今天一上来最重要的事,先呼唤一下“小姐姐,你快来吧!想死你了!” 你若再不现身,我就要冲去台湾找你出来了~
官网有了很多新照片,偶一个也贴不过来了~~555…… 先把美国当年ABC电视台的“JOE MILLIONAIRE”真人秀节目的照片贴来~(我就自说自话吧,这个JOE长得有点凶,不能算帅,看着他那大络腮胡子的印迹,觉得他的毛发系统好象太过发达~感觉有点儿吓人~~嘿嘿~)
Romance and reality intertwine as 20 women travel to France for a whirlwind romance with a man whom they think is a dashing millionaire. What will happen when the truth is finally revealed that he is a just a regular "Joe" and his wealth is a facade? Will his true love accept him for who he is, or reject him in search of greener pastures? As this handsome, young, eligible man begins his search for "The One," he discovers which of these women are out for true love and which are just interested in his bank account in JOE MILLIONAIRE. In actuality, "Joe Millionaire" is a construction worker raised in humble surroundings with only limited financial security. However, the 20 women who have been whisked off to a beautiful chateau in the French countryside believe that "Joe" has recently inherited 50 million dollars and is looking for a special someone to share his newfound wealth. "Joe," in the ultimate fantasy setting, will be introduced to women that due to his social standing he would not be able to meet in his everyday life. Among the beautiful, smart and sophisticated women gathered are a doctor, banker and business development executive. Over the course of his stay at the chateau, "Joe" will court each of the women. As he woos them with romantic horseback rides through the countryside, wine-making at the estate*s vineyard, private dinners at the Eiffel Tower and unique and priceless gifts, "Joe" will grapple with the difficulty of maintaining his million dollar charade. As the series progresses, "Joe" ultimately narrows his choice to one woman and must finally reveal the truth about his month-long masquerade and his real financial standing to her. Will his chosen companion reject him once she learns the truth, or will true love win out?