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[Jun-13-2008] MBC interviewed German Fans at her house in Vienna
MBC-Interview 13-jun-08
at my house in vienna
Last Friday, an MBC-TV-Team came to Vienna to my apartment to meet and interview me.
They are shooting for a special program of Rain: His filming of Ninja Assassin in Berlin and about his international Fan-Base.
They contacted me via email and wanted to meet german fans in the area of Berlin, about the german fans I could not really help them, but then they asked me if it would be okay if they would come to Vienna to meet me there.
Actually there is no direct flight from Berlin to Seoul and though it would be easy for them to stop over in Vienna.
And though it came that at around 3pm I opened my door for the Korean TV-Station MBC.
I felt very honoured that they came to meet me.
Buffy (who came by too), we both where very very excited.
3 People came, the reporter, a cameraman, and an assistant. First I offered coffee they happily accepted. We started to chat, and her first question was if we know Rain’s real name? Buffy and I: Sure Jung Jihoon! She was surprised I do not really know why?
Then we went upstairs and I showed her my “office” where I have most of my rain stuff, e.g. collage of RainyDay NY, Berlinale, and the things I got from my friends in Singapore, Thailand Vietnam, …. She told me they will film me coming up the stairs and I should show my stuff and tell a bit about, they also went to my sleeping room to film the poster of “it’s raining” I got from Shikin, I showed some of my self-made rain-shirts, and they even noticed the photoshoped heart shaped Rain-Me-cushion. The cameraman went back to the other room and took more close ups and then I had to show all the cd’s hihi….She did asked where I got all this stuff, I told her that I ordered cd’s and dvd’s in internet and all the other things I got as presents from friends. She was very impressed about this.
This all took around 30 or 40 min, the reporter, she is really nice and make you chatting easily. We also laughed a lot.
Then we went downstairs, and they prepared for the interview. Like you know it from a star interview. They placed one of my armchairs opposite of my couch. I sat down at the couch and the reporter in the armchair, behind her they placed the camera and a spotlight, one of the little microphone boxes you know from the TV-clips, the placed on the table and the assistant was holding another microphone too.
And then we started: (will try to remember most of the questions but it were so many I fear I forgot already some)
She was asking about…
• European fans, I told her it’s hard for us to gather here in Europe.
• where I got to know him, and what I like most of him. I told her it’s not easy to decide for me, he attracted me with his charisma on stage.
• if I think he can enter the European market I said yes, I even think he can enter more easily Europe then usa
• if I liked Speed Racer and what I think why the movie did not well, I said its not the fault of the actors or the movie itself, I think it’s a promotion problem, they did not make clear what kind of movie it is –adult or for children
Sure I told her that I liked rain’s part very much, and I love him talking english
• the concerts of him I saw
• what other fans like about him, more actor or more singer, I said we love both, when he is not on stage we miss him there, if not acting for a longer time we miss him acting
• what my parents think about my passion for him, I told her first they were confused about but now they see how many ppl I got to know cause of him, and how many friends all over the world I found cause of him, all in all we did talk a lot about the strong connections in the fan community and that he is connecting ppl
• his single eyelids and what I think about, I told her that I never though about this, for me he was good looking from the first moment I saw him and it was never a important for me if he has a double eyelid or not its not a point of good looks for me
• what I like most about him, hard to say for me, sure his looks, but all about him
she did ask more things but I really cannot remember,
Then she asked me what I would like to ask him if I had the chance for: (Wow I did not expect this, and though I did not know what to answer at the first moment)
I would like to ask him, when or even if we European fans will ever have the chance to see him here in Europe on Stage in a concert?
Then we changed places, and buffy got interviewed. Some similar questions, and about our berlin trip too, and if she ever got disappointed of him.
Then they asked us to watch Rain-DVD and we should look at the magazines I have, and tell them where we got from. They even filmed me as I put the dvd in the dvd player. They also want me to show them the content of the RfR box.
And at the end they filmed me welcoming them at the door, and asking them to come in. hihi
We did chat a lot even when the camera was not running and I got the chance to ask her a bit about their time with Rain in Berlin too.
She said they filmed him, having training, eating, and made interviews with him. She did not tell me about what they talked with him, what is understandable, she cannot tell before the program is out. ;-)
She said this week also international reporters where on set. They were very impressed by Bi. And that as she was on set she was not even allowed to take pics. And she could see a scene, outside where he was tide and get tortured, it was a night shoot and cold and she added it will be definitely an adult movie.
And I could add that the security ppl also tell us that they use a lot of artificial blood, and that one of the producers accidentally got totally splashed with blood, cause they were too close to the action, all over his suit.
This all took around 2 hours and then they asked us out for Korean dinner, which we happy accepted.
At least I could tell her that I would like to tell him if I would ever have the chance to, that I thank him for all he brought to me, for all the new friends I made cause of him all over the world, that he is connecting ppl.
She told me that they will go with him to Japan at the end of the month, and that they will meet and film Japanese fans there, like they already did with American and hongkong fans. I asked her if she told him that they will stop over in Vienna and what they do here? And she said yes she told him and he is curious about his fans.
Btw the program will be aired in October, even though they recorded about 2 hours I think maybe 5 mins of us … I hope they take good parts …not where we look or act strange/crazy/funny
Actually I think I cannot watch it … too embarrassing hihi
credit: freya1507/sexybi&raineurope/rainhk |