Originally posted by bear at 2005-8-18 23:14:
我卻在奇怪24集裡張會長的說話, 他跟洪助理說素敏舅父跟舅母結婚5年, 並無子女, 貞玉跟韓光石結婚一個月有了身孕, 那個肚裡的小孩應是素敏. 但智河應比素敏大上6年, 貞玉跟光石在1979年結婚, 那時貞玉25歲. 若智 ...
There are so many hidden clues in the past 24 eps which imply that JungOk is not JM's birth mother. There are only few people who know who JM is and that may include soomin's foster father, of course, plus Kwangshik and JungOk. All other people, including Milyung and poor audiences, are in dark tunnels.
The time line may give us some hints, but hey, did scriptwriters tell us from which point they are talking about a 2005 story? When Milyung first showed up in her own theatre, there were several posters of 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' in the theatre. But after that the story has been developed for several years, not several months. otherwise, it will not make sense for many things.
The time line in this drama is actually quite ambiguous. Like, when did soomin's aunt come back to Korean? how many years does she stay in Danyang up now? Did soomin finish her college? Soomin has a one year deal with her dad, so how long has it passed? How many years has Eunbi been in her current company(she has 3-year contract) and when did JM came back in Korean, and how long has he been in MCapital now(he also has a 3-year contract)? it's totally a mess.
[ Last edited by ivsky on 2005-8-19 at 00:48 ] |