原帖由 yalanz 于 2012-3-18 14:22 发表
暖日呀呀:【3/18:#朴有天#南原拍攝後記】這是某韓飯昨天收到朋友之前有天在南原拍攝現場留下的腳印照。電視劇拍攝一般待機時間比拍攝時間還長,有天在拍攝前等待了3小時,就在導演告知的動線上,一直來來回回努力的 ...
她對有天 即使是男主第3部戲了
還是始终如一 不改初心
誠懇 在工作上的認真與熱情 老實 脚踏實地的務實態度
A sentiment on Yuchun
感傷 有天
Posted on March 18, 2012
A story I heard from my friend who visited the shooting site of Rooftop Prince in Namwon
I’ve got this picture from one of my friends yesterday. Do you have any idea what theas are in this picture? These are the traces what Yuchun left here and there at the filming site in Namwon when Rooftop Prince was filmed there. He made these traces while he practiced his supposed movement for his acting as coached by the Director. At the filming sites of a drama, actors usually have to wait for a long time for shooting their own scenes, more like what they are doing are just waiting rather that acting.
On that day, during the time while Yuchun waited for shooting his scenes, he just kept his position for his line of supposed movement and practiced for three hours. When the shooting was started for his scenes, he erased all the traces he had left by practing and did what he had to do for his acting. My friend felt so proud of him and also a little pity for him. My friend was spoke very highly of him that he was so sincere and just did what he was supposed to do.
At the shooting sites, actors are usually waiting at their personal chairs while waiting. However, Yuchun seemed to be just sitting on a rock for a few minitues when he felt too tired, but he was standing and waiting for the most of the time with practicing his movement. I remember that I saw an article in a newspaper his attitude like that.
This is his third drama with the starring role. However, he doesn’t take any shortcuts and he is just doing what he has to do even like a fool.
I thank him and also feel a little bit of pity for him for his excessive sincerity. When I saw this picture at first, I laughted at her a little bit why she took such picture of these traces. But, after I grasped the entire line of the story this picture represented, I was greatly impressed with Yuchun.
Now, I am very sorry that he already resumed his filming without having enough time for himself. He is acting again with his sincerity and passion.
Maybe, the viewers’ rates are in the realm of the god.
If Rooftop Prince may be not as successful as we anticipated, I hope we give a full support for Yuchun’s hard work and sincerity for his new drama.
Oh ! Yuchun, what a fabulous creature!!
(+) For your reference, the line in this picture was drown by Yuchun’s foot while he was practicing.
Source: by 달쏭 in DC PYC http://gall.dcinside.com/pyc/78578 (Visit this site with a GOOD virus program)
[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2012-3-18 19:04 编辑 ] |