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发表于 2010-3-26 14:15
03.25 SBS一夜的TV演艺清晰版,来源Sihoo Rang
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From Smile With Sihoo
by Jinju
"술 한잔해야 능청스러운 성격 나와"
Park Sihoo jokes, “It needs a cup of hard drink for me to show a slick character.”
배우 박시후가 23일 서울 목동 SBS에서 열린 SBS 새 수목드라마 '검사 프린세스'제작발표회에 참석해 이같이 밝혔다.
Like the above said the actor Park Siho who participated in the production presentation event of the new mid-week SBS drama ‘Prosecutor Princess’ held in Mok-dong SBS in Seoul on 23rd of the month.
박시후는 "서인우 캐릭터는 오렌지와 같은 상큼 시큼한 다양한 맛을 느낄 수 있는 캐릭터다. 능청스럽고 장난스럽기도 하다"며 "원래 성격이 좀 조용해서 어울릴까 했다.
“Seo Inwoo is a character that tastes various like a orange that is fresh, sourish or fruity. He is slick and playful in a sense. Because I was originally a little calm inwardly, I wondered if I could be fit for my character in the drama.
그래서 요즘은 잠자기 전에 와인한잔 하고 잔다. 그래야 느낌이 살고 애드리브도 살아나는 것 같다"고 농담처럼 말했다.
So I have been having a glass of wine these days before sleeping, so that I can have my mood and adlib alive and kicking, I guess,” said Park Sihoo in a joking manner.
그는 "요즘은 촬영이 바빠 2주 동안 하루도 못 쉰 것 같다. 즐겁게 촬영하면 좋은 성과가 있을 것 같다 어떻게 하면 배우, 스태프들과 즐벅게 촬영할까 고민한다"며 "요즘은 촬영장 가는 것이 너무 즐겁고 설렌다. 제 모든 것을 보여드리고 싶다"고 웃었다.
“I have been busy in work of filming and could hardly had even a day's rest for two weeks. I believe that if I enjoy myself in the work, it may bring me a good fruit. I am concerned about how I can have good times with fellow actors and staff members,” said Park Sihoo with a smile, “Currently I am very happy and pleased about going to studio. I would like to show everything that I have.”
한편 오는 31일부터 첫 방송하는 '검사 프린세스'는 초임 여검사 마혜리가 좌충우돌 에피소드를 쏟아내면서 성장해가는 이야기로 '찬란한 유산'의 소현경 작가와 진혁 PD가 호흡을 맞춰 관심을 모으고 있다.
In the meantime, the drama ‘Prosecutor Princess’ on-aired first on coming 31st of the month is the story in which the newly-appointed female prosecutor Ma Hyeri reels out a variety of anecdotes in the process of her growing-up. It is drawing public attention in the combination of the writer So Hyeongyeong and the director Jin Hyeok who both worked together in the drama ‘Brilliant Legacy.’
[ 本帖最后由 greencrystal 于 2010-3-26 14:35 编辑 ] |