看完中字了 。。。13 14 集看yoo 发光,15 集是看珉廷发亮。 最后那里在大家面前告白那里,层次分明,
虽然满身脏兮兮的, 可是发亮幸福的眼睛,坚定的眼神语气,含泪的笑眼, 这样的多兰好美好美。
一则称赞珉廷演技的新闻也登上nate 娱乐搜索前5 名
贴一个koala 写的, 她写得很棒, 我有空再来翻译成中文。
Da Ran is officially my favorite Hong Sisters heroine. Period. You know what her actions said during this episode? She is saying “no one can dictate what my heart wants and how best to live my life.” Kyung Jae cannot arrange her memories for her so she can go back to Yoon Jae. She is not afraid of seeming like a feckless wife in front of the parents who know nothing. She is not afraid of Kyung Jae’s faking memory loss and persistence in throwing all their shared memories away. She has the inner conviction to hold onto to HER love for Kyung Jae and HER memories of their experience together. I applaud that with both hands raised, kudos to her for daring to love and now daring to accept the consequences of her actions. I hope Kyung Jae finally realizes that the woman he loves is stronger than he gave her credit for, and she won’t be devastated when he goes back and maybe loses his memory. She is a woman who will find him again.
I feel like so much of what happened during the last few episodes could have been condensed so that the drama could narratively move much faster, and maybe add more storyline to it. But what the drama has done from the beginning is to eschew things happening and instead focus on Da Ran and Kyung Joon’s emotional connection, maturation, and struggles. It’s crystal clear that episode 15 was all about getting Da Ran to break out of her passive state and dare to take control of her life. When she waded into the lake, I was seriously crying tears of happiness for her. When she announced her love for KKJ at the end to everyone, the look of pure joy and contentment on her face was breathtaking to behold, despite how dirty she was from head to toe. Here is a woman who has the courage to love in the open, which is far from where she started at the beginning of the drama always waiting for Yoon Jae. |