Charlie: Hey! Driver! I have to get off the bus. When you come back, please come to my club.
Be careful, don’t get lost.

Junyoung finds the bag that Charlie left on the bus.

Junyoung tries to find Hyein, but she is not there, either.

When Junyoung comes back to New York, he is captured by drug dealers.

The lawyer of Gunwoo’s company says Junyoung and Charlie must leave America in three days.

Gunwoo: Please reserve the airplane tickets as soon as possible.
Man: Would you two follow me, please? The car is near from here.
Gunwoo: Let’s meet together after finishing your departure procedure.

Man: Gunwoo is in 706.
Charlie: Come back as fast as you can.

Hyein and Gunwoo are in the ward.
Gunwoo: Please get well even for your aunt. I know you don’t like me, but I’ll stand by you till you recover. Please regain strength if you don’t like to see me longer.

Gunwoo: Hi! Junyoung!
Junyoung: Hi! What happened? Why are you here now?
Gunwoo: Someone who I know was injured in a traffic accident.
Did you finish your departure process?
Junyoung: Yes. I got a airline ticket. It was hard. And. thank you for everything.
Gunwoo: You’re welcome. Do you want to come inside?
The patient is alone ( so I should stay here).
Junyoung: No, I just come to see you before I leave.
Gunwoo: Are you going to leave today?
Junyoung: Yes, they don’t have airplane tickets any more for days.
I was barely able to get this ticket.
Gunwoo: Let’s go to the airport when a person who takes care of the patient comes.
Junyoung: No, you don’t need to. I bothered you too much.
Gunwoo: Don’t say like that. Please wait a second.

Gunwoo says to Hyein.
Gunwoo: I will be back in a second. Don’t go anywhere till your aunt comes.

Gunwoo says to Junyoung.
Gunwoo: Are you O.K. now?
Junyoung: Yes, I’m O. K.
Gunwoo: Is there anything I can help you?
Junyoung: No.
Gunwoo: How is Jinpyo doing?
Junyoung: He always tells about his ideal style.
Gunwoo: Does he say about the sexy uniform ladies still?

Hyein is going to the rooftop to commit suicide, but Junyoung doesn’t recognize her.

Gunwoo: I am sorry that we didn’t have any time to drink together. By the way, I met a woman.
Junyoung: You’ve been always dating with women.
Gunwoo: I mean the really good woman.
Junyoung: You, Lee Gunwoo? I think this is real. Tell me about her.
Gunwoo: It’s a long long story. I’ll tell you later. I’m sorry I can not go to the airport to see you off.
Junyoung: Bye! You should tell me about your girl someday.

Episode 9

Junyoung is in his room.
-Hwajong: Hi, Charlie!
-Charlie: Hi, Hwajong!
-Hwajong: What did you say? Junyoung has come back from America?

Hwajong gets a letter for Junyoung from Korean Military Manpower Administration.
-Hwajong: Why did you get up already? Are you all right?

Junyoung looks at the letter for call of duty of army.

Junyoung is in the office to ask about visa.
-Woman: Your visa is a shout term visa. If you want to go to America, you should get visa again, but I think it is quite difficult for you to get visa again because you have to answer the call of duty of army.

-Charlie: Hi, Junyoung!
-Junyoung: Did you get any news about Hyein?
-Charlie: One of my client checked the list of entering Korea from America, but there wasn’t Hyein. Don’t worry! I think they are safe. Don’t you know Audrey used to hide often? Please don’t worry, just wait! They will surely come back.
-Junyoung: Are you sure that Hyein is O.K.?
-Charlie: Of course! Hyein is quite strong girl. She is the girl who came to see you before, all by herself even though she is blind, and Audrey, she is really active woman, so don’t worry!
-Charlie: I told my ex-co-worker to call me if he find the Korean blind singer.
-Junyoung; Thank you, Charlie!
-Charlie: You should thankful to me, for that reason, don’t be so serious from now. If not, your face is going to be like mine.

He is in his room thinking of Hyein.
-Hyein’s voice: This is 68th letter to Junyoung. Hi, Junyoung? Are you doing well?
-Junyoung: Yes.
-Hyein’s voice: It’s been raining for days here. I am really really missing you now.
-Junyoung: So am I. I am missing you, too.
-Hyein’s voice: This rainy day reminds me of that our childhood rainy day. Do you rememger the first song that we listened together.
-Junyoung: Sure!
-Hyein’s voice: Do you want me to sing that song?

Hyein is in her room recalling the day with Junyoung.

-Junyoung: “It is bad to complain about the side dishes. Please eat thinking this is just kind of soup! In face, I don’t like skinny girl. Eat this. What a good girl you are! You look prettier just after eating this. Please, eat like this when I am not able to be with you if you don’t want to eat!”

Junyoun says to his father that he should go into the army.

Junyoung records for Hyein.
-Junyong: Hyein! You need to be blamed because you made me worry over you. Why don’t you send me a letter? I will join the army tomorrow. Keep your mind that you may not change your mind until I am discharged from military service.
I miss you, Park Hyein! …..miss you…..miss you…..

Hyein can see after the eye surgery. She is recalling the words that she said to Junyoung.
-Hyein: “On the first moment that I can see, I will see your face first, so you need to be there by myside. If not, I might fail to recognize you.”
-Junyoung: “ You can recognize me. The most handsome guy is me.”

-Gunwoo: I repaired you necklace.
-Audrey: Can you see what this is?

Junyoung is taking military service.
-Man: Hey! You!
-Junyooung: Yes. I am Choi Junkyu.
-Man: Did your sweetheart betray you?
-Junyoung: No.
-Man: Then, Why are you so serious? Do you have any complaint to you nation?
Don’t stare at me!
-Junyouong: I am sorry.
-Man: What is her name?
-Junyoung: Park, Hyein.
-Man: Where does she live?
-Junyoung: She is in America.
-Man: Call your lover’s name! Now!
-Junyoung: Right now?
-Man: Then, do you want to do it tomorrow? Do it now!
-Junyoung: I’ll do it now. Hyein!
-Man: Do you think she can hear that? Loudly! Louder voice!
-Junyoung: Hyein! Hyein! Park, Hyein!!!
-Man: Next one is saying this, you miss her. Do it now.
-Junyoung: I miss you! Miss you! Miss you, Park Hyein!!!!!
Miss you!!! Miss you!!!

He has finished his military service.

Junyoung, Jinpyo and Jangho are celebrating Junyoung’s leaving army.
-Jinpyo: Gunwoo wants me to give you his saying that he also congratulates you.
And he wants you to start to compose as soon as possible.
-Junyoung: When will he come back?
-Jinpyo: I think he will be back after his graduation. I think he has a pressing character. He is rushing Jangho and me.
-Junyoung: Does he really plan to do the business?
-Jangho: We are looking for the office now, and you need to join us quickly.
-Junyoung: I have something to do before he comes.
-Jangho: What is that?
-Jinpyo: You don’t need to know that, anyway, why did you order so little?

Junyoung is working as a laborer to earn money.
-Junyoung: Hello? Lee Gunwoo! When will you come back?
-Gunwoo: I will be back as soon as possible. Look at you! You look out of shape all dusty!
-Junyoung: What?
-Gunwoo: I think you are a lot out of style now.
-Junyoung; When did you come back?
-Gunwoo: Right now. I’ve come here to see you as soon as I arrived.
What a dusty man you are!
-Gunwoo: Do you remember what I said that I found a lover.
-Junyoung: Do you come here with her?

Episode 10

Gunwoo: This is my best friend, Choi Junkyu and this is the woman whom I love most in the world, Park Hyein.
-Hyein: Nice to meet you.
-Gunwoo: Hey! Why arenกฏt you saying a word at all?
-Gunwoo: Are you surprised at Hyeinกฏs beauty?
-Hyein: Gunwoo!

They are in the restaurant.
-Gunwoo: Do you think we are a well-matched couple?
-Gunwoo: Why are you rather lukewarm about us? I think I better call now for Audreyกฏs dinner.
-Hyein: Yes.
-Gunwoo: Hello? Is it Shinhwa Hotel? Hi, Mr. Kim! How are you? This is Lee Gunwoo. I need a room service for sweet room in Namsan branch. I want special order please. Thank you. See you! Bye!
-Gunwoo: I think Audrey will be surprised at this.
-Hyein: Yes.
-Gunwoo: Junkyu! Please make a good song for Hyein.
-Gunwoo: Hyein! You should be nice to your composer.
-Hyein: Iกฏve heard about you from Gunwoo. He said you are his best friend.
-Gunwoo: Are you going to restroom?
-Junyoung: Yes.
-Gunwoo: He is so awkward today. I think he spent harsh days.

Junyoung is washing his dusty hands.
-Gunwoo: What do you think about Junyoung? Do you think he is a good guy after seeing him?
-Hyein: Yes.
-Gunwoo: It takes too long, why isnกฏt he back yet?

-Gunwoo: What are you doing here? Why donกฏt you come inside?
-Junyoung: I feel some kind of stomachache now.
-Gunwoo: I think you need to go back to Seoul right now. Jangho and Jinpyo are waiting for you, too.

Gunwooกฏs phone bell is ringing.
-Gunwoo: Is she, Hyein, beautiful, isnกฏt she?
-Junyoung: At that time when we were in America, you told me that you met a really good girl. Is it Hyein whom you talking about?
-Hyein: Junyoung!!!
-Gunwoo: Why are you calling another man? Your fianc&eacute; is here.
-Hyein: Iกฏm sorry. I confused something. Someone called you.
-Gunwoo: thanks. Letกฏs come inside.
-Junyoung: I should go now. I want to take a rest.
-Gunwoo: How about leaving off your work and coming up to Seoul tomorrow?
-Junyoung: Bye!
-Gunwoo: Get in my car, Iกฏll give you a ride.
-Junyoung: No, thanks. Iกฏll go somewhere.
-Gunwoo: If you have something hard, please tell me. Iกฏve come back. Your friend, Lee Gunwoo.

Junyoung arrives at the hotel that Hyein is in.
-Junyoung: Is there anybody named Park Hyein in a sweet room?
-Lady: I canกฏt find that name.
-Junyoung: Then, Lee Gunwoo, please.
-Lady: I canกฏt find it either. Could you visit us again after you double check the name?
-Junyoung: Iกฏm sure she is here.
-Lady: Iกฏm sorry, sir.
-Lady: Please come back after checking the name again.
-Man: Iกฏm sorry, but you are not allowed to go up.
-Junyoung: Let me go! I need to go there.

Junyoung: Hyein! Iกฏm Seo Junyoung! Hyein! Hyein!

Hyein is in the sweet room thinking Junyoung.

Junyoung is drinking strong liquor.
Gunwooกฏs voice: Do you remember what I said that I met a lady whom I love?
Hyeinกฏs voice: Junyoung!
-Charlie: Hi, Junyoung! Why are you staying here? Why donกฏt you come to my club?
-Junyoung: Charlie!
-Charlie: I think you drink too much today.
-Junyoung: However hard I drink, Iกฏm not drunk yet.
-Charlie: What happened to you? Are you missing Hyein now?
Junyoung: Yes.
-Charlie: Why are you so sad today? Youกฏve been enduring pretty well till now.
-Charlie: I think she is unreasonable. She did not send even a letter telling she is O. K.
-Junyoung: Charlie! Ifกญ. If I see Hyein, and if she is happy with another guy, then, what can I do then?
-Charlie: No! It doesnกฏt make any sense! She is not that kind girl!
-Junyoung: Really? Really? Charlie!
-Charlie: Of course.
-Junyoung: I think so! I donกฏt believe what I saw todayกญ that is not trueกญ not true.
I think I dreamed a bad dreamกญ that is notกญ notกญ
-Charlie: Junyoung! Did you ever see Hyein? Did you meet Hyein?
-Junyoung: No.

Junyoung is in the hotel.
Junyoung finds Hyeinกฏs letters and he rushes to go into the room.
-Lady: Go out! You are not permitted to come inside.
-Lady: A strange guy is here, please take him out. He is looking for someone. I canกฏt handle him.

Junyoung is burning all the letters and the ring thinking the memory with Hyeinกญกญ( Hyein: From now on, never get separated again!)กญ..(Junyoung: You said you would not cry.)

Junyoung is drinking liquor.
-Man: You drinks too much. Do you have any discontent about liquor? You fell into strong liquor everyday. There come your friends again.

-Gunwoo: Letกฏs go to Seoul. Everybody is only waiting for your coming.
-Junyoung: Iกฏm not interested in composing a song any more.
-Gunwoo: Choi, Junkyu!
-Junyoung: Why?
-Gunwoo: Iกฏm sick of what you are doing. Why do you behave stupidly? Why do you live like an alcoholic person everyday?
-Junyoung: Didnกฏt you know Iกฏm a fool by nature.
-Jinpyo: Stop it! You guys are friends.
-Junyoung: Stop putting on airs! You know nothing!
-Gunwoo: Tell me what I donกฏt know?
-Junyoung: Please leave me alone! Leave me alone! Forget me and do well except me!
-Gunwoo: Choi, Junkyu! Choi, Junkyu!
-Jinpyo: Leave him alone. How sad he is to be broken up with his the only lover.

Junyoungกฏs father is released from prison. Gunwoo asks father to make Junyoung compose and work with them. He gives money to Junyoungกฏs father as down-payment before working together, but Junyoung refuses to accept it.

Hyein is in front of the office door and listens Junyoungกฏs voice.
Junyounกฏs voice: Please understand me. Iกฏm behaving like this because I just want to survive too. Please give me break and letกฏs talk about it later.
-Gunwoo: Junkyu!

-Jinpyo: Finally you decided to work.
-Junyoung: No, I didnกฏt. Letกฏs drink someday together.
-Junyoung: Bye.
-Jangho: Bye.
-Gunwoo: Hey, Choi Junkyu!
-Jangho: Leave him alone. He must have his own reason for that.

Audrey happens to meet Junyoung.
-Junyoung: Soกญ. Soกญ. Because the one letterกญ. Did you believe that I died?
-Audrey: Why didnกฏt you send any letter to Hyein? Why did you send back Hyeinกฏs all letters while you are still alive? Why didnกฏt you come to America to look for Hyein?
-Junyoung: Did I send back Hyeinกฏs letters?
-Audrey: Hyein looked forward to get your letters very much!
-Audrey: Mightbeกญ.. Mightbeกญ. We tried to believe you might be alive. We were looking for you everywhere. Why did you do nothing? What have you been doing?
-Junyoung: I think I need to meet Hyein!
-Audrey: Do you want to see Hyeinกฏs death? She committed suicide twice after listening to your death. If she know now that you are still alive and Gunwoo is your friend, she is going to be crazy, then, how about Gunwoo?
-Audrey: The person who made her alive is Gunwoo, and the person that made her see is Gunwoo, too. They barely manage to become happy now. Why do you want to agitate her?
กญกญIf กญ..Supposing you two meet againกญ then, What would you do for Hyein in your poor state? You can say that I am a worldly-minded personกญ Iกญ. I donกฏt want to see my Hyein to live in a distressed state. I hate that. Please let Hyein be happyกญ let her goกญJunyoung!!

Hwajong is waiting for Junyoung.
-Hwajong: Hi, Junyoung? Where have you been?
-Junyoung: Why are you waiting the dead man?
-Hwajong: What?
-Junyoung: Donกฏt you know Seo, Junyoung is dead? You made me die!
-Hwajong: Junyoungกญ.
-Junyoung: Why did you do that! Why!! Why did you do that bad thing!
-Hwajong: I did that because I wanted to have you. I loved you so much, and I didnกฏt want to let Hyein have you! That damned wenchกญ that wench who threw away you and left youกญ I wanted to make her never to return believing your death.
-Junyoung: I donกฏt want to see you again!

-Charlie: Junyoung!

Hyein is in the hotel room. She finds her all letters gone.
-Audrey: How are you doing?
-Hyein: Audrey! Did you clear my letters away?
-Audrey: Why are you looking for that? Why do you want to listen to the dead manกฏs voice?
-Hyein: Where are those? Give back to me. I just want to keep them.
-Audrey: I discarded all already.
-Audrey: Where are you going now?
-Hyein: Iกฏll find them. Iกฏll search everywhere to find them.
-Audrey: I threw away long time ago, so you can not find them.
-Hyein: Why did you throw away mine? Why! Why!
-Audrey: I discarded those because I worried you were going to miss him all your life.
I felt guilty Gunwoo, so I threw them away.
-Hyein: Why did you do that? How can I live from now? I didnกฏt listen them often, I just touched themกญEven though I wanted to listen hundreds of and thousands of times, I worried them to get damagedกญ worried Junyoungกฏs voice to disappearกญ. I just saw themกญ Why did you get rid of them? How can I live without them from now?
-Audrey: I say you can live without them. You should. You have Gunwoo. You should be sorry to Gunwoo.
-Hyein: I can not without themกญ How can I live from nowกญ.

Audrey is reading Hyeinกฏs memo. That is, Audrey Iกฏll be back from visiting one place. Iกฏll come back before the engagement ceremony.

Neighborsกฏ voice: Savoy club? That moved long time ago. Beauty salon? They moved to Seoul.

(Hyein): 41st step, 42nd step, 43th step, 44th step. It is pine tree. Am I right?
(Junyoung): Wow, you are just right.
(Hyein): then, if I turn to the right and 50 more steps, there is our secret place, then, if I turn around, there is Seo Junyoung.

(Young Junyoung): This place has been empty for years. Someone used this as his workplace. You are the first person who comes here.

(Junyoung): Itกฏs done.
(Hyein): We are going to have Christmas party here, arenกฏt we? I wish I can here your song that you are composing now.
(Junyoung): Sure, I will. Well, please hurry up to make my glove.
(Junyoung): I forgot how to read this.
(Hyein): What? Wellกญ Iกญ loveกญyouกญ.
(Junyoung): I canกฏt believe you say that words too easily. I was so surprised.
(Hyein): You! Come here!
(Junyoung): I see. I understand, then, Iกฏll think about it seriously.

-Hyein: Dear Junyoungกญ Iกฏm so lateกญ I wanted to come here from long agoกญ I was not able to come here because I was so afraid ofกญ I was afraid of becauseกญ. if I come here again, I will never want to go out from here againกญ because I can not go leaving you alone.

Junyoung is in the church that they promised to be together thinking Hyein.

(Hyein): From now, hold my hands forever.
(Junyoung): I will, I will never miss your hands.

(Hyein): Please, do not let me go. Iกฏm afraid that we are not going to meet again.
(Junyoung): Please, trust me! I will find you. Stop crying! Be brave just as you are!
(Junyoung): I promise you Iกฏll follow you till the end of the world.

Gunwoo is waiting for Hyein for their engagement ceremony.
-Gunwoo: Where is Hyein?
-Audrey: Gunwoo.. What can I do?... Hyein is disappeared. I donกฏt know where she is. Where is she on earth?...

Hyein makes her cell phone off.
-Hyein: Iกฏm sorry Gunwoo. I can not goกญ. I canกฏt go leaving Junyoung alone.

(Young Junyoung): Are you cold?
(Youn Hyein): Arenกฏt you cold?
(Young Junyoung): Iกฏm not cold. I am a man.
(Hyein): Junyoung! Where are you?
(Junyoung): Iกฏm here next to you. Donกฏt worry! Go to sleep again!
(Hyein): Are we never going to part again?
(Junyoung): Absolutely not!! Go to sleep.

Junyoung runs to their secret place.
-Junyoung: Hyein! Hyein!! Wake up! Wake up! Hyein!!!

Junyoung picks up Hyein on his back and runs to hospital.
-Junyoung: What a fool you are, Hyein! You are fool Park, Hyein. I am nothingกญ nothing worth for you to do this. I didnกฏt keep the promise that I would follow you and protect you. I am not able to do anything for you now. You are foolกญ.

Hyein is in the hospital.
-Doctor: She will recover soon after rest.
-Junyooung: Hyein! Thank you!! Thank you for remembering me and not forgetting me. Thatกฏs enough for me. Iกฏm happy now. I should do this(giving up Hyein for her)กญ even for meกญ

-Gunwoo: Are you O. K.? Iกฏm sorry. I was in a hurry too much, so please do not leave me again Hyein.

-Junyoung is in the secret place looking at the sweater that Hyein made.
(Junyoung): If I become a composer, I will let only you to sing my song. You are a singer, and I am a composer. If you sing on the stage, you will be very beautiful there.
(Hyein): You are a composer, and I am a singer! It will be so cool. I will train harder to be a singer.

-Junyoung: All right! From now on, Seo Junyoung is dead

Episode 11 Summary

HI and her aunt move into a new apartment that GW arranged for them
HI's aunt goes all crazy~

so JY joins GW's company and becomes HI's producer/songwriter
JY is really harsh on HI
like when they're recording he keeps stopping her telling her to sing it again~ out of the recording studio, he takes her to the piano and trains her vocals (like while he plays different scales and arpeggios on the piano she has to follow)
she keeps singing but JY just never seems to be satisfied
it gets to a stage where HI goes she cant do it anymore
then JY goes well u cant be a singer then
(he's so mean!!!)

back in the record company office, HI is sitting at the piano herself playing the song that JY wrote for her
JY watches her but after awhile, he walks up to her and presses on a whole bunch of keys creating disharmony
HI stops playing and he says something to her what r u doing (i think he’s trying to tell her not to waste her time or something)
they start arguing and HI gets upset and runs out, at this moment GW walks in and is like "WTH?"

GW takes JY, HI, Mc mong and the rest to a club...mc mong and some others are dancing, GW, HI and JY are sitting there...GW makes JY and HI shake hands and make a truce.... MC mong and that come back.. they're all drinking...HI gets a bit drunk
JY and HI are outside and i think HI tells JY that he is really like JY
JY is so mean~ he says something in a really bad tone and then gets really close to HI as if to kiss her and says "Like this?"
(i think he's trying to say, so was he like this)
HI gets upset and pushes him away, and says you really are a bad person, and u dont know what love is or u've never loved before i'm sure (cant remember exactly what she said)

hmmmm...GW takes her home and sees the score which JY wrote long time ago which says "To Hye in" at the top~ GW takes them and gives it to JY and asks him if he can make it into a song and put lyrics to it
JY thinks GW is a bit weird to do such a thing i think but GW says that he wants to do it for HI and that HI cant live without that guy or something

ok that day they keep recording and again JY is being picky.
even his sunbae and MC mong think he's a bit overboard
GW gets the chance to meet some overseas record company/music industry guy and calls HI, because he wants her to meet that guy
but coz they still inside the recording studio, she doesnt answre the phone
when they finish recording, JY and HI walk out and JY tells HI that she'sl gotten alot better~ and she says thx and he goes but that doesnt mean it's good enough or sth...as he is about to leave, it starts raining....

meanwhile hwa jung asks mc mong a favour and show her where the recording studio place is...MC mong is attracted by her looks and says yes and takes her to the place but on the way coz of the storm, the road gets blocked

anywayz, GW and JY are talkng on the phone and says i guess both of u have to stay there overnight
JY asks HI if she wants to eat sth first i think
HI is really cold towards JY and says, we're fnished for today right?
she walks off and goes upstairs to the piano~ she sits down and starts playing the song JY wrote for her but stops after the first line
she gets up and looks out the window
JY meanwhile cooks for both of them
when he finishes, he goes up to find her to tell her dinner is ready
she said she doesnt want to eat and JY drags her to the dinner table
he sits her down but she doesnt want to eat
he goes i can go and u can eat alone if u want
then she goes..er...just sit then...
they sit down and JY thinks of the time b4 HI was goign to new york and they were eating in the same position
they both mix their rice into their soup
suddenly there's black out and they're sitting in the dark

next scene shows that he's set up a pillow and blankets for her in front of the fire place and they lit up all these candles
JY gets up to go but HI tells him to stay
JY doesnt really want to but HI says she's scared of the dark or sth

HI i think talks about how she's scared or not confident about becoming a gasoo... JY sorta loses it and starts talking like the real jun young "Hye in ah..." i think he tells her that she can become the best singer and to have confidence in herself or sth along those lines...then he goes "Him nae..." (same as saying Fighting!)
HI looks at him funny
the lights come back on suddenyl and JY snaps out of it
then he goes "Hye in ssi" and says that taht's what her bf that had died would have said to her
he gets up and leaves her there
after he's gone, HI sees a ring where's he been sitting and picks it up and looks at it
she thinks for a bit then after awhile she runs upstairs to where JY is sleeping on a couch...she walks up to JY and her tears start falling...she reaches out her hand to touch JY's face...i think she just touches his face but pulls it back and runs off crying
JY opens his eyes and he's crying too
i thought this bit was touching too, when he put his arm over his eyes but u can still see his tears falling

next day HI wakes up and sees GW by her side
GW takes everyone to the piano and starts playing the song which JY wrote and now, which JY had also put lyrics too
GW says the song is called "몇번을 헤어져도"

as he is playing, HI is touched and cries...JY gets all sad and looks at HI and cries and MC mong sees JY crying...after GW finishes playing, HI says thank you to GW for doing this and GW goes u shouldnt thank me but thank JY who wrote the lyrics and arranged it...as he says this, he turns around towards JY but everyone looks at JY's back as he is walking away
MC mong tells them that he saw JY crying and that the lyrics must be about his first love... HI remembers back to the time when she said to him that he doesnt konw what love is etc
she finds JY on the balcony and takes out the ring which he left behind
JY says that he doesnt want it anymore coz he's decided to give up on her or sth
HI puts her hand out and drops the ring
JY reaches his hands out to catch it
HI tells him not to give up or sth (cant remember) and reassures him taht he will meet her again

after taht they get along much better i think
all the preparations for her debut are coming along- promo clips, ads on buses etc about her debut concert which was to be held at the ski resort

they show them at the ski place and JY, HI and GW are having a good time having a snow fight
after they stopped, JY watches as HI warms up GW's hands with her breath and they're hugging and stuf
JY smiles then pulls his beanie over his eyes as he starts to cry a bit
so sad
after that they're about to walk inside and GW says he has to do sth first and rushes inside
they are standing there waiting and JY asks HI "If...i say if...that person was still alive...what would u do?" (cant remmeber if taht's exactly what he said) HI says that she hasnt thought about it coz it's not possible
she starts walking towards the door and turns around to JY again
"if....if he was still alive, i would never let go of him again" (i think taht's what she said)..."but that's not going to happen"
she turns back around and walks in
JY stands there for a bit and suddenly runs in after Hye in...

credit to cecilia of soompi for the translation

Episode 12 Summary

ep starts with JY running to HI ....he starts off saying "I..." and GW appears and he doesnt finish his sentence
(i knew that was going to happen!!!)

skip about 10 min (my connection buffered like hell)
day b4 the concert...gun woo goes back to seoul for sth
everyone else is all hyped up for the concert the nextday
HI's aunt is all over JY's sunbae

GW gets back home, his father is really pissed about sth
and says he cant go ahead witht he concert
GW says "trust me! i am confident it'll work" or sth
his father ignores him and GW kneels there forever hoping he'll change his mind...next morning, he's still there, his father looks at hima dn tells him to get up and follow him..
GW follows him to his father's office where his childhood fd is (the girl that kissed him b4 and who he met in new york, sorry forgot her name)
his father says he can let the concert go on on the condition that he gets married with that girl
GW says that he can give up the concert, his record company but not his woman~ he gets up and leaves

meanwhile, JY and MC mong etc are trying to get into the concert hall but arent allowed in
they try to get through to GW but cant get to him
reporters and cameraman and other ppl start arriving for the concert
they tell the ppl to wait for a while but ppl start getting impatient
at this point, GW rings and tells JY that they cant use the concert hall
JY's sunbae says they have to cancel the concert
so him and MC mong tell the ppl that the concert is cancelled and someone threw a cup of coffee or sth at mc mong (haha i thought this was funny)
meanwhile JY runs to find HI, who is actually heading towards the concert hall with her aunt
JY tells her the problem and HI goes we cant just cancel it, and that it doesnt matter where the concert is...ppl just want to listen to her...
JY suddenly thinks of sth and they run to find this guy at the resort...(think they were trying to borrow a different venue)
the guy there says no and JY sees the piano in the room....an idea comes to him and they drag the piano out in the middle of the skiing area
they are all worried whether it will work, the music in the ski area is loud and hye in worries whether ppl can hear her voice
JY reassures her
so MC mong and the rest go and gather up ppl

JY sits down and plays the piano while HI sings
meanwhile, GW has arrived and sees the scene
the song finishes and everyone cheers and claps
reporters take photos and the response is good
HI cries and JY and her hug
GW sees and his expression changes a bit (hoho) but he smiles again soon after

that night they are celebrating...hye in drinks a bit too much and gets a bit drunk
JY stands outside and HI comes up to him and thanks him
and gives him this present- hard to decribe, 2 little dolls that make sounds, she gives one to JY and keeps one for herself... and in her drunken state, she says again how much he sounds like JY

GW and her aunt come out looking for her and at this moment she says to JY that she likes him....her aunt is like what are u saying and she's like of course, he's our songwriter/producer~ they take her back to her room

next day she hits the frontpage of all these newspapers...everyone is happy....she gains popularity fast...

JY meets up with charlie and they're drinking... JY tells charlie to meet up with HI if he wants but just dont tell her the truth...and charlie goes i'll rather never meet her again...and JY's like there's no need to do that... then JY says that he's going to go to a place where there's no HI

HI has the afternoon off and her aunt goes to meet fds+ do shopping
HI is about to walk into her apartment block when JY appears
they go eat and HI tells him she like nengmyon or sth
they're eating it and JY subconsciously picks out the eeg yolk
HI sees and asks, so u dont ike the eeg white as well?
JY says no and eats the egg white
JY looks sad and HI asks what's wrong
he said there's nothing and that he's met his girlfriend and that they're going to go on a trip

anywayz after taht she goes that she has a favour to ask him b4 he goes
she takes him to the little secret house
and the 2 are sitting inside the house and she tells him about all these things about JY~ and HI tells JY she is curious how his gf is like
after that he drives her home

o yeah he gives her back that doll-_-

JY calls GW out and gives him back the car key and says sth
GW pushes the key back to him
i'm not sure maybe this scene he tells GW he is goign away??
i dunno

anywayz JY goes back to the little house by himself
he thinks of their happy memories again

meanwhile HI and GW go to GW's sister's art exhibition or sth
GW's father is there and says really mean things to HI, sth like GW's fiancee is here, sth sth sth
anyway, GW gets pissed and tells his father taht's enough
GW drags her outside and HI asks him why he hasnt told her about the fights he's been having with his father or sth
then she says sth i'im not sure what and GW is like "park hye in!!!"
HI walks off

she goes to the little house by herself
she gets close tot he house and hears what seems like JY's guitar
she rushes in and sees JY sitting there playing the guitar and she asks him what r u doing here
he said sth about he thought about i'm not sure-_-
his eyes are getting red and he gets up , picks up his guitar and said he is in a rush and leaves
HI looks sad and suddenly sees the "i love you" msg that JY left years back when she was still blind and he had told her that he wrote sth on the window which he wanted to say to her
she starts crying and looks at JY who is walking away
then she thinks for a bit and runs out
she pauses and yells "Suh jun young! jun young ar!"
JY stops....HI runs towards JY
as she reaches him, he slowly turns around
she stops in front of him and both of thema re crying
she hits his chest and calls him "na beun nom!"(bad person)
she reaches up and feels his face
and then they hug

[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-4-6 at 08:48 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:56 | 显示全部楼层
Episode 13

the ep starts off with JY and HI hugging as seen at the end of ep 12
the 2 are back inside the little house and they are just staring at each other....HI keeps calling JY's name and says that it is really great she can call his name and see his face
tears roll down her face and JY says that she is really ugly when she cries
HI's phone rings but she takes the battery out

GW is trying to ring HI but she doesnt answer the phone
he's at a bar with that other girl (his childhood fd)
he wonders where she is, she's not at home either
the childhood fd says sth about i understand how she feels, coz she cant see the person she loves or sth like that
then she goes just like me... and that she will find a person who is cooler than GW 100 times
then GW goes, there wont be such a person (haha)
and she says taht he's got wang ja byong (prince disease; like he's really up himself^^)

GW goes home and his father, his sis and his sis' husband are sitting in the living room
his father tells him to go back to new york
GW asks why and he says that he needs to learn again
GW says he doesnt want to, then cant catch what he says after taht
the father gets angry and tells him to get out
GW leaves the house and his sis tells her husband to hurry up and chase after GW but he doesnt
in a room by himself, he rings the guy that really hates JY (the guy that bashed him up a few times) and tells him to do sth

GW goes to HI's apartment but she isnt there
HI's aunt tells him she has no idea where she is
GW goes to HI's room

meanwhile back to the couple~JY thens says to HI to go back
he's implying for HI to go back to GW and obviously HI does not want to
they both get teary as HI yells out that JY cannot live without her and that he cant give her up
but JY asks what about gun woo then
HI is really upset and runs out
JY chases after her....anyway JY goes please dont be like this
they are both crying heaps...at the end they hug (awwwwwwww)
back inside the house, HI lays her head on JY's shoulder~HI says she will not let go of his hand
she asks him, you're not going to give me up now right?
JY nods....he pulls away from her and looks at her deeply and says sth like i wont give you up now

(what a beautiful beautiful kiss)

next morning, HI wakes up but sees noone beside her
she panics and gets up and is abot to go outside when JY runs in
she asks where he has been and they sit down and JY gives her a present
it is a white jumper~ (hehe like the one that HI made for him)
HI pulls the jumper she knitted for him from near the xmas tree and gives it to him
she asks whether he remembers about the jumper or sth~ she puts it on for him and says it took her one year to knit~ then she looks at him wearing it and says sth like whoever knitted it must be really good or sth...haha

meanwhile back in seoul, at HI's apartment, her aunt runs into her room to show GW the newspaper frontpage
it is a scandal about HI...i'm not exactly sure about what it says...think it's sth about her and GW...that she is becoming a gasoo only coz of her connection with GW and that GW is the heir of the big company
sth along those lines

GW's father goes to work and there are alot of reporters crowding around his car trying to ask him about the scandal
the Oh shil jang (GW's sis' husband) smiles a bit wickedly to himself
(evil guy he spread the scandal!)

HI and JY decide to spend the day together? as they're walking along the street, 2 of JY's high school rivals (the 2 other guys that helped along with bashing him up b4) sees him with HI~~ they ring the other guy back in seoul and that guy rings the newspaper and tells them there's more news of HI...he tells them where HI is (evil!)

meanwhile JY and HI are walking through the markets, HI half covering her face with a scarf...they stop by here and there and she feeds him a strawberry or sth (so sweet) and she stops by another stall wanting to buy cucumber?! tink she wants to cook for him or sth~ she gets recognised by an ajumma who tells her she sings really well (i think_
anyhow they jog off and go to eat nengmyun!!!
she gives him the egg yolk and he gives her the egg white
while he eats she stares at him and he's like why are you looking atme
she says coz she hasnt seen him for so long
anyway he tells her to eat

they are at the train station and JY comes back with tickets
HI has a bit of a cough and JY tells her to wait for him while he goes buy some medicine for her
as she is sitting there, she gets recognised by some schoolgirls who whisper about her scandal but leave anyway
HI gets up to look at a copy of a newspaper and sees the frontpage about her scandal
she sits back downand covers her face more
reporters however arrive adn crowd around her asking her about the scandal~ GW, MC mong etc arrive and help HI to get away
at the chemist, as he is waiting, JY sees the newspaper and when he runs back, HI is already gone

anyway GW and HI etc get back to seoul and they're in the apartment
GW tells HI to take a rest but HI insists she has sth to say to him
they go off to the side and HI says that even tho it's a scandal, but the scandal is true....then she says she wants to break up with him
GW is angry and asks why? because of his father? or what
HI just keeps saying sorry...GW tells her to think about it again and leaves~ HI's aunt comes over and asks her why~ she tells her she met JY again

JY gets back to seoul~ GW gets back to the record company office and reporters follow him as he walks and keep asking him about the scandal... he is so pissed and upset, he turns around and punches a reporter in the face~ he takes his camera and smashes it against the floor~ MC mong and the sunbae pull him back and goes are you crazy~ GW yells at the reporters before getting dragged away by the 2...meanwhile JY sees this...

back to apartment~ HI's aunt says she cant go back to JY~ but HI is determined~ she says taht GW has long lived without her~ as she is about to walk about her aunt tells her that her eye surgery was made possible coz of GW~

after taht JY and GW go drinking~ MC mong and the sunbae arrives~ the sunbae tells GW to get up and he punches GW~ cant remember what he said to him~ anywayz after they leave, GW and JY continue drinking~ GW gets more and more drunk~ this is really touching~ GW says taht HI wants to break up....he falls to the floor and JY rushes over to help him up... they are hugging each other and GW is crying....what am i to do? what do i do about HI? both of them are crying and in alot of pain~~~aigoo

this other guy (sorry dunno his name~~ but besides, GW, JY, mc mong and the sunbae, there's one more guy) drops GW and JY at GW's big house where the recording studio is and then he leaves... JY helps GW inside the house nad GW syas he wants to go upstairs to the piano~ he sits down at the piano and starts playing a song.... as he is playing he looks at the picture of his mother on the piano...JY looks at GW....GW asks him, isnt my mother beautiful....then he goes "you know about my mother's scandal right?" and JY says he doesnt know... GW says that his mother died on his birthday...scene goes back to when GW was small and he's playing the same song at the piano looking at the photo of his mother... next to the photo is this necklace..voice over of his mother talking to GW, the ppl inside this necklace are the ppl i love the most, your father, you and your sister...GW opens it to see a family photo...he cries and accidently drops it on the floor...he quickly reaches to pick it up but their family photo falls out to reveal a photo of a man which was hidden underneath the family photo....

back to the present GW who is sitting at the piano crying....
cant remember this clearly...he says sth here about how HI is the first woman he's ever loved...

back to apartment~ HI says taht she will be thankful to him for the rest of her life but she still doesnt want to give up JY~ the other guy who drove GW and JY to the big house comes~ as the 2 are walking in the foyer, he says to HI that he hopes she wont break up with GW and that he's never seen GW thsi drunk b4...

JY tucks GW into bed (he's still drunk) and gets up to leave
he gets off the boat and sees HI with the other guy who drove GW and JY to the house b4~ HI gets out of the car and tells that guy to go first... JY tells HI taht JY is going through a really hard time~ HI tells JY that she will tell GW she will separate with him....

HI runs on the boat with that other guy

JY stands there waiting for her...this part is so sad...JY goes that he konws once she goes to him now, she wont come back...but that it's alright...and that's the right thing to do....

HI gets to the house and sees GW sleeping there in front of the fireplace...she cleans the surroundings up and sits down next to GW...she looks at his sleeping face and slowly takes off her ring...
she places it next to GW and gets up...GW suddenly calls out her name~ he sits up.... (this part i think is sooooooo sweet of GW)
his voice is very gentle and he reaches out a hand....HI takes his hand and sits down...he gently caresses her hand and says that it's ok...how he wanted to do really well (like be a good bf and all)...he realises taht she took the ring off...he asks if she could tell him why....HI looks sad and a tear rolls down her face and he reahes up to wipe it...he goes it's ok if u dont want to say...only if you're comfortable or sth... and that he thanks for the time they were together...

HI leaves and as she is walking away she turns back to see GW staring out the window...it is snowing outside and she pauses as she looks at him

back to JY who is waiting at the pier...another boat arrives but still no sign of HI....he repeats again and again... it's ok...it's ok...(so sad T.T) that she did well...it's ok...then he loses his voice and says "But...I...."

back to the big house...HI slowly walks back inside the house...GW senses sth and turns around to see HI....tears fall from his eyes as he looks at his beloved HI who has decided to return to him....

GW sleeps holding HI's hands, who is sittign next to him
voice over by HI, sorry Jun young ar...sorry....

back in seoul, next day...press conference held with HI and GW
JY is also there and HI looks at him with a sad expression....
reporters ask them about the scandal... i stil dont uderstand all of it
but they disclose their relationship...that they are lovers..and GW even jokes that if he wants to get married to HI quicker then he's going to need the help of the media...then a reporter asks HI if she has thoughts of marrying GW as well....she pauses and pauses and pauses....she looks at GW and JY...

credit to cecilia of soompi for the translation

Episode 14 preview

HI and GW hug at the press conference...
JY and Jung hwa bump into HI and GW?! and jung hwa says to them they're on a date?!
the 2 pairs are at some dancing place and they are dancing to a slow song but JY is looking at HI and HI is looking at JY
we hear the voiceover again from JY: the most beautiful in the world my park hye in, i love you....
then that bastard (the gangster childhood acquaintance of JY who bashed him a few times...some1 tell me his name)...anyway there is some sort of fight...they gang up on JY i think...it was too fast i'm not sure.... is this where they cripple his hand? i dunno...
quick shot of HI crying...then GW is at the hospital, looking for JY...he gets to his room, stares at the door and his expression becomes really surprised....

my guess is taht the name outside the door says suh jun young and not choi jun gyu.....my gosh if taht is really true...there is going to be a big confrontation scene coming up

Sad love story Episode 15

Charlie brings Junyoung & Hyein to his aunt's.

-Charlie: There are journalists at the front gates. What on earth are they waiting for without sleeping?
-Charlie: Junyoung! It is not far from here, please endure the pain just a little bit more.
We are going to the tourist-home, where one of my relatives is running. I think it is O.K. for you to stay with Hyein there because nobody will recognize Hyein.
-Junyoung: Hyein should go home. We need to give her a ride first.
-Charlie: What are you talking about! I need to take care of you first! Don't worry, I will give her a ride later. By the way, I'm not familiar with the way to get there. Oh, I got this.

-Gunwoo: Seo Junyoung is not in the room.
-A nurse: Oh, he was there just a minute ago.
-Gunwoo: Can I ask a favor? Please don't tell the journalists that Park Hyein was here.

-Gunwoo: Seo Junyoung! He has been alive! Hyein! Has he been alive till now?

Junyoung, Hyein and Charlie arrive at the tourist-home.
-Charlie: We've got here. Junyoung! Hold me tight!
-Charlie: Aunt!
-Charlie's aunt: My nephew! It's too cold. Please come inside now. I turned the heat on already. Oh my! How did you get that hurt!
-Charlie: There was an accident. Are you O.K.?
-Charlie's aunt: What else do you want me to do?
-Charlie: Please bring some clothes for Hyein.
-Charlie's aunt: All right.
-Junyoung: Please go, Hyein! Charlie, please escort her home.
-Charlie: Don't worry! You need to sleep right now.

Hyein finds Junyoung's tape recorder.

Junyoung: This is the first letter to Park Hyein from Choi Junkyu. Hyein! A fool, Hyein! Why can you smile? What are you so sorry about? It was me who made you go on that day! It was me who didn't hold you knowing that you could not come back. How could you break off the relation with Gunwoo. I was not able to, either and I blamed you that it was your fault but you would not blame me the nicest girl in the world, fool Park Hyein!... From now, smile! Don't be sorry for me! Please be happy! Promise me to be happy!

Hyein: Junyoung! I can't smile I feel like it's a hell because I pretend not to see you even though I can see you.. because I can not go to you even though I want to and I feel like it's a hell because I see you are suffering because of me'so, I can not smile.

Junyoung is looking at sleeping Hyein.

-Hyein: How do you feel today? Are you O. K.? It is lucky for you that you don't feel any high fever now.
-Junyoung: What are you doing here? I told you to go right away.
-Hyein: Does it hurt? Are you O.K.?
-Junyoung: I'm O. K. Please go right now.
-Hyein: I'll go anyway after you'll recover.
-Junyoung: Everybody is worrying about you.
-Hyein: Audrey said O.K. already. Stay still here. I'll bring abalone porridge. I cooked for you.

Hyein is feeding Junyoung.

-Junyoung: I can do it by myself.
-Hyein: Eat this first.
-Junyoung: Don't misunderstand what I did yesterday. I just saved the fiancé of my friend.
-Hyein: Please don't misunderstand me, either. I'm just taking care of the patient.
Don't think about anything. Please eat and recover as soon as possible if you want me to go. Come on, eat this. What a bad patient! You never listen to me. Come on.
-Hyein: Well, eat again.
-Junyoung: I can do it by myself.
-Hyein: I will feed you till you recover.

Hyein is doing washing.... and Junyoung is looking at her.

Junyoung is looking for Hyein.

-Charlie: I'm here to see you. What are you doing here? it's cold outside.
-Junyoung : Well nothing.
-Charlie: Where is Hyein?
-Junyoung: Your aunt said Hyein went home saying she would come back here.
-Charlie: So You are waiting for Hyein?
-Junyoung: No I'm just making my head clear.
-Charlie: What? You're liar.

Junyoung and Charlie are walking along the shore.

-Charlie: Ah! Poor Hyein and you! I canกฏt understand you and her. You two are good too much. If she come back, run away with her!
-Junyoung: How about Gunwoo?
-Charlie: Gunwoo? He will be all right. He'll find his own way to go. You love Hyein so much, then I don't think the friendship is more precious than your love. Once you become sorry to him, you can be happy with Hyein for ever.
-Junyoung: Hyein. She loves Gunwoo.
-Charlie: You are a fool! It is you whom Hyein loves. I know that fact, and why you two don't know that? I feel choky when I think about you guys. Please think seriously of Hyein. You understand me!

Gunwoo hugs Hyein after her saying farewell to Gunwoo. At this moment, Junyoung sees this.

Hyein is waiting for Junyoung. She came back from Seoul finishing her saying to Gunwoo.

Junyoung is wondering in the street.
Junyoung: Hyein!.... I'm still sick I'm not recovered yet. Hyein. I'm sick sick

Gunwoo visits the hospital after the phone call from Hwajong telling Junkyu is sick, however he happens to see Hyein is going somewhere, so he follows her.

Junyoung's liver was seriously hurt, so he got a major surgery.

Hyein: Junyoung! Don't be sick because of me again. Please don't get hurt because of me. From now, I'll not want you so much. I am happy for that you are just alive I don't want any more else

Finally, Gunwoo sees Hyein is calling Junkyu as Seo Junyoung.


credits to Awha2000 cafe
translated by mariane


Sad love story Episode 16

Junyoung regains his consciousness after the surgery.
Hwajong: Are you all right? Are you awake?
Father: Junkyu!! I'm here.
Junyoung: Father!
Father: Yes, you've endured the pain well. You did a good job.

Gunwoo is drinking hard liquor remembering what Junyoung and Hyein said before.
(Junyoung): There is everlasting love.
(Junyoung): Perhaps she is the only one whom I love till I die and after I die!

(Gunwoo): My villa? Why?
(Junyoung): I met my girl friend.

(Gunwoo): I met a woman It's a long story I'll tell you later.

(Gunwoo): Do you think we are a well-matched couple?

(Hyein): Junyoung!!

(Hyein): I'm getting to like you Junkyu little by little.


-Charlie: Junyoung!
-Junyoung: Charlie!
-Charlie: Why are you sitting now? It's hard for you.
-Junyoung: Charlie!
-Charlie: Why?
-Junyoung: Charlie! I'm missing Hyein now. Could you call her for me?
I dreamed of wondering the dark and harsh road.I was helpless and scared,and Hyein called me, so I opened my eyes but Hyein is not here. Now I can recognize how I was a fool. There is no more dreadful thing than I can not see Hyein and I die without Hyein. Please call Hyein for me. I have a lot of things to tell her.

Charlie called Hyein, but Hyein said she could not go to Junyoung.

-Junyoung: Did you make a phone call to her? When is she coming here?
-Charlie: Well I think she can not come here.
-Junyoung: Why? Because of Gunwoo? Please call again and tell her to come here.
-Charlie: She said she can't, and she doesn't want to come.
-Junyoung: Did you say that I miss her and I have something to tell her?
-Junyoung: I can't believe it! Charlie, I will call her again.
-Charlie: Please don't move. Not now.


Charlie: Please eat a lot. Eating food is the best thing for you.
Junyoung is thinking what Hyein said to him

(Hyein): You're sick now. I'll feed you till you recover your health. My hand is medicinal hand. Eat this.

-Jinpyo: Junkyu! I love you Junkyu.
-Chulsoo: Junkyu, we are here.
-Junyoung: You guys don't have to come, I know you are busy.
-Jinpyo: Hey, you! Why didn't you tell us earlier that you're sick? You need to eat that first. Do you want me to feed you?

-Gunwoo: Hey, Choi Junkyu!
-Charlie: Hi, Gunwoo! Thank you for this.

-Junyoung: Retire?
-Jinpyo: Don't you know Hyein retired already? Everybody says she is Cinderella.
-Chulsoo: Gunwoo is going to marry Hyein. The engagement ceremony will be held next week.
-Gunwoo: Recover your health as soon as possible to sing a song of congratulation for us.
-Jinpyo: I think he will be recovered by the ceremony, then what are we going to do? Oh, I can be a rapper.
-Chulsoo: Make a duet with me.
-Jinpyo: Do you want to see our performance here? I think you can't believe that I was a dancer. I'm really good at dancing, though. I'll dance now.

-Charlie: Are you O.K Jinpyo?


-Father: Please eat this. Discard the thing right away that you can not hold. You are gonna get hurt if you hold that.

Junyoung is leaving the hospital.
-Charlie: Please put on this.
-Father: Let's go, Junkyu.
-Charlie: I'm sick of hospital.

Junyoung is having meal.
-Father: Please eat a lot, and get your health quickly. They say this beef soup is best for the injured body. Eat a lot.
-Hwajong's father: Who on earth did that to you? What a cruel boys! They need to get punishment. I'll fell them with my single blow if you tell me.
-Hwajong's mother: Though you are only a coward. You can not kill even a small mouse.
-Hwajong's father: Don't you know I was a member of the Marine Corps.
-Hwajong's mother: You always say that, but I've never seen that kind of picture though, we've been married for 27 years.
-Hwajong's father: That is because I burned all the pictures when I left the army.

-Hwajong: Please stop talking. I worry Junyoung might get stomachache.
-Lady: Junyoung! Come here and live with your father.
-Hwajong's mother: That's a good idea. I'll cook everyday for you.
-Hwajong: That's right. Please come here to live.
-Junyoung: I feel comfortable at my friend's.

-Hwajong: Please eat this too.
-Lady: Look at Hwajong caring for Junyoung. Do you like Junyoung that much?
-Hwajong: Please don't say like that.
-Lady: How about making Junyoung and Hwajong a couple?
-Father: All right. Hwajong is good. She is pretty and nice.
-Hwajong's father: Then, we are going to be in-laws.
-Hwajong's mother: No way! Hwajong will be a famous star, so the scandal is not good for her.
-Charlie: Please stop wrong opinions. Junyoung never want to. What you all are pushing in now?


-Junyoung: Thank you for coming here.
-Hyein: Are you discharged from the hospital? Are you O.K. now?
-Junyoung: Congratulations on your engagement.
-Hyein: Thank you.
-Junyoung: Are you happy?
-Hyein: Of course, Gunwoo is so nice to me, you know.
-Junyoung: You are right.right.
-Junyoung: I'm just come to see your face.

-Junyoung: Please be happy!.... and I... Go inside now. I'm O.K. because I could see you here.


-Gunwoo: You've come earlier.
-Shinhee: I haven't seen you for a long time, Junkyu.
-Shinhee: It's good for you to be discharged from the hospital, however your face is still pale.
-Gunwoo: You're supposed to take care of him. You said he is your lover.
-Shinhee: Did I say that?
-Gunwoo: How about performing wedding ceremonies altogether with us. I think this is a good idea to save money.
-Shinhee: You'd better stop that talking. We are just friends.
-Gunwoo: Well, It is pretty good for you lonely guys to be a couple. Oh, didn't you forget your first lover yet? Let's find her together. What is her name, your first lover?
-Junyoung: Let's talk about other things. All that is gone by.
-Gunwoo: It seems that you are regretting about it.
-Shinhee: Please stop talking about it. Junkyu looks embarrassed.
-Gunwoo: All right. Junkyu! Will you play a song of congratulation for my engagement ceremony?
-Hyein: I don't think we need that.
-Gunwoo: Why not? He is willing to play a song for the engagement ceremony of his friend.
-Junyoung: O. K. I'll think over it.
-Gunwoo: Come to me about 1 o'clock tomorrow. I'd like to look over the song that you arranged.
-Junyoung: Yeah, I see.


-Junyoung: What's going on?
-Gunwoo: Go away.as far as possible. Go! Oh, I forgot we had a contract. This is my penalty for you.
-Junyoung: What is it? Why are you doing this to me?

-Gunwoo: I'm bearing to the best of my capacity. If I touch you, I feel like killing you. I feel like killing you, so I'm bearing now.
-Junyoung: What is it? Why are you doing this to me?
-Gunwoo: Don't you know? Don't you really know? Seo Junyoung!!!
Pshaw! Was it interesting that I behaved in your guys hands crying and laughing? Was it interesting that much? I want to curse myself who thought you as a friend.
-Junyoung: Gunwoo!
-Gunwoo: Tomorrow, you have to attend my engagement ceremony. Play a song just like what you acted in front of me. The song of full of you & her sweet memories! Play that song praying for the happiness of your everlasting lover and go away!... as far as you can. If I see you again, I might kill you.

-Junyoung: I'll do whatever you want me to do. I'll do anything. But please keep this a secret between you and me. Let's finish it here.
-Gunwoo: Are you worrying about Hyein now? Don't worry about my girl! I'll surely do what I'm supposed to do.
-Gunwoo: Seo Junyoung! You didn't say even a word of excuse!


Junyoung is playing a congratulation song for Hyein & Gunwoo's engagement remembering the memories with Hyein.

(young Hyein): Do you want to hear this music?

(Hyein): Seo Junyoung!!!


-Junyoung: You go first! I'll go later.
-Hyein: Let's go together.
-Junyoung: I'll go to Seoul later.
-Hyein: Then, I'll go after I see you leaving.
-Hyein: Let's go now.
-Junyoung: Please don't look for me from now, and don't worry about me even though you can not find me. I'll never come back here, so never look for me again. Forget me! Forget all the things about me!
-Hyein: Junyoung!

-Hyein: Gunwoo!!
-Gunwoo: Is this your secretplace?
-Junyoung: That's a misunderstanding on your part.
-Gunwoo: Shut up! Seo Junyoung!!
-Junyoung: Stop it! You are misunderstanding us. Please calm down! I'll never turn up again.
-Gunwoo: I can't trust you any more! From now, you two can never get right off my sight, and live suffering before me.
-Hyein: Gunwoo!
-Gunwoo: Park Hyein! I can not forgive you, either. I'll hurt you for the rest of my life till I dry up all your blood! Come out! Come out!

-Junyoung: I can't let her go. If you hurt her and make her miserable, I can't let her go.


credits to cafe.daum.net/awha2000
Translated by mariane

&raquo;Send Entry

Posted/credit by: nonny

[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-4-6 at 08:52 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-11 07:57 | 显示全部楼层
Episode 17 Summary

so JY yells he wont let go of HI
and GW is like wth
JY says if HI is going to be miserable with u then i'm not going to let her go
they get into a fight and HI tries to stop them
she pulls onto GW's arm and says that she's wrong that she wont do it again, please stop
they stop fighting and GW storms off

HI and GW go back to the big holiday house and GW is getting really drunk
GW questions her, i think he asks her since when has she been like this with JY
he's so pissed he throws the bottle he's drinking from and HI's crying
he drags her to the bedroom and throws her on the bed and asks her sth (sorry cant remember already)
he shoves her on the bed and climbs on top of her and HI screams and tells him dont be like that plz
GW yells why~ then sth about JY
HI stops and turns her face away, GW looks a bit stunned, like he said sth wrong?! i dnno and gets up
he tells HI to go because when he looks at her, it drives him crazy

HI leaves and she is walking slowly, she's nearly reached her apartment i think where she bumps into JY
HI asks if he's alright
JY says to her if anything happens then tell him
and he says i'll ask u one last time
can u be happy with GW and HI says yes

HI gets home and her aunt finds out that GW knows about everything now
she says yeah this world has no secrets

next day at KNT, JY comes and he kneels in front of GW (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and apologises for what happened yesterday
he's like i'll leave and he goes be happy with HI or sth
GW gets really pissed off, like i told u not to be out of my sight and live in pain next to me and HI (argh)~ he says sth about how he's still got a contract with him and if he goes he'll break the contract
JY says ok then, that he'll do what GW wants

HI and her aunt are cooking sth and HI's aunt suggests that how about she bring some of the food to KNT and give GW a surprise

at some meeting at KNT, Oh sa jang says sth about the plan for the new phone
GW says sth about the sales and mp3
then GW's dad goes, how about if we hand over thsi project to GW and he asks Oh sa jang what he thinks and Oh sa jang controls his temper and goes that is a good idea

after the meeting, GW walks into his room to see JY there waiting fo rhim
JY came to show him some new songs he had written for KNT
GW starts looking at it but the Oh sa jang comes in and tells him to go with him to do sth~ JY says he will wait for him
GW throws the score on the table (argh that was really annoying) and leaves with Oh sa jang
HI goes into one lift and GW comes out of the other one
hahha what do u expect from kroean drama huh
HI goes into the room to find JY there
JY tells her that GW just left
HI goes ok then i'll go then
she turns to leave but pauses and asks JY if he's eaten yet

meanwhile GW gets a phone call from audrey and audrey is like ur with HI right, let me speak to her
GW goes huh, HI?
GW goes back to his room to find HI and JY sitting ther with the food in front of them~ HI gets up to leave and sees GW at the door (when i watched this i was like my gosh she is so GONE)
GW looks at them and tells HI to come out with him
they get into the car and GW is really pissed, he steps on the accelerator and they arrive at the holiday house again
GW beats at his drums while drinking and HI prepares dinner
when she si finished, she goes up to tell him to come eat
GW is still drinking and sorta ignores her and keeps playing the drums
she repeats again to tell him to eat
he throws his drumsticks and yells why do u make me crazy again and again!
he gets up and tells her to go
he drags her down the stairs and pushes her out the door then locks it
HI bangs ont he door and yell at him to open it but he just ignores and goes back upstairs to play the drums
he keeps drinking and falls asleep
meanwhile HI waits outside in the cold weather

JY meets up with shin hee (GW's childhood fd- i fainlly konw her name!!haha)
and i think b4 she asked him if he could write the OST for some drama?
not sure~ anyway he said he'll do it..in the one day
anyway he works for the whole night writing songs for the drama
he's finished in the morning and when shin hee gets there all she finds is a note and a cd~~

JY goes to the holiday house to find GW but sees HI outside crouched in a huddle asleep
he goes hye in ah....she wakes up and he asks her waht are u doing outside in such cold weather and she says she just wanted t get some fresh air
he feels her hands and they're really cold
anyway he says go back inside
he tries to open the door but he cant and HI says taht she accidentally locked herself out but she looks sick and her voice is half gone
JY starts to get mad and bangs on the door
he yells GW, you bastard, come out now
HI tries to stop JY and says plz dont be like this
JY grabs HI's hand and tries to drag her away
HI struggles free and tells him to go
JY gets really pissed
i cant remember what he said already-_-
bad memory~ anyway he drags HI to the car and they drive off
he takes her to charlie & co's house and charlie and the 2 other girls come out
they lay HI down who is sleeping and JY tells them to keep it a secret that she is here~ JY leaves and when HI wakes up the 2 unnis tell her to stay in the room and leave after everyone goes

GW gets waken by mc mong banging on the door
he rings audrey to ask to speak to HI
she tells him she hasnt been home all night

anyway, HI leaves afterwards and goes home
audrey looks at her and asks what's wrong
u dont look well
they sit down and HI asks her if she still remembers how it was when they were in newyork and they are talking about it
HI says she wanted to be good to her
and audrey says that she is good to her now
then HI says that she's tried really hard but no matter how hard she tries it seems she cannot be with GW
she tells audrey taht she wants to sleep comfortabl and breathe comfortably and that she'll give up both GW and JY
i think she akss audrey to leave together with her or sth

HI goes to find GW and GW apologises for last night and that he wont do it again
HI gives him back the ring and says that she's tried to love him but no matter how hard she try seems like it wont work
she tells him she is thankful etc etc
she gets up to leave and GW says sth about i wont let u go to JY
HI tells him she's not going to nayone and that she wil give both of them up

afterwards, GW goes to find HI at her house but audrey tells him that HI has already left by herslf and she doesnt know where she is
audrey goes to find JY and tells him about what HI is doing
she gves him HI's letter to him

man i actually understood 99% of the letter when i watched it but i cant remember it now>< sth like
this is park hye in's last letter to suh jun young
suh jun young's angry face is really ugly
so dont get angry anymore

we have to meet again in the next life
you have to grab my hand and never let go of it then

forget me and abandon me
be a great composer or sth

sth to my love suh jun young
argh sorry
cant remember

anyway JY goes looking for HI at the little house but she's not there
he goes to some beach (have they been there b4????)
and there's a voice over , sorta like a reply to HI's letter
argh cant remember mcuh of that now either
all i remember is the last line to the world's most beautiful my hye in, i miss u

he's sitting there on the beach and he gets up and is about to leave but suddenly sees HI
he yells out park hye in
hI stops but doesnt turn around
she pauses but keeps walking
JY throws down hs bags and run towards her and hugs her from behind
she turns around and he says there is no next life
sth about how they 're here, now
they hug

ep ends

in the preview JY says taht even if it's just 1 day he wants to be by her side
there are some really happy scenes the 2 in the upcoming ep
really looking forward to it^^

credit to Cecilia of soompi

Episode 18

ok so they hug at the beach
anywayz afterwards they are sitting down
and JY goes that from now on he is going to create their destiny

GW is with shin hee at a bar
he's drinking as usual
shin hee tells him about how JY wrote the OST for that drama in only 1 day
and GW is like so u accepted his music already?
then he goes that she cant coz he's still got a contract with him
and if she accepts it then jY will break the contract or sth
shin hee asks GW what's going on

GW says sth about the friend he trusts the most and the woman he loves
he keeps saying he reckons that JY is together with HI
shin hee tries to convince them that they are not

HI rings audrey to tell her she's good
audrey is worried coz HI is by herslef
GW comes to the apartment and audrey ensures him taht HI just rang and told her she si safe and by herself but she doesnt konw where HI is

JY and HI rent a room to live in together
that night they sleep
at first they sleep separately
then HI asks him to make sure not to come over here
and JY sits up and he's like what are u thinking!
how could a girl think of such things!
adn they somehow get into a pillowfight or sth (buffered couldnt see)
but then later i think JY asks HI if she can move closer
so she sleeps on his arm
they're not asleep yet and he's hummiing her a song
HI looks at him and is really touched
her eyes water and JY says to her to not cry
she said she is very sorry towards him and she is really happy now
JY wipes the tears off her face and tells her he will make her the most happy in the world and that he wil receive the consequences for their sin towards GW

next JY is alrayd awake but HI is still sleeping
JY tells HI to wake up and when she wakes up , she suddenly sees JY, who used seashells to cover his eyes
she screams and JY finds it really funny
HI sees that he's prepared breakfast and she says sorry
JY goes that last night he couldnt sleep coz she wouldnt keep quiet
and HI says he's lying
and JY goes that last night in her sleep she kept mumbling things like "jun young ah...jun young obba....sa rang hae..."
(haha it's really funny when he puts on taht voice)
HI hits him with her pillow

anyway JY has to go back to seoul to do sth and HI is to wait for him there
JY steals a kiss form HI before he goes

back to seoul he goes to see shin hee who tells him that coz of GW she cant accept his music
JY gets pissed and goes to find GW
GW is in his office with MC mong
GW nad JY go up to the top floor and GW is yelling at JY "what is hye in?!!"
JY goes doesnt look for her and that he's not going to let go of her
they punch each other i think

HI waits for JY but it is dark and he's still not back
JY finally returns and they hug
JY has been drinking a little
he brings sth back for her and HI goes that she hasnt eaten coz she was waiting fo rhim
JY says that he's eaten but he'll eat again anyway

that night after HI falls asleep, JY gets up and starts writing some song
HI opens her eyes and stares at JY's back and smiles
JY turns around to look at hI and HI closes her eyes quickly to pretend she is sleeping

next day JY goes to all these record companies to try to leave a copy of his music behind but get alot of rejections

GW gives some presentation at a meeting the new phone (all i could catch is something about how the phone can hold 500 songs and sth about releasing digital single) att he end of the presentation everyone claps including GW's father
GW and the Oh sa jang go to have a drink
Oh sa jang says there seems to be something goin on with ur friend and hye in right? anyway in the end GW asks him if he can help him find HI
Oh sa jang rings the min hoo guy (the bastard that likes hwa jung) and tells him to look for HI and to make a scandal out of it

JY keeps writing songs at night and one night he throws he scrunches up all these pages he wrote coz he's not satisfied.... his nose starts bleeding (NO!!!!!!!!!!!!)
next day they are having more fun....jun young is pushing HI on the bike~ they sit down together and HI says taht she wished they could keep on living like this but JY says we should go back...HI says let's stay a fewmore days
anyway JY asks HI if she still wants to be a gasoo
HI goes even if she wanted to it would be hard coz of the scandals and also coz of GW~ JY goes what happened to the brave park hye in
JY syas lets start again and he'll be the composer while she is the gasoo
he gets up and runs a few metres away and yells that he will be the best composer for HI or sth~ HI gets up and runs toward him and they hug

the min hoo guy sits in his car some metres away and observes them with a smirk

next day GW's father picks up the paper and sees the scandal o f HI on the front page and he gets pissed at GW
GW ensures him ther eis nothing going on
meanwhile, charlie & co see the scandal and they're like, that means HI is with JY...i hope they're well....charlie goes they must be doing fine

anyway, at a record company, jo sung mo is going through all these scores but he doesnt like any of them~ the guy ensures him that somehtng will come up and suddenyl jo sung mo picks up JY's score which was set aside and he starts sight singing it~after awhile he says he really likes the song and asks who wrote it

JY and HI go back inside and JY's phonerings
it's jo sung mo and he tells him he really liks his song and was to see hm
JY is really happy

meanwhile hwajung tries to get out of min hoo where HI is
but he wont tell her
i think he tells her in the end anyway and she calls GW to tell hm

JY leaves and HI tells him to come back earlier
JY steals another kiss from her on the lips before going
JY meets jo sung mo who tells him he wants to make the song the title track of his upcoming album

GW arrives at the place and HI is hanging out the clothes
he grabs her hand but she tells him to let go, she will walk herslef
they walk to the car and GW tells her to get in
HI says say whatever u have to say here
GW insists she gets in
she gets in and he goes she has to do sth and she says i'm not ur fiancee anymore
GW locks the doors of the car and takes off
JY comes int he opposite direction and GW nearly runs the car into him
JY sees HI in the car but GW speeds off
HI yells jun young ah and JY runs after the car

ep ends

actually it is followed by a whole series of flashback scenes....think it was a MV...

Episode 19

so GW drives away with HI in the car
HI tells him to stop
they stop by the side of the road and GW is a bit crayz i think
anywayz he yells that he cant live with her
HI says she is sorry for hurting him and making him like this
and she feels really bad seeing him like this
but she loves JY, she loves him so she is sorry
GW finally unlocks the doors and HI gets out and runs along the road back towards where they came from
JY is meanwhile in a taxi trying to chase up to HI and he sees HI running along the road~ he stops the taxi and gets out~ they hug and HI keeps saying "i love you"
JY and HI go back to seoul and they go to see audrey
audrey is happy for them and she says that she knew even when she talked to HI on the phone that she was will JY coz she sounded so happy~
she tells JY to love HI along and for a long time
HI and audrey move out of the apartment and they find another place
HI and JY are cleaning up the place, sticking the wallpaper up etc...and they're having a fun time~~~^^

GW goes to tell his father that it's over between him and HI
his father slaps him and asks what 's this, after they had the engagement and it's all over the newspapers~ GW says sorry
as they are leaving the company, suddenly all these police cars pull up and say they have a warrant~ so they take all these files from the comapny
that night GW, father and the oh sa jang + other shareholders int he company are sitting around at GW's house trying to discuss the matter
i couldnt understand much except that they came to a pretty grim conclusion that it will be hard for him to find a way out

GW and audrey meet up and audrey apologises to GW
she goes u knew that i really liked you right?
an di think she says she's sorry and she's thankful (cant remember)

JY takes HI to a recording studio and records more demo songs
he takes the demo cd to all these record companies
that night JY walks HI home
at the door~ he gives her a present~ it's a necklace , then he gives her a 2nd present, whch is HI's demo cd~ they say more things to each other i cant remember what~ then JY leaves~~ he walks down a few steps then runs back up~ HI asks him why and he goes i came coz i wanted to see you (awwwwww)
then he hugs her~~~and says taht he hates separating
meanwhile GW is watching from afar and smiles as he sees HI's happy face, but he's got tears in his eyes

HI and audrey are lying on the same bed and audrey says that even tho the place is not as nice, her heart is more at ease
then she tells HI that she saw GW~ HI asks if he is alright
audrey says that GW says he is ok but he doesnt look ok
HI says that she si bad and is the only one who is happy
audrey tells her not to thnk like that

GW is chatting up 2 girls at a bar and shin hee arrives
he tells the 2 girls that he's single but one of them ask then what's the ring
GW takes it off and goes u can have it
the other girl goes then i want one too (geez)
shin hee walks up to them and drags GW away
back in GW's office, GW tells shin hee about when he first found out about JY's real identity how he felt
then he said all this stuff which i only half understood~~hmmm>.<
shin hee gets a phone call and it's GW"s sister who informs them taht GW's father is at the hospital , they rush to the hospital and GW's sis tells him hje's doing an operation?

at a meeting, one of the shareholders states that another company is releasing a phone model exactly the same as theirs with the same features
GW finds it a bit unbelievable

JY takes HI to the recording studio to record more songs but then the person there says that's enough we cant let u do it anymore
JY asks why and the guy goes coz KNT said something they cant do it anymore
JY is really angry and goes off to find GW
JY asks GW why~ the 2 have an argument and HI arrives
GW drives off
HI and JY are walking at some park and JY is still angry
HI goes how come ur not holding my hand, so JY takes her hand and put their locked hands into his pocket
HI tries to cheer him up by telling ajoke and JY laughs and they're all happy again

JY gets a call from someone who says they're heard the demo and are intersted
they go to a restaurant to wait for those ppl
mc mong and the other guy shows up
i'm not really sure what htey said except mc mong explained GW's current situation to JY and JY feels bad about getting angry at GW

min hoo takes oh sa jang to some noraebang place to meet up with another guy involved in eh conspiracy~ minhoo waits outside but after they all leave, minhoo walks back into the room and takes something from under the table...it is a mp3 player/recorder
min hoo takes the mp3 and gives it to hwa jung
he says that he doesnt trust that guy

JY gets a call from hwajung and hwajung says let's meet now
JY is about to hang up when she says that it's about GW and how they can help or sth~ anyway he goes to her hotel room and when she opens the door she is wearing a bathrobe
hwajung sits JY down and as she talks she leans closer, JY gets up and wants to leave and hwajung takes out the recorder and gives it to JY
JY goes thank you but sth sth and puts the recorder then and is about to leave
hwajung tells him to stop~ JY turns around and she takes her bathrobe off
she's got some red dress thing underneath
JY walks over and picks up the bathrobe and puts it back on her
he says that she is pretty~ that since they were young he liked her..so dont be like this~ hwajung says see, u liked me only before HI came
JY says yeah....so dont be like this
hwajung says i love you too so look at me
anyway she gets upset and cries

JY goes to find GW at the hospital and gives him the recorder
he says he got it from hwajung

next scene GW is in his office and oh sa jang comes in
he asks GW what's up and GW goes i heard something really interesting
he plays a clip on his computer and it's the voice of oh sa jang talking to some other about the conspiracy
GW yells at him and asks him why he did it

back in his own office, oh sa jang rings the minhoo guy and tells him to do sth
he's pissed and pushes everything tot he floor

JY goes to a florist to buy flowers and he tells the person there he's going to propose~ he rings HI who is teaching organ at the church and HI goes she is going to finish soon~ he tells her to wait there for her and he is going ot come~
he gets a call form GW who wants to meet up with him
GW leaves the building and a whole bunch of car including one with minhoo on it follow him~ GW stops at the place he is meeting JY and gets out
all those cars around stop and gather around GW
JY is there and sees and the 2 fight off all the guys and keep running as they fight

i reall lke ths end bit becasue really hvent seen them talk to each other like normal for ages~~

Credit to Cecilia of soompi for the translation

Episode 20

so JY and GW are running away and fighting the gangsters
(this bit is actually a bit funny coz there are so many guys and just the 2 of them but somehow they still cant get them)
the police come and the whole group retreats
in the process, GW sees min hoo there

GW and JY become friends again
JY asks GW if he is ok~ and i think GW suggests about working together

JY runs to the church and HI is sitting there playing the organ waiting for him
JY walks up quietly behind her and covers her eyes
HI turns around and sees a cut on JY's face
JY says that he bumped into a friend and coz there were some bad guys he helped his friend get rid of them
HI asks "friend?"
anywya HI tells JY to close his eyes and she takes out a scarf she knitted for him and puts it on him
JY of course likes it
then he whinges that the side of his face where the cut is hurts
HI leans over wanting to blow it but JY kisses her instead
ahhhhhhh soooooooo sweet

JY, HI meet up with mc mong and the other guy and inform them that he and GW are on good terms again and that they are planning to work togehter with HI

Meanwhile the oh sa jang is up to no good again~ he's got more up his sleeve and he is discussing this with min hoo
GW goes tot he hospital and his sister is there
she tells him that she is pregnant but she hasnt told anyone except him yet
GW is shocked and doesnt konw what to do about the situation
he walks outside where oh sung jin (oh sa jang- i finally know his name!!) kneels in front of hm and begs him to give him another chance and dont tell his wife (argh)

GW;s father gets better and leaves the hospital~~ eveyrhing is resolved but during a meeting, GW's father says that they must find the person who created the whole thing~ and oh sung jin replies awkwardly that they are trying to find

MC mong, JY and HI are at the recording studio and HI is recording
MC mong and the other guy are dancing to her singing (Mc mong is so funny)

GW and shin hee shows up~ HI looks a bit awkward
later on GW is standing alone in the piano room
HI walks in to do st and finds him there
she pauses and looks at GW
GW goes , u want to say sorry again huh? there's no need
actually u gave me alot..u made me believe in love again
HI says to GW that he will find a love like the love bet her and JY
shin hee walks in and jokes that the 2 ex lovers are trying to get back together (?)

GW gets a call from Minhoo and they meet up
GW gives him money in return for evidence of oh sung jin's new conspiracy
GW looks at the documents and he's really pissed off
next day, oh sung jin finds out taht he is to be transferred tot he new york branch of the company~~ oh sung jin is really angry and goes to find GW and asks him why~ GW informs him that he knows about his new conspiracy and throws the documents in front of him~ Oh sung jin is shocked and GW says a whole bunch of stuff~ i think he says that he has to be responsible for his sister?! and tells him to go to new york and dont come back or sth~ if he comes back he'll be in deep trouble and he'll tell his sister about everything~

HI's songs are released with the phone and the response is good and HI makes the frontpages again~~ they have a little celebration thing and GW goes that they should/are organising a concert for HI~ and it will be her first concert

HI's aunt goes to the club that charlie and the girls are rnning and sings there
HI and JY go to see her and everyone is really high

JY goes to the florist again and the girl recognises him and says ur coming again
JY says this time i really will propose to her
after that JY and HI arrive at the ski resort and JY insists that HI sits int he cafe to wait for him while he does what he needs to do
HI waits and waits and waits ~ she rings him btu he tells her he's still busy~ she keeps waiting and gets a call from JY~ HI asks if he's finished and JY goes no but can she go to the room and wait for him there~
she's a bit disappointed but goes to the hotel room anyway

ok from here i'm sure u gals will MELT coz i did

HI walks into the room and turns on the light to find the whole room/ceiling filled with helium balloons~~ there are balloons also ont he floor everywhere and HI sees a box with a wedding couple doll on top of it, surrounded by roses
she walks over tot he box and sits there
there's a note and a notebook underneath the doll
the note from JY said he loves her and i think the notebook was from when they were young coz the whole thing is in braille
HI is getting more and more touched by the moment (how can u not be!!!!!)
she opens the box to find a white dress with a tape recorder
she plays the tape and it's jY's voice
he asks if she wants to be his wife and that he's waiting outside for her
HI is crying and after a pause on the tape JY's voice on the tape goes "it's cold outside! hurry up ad come out park hye in! i'm going to die from the cold otherwise~" (ah that cheeky guy)

Hye in runs outside in the wite dress and JY is waiting there for her
he waves around these sparklers and traces the shape of a heart with them
she runs towards him and they hug
JY picks her up and twirls her around, yelling Now park hye in is really my wife!!
they keep twirling around until the fall to the ground and JY bends over to kiss her

(this kiss is still a bit short but gosh KSW's kiss makes up for it)

haha and they keep kissing in the snow

next scene (this was TOTALLY UNEXPECTED)
JY and HI are in bed (covered by bedsheets hahahhaha)
and JY kises her forehead then her nose and then her lips
first lightly then more deeply

minhoo comes out of a bar with hwajung and suggests why dont they go home together or sth~ hwajung is like are u crazy
anyway oh sung jin looks from afar at the couple
later on on the top floor of the KNT bldg, he goes to minhoo do u want to go to hong kong with ur girlfriend or sth~ he gives a red box to minhoo
he says to him if this time round, things go well he can let them go overseas or sth
minhoo asks him what it is and he says that GW is getting in his way and tell shim to do sth about it??? he leaves and minhoo opens the box to see a gun and a passport in it

meanwhile at the ski resort it's concert day~ and HI is preparing in the dressing room~ audrey is there and JY walks in~ audrey walks out to do sth and JY hugs HI from behind~ he asks how she's feeling and she's a bit nervous~ he says that after the concert they need to start preparing for their wedding~ HI goes hearing that gives her strength~ HI tells him that he must sit in a place where she can see him easily while she is performing~ JY has to leave and HI goes cant u stay a bit longer? JY syas i have to go prepare stuff~ HI takes out the necklace she gave him when they were young (the one with park hye in in braille) and puts it on JY~ Jy goes but it's urs~ HI says what's mine is yours as well~ from now on we will do things together~ JY puts his hands on HI's face and kisses her~JY leaves but both of them dont want to part (when JY finally lets go of HI's hand, the music went funny~ as if it was the last time the would be together-_-)

outside JY and GW are preparing for th econert~ more and more ppl are arriving

back at GW"s house~ oh sung jin is drinking~ su ji tells him that she is pregnant and says taht GW is sending him over to new york sth about coz she's pregnant~ couldnt quite catch all of it~ anywayz~ oh sung jin realises that GW didnt want to rid of him but actually wanted to keep him in the family coz of his sister~ he is in shock and runs outside to the car where he desperately tries to ring minhoo to stop him~ the phone keeps ringing but noone picks up

minhoo is at the ski resort and is sitting in the car~ he is really nervous and is drinking soju to try loosen himself up~ he doesnt realise the phone is ringing~ oh sung jin keeps ringing but stil noone picks up and he yells out in frustration~ finally he drives off hoping to stop minhoo

minhoo puts the gun inside his jacket and heads for the hotel rooms

JY and GW are setting up the stuff in the hotel room for the celebration party afterwards~ GW tells JY to go first~ JY goes and gets out of the lift as minhoo gets in~ minhoo has a cap on so JY cant tell it's him
minhoo gets to the room and rings the bell~ GW opens the door and minhoo points the gun at him~ he punches GW
JY meanwhile thinks for a bit and feels that something is not right and goes back to check on GW
he enters the room and sees minhoo pointing a gun at GW~ he jumps at minhoo and the three punch each other~ after while, the gun which was knocked out of minhoo's hand is picked up by minhoo again and he points the gun at GW~ JY sees and jumps in front of GW and he gets shot


at the same time HI feels as if something has happened and she jumps

JY is rushed to hospital while minhoo is arrested
after the doctors tried to do different things, the doctor tells GW that JY cannot be saved~ GW goes WHAT~ u have to save him~ cant u do operation etc etc
the doctor explained that (I think) his heart or some organ or rather burst~ and it is too late to do an operation~
anyway GW goes inside to see JY and says u fool why did u do that
JY goes to GW to plz help him and take him back to the concert
he promised HI he'll be there
and he really wanted to see her~ he wanted to see her sing on stage~he wanted to see her~
GW rings MC mong who comes to pick them up~ he's crying in the car and he asks GW is there really no way to save him?
GW hugs JY tightly and Mc mong goes dont u worry i will make sure u'll see HI or sth
GW carries JY to the stage and they sit down~ the concert starts and HI appears and starts singing~ JY smiles and HI and him exchange looks~ flashback of their childhood (i LOVE the new SG wannabe song they play here~ think it's the first time it's been played in the drama riht?)
and they cut the SG wannabe parts~~><
anywayz~ JY is getting tired and his eyes are slowly closing
voice over of JY~ he says that HI is really beautiful like that on the stage
tells her to be happy even if he isnt there
he's sorry and to the world's most beautiful..my park hye in~ i love you....
he slowly closes his eyes and his head drops down

next scene is HI standing next to the water at the little house
suddenly we hear the sound of a guitar playing the first song that JY wrote for her
HI slowly walks to the house and opens the door
we see JY's younger version sitting there playing the guitar
the kid looks up and sees HI and says "Mum!"
(i was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
anywayz he asks her if he is playing as good as dad
HI says nearly~~
they walk out of the house and her son says that he will become a great songwriter and write songs for HI because she looks really beautiful when she sings on stage

as they are walking~ voice over of HI
JY, to my beloved jun young~ i wait for the day we meet again and we can be together forever....

ep ends

[ Last edited by 20002000 on 2005-4-6 at 08:55 PM ]
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