Hello, this is the administrator of the drama <Cityhall> Director’s cut DVD website. First of all, I owe you an apology for announcing unpleasant news. The release date of <Cityhall> Director’s cut DVD has been postponed from the end of November to the end of January of 2010. I’m sorry to tell you this when you have already been waiting for so long.
Here is the reason for the release date delay.
SBS, the broadcasting station of <Cityhall> have had some issues within their own company and failed to provide the appropriate environment needed for the DVD production such as editing room, equipments, etc. This naturally delayed the production process and have led to the situation that the DVD cannot be released by the predicted date, which was the end of November. Even if all video editing is done right now, inserting the translated caption, DVD package production, encoding and other DVD production processes will definitely take longer than one month. We were trying to find a way to release the DVD by the end of this year, but we figured it would be better to produce the DVD with high quality by taking more time rather than rushing the process and produce an imperfect DVD.
大家好。我是 促进韩剧《CityHall》以导演版本DVD出版的部落的创建者.
之前说的11月份要出事的版本 推迟到了1月份。
看來要到農曆新年才可收到了!! |