From: xxPeepsxx Posted 19 April 2012, 10:36 PM
First you make me addicted to you, then you gave me all that heartache (My attorney is still drafting my demand of compensation for emotional harm. You just wait for it.) and then you create that weird supposed-to-be-intimate-scene leaving me all confused about the state of the OTP's physical progression and then you drop this HangAh-lost-lost-the-baby-she-never-knew-she-was-carrying-BOMB on me AND. YOU.LEAVE. THE. EPISODE. HANGING. THERE. with nary an ounce of interaction between our OTP (No, I am not counting that pathetics send off by JaeHa as an interaction between them AT ALL.) Instead, you give me that crazy guy (what's his name? Tom? Richard? Harry? John? Ah, like Johnny bravo?) and why-is-the-plot-moving-so-slowly... or maybe it's just because I don't understand Korean much, so I get bored easily or something...
你先把我誘進來, 然後把這麼多心痛的情節塞給我. (我的律師仍在草擬我要求賠償對我的精神傷害文件. 你就等著收吧.) 你還制造了那一場詭異疑似船戲的劇情, 讓我一直疑惑到底這2口子的肉體接解到了什麼程度. 然後你便向我拋出這麼一個 "恒兒失去了她也不知道已懷上的孩子"大炸彈來. 而你竟然不給這2口子一點兒的互動就停在這當兒. (不, 在河飛飆的那一段不能算作是他們之間的互動) 你倒是給我那個狂人 (他叫什麼? 湯姆? 理察? 夏理? 約翰? 呀, 像英雄強尼?) 還有為什麼有關陰謀的劇情發展那麼緩慢... 或者可能只因為我對韓語認識不深, 我很容易便會覺得悶了........
And what is creepy BonBon doing, creeping outside the royal ambulance and creeping our daebak-bird-loving princess?
還有那令人毛骨悚然的糖姐兒偷偷摸摸的走近皇家救謢車, 走近我們那很棒, 很喜歡鳥兒的公主要幹什麼?
See, now, JaeHa. I am so going to wait for that lashing your (future) daddy-in-law, mom and sister are going to rain on you and how you are going to fix this horrible situation. Poor HangAh. Having the entire nation know about her lost child even before she actually knows he/she existed. Why is North Korea so quick to accuse also. Y U announcing dis on international TV without the woman's consent!?!
在河啊, 我現在在很期待等著看你如何被你的岳父大人(未來的), 你母親和你的妹妹痛打, 看你如何走出這個可怕的困境. 可憐的恒兒,在她曉得他或她的存在前, 全國都已知道她流產了. 還有北韓為什麼這麼快便發出指責, 為什麼把這種事放在國際電視上發放也不需要先得到當事人的同意嗎?
But, just you wait drama, just you wait. My lawyer is drafting another letter demanding for the next episode to come NOW as compensation for my heartache.
不過, 你這部劇就等著瞧, 你等著瞧吧. 我的律師正草擬另一封信要求下一集馬上播出作為我頭疼的補償.
Lol, just kidding.
But seriously, what just happened these last 3 episodes????? It's like an emotional whirlwind where at the end you just go "huh"?
不過說真的, 最近這3集到底在攪什麼鬼???? 就像一陣情感旋風吹得人頭昏腦漲, 但到結尾時你只來一個 "呵呵"便了事嗎?
And why are spoilers (THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN) floating around. Production crew, you gotta keep your secrets well... This week, you were lucky, cos I didn't believe in the spoiler that the mini-bomb-in-the-making died (Because bomb trigger (potty mouthed JaeHa) + bomb materials (The entire HangAh) = BOMB) and so the impact and surprise was still there but.... next time, you might not be so lucky. You know what makes this show stand out? That it's so unpredictable. Please keep it that way. Thank you very much.
還有的是那些四處亂飛的劇透 (劇透的內容竟是真的). 制作團隊啊, 你們應該守好你們的秘密....這個星期算你是幸運, 因為我不相信那些劇透 什麼 "那次事件制造出來的小炸彈" 死去 (因為炸彈引線 (那位狗嘴長不出象牙來的在河) + 炸彈本體 (恒兒的身體) = 炸彈) 因此這次的衝擊和震撼的影響力仍在, 可是.... 下一次你們便不會那麼幸運了. 你知道是什麼因素讓此劇如此特出? 就是因為沒法預測走向. 請保持那樣吧. 無限感激.
[按: 英雄強尼是一套卡通片]
[ 本帖最后由 Kit09 于 2012-4-20 11:17 编辑 ] |