转自韩朝风 by ysses~~~
in 18eps
maro is so angry..due to mu hyul disappearedn in 宮 without a words.
ma ro and chu bal so they are don`t know mu hyul`s status yet. 麻卢和邹拔素还不知道无恤的身份~~~
yu ri 王 be poisoned... 琉璃王中毒了~~~
hye ap and goe yu go and see yeon. 惠娅和怪由为此去见燕~~~
yeon busy going here and there due to she search medicinal stuff . 燕四处查找解药~~~
mu hyul have been to bu yeo again in order to save yu ri王 and goguryeo
mu hyul make an abrupt appearance front yeon. 无恤突然出现在燕的面前~~~
mu hyul go back 宮 with an antidote. 无恤带着解药回宫了~~~
yu ri王 declared something... 琉璃王宣布什么事情(可能是要攻打扶余,无恤也是通过这场战争证明了自己的实力的)~~~ |