楼主 |
发表于 2008-8-28 20:08
* ビルボード紙インターネット版
http://www.billboard.biz/bbbiz/c ... 6fe38871763c265715e
Jimmy Page,Leona Lewis Help Wrap Olympics
August 25,2008 - Global | Rock and Pop
By Berwin Song,Beijing
Jimmy Page,Leona Lewis and Placido Domingo joined Chinese performers including Wei Wei,Andy Lau and Karen Mok in the 2008 Beijing Olympics' closing ceremony Aug.
地味ページ,レオやルイスとプラシド・ドミンゴ,そしてウェイ ウェイ,アンディ・ラウ,カレン・モクなど中国歌手らが8月24日2008年北京オリンピック閉幕式を飾った。
The ceremony was held before a capacity crowd of 91,000 and hundreds of Olympic athletes at the National Stadium (a.k.a.
the Bird's Nest).
Following the handover of the Olympic flag to Boris Johnson,mayor of 2012 Summer Olympics host city London,a red double-decker London bus entered the stadium.
From the bus emerged singer Leona Lewis and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page,who performed Zeppelin’s "Whole Lotta Love." The performance culminated with an appearance by international soccer star David Beckham.
レオやルイスとレッド チェペルリン ギターリストの地味ページがバスの中で登場してチェペルリンの歌の"Whole Lotta Love"を呼んだ。
The ceremony continued with South Korean male vocalist Rain,Hong Kong female vocalist Kelly Chen and Chinese-American singer WangLee-Hom who jointly performed "Beijing,Beijing,Wo Ai Beijing (Beijing,Beijing,I Love Beijing)。" Domingo then performed "Ai de Huoyan (The Flame of Love)," in Chinese and English,with Chinese soprano Song Zuying.
続けて韓国の男歌手ピ,香港の女歌手ケリー・チャン,中国系米国歌手超リホームが"Beijing,Beijing,Wo Ai Beijing (北京,北京,あなたに逢いたくて北京)"を共に熱唱した。
その次にドミンゴが中国のソプラノ スンジュインと共に"Ai de Huoyan (サランの花火)"を中国語と英語で呼んだ。
Chinese artists who took part in the final farewell medley included Wei,Mok,Lau,Emil Chau and Joey Yung.
ウェイ ウェイ,カレン・モク,アンディ・ラウ,周華健,ヨンジョ背中中国歌手らが最後に頌歌メドレーをお目見えした。
* AP通信
http://www.breitbart.com/article ... &show_article=1
Olympics:Curtain drawn on Beijing Games,baton passes to London
Aug 24 10:04 AM US/Eastern
24 (AP) - (Kyodo)?A celebrity ensemble,featuring guitar legend Jimmy Page of the rock band Led Zeppelin,electrified the audience at the Bird's Nest national stadium on Sunday as the curtain was lowered on the Beijing Olympics.
レッド チェペルリンの伝説的ギターリスト地味ページを前面に出したスター軍団が日曜日'新しい巣'スタジアムで開かれた北京オリンピック閉幕式で観衆らを熱狂させた。
Big-name Asian entertainers including South Korean pop singer Rain performed in front of about 90,000 spectators after London,host of the next Summer Games in 2012,added to the glitz and glamour with its own cast of stars to celebrate the changeover.
England soccer icon David Beckham was one of several famous celebrities to take part in the ceremony as well as British pop singer Leona Lewis,who sang Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" with Page on guitar on a stage atop a double-decker London bus.
この日閉幕式には英国サッカーの代名詞デービッド・ベッカムも姿を見せたし,英国の歌手レオやルイスは地味ページのギター演奏に合わせて,ロンドン2階バスの上に整えられた舞台でレッド チェペルリンの"Whole Lotta Love"を呼んだ。
* シアトル タイムズ(本来はAP通信記事であるように)
http://seattletimes.nwsource.com ... 5_olyclosing24.html
Beijing finale has star power
By Seattle Times news services
"It's just unlike any other closing ceremony I've ever seen," said David Neal,executive vice president of NBC Olympics,who saw the rehearsal held outside the city.
北京市外であったリハーサルを観覧したNBCオリンピック副社長David Nealは"今までボンそのどの閉幕式とも違う"と話した。
Lighting up the stage at the Bird's Nest will be a lineup of top Asian megastars including South Korean pop singer Rain,Taiwanese crooner Jay Chou,Chinese-American singer WangLeeHom,Hong Kong celebrities Jackie Chan and Andy Lau,according to reports in the Hong Kong press.
American swim sensation Michael Phelps also will play a role,and London organizers have revealed soccer icon David Beckham will star in an eight-minute handover segment of the ceremony,entering the stadium on a red double-decker bus and kicking a ball into the crowd of 95,000 at the Bird's Nest.
米国の水泳神童マイケル ペルプスも参加する予定であり,ロンドン組織委員会が明らかにしたことによればサッカー英雄デービッド・ベッカムが8分間繰り広げられる次期オリンピック委譲公演で真っ赤な2階バスに乗ってスタジアムに入場して,95000人の観衆に向かってボールを蹴るという。
British pop star Leona Lewis will sing with rock legend Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin,and hundreds of dancers will perform ballet and breakdance routines as the British lighten the mood of the ceremony.
英国のポップスターレオやルイスはラックの伝説レッド チェペルリンの地味ページとともに歌を歌いながら,英国人らの公演が繰り広げられる間数百人のダンサーらがバレーとブレイクダンスを見せる予定だ。
* あるインド媒体報道
http://www.ndtv.com/olympics/sto ... id=SPOEN20080062749
Star attractions at Beijing Olympics
NDTV Correspondent
8/24/2008 6:54:00 PM
Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page and British singing sensation Leona Lewis will perform,and soccer icon David Beckham will kick a ball into a crowd of onlookers,representing the change from Beijing to the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
レッド チェペルリンのギターリスト地味ページと英国の人気歌手レオやルイスが公演しながら,北京で2012年夏へ渡るのを象徴するためにサッカー英雄デービッド・ベッカムが観衆らに向かってボールを蹴る予定だ。
Stefanie Sun,a pop star from Singapore,will also be performing alongside with Andy Lau and a few other pop-singers.
Cantonese singer Kelly Chen will be performing alongside fellow Chinese singer WangLeeHom and South Korea's singing sensation,Rain.
Han Hong will perform.
Jackie Chan will be part of the ceremony as well.
* ′2008オリンピック閉幕式'項目上(胃)キー(身長)ディレクター内容
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/200 ... cs_closing_ceremony
2008 Summer Olympics closing ceremony
From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia
The 2008 Summer Olympics closing ceremony was held at the Beijing National Stadium,also known as the Bird's Nest.[1] It was directed by Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou and began at 8:00 pm China Standard Time (UTC+8) on August 24,2008 (the post-introductory main ceremony began at 8:08 pm).
The number 8 is associated with prosperity and confidence in Chinese culture.[2]
The musical acts included:
* British singer Leona Lewis and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page (with football player David Beckham making an appearance).
* 英国歌手レオやルイスとレッド チェペルリン ギターリスト地味ページ(サッカー選手デービッド・ベッカムも登場)
* Hong Kong singers Andy Lau,Emil Chau,Jackie Chan,Karen Mok,Kelly Chen,Joey Yung and Nicolas Tse.
* アンディ・ラウ,周華健,ジャッキー・チェン,カレン・モク,ケリー・チャン,ヨンジョ,ニコラス・ツェなど香港歌手ら
* Chinese American singer WangLeeHom,Singaporean singer Stefanie Sun and South Korean entertainer Rain.
* 中国系米国歌手超リホーム,シンガポール歌手ステファニー切った,韓国スターピ
* Han Hong
* あるホン
The Ceremony also included the handover of the games from Beijing to London.
Guo Jinlong,the Mayor of Beijing handed over the Olympic flag to the Mayor of London,Boris Johnson,and there was a performance organized by the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG).
クォジルルン北京市長はボリス・ジョンソン ロンドン市長にオリンピック気を譲り渡したし,ロンドン オリンピック組織委員会が準備した公演も開かれた。
* ある南アフリカ掲示板
Re:Olympic closing ceremony [Re octorWu]
#1802278630 - 25/08/08 11:01 AM
Thankfully the show went smoothly on very quickly putting that little blimp into the past with fire works the like which the planet has never seen,and some lovely singing by the choir.
And that sexy canto pop star from Korea Rain doing a number.
A lovely ending.
Watch it you will love.
* ある(中国系米国人の) NBC閉幕式中継感想記中一部
http://weblog.xanga.com/dmarc/67 ... osing-ceremony.html
What is up with NBC?!
I have been generally impressed with NBC's coverage of the Beijing Olympics,but they totally botched the music portion of the Closing Ceremonies.
Not only was the camerawork shaky,switching from acrobats to dancers to Jackie Chan,but they didn't even bother to acknowledge the Chinese superstars singing on stage...
and the one they did identify,Wei Wei,is hardly "the biggest pop star in China".
ぴったり1人紹介したのが何故"中国最高のポップスター"とは程遠いウェイ ウェイだなんて..
At least they could've acknowledged Korean superstar Rain (whose singing in Chinese below,with Kelly Chen),whose long running feud with Stephen Colbert is the stuff of comic genius.
Shame on you Bob Costas!
彼とスチーブン コルベルの長時間にかけた対決は本当にコミカルだったじゃないの。
Bob Costas(*NBCスポーツ キャスター.
I'm pointing all of this out because I CLEARLY remember NBC analysts identifying Greek pop stars when they performed at the Athens Closing Ceremony- even though they weren't singing in English either!
They even took time to ID the Greek American winner of Pop Idol in Greece...
yet totally ignored Chinese American superstar WangLee-Hom!
私があえてこのような点を指摘する理由は,去るアテネ オリンピック閉幕式時はNBC解説者らがギリシャ ポップスターらを紹介したものを明確に記憶するためだ。
はなはだしきはギリシャで開かれたPop Idol優勝者のギリシャ系米国人も紹介しながら,本来中国系米国人スーパースター超リホームは最初から無視した。 |