Finally, an episode that is pretty much neck to neck, and in some ways, even better than Ep20. SBS' Ep24 delivers in every way, be it in emotional resonance as well as performance, making it a near-perfect one hour to sit through.韓版24集各方面都堪稱完美,從情感迴盪到演員表演,可以和20集媲美,甚至更為超越
Gyeom's confrontation with King Jungjong is the highlight of the episode for me in terms of intensity and performance. 李謙和中宗的對峙是這集的高潮,不管是情感強度還是演員表演Choi Jong Hwan was absolutely stellar as the king who has lived haunted for 40 years by terror and paranoia, twisting his psyche into one who no longer sees reason, but brutally cuts down anyone he perceives as having crossed him, or made an inappropriate move against his jealously guarded authority and throne.中宗的表演星星般耀眼,一個四十年來飽受恐懼和恐慌折磨的國王,心神扭曲,完全失去理性,不惜剷除任何一個忤逆他的人 ,或是任何一個威脅他處心積慮守護的王位和權威的人。
SSH matches him note for note, portraying Gyeom's grief and disillusionment towards the man who once loved him closer than a brother, whom he held great affection for. 宋承憲則是分毫不差的證明自己是演技上的完全對手, 演出了李謙的悲傷,幻滅,這個曾經比兄弟好要更愛自己的人,直至如今仍舊深愛的人。
Gyeom's devastation is palpable as he reminds the king word for word of how he used to describe their relationship which he acknowledges dispassionately but deigns, not to justify, but simply state that the blame lies with Gyeom. 李謙的傷心欲絕完全讓人感同身受,他一字一句的提醒中宗,不是曾經說過他們的關係是如此親密嗎?中宗確乾巴巴的回答都要怪李謙
As always, he distances himself from responsibility and consequences, perpetually caught up in self-preservation, so much so that he has come to believe the lies he has told himself absolving himself from blame, even during the crucial moment when Gyeom holds the blade against his throat. And that final scene when Gyeom walks away in tears, the expression in King Jungjong's face speaks volumes as it finally dawns on him what he has irrevocably lost. Brilliant brilliant performances from CJH and SSH that have me tearing up, realising this would be the epitaph of their relationship. Absolutely spectacular!兩人的表演太精彩了太精彩了,讓我熱淚盈眶,這是兩人關係的墓誌銘啊,太精彩了