韓國網民沒有人買李秉憲的說詞, 但也沒有人驚訝於他的花心, 都說他是無可救藥的垃圾。。。
有多則新聞網民的反應被翻譯成英文了。。可以去netizenbuzz 看
http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/ ... byung-hun-with.html
Article: Lee Byung Hun, women request 1 billion won for pictures Lee Byung Hun claims were memorial photos
Source: OSEN via Nate
1. [+358, -15] They're demanding 1 billion won over "just memorial photos"?? The b*tches would be psycho to demand that much if the pictures weren't scandalous at all. I wonder what's more plausible, the women being crazy or the pictures actually being just memorial pictures?
2. [+354, -22] ㅋㅋ What woman in her right mind would demand a billion won over just memorial pictures? ㅋㅋ Lee Byung Hun is hopeless trash, a married man going around doing scandalous things demanding of a billion won. If those pictures weren't scandalous at all, how about you reveal them? The netizens will shield you if so!
3. [+347, -27] They're obviously demanding money because he took compromising photos with them. He's still trash even after getting married.
4. [+35, -2] Crazy ㅋㅋ They're obviously not memorial photos. Heard there's a video of them talking sexually to each other while drunk in his newlywed home while Lee Min Jung was out on vacation or something.
5. [+28, -5] How upsetting for Lee Min Jung... He was already so scandalous with women problems even before his marriage so I'm sure she had a clue but it's still upsetting...
6. [+28, -2] It's apparently a video of him and two women talking sexually while drunk in his newlywed home ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+23, -0] Can we think logically for a second? Would women really demand a billion won over pictures of them just holding up the peace sign and saying cheese? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Article: Police" Warrant issued for the woman threatening Lee Byung Hun today (the 2nd)"
Source: Star News via Naver
1. [+616, -55] I just don't get how he can be married to Lee Min Jung and still think of bringing two women in their twenties back to his house... I mean, it's Lee Min Jung
2. [+534, -19] Please release the videos you have before you get caught ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+479, -33] Lee Min Jung must be pissed. Not a quiet day with her husband.
4. [+357, -24] Seems even Lee Min Jung can't tame him
5. [+260, -18] So who's the newly debuted female singer?
6. [+141, -7] The only articles I ever read about Lee Min Jung were pictures of her vacationing overseas... Has he been with other women while sending her away?
7. [+144, -11] I fail to understand why he's drinking with other women in his home
8. [+117, -2] A married man. A man with a wife. Was drinking with women in their twenties. In his own home? Daebak... What a way to make his wife feel like crap.
http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/ ... -lee-byung-hun.html
1. [+4,562, -335] Why is it always only him that gets into these scandals? Jung Woo Sung, Lee Jung Jae, and other male actors similar to his age are living clean lives free of scandals.
3. [+2,436, -158] Lee Byung Hun's so good at getting himself out of everything. He has no clear evidence, just a bunch of rumors surrounding him ㅋㅋ I feel so bad for Lee Min Jung
4. [+2,049, -223] Amazing of Lee Byung Hun to weasel himself out of everything. He acts like he did nothing wrong and it's all the woman's fault.
這個人老奸巨猾, 勢力又大, 鬥不過他的。。。
珉廷去世的外公,國寶級畫家 박노수 一定心疼孫女不已。。