[TRANS] PTB Director Son Jung-hyun Posted At Boss DC Gallery
“Protect The Boss” Director Son Jung-Hyun had posted 2 posts at Boss DC Gallery on gathering of PTB staffs as well as answering of fans’ questions. Please refer to below for translation. ^^
Director Son’s post dated 3-Dec-11 (
Original Post)
What do you mean by Advent… It was just an attendance check….
What do you mean by Advent…….I’m not even Muwon-God……It’s unreasonable….. Please don’t talk like that…. It was just an attendance check….
There are not much burden, which means that I can come here often
I was overwhelmed by your welcome………… Putting hands together and bowing 3 times before gallers!!!!
Since there are many thing that you’re curious about…….
1. About the DVD
I don’t really know either….. I think pre-order processing has started in Japan….
I’m not sure about domestic processing……. After finishing Boss, I was in vacation for long time…… When I go to work next week… I’ll ask the officials and comeback with correct answer…..
2. Why don’t we have photo of SeolWon (T/N: Eunseol-Muwon)….
After taking photo of 3 people…….. I was drunk…*sob sob*….. That day our actors and actress 5 people…script-writer…camera director…studio director…other actors…..all gathered.
We greeted each other and we were lost while being busy sharing our affection……Sorry! But as I promised, I’ll post beautiful photos of the drama award
I promise……. (Hum…..sure enough?)
3. About the drama award….
Including president Cha…. all are in nominee list…. But, . this year, dramas of our SBS went well…… So I think it’s a happy worry…
Still, Boss is the only cheerful drama…… As a proper balance……. I think it would be good if we get something (T/N: literally, if the awards are distributed)…….
Well….. It would be good if we’re awarded … But what if we don’t get any…… Just give us via SNS……
The award team is very worried about the organization of that day’s corner…..
Maybe Jaejoong-kun’s song can be nominated too……
However, I…. well…. that’s not what I can decide………… So I can’t…….
I can only tell you to look forward to it……
That’s it for today….. *bow*
Director Son’s post dated 22-Nov-11 (
Original Post)
Ha….. Hello everyone….. I’m director Son Jung-hyun…..
Putting hand togethers and bowing 3 times!!! (T/N: like a Bonze)
It’s already been 2 months since the end of Boss………
Everybody, why…… you still…..don’t leave this gall….. You probably miss someone……..
On wind blowing day like today….
Or on a day when I somehow feel stunned…..
Or when I come back home late at night, drunk…. and want to be alone, absent-minded……
On days like these….
Me too, I miss Bobee (T/N: Jihun-Eunseol couple), Namu (T/N: Muwon-Nayoon couple) and Myung-ran….
Sometimes, I used to secretly go around the gall…….
You post fervent comments about the drama…….
made tributes……..I officially thank you again for that…….
I attached a photo as gift……
Last week…..there was a welcoming ceremony for Jaejoong-kun who has comeback from his European tour….
Our nice actors and actresses who cared about each other and encouraged each other, I couldn’t help take this moment to take photo!
On the opposite site of these 3 people, there were Jaejoong-kun and Gangjjang….
Drinking relationship ….*sob sob*…..
Instead, in this year-end drama award…. I promise that I will post beautiful photos….
Goodbye gallers!!!!!
Source: Boss DC Gallery
Translated By: The Little Pear of JYJ3
Shared By: JYJ3
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