原帖由 城之地 于 2011-9-5 12:32 发表
11集預告也在某個地方看到翻譯, 有一點點差別, 也不知道對不對, 做做參考喽.
Eunsul who visits the house of CEO Cha on her way to work steps into Jihun’s room in order to wake up as usual. She smiles without realizing as she gazes on sleeping Jihun. But to such Eunsul, Jihun emphasizes the idea of the Boss and the company being one and encourages her to go back to how they first used to feel, saying that he will turn her back into the “crazy bun-head.”
對, 直線對恩雪說, 讓她把自己跟公司視為一體, 鼓勵她回到他們相識的當初, 說他會把她回歸為原先的瘋狂便便頭~
雖然說每次看預告, 大家都糾結了老半天, 最後發現自己都上當了, 不過回歸原點是要怎麼樣啊? 兩個都要難受了。 唉呀。。不能落韓劇的俗套啊~~~
難道是下次換恩雪表白嗎? kekeke... 最好是她主動吻上去啦, 快點啦, 不要拖拖拉拉。。
給張花絮照, 有愛的劇組~