本帖最后由 dandelion606 于 2013-10-11 08:42 编辑
CR:http://forums.soompi.com/discuss ... ils-on-page-1/p1335
那些staff是自己去DC爆料的,“lots of staff came DC and let us know about some behind scene”
1. SJS hates spoiler (don't know its right to say spoiler cuz he filmed drama and he knew all the thing!!)
anyway when staffs or actors, actresses watch TMS on TV, he covered his ears so he could watch it on himself (is it right word? it means... he likes to watch it loney appreciating) but GHJ really like to watch it at the scene. she tried to watch it broadcasting at the right time 으으 본방사수를 번역 뭐라고 해 ㅠㅠ
2. GHJ is really mischievous. but also she has a cynical part. many people thought she is just lovely but she is really smart(really tried to do a perfect job and did well) and has cynical(cool) aspect. (hey u know cynical means not the negative in Korea here,right?) u can see that aspect if u watched RM which she was a guest ㅋㅋ staff said he was really impressed at the wrap-up party GHJ remembered all staff's name. she always brightened the filming place.
3. SIG is really different with KangWoo. he is really cute.
4. The relation of actors and actresses is the best. staffs used the word "crazily" and also the atmosphere of filming place is really good (that means also staffs and actors,actresses got along well and filmed in the best mood. staff said he really liked this drama for that reason)
5. at the epi 17, the last scene is totally ad-lib. well, actually at the script there were until "Steve Jobs, death, future thing." zoom-out part is totally ad-lib. and also the third kiss
17集最后一部分完全是即兴哦!剧本只写着“Steve jobs, 死了,未来的事”。那个镜头拉远之后的部分都是即兴的,包括第三个吻!
6. complete script of epi 17 was out earlier than epi 16's complete script.
Hong sister didn't want to extend but SBS made her to do so they wrote last epi which they already decided what to write from start
and added more at the epi16.
(so SBS hired a buffet caterer for the reward of extension. but staff didn't like it at all ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
7. other team staffs would come for seeing SJS when he had the studio filming ㅋㅋ
8. one staff really like GongRi ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he always said about her beauty and when he had schedule with her, he came DC before that and said that he was looking forward to seeing her. so every time he came, DC gallers uploaded GongRi's pics ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
9. CG team member said he wanted to make the swimming pool ghost more scary but there was no time.
it was really hard work cuz they needed to do a job one by one.
10. wrap-up party, SJS didn't go home just watched TMS last epi at his van ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ(like i said at num.1)
and joined 3rd party at the Octagon club with staffs and GHJ and SIG.(maybe from 2nd at the bar)