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发表于 2012-3-11 14:39
原帖由 BannyMaomao 于 2012-3-11 12:10 发表
螺丝 俺来鸟~
话说YOYO和陈展鹏 感觉很养眼啊有木有!
最晕的是YOYO这次是女二??????OH NO!!!!!
对啊~ 海内外的观众都说YOYO跟Ruco(陈展鹏)这搭配很fresh pair,尔后感情线的确有些纠结……贾伟南离开无线以前编的最后一部剧吖,记得他写的【雷霆第一关】【刑侦四】不?他不虐感情才怪……尼玛雷霆里边儿最后冯满芬在海里找王喜那段就深觉BJ不是普通人……打断膝盖骨啥的借以表达王喜对她的感情这些都不说咧。刑侦四中的江子山跟唐心还有徐飞芊芊武俏君之间也够瞧滴咧。 YOYO跟无线改为部头约呐,一年拍一部吖,能接王心慰的剧已经算很好的呐,她继溏心风暴的那个角色以后就对在TBB拍戏的心思淡了不少,要不是这几年都是王心慰找她回来跟郑嘉颖搭档拍了两部【与敌同行】【Only You】估计她都不想回来拍的呐,安心~ 她跟王心慰熟着咧,俩女合作时间长,都了解彼此,所以YOYO才出来接这部,还要是跟Ruco搭~ 嗯,她跟罗永贤、王心慰合作的火花妙一些,比较适合YOYO本身性格的发挥~演过前者的【争分夺秒】及【楼住有情人】,后者则从【烈火2】开始,综合统计跟方中信搭了两次,也和郑嘉颖搭了两次,要相信王心慰不会亏待了她滴~ 这剧双生双旦,各有发挥,起点都一样的,就看哪个把握的好自个儿角色
目前觉得YOYO跟陈这对兴趣大一些,他们俩都要undercover嘛~ 不光陈展鹏亦正亦邪,YOYO更是双重身份的间谍之流
From Asianfanatics:
- The series will mainly revolve around psychological warfare.
- The series will be about how people get along with one another. At times, people will not trust one another, as suspicion exists at the innermost feelings for even the most intimate person.
- The series will be very humanizing and sentimental.
- Ron Ng will play Chong Yau Kit (莊有傑), a cop. In the first episode or two, he is a member of the Special Duties Unit. He later joins the ATF.
- Ruco will play Chong Yau Ching (莊有正), Ron's elder brother. He is initially an undercover cop, but he later receives recognition from Eddie Kwan and other ATF superiors, and joins ATF. He is both good and evil.
- Ron and Ruco Chan will play brothers. They will fight over Aimee Chan, and many misunderstandings will also lead to the deterioration of their brotherhood. Aimee is originally Ruco's girlfriend; however, in the middle of the series, Ron will think that Ruco has died. Ron later dates Aimee.
- Aimee will play Chung Yat Ka (鍾日嘉), a Criminal Intelligence Analyst who is more introverted and refined. She is humble and smart.
- Yoyo Mung will play Yip Ting (葉婷), a reporter, but she is actually a spy. She will have a romantic storyline with Ruco.
- There will be a love-and-hate triangle among Ruco, Yoyo, and Aimee.
- Louise Lee will play Tong Suk Fan (唐淑芬), a high-ranking administrator. She is the mother of Ron and Ruco.
- Eddie Kwan will play an ATF Commander. There will be a lot of conflict between him and Ruco.
- Lee Kwok Lun will play a villian.
- Law Lok Lam will play Yoyo's father.
Credits: to hyn5 @ http://hyn5-hyn5.blogspot.com
[ 本帖最后由 DesertRose 于 2012-3-11 15:09 编辑 ] |