原帖由 xuanxuan94 于 2011-8-5 13:43 发表
看申姑娘的造型是扮成了护卫的样子,是不是世子被软禁,智善想去见他或是什么原因?小白因为智善和美云反目,这个也太奇怪了吧~~~难道美云的身份已经暴露了?(按理说不能这么快吧)或者是小白知道了美云喜欢智善( ...
原帖由 弘基美人 于 2011-8-4 18:10 发表
fr soompi:
i seriously love the comments here about ji seon. dong soo and ji seon are killing me here. i'm really curious if the korean audience feels the same way as us. let's hope! and let's really hope the production team is paying attention to us too. no more dong soo/ji seon, please....ever since the drama started, i was sooo thinking about this "pretty being in the context" thing. i mean, she's pretty enough, but not gorgeous like i think the story wants us to believe she is. i'm just hoping dong soo unshallows himself up as he grows up. please, please.
I would not wish JS on YW either. Unless they gave this girl more personality. I know she is a tragic figure but her demure sad face is getting a bit old. Snap out of it girl and stop being the victim..start kicking butt and taking names
This bromance will totally kill the romance. Btw, no more JS, please, for the first time I ever dislike the OTP
mskololia1, I was nodding left and right reading your comments. JS needs to loosen up and actually say or do something interesting. It's like I can understand her character ON PAPER but in person, she doesn't convey those emotions to us. I'm already dreading the love scenes between the two, posted by Cherkell. I don't understand DS love sickness either. He needs to snap OUT of the infatuation. If YW joins in with the longing glances, I might just explode.
let's hope we don't gripe 'till the end with this ji seon business. she's so expressionless. maybe that's why i appreciated her scenes with mi soo. when mi soo was making vixen eyes at her, and she caught mi soo doing it, it actually looked like she cared that she was being made fun of. but now, after episode 10, i still feel she's dead fishy. |