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▲主题整理▲1994林权泽《太白山脉》The taebaek mountains










发表于 2004-5-29 22:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 D: S7 T) \* ^+ i. {: E8 W7 x- A) N' w- O主演:安圣基,金明坤、金甲寿、吴贞孩、方银珍
+ \$ p3 x/ ^/ W0 `  Z: G

- A' N9 p' e" Z$ u  H3 Q  z" p. g                               

9 C( X- z. B& Z
2 ?( w6 w, u+ H3 e1995年柏林国际电影节参展;/ M$ s# X. k' p9 L3 @' i/ \6 p' _
1995年第33回大钟赏:审查委员会特别赏、音乐赏、男优助演赏(金甲寿)、女优助演赏;. @4 x+ j: ~; y; F, A3 x
1995年第31回百想艺术大赏:男子演技赏(金甲寿);% y* n4 w2 A6 v/ e3 ^
# I7 k9 t6 O( q% T8 z0 y; J1994年第5回春史映画艺术赏:最优秀作品赏、照明赏、技术赏、新人男优赏(金甲寿)、女优演技赏;
8 m3 ~) L4 z7 x; o0 a: C* O# _1994年被/韩国映画振兴公社/评选入“上半年优秀电影”;
* L* u2 \  L$ D4 {0 r% X7 {4 ^! k
, M( i7 e, q8 H' `6 |& p6 C( n8 e
+ c9 _; F* S5 B+ L========================================
  U1 U5 o& M6 z4 g# `2 {( p. ~4 b3 Z2 E+ D3 ?( j' U, F$ @* `% I
+ z/ ?) y# k3 `, T9 _" ?. H
' K0 r% r4 U  V* R
当初买这块碟,根本不了解是什么电影,只看到封面上赫然写着几个大字--“林权泽作品”就立马买下了,很庆幸没有错过一部好电影!!剧本是根据赵延来的同名历史长河小说改编的。+ E" ]- ^- }, Y. r

$ l6 Q  h0 {4 ]+ l% k* \6 |* p5 B8 k# F2 i  s5 g- [6 g
0 X  m# f: D) ^7 S+ _) U9 l% J+ j/ J2 S3 j

2 {: f% o; m& W! U; `+ q0 l小时候看过不少关于“抗美援朝”的红色电影,毕竟是国产片,这些电影的视角当然是一边倒!很多东西也许并非我们所想象的那样,如果想换一个角度去重新审视这场战争,就不妨看看邻国的《太白山脉》吧!林权泽完全是以一个旁观者的姿态来看待这段历史的,片中安圣基所饰演的老师的视线也正是导演的视线。
3 [0 K' h0 |" j3 v/ `% O- f
% n! S* Y1 C5 H% f' S- P
3 M; [4 G% e$ f) W0 k太白山脉是半岛的脊梁,横亘南北,北韩的金刚山和南韩的雪岳山都是太白山脉的重要组成部分。南北的分裂,有如这条民族脊梁的断裂。。。所以电影一开画就有让人震撼的感染力——低沉绵长的萧声在太白山脉间呜咽,漫山群鸟穿梭其间,悲鸣哀号,共谱一曲民族分裂骨肉相残生离死别的挽歌。。。
) @4 \" M& X5 u  }) s! Y
0 D2 K2 {$ g0 T! b4 z2 X  U: D
4 d4 E6 R7 z! e  K7 F我们先来了解一下影片的时代背景。。! F, U/ f5 ?+ w/ a

% s: [4 u1 Z% S" v- K6 j- B“二战”后,“三八线”成为美苏两军划分势力范围接受日军投降的分界线。当时美苏双方都一再宣称,这只不过是美苏两军进驻的暂时分界线,并不存在政治上的意义,但严酷的事实是,美苏分属于东西方阵营的核心国,本质上无法相容。因此,两军进驻后不久,三八线两端的交通、电话和电报联系均被切断,人员、物资交流遭到禁止。) I( N8 {6 [+ I9 m6 {/ i  o

, ], q0 ]+ M1 o# B1945年9月,进驻半岛南部的美军在汉城成立军政厅,并宣布军政厅是半岛南部的唯一政府;于此同时,半岛北部建立了以金日成为委员长的临时人民委员会。同年12月,美、英、苏三国外长就半岛问题在莫斯科达成协议:建立半岛临时统一政府。但是此后,围绕着国家独立、建立什么样的政权和南北关系等问题,美苏两国和南北各派政治力量展开了激烈的斗) r; n5 {2 Z# j7 m4 ^! S& V7 J' @
争。。。统一政府迟迟未能建立。。。4 }: R) Y# H$ |& R/ k

1 W1 G, l+ E( \1 v$ e0 m9 O- q1948年8月15日,南部宣布成立大韩民国,根据南韩著名律师俞镇午起草的带有西方民主色彩的宪法,国会选举留美博士李承晚为总统,同时正式组建大韩民国军队——国军。同年9月9日,北部宣布成立由金日成担任首相的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国,并正式组建朝鲜民主主义人民共和国军队——人民军。, k3 @- |% G4 J# C# T5 p! H2 S3 E8 G$ y
' W" _' J; h7 W6 L% t0 o4 P- T$ ?
就此,“三千里锦绣江山”被分裂为两个完全不同体制的国家,“三八线”上不断发生冲突,两方开始了拉锯战、游击战,直到1950年爆发全面战争。。。。9 ~% X8 Q5 M' V  [6 o

2 w: T0 m3 D5 y电影《太白山脉》是从分裂后的1948年开始讲起。。。。那是一段动荡不平的乱世。。。当时在南韩,忠诚于北方的“极左翼”势力也渗入进南方,与南方的政权相抗衡。“左翼”当道之处,“剥削阶级” 和所谓的“反动派”就会遭遇无端杀戮,在“主义”神圣又血腥的旗帜下,个体和生命被贬得一文不值。。。。。
* d+ h& ~5 A2 v0 |另一方面,南方政权剿灭“共匪”的强硬政策,至使许多无辜的平民惨遭株连。。。。。。  Y' E% q& |/ k. T0 W+ W$ T2 I
. I, q: |' L+ R1 |$ K7 c
$ O& H3 t3 P5 s$ P* e+ a5 o影片中廉尚珍和廉尚九,血肉相连的亲兄弟,在意识形态的高墙两边分道扬镳越离越远,这是母亲莫大的悲,也是莫大的恨!1950年6月25日,南北爆发全面内战。战后的第四天,南方的国军抵挡不住北方的金日成人民军,人民军越过三八线,汉城沦陷,北方当权者在南方掀起了一场场反动肃清的大屠杀(当年还是个商人的金大中也差点因为“资本家”的身份在肃清中被处决)。。。后来,美军仁川登陆,人民军溃败,美韩联军又把人民军赶回三八线以北。。。再后来,我们“抗美援朝”的志愿军也参一脚进来,把美韩联军又赶了回去。。。就这样折腾了三年,双方在三八线上你退我进你进我退,进退间,已是血流成河万骨枯。。。。。一场没有胜者的战争,一道永远无法弥合的伤口!
# w9 D: k( }/ t" k. z2 v2 y( C9 }" c# Y: Y: }  x0 ]
+ K3 }* v, _& U, w1 N0 ]* d& z8 ]8 Z* W
" T* Y8 }* l' i" O- E

, [' ^* p  Y/ r% s# J) t1 G1 i====================================
# n4 W9 h) _1 r6 E% E
& \; V  J5 b7 g& P: ^) y) T6 b# g7 x6 w, t' A3 B6 B( k" J( j
影评区  d3 ]' \9 H+ q5 q1 L: A# l' F4 z! z
0 H' T+ a! V! i
自相残杀或血浓于水,一个民族的往事——看《太白山脉》, t) G# ~5 L2 m! g
. y7 ~8 V4 C% D' g- P3 N/ A- G$ o. u

8 D+ q4 H8 M: A* p
5 K5 ]# l& `6 ?; y) c====================================& I# U' u4 [/ W3 r' y; j' s4 G

/ c: N: r( ^( T7 O' i剧照海报
' ~! t/ Z0 i/ L' Y3 ~, ^$ Y, ]$ f+ q, Y% Q, h* u2 X
& G0 G2 T, ~: I2 X) U# H; V- v3 e
: g% ]5 E" m4 @; N$ M

# @; B/ B# F6 t# t! z  y2 b7 y1 ]
  K. U6 i7 x5 b

+ s! k$ V8 `" v, O: O                               

6 e# E, T2 f1 X+ b8 }
' g. V$ t: \& ]) w9 m  t; }3 w7 ]
/ z$ d1 M$ X% {& O2 \( ]6 o, @- {" c

6 V# P9 g6 I0 X& X7 s( z; w& m" r. l" w' M, x. d2 ^
7 p3 {+ q3 }" w; m0 C: {$ `

9 c( f6 \. t5 I# H+ T
/ _6 F* P0 s- m: Q7 \1 [
# s. G) R' l: x- i. v* G
6 ~  ]5 A! G+ \  y
( N) H; k# `& Y8 \  I5 s, }

. L+ P/ ]1 y. ?8 ]# M$ x) o) t                               
  k  U4 D! K" X% B) x. v# H5 D

/ I6 L* I/ K# d8 N: W

. j- l4 b  }" k% D3 [& h3 I5 z; a  Y                               

% \* x# w0 c8 M/ P$ }
4 E( W& g2 \* R$ ]- k" O9 }$ p5 y

  Q( c& j9 J) U0 C7 x2 Y/ I, {- G+ m                               

! J/ j; ]8 _( }4 \# i0 d- n9 V: C1 F. ?* q  `9 j1 I( \
* h3 @( j: E3 l) t; k1 n
2 D! X0 y, U0 W/ s, H: R

1 ?& K# P$ I6 T# l. J4 ]6 d0 \, a
/ f& }" [+ j8 ~3 r( W

& w4 U, e; Y& a: u$ n: s6 s
2 G1 |4 V# }; i9 _0 }1 k
& _+ C0 l: V. X  b! a0 R! r$ _  D
$ p, M2 ~2 H# ~( a7 u6 n: a

4 L( R8 [; n" g! S

6 ]* |$ O6 M; D7 {                               

$ V) F8 z; K8 A% V# D' A+ j$ O- j7 b3 `0 G% \; E
4 _; ]" H3 E, u. m, I: D
4 \9 S1 }& c6 o7 t# Z5 J2 m8 v

2 v( e7 s! |1 v+ j; d" s[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-8-13 at 12:01 AM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-29 22:59 | 显示全部楼层


English reviews
) i$ Y% Z: f0 V' g# ^============================
% _/ A; y6 _' Z) X' A; _1 Z5 w1 F0 Z! R* v+ T8 c
2 N( n+ }3 ~( {$ m  ~* Z; W: u; F
5 s. w  i$ |! {" v, z; @5 EDirector's Statement9 L" u9 r0 u  m& ]# f* V
) O" a1 _+ e; i1 W+ Y3 G$ E+ a
I remember a very strange punishment given by my school teacher when I was little. He used to ask the misbehaved children to slap each other's cheeks in the classroom. The children started as if they were playing but in the end they almost hurt each other and it ended in a big fight.7 k1 }. K. ^  T

3 D( ]! f( b4 I# A0 ]; ]While looking back upon the age of chaos which extends from the Liberation from Japan to the Korean Civil War, I've always felt the same kind of sorrow and anxiety as I used to feel about the children in my class. My family was not an exception. We were also torn apart by the national disorder and I was always shrunkn from my family's divided history. For such a reason, I wanted to reflect the age which made so many earnest people feel shrunken. I was almost destined to film the sorrow of the people who survived the difficult period.( O& Z% H/ ?1 d; `7 t; v  ^
1 a7 P' [4 X( p3 F% z. J
Ideology stems from people and it is for the people. Therefore if it doesn't care about people, it loses its ideal and dream and cannot exist. I think the leftists and the rightists were too absorbed in the empty ideology, and thus lost the true ideal which should be cherished and respected. On the contrary, the false ideology might have engraved terrible memories on the minds of the people who survived the difficult period.; L* B: ?$ d2 V! F# A

" Q% }. i0 I8 V* L1 ~With this work piece aalone the victimized souls cannot be relieved because it falls far short of healing their damaged spirits. I would rather place the purpose of the film on the ideal and the passion for the mancentered world, and the revival of dreams.

5 u& g9 |1 ^- d; lasianfilms.org4 V+ O* ]' c+ X9 P

: l# F4 l% k' ~
0 ]( Y' d% P. b0 a
; e# Z. _2 s* P! P! c* i8 n/ C& W3 L+ E% o& |; k4 N& E1 ]' s0 ~
) {4 ?6 [9 V4 V; F  z/ T/ {
" b( |  |8 m* d, [

: i, P$ S- ~7 z( O5 {9 x2 r6 V; o/ k) T9 |

; o4 P1 s& k  _" f! k3 w, ~( ]/ g" y* p2 i' F$ ^, r

. J6 l# B: M' R3 w$ i+ y3 C6 p  b- E3 J& `2 m0 C3 Y3 D
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3 |9 T' t% I( k/ s5 p

" F$ w; }+ t( R1 h  P6 Rspinali 6 Z, D0 T0 K! j1 [. h4 |0 v+ }5 I
San Francisco
6 W' G7 _0 I. I* h1 y6 w; S
- M% A5 k; q5 O* ]& LDate: 26 November 2001
* O  }  w6 z1 kSummary: Troubling political drama
: o9 z+ J! \7 Z6 |+ k5 c, i7 e/ F# c5 t; t
This Korean drama is set in a period of Korean schism, approximately 1948, when political forces both within and without are rending the country in two. Just as the Communists begin to seize vital centers to begin their expansion, the United States covertly supports militias standing at the opposite of the political spectrum; the result is a tug of war that leaves thousands of innocents dead. The conflict is dramatized in the relationship between two brothers, one who tries to liberate land for the peasants, the other a functionary of the military. While destitute farmers are lulled into pipe-dreams by leftists, this affiliation becomes their very ruin, and the conflict soon slips well out of control of either side. Although strongly political, this film remains remarkably low-key -- at times almost anti-dramatic. Taebek Mountains seems to be aiming for a certain clear-headed honesty amidst the slogans and propaganda. It also reaffirms the South Korean film industry's willingness to deal with old wounds in a manner that's cinematic and instructive. It's well worth your attention.
7 _  K3 K2 E- zhttp://us.imdb.com/title/tt0111348/usercomments
7 o8 X* v/ Q* y: M  w# ?+ H4 Z' v# q
2 K/ ?3 J1 z0 S3 w( `( c: R/ R4 `" @8 D, d
9 Y* E0 K4 l9 n0 C3 ^/ {8 w! T+ ~3 J: J, ^- Z) l; S, m
& U9 }0 ?5 ^' N  z1 c! o3 L

& s' |! C$ l* d! k8 Q  C7 vSince the Korean Peninsula was liberated, conflicts between the right and the left have been continuously taking place. In 1948, the communists headed by Sanjin put the town of Bulkyo under their control and enforce discipline among the townspeople. Before long the government troops of the South recover the town and drive the communists out to a mountain, where the communists form a guerrilla band. The right-winger, Sangku, who is Sangjin's brother is in the government troops. The anti-communist troops oppress the communist families. Under the circumstances, Sohwa, a shrine maiden, helps a communist who is her childhood friend and falls in love with him. Kim, a calm teacher, is physically attacked in the dark because he criticizes both the right and the left. Sangjin solicits cooperation in the village of Yuro, but those who show willingness for collaboration fall victim to betrayer. The communist camp becomes cornered because the guerrilla bands are subjugated. Then, the Korean War breaks out and the North advances into the South. Sangjin and his comrades become overjoyed but soon find out that the North does not approve of the communist party of the South. Soon the US troops launch a massive attack. In response to this action, the communist troops initiate genocide, burn down buildings, and pull out. All who is left to pray for the repose of the dead is Sohwa alone.
8 T  ]' P' c' a0 h; V9 C7 q8 g, f2 W& a' m! n+ a5 s
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-30 at 01:08 PM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-29 23:00 | 显示全部楼层


匿名  发表于 2004-5-30 02:43








发表于 2004-5-30 08:13 | 显示全部楼层
我喜欢这种沉重的有政治因素在里面的电影,可是很可惜,找不到楼主提供的7 Z  r: @/ u" T- o- w$ I
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