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▲主题整理▲2001金基德《收件人不详》Address unknow










发表于 2004-5-15 02:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 ]; v- C& ~4 N5 U4 }& r* p主演:杨东根、金英民、潘敏晶、方银珍、赵在贤5 z; x$ A0 c  c; I* b0 _* N0 {
% j3 a- j5 X* x0 t7 D( t; O
$ W6 m. D1 {8 V, w4 V3 F& m
( L/ n, I. Y0 x2 H3 o  R8 ]- X2001年威尼斯国际电影节官方竞赛单元入围
7 D% s$ t. ]: k釜山国际电影节特别宣传计划作品(Pusan Promotion Plan (PPP))6 I* u; g$ W: \. \) ]

6 p- H3 C. `7 [1 Y, ~' `=======================================
4 b  ^! u- u  m! M# j- \1 t
) z1 T7 C- ?' f电影导读: s: r3 A, }6 C, {8 }: O
& {& c& Q2 Y2 r( W$ v
( ]1 V$ u1 c2 s: ?* {* A7 E" g& U" g& w/ g# x2 j' t6 j
《收件人不详》以平常琐碎而又震撼人心的故事,揭示了战争对民族以及个体造成的沉重创伤,偶们可以从几位主人公们从逆来顺受到奋勇抗争的转变中一同感受那渗入骨髓的切肤之痛。1 H( `9 g9 r+ W3 @' e0 j4 P8 U
5 D& f4 h' G# X3 e9 }

4 [. p2 g9 B' Q9 @- Z. ]1 E9 e有人说过,“其实金基德骨子里很传统、古典。作品中仍然可以找到最为牢靠原始的友谊或爱情,尽管它们总是被隐晦表达的”。这话用来形容《收件人不详》最合适不过了!这部是金导作品中对各类情感抒写最为丰满的一部,尽管不能单从“情”来解读它,它之所以厚重悲壮,是因为渗透了民族的悲情与历史的创伤。昌古与吉华间朴实的友情,那是弱势者的同病相怜惺惺相惜。吉华对昌古有很深的依恋之情,昌古的死,间接导致了一直处于压抑中的他从懦弱到勇狠的转变。吉华与恩洛的爱情,是青春期的男女相悦蠢蠢欲动,简单纯粹而真挚。恩洛是吉华情窦初开的暗恋。恩洛也是爱吉华的,她在服完大麻后的幻象中闪过的是吉华的身影。片尾,一道铁窗隔起一对俯首痛哭的恋人,那场面真让人好揪心的!昌古与妈妈之间的情。妈妈对昌古的爱是无私的,而昌古对妈妈的爱,是带着怨的吧,所以是爱恨交织的,但也是浓稠炙烈的,赴死前对母亲的真情流露,饱含太多的遗恨与无奈。除此之外,偶们还可以看到吉华与爸爸的父子之情,尽管只在片尾的寥寥一笔,也是父子情深的感人抒写。) p2 z8 m- `. Q6 o. m' i/ p5 M5 h

# r! r/ A0 v3 x其实这也是一部政治寓言,片中许多饱含深意的细节和场景设置,都鲜明的烙上了导演个人政治观点。影片同时还探讨了驻韩美军给韩国社会造成的负面影响,正如金基德在一篇访谈中说到的,当自己在写这个剧本时是对美国兵在韩国犯下的种种罪行尤其是性犯罪感到很愤慨,但同时又觉得他们也很悲哀,毕竟每一個士兵都只是一个孤独的个体,在异乡度过了他们的青春期。影片中的美国大兵James,就集中体现了金导的这些看法。; c  o' s: v8 j, p; T8 H' E
* V4 A, Q  l/ }. k* O* \
顺便说一下,这个剧本的灵感是源于金基德少年时的真实经历,片中的吉华就是金基德的视线。, M1 b, y% o( G& B: T6 W/ D! R. u
' L" @1 R8 F: P. R
! O! C, Y! C1 J  o& D. }$ A( J5 F) j& @  k: ]
& X5 d+ p/ G# {" t! s3 A0 n- U6 u* i: p9 i
【三言两语by jeongbang】<收信人不明>
6 d7 G+ N' v5 r! y: w/ `
8 w7 q- o* X6 V* h+ e: M7 F7 R[阳阳影画]收件人不明——金基德的狂人日记
  q# }* O( X2 @# p$ p4 o' J  d6 l" r5 K) {
玉碎与瓦全——打回头的情书(收件人不详)" @9 c9 i4 L9 v  Q
: S1 H. {9 P6 h0 e' g! j
[kavkalu手记]《打回头的情书》阉割或抗争的男人们3 Z& Q2 t7 ~/ E+ s/ [1 e

1 k. L! }: }5 \% k* }悲情十字——金基德《收件人不祥》$ Q- p1 l( L4 y' t# b- m
# D  u. H" ]- a5 \( b* w
畸形的爱 --看电影《收件人不详(Adress Unkown)》
% d/ ?3 U; W( G/ u7 o/ P( u
/ e, T4 c* O8 U( N* }" z1 N三种武器——来自《收件人不详》) `; P: _) K& r

; e7 |4 E$ Y+ i0 ^# Z2 o% ?5 t# f2 [7 f; j) Z" K( m
========================================- P9 _4 w- |. k4 O* ~7 Q

) f. U" }: `5 H" U剧照海报
, [( j0 F) d$ n: z* ]
; Y$ R) A4 E8 o; j) Z) qhttp://www.movist.com/movies/vie ... &tp=p&num=1
# {3 g* i+ o+ V% j' q; b% I8 k/ y; k" x
* Q2 G' V2 ^7 M' @) W, @
========================================/ V' {6 R8 x8 y" H& E; }
, l1 C7 y6 W/ R: E; n  M' d
5 _- l, j# ^# B! [' e" ~
# y4 M, L- q1 O$ \预告片(这个预告偶非常非常喜欢,短短的几分钟时间就已让偶五味杂陈。这部电影也是影像与音乐的完美结合,你可以在预告片中欣赏的部分配乐):0 a- v. @0 S) m, I7 S3 h& K
mms://vod.hani.co.kr/cine21/multi/trailer/a-b/address.asf* i$ v. ], Z+ a; U% s; ~

1 K: f: b" y/ |# J% {! z演员访谈1播放网址(金英明、潘敏晶):
0 Q" X2 ~; ?4 L' B0 I5 Bhttp://www.movist.com/multi/mp.a ... &num=1&hid=
  d! c5 i: O. V
7 _4 O( a# `4 v1 n; }! J: h演员访谈2播放网址(杨东根、赵在贤):
# Q/ S. k% E% o: V$ Ihttp://www.movist.com/multi/mp.a ... &num=2&hid=$ m$ B1 o: c/ z- t. d+ ?

/ S) R- `4 |, t$ k" O* }拍摄花絮1播放网址:http://kr.movies.yahoo.com/multi ... mp;sp=300&num=1. M+ ?* w' k/ z5 y0 P

% a, E# e, I! R6 x3 q拍摄花絮2播放网址(在这段花絮中你可以欣赏到片中的一首相当舒缓柔美又带点忧伤的配乐,这首配乐后来也被《撒玛利亚女孩》收录,想起来了吗?爸爸给女儿放的CD里的歌,就是这首):
8 e4 c2 j4 C% {. J; W  ehttp://kr.movies.yahoo.com/multi ... mp;sp=300&num=2
! W# B# M4 x& C
& D% H% v1 u; t) t5 ?拍摄花絮3播放网址:! V9 W$ q5 ^9 h4 q
http://kr.movies.yahoo.com/multi ... mp;sp=300&num=3/ f! _" i2 @0 [" N! B
. Z+ V9 c4 t; x$ r
拍摄花絮4播放网址:% l! r3 b3 G# B8 X! Z% V0 x
http://kr.movies.yahoo.com/multi ... mp;sp=300&num=4
/ `/ m, `: Z. U5 C, T. {0 I. q/ Y
% @  L( }5 K* s, o1 |======================================4 I4 p$ U4 R! e2 W

/ n  f6 G/ Z# T7 x5 }[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2005-4-5 at 05:59 PM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-15 02:49 | 显示全部楼层


Interview with Kim Gi-Deok 'Address Unknown'  i6 ~  K4 b1 X5 k
$ Q( P0 W/ l! [( {! r) B
review by asiandb" j0 i9 W( s/ G# T
September 15, 20019 v$ _0 x( k* L7 B! {, ]. X. E
Read: 397, I! {& N2 a2 d4 y+ s3 Z
Q. The title of your new film, Address Unknown is quite unique. ' W! ?# ^. R0 |, c$ I& c* R. }2 p
A. When I was growing up in the countryside, I remember many letters scattered on the ground, undelivered because they were sent to unknown addresses. Most of them were stuck in mailboxes for the longest time until they were swept away by the wind and thrust into the bottom of rice fields or a filthy ditch. Whenever I would see them, I was always overcome with this desire to open them, which in fact I attempted at a number of times. Quite a few contained sad, desperate tales. To me, the three characters in this film are just like the abandoned letters of my childhood. They are the children of an 'era which is yet to be received.' In the desolate plains, Chang-gook has been entirely violated; Eun-oak is halfway to that point; and Ji-hum will rise up, like a weed.
/ A' a/ E$ g! h. t% G) a9 X1 m  t. l7 [
Q. Going into this film, you raised the question, "Where does our cruelty come from?"
  D' G/ V4 P6 Q9 z% a6 @A. By dealing with the lives surrounding the U.S. military base, I wanted to ruminate on history from the Korean War down to the time of Japanese Imperialism. Perhaps the cruelest scene of this film is when the father repairs the gun found in the front yard of the family's house and shoots the chicken he has been raising. The violence repeated through generations, I believe this is the most uniquely Korean form of violence. + i+ w! s" X( z5 G

9 Y- `. b+ i, P( H' |  j( p8 dQ. How did you come up with the extraordinary episodes in Address Unknown? . L1 z$ l, f* Q8 D
A. This is actually a story from the time my friends and I were seventeen. Ji-hum's experiences are taken from mine, and the stories about his friend who commits suicide at the age of 27 and another friend who has only one eye are exactly how they really happened. 8 ?3 z0 [$ ?7 @7 g. q5 O4 ^3 W2 h
4 u5 C9 u5 T# Y7 |6 R
Q. The relationship between Chang-gook and his mother is quite unique.
+ y& r7 \$ |! S: PA. There are actually many similar cases around the U.S. military base. After the Korean War, many children of mixed heritage were adopted into America, but the ones left behind had to lay low, suffering along with their own mothers. I remember the headquarter of Holt Children's Services Inc. next to my elementary school. Perhaps that was the reason why there were always two or three more kids of mixed heritage in our class. At the time, I was quite afraid of them, and they were, in fact, violent. Among them were those who lived in small wooden shacks, just like the red bus that Chang-gook and his mother live in, who beat their mothers like Chang-gook did his. I was a 4th~5th grader at the time, and I remember it as vividly shocking. Now I can understand where this friend of my childhood was coming from. Nothing has changed as the pain and anguish continues. 3 I/ G0 ]2 K+ C3 w5 u

1 i/ F. M% s: f  V8 o8 x" Y1 E, E5 o% a; ?$ `6 r& \( f8 u
Q. The U.S. soldier in Address Unknown seems to go beyond the dichotomy between pro or anti U.S. sentiments which, as a whole, have defined our attitude towards the U.S.
6 ]* p8 {  U  l; q( [' hA. The U.S. military may be a familiar presence yet it is an uncomfortable one as well. They create small and large incidents, including sex crimes, which should be done away with, the sooner the better. However, the deep-seated military culture and the imperialist sentiments that this projects, cannot just be a matter of one or two U.S. soldiers causing problems. I was quite critical of the U.S. military at the time I was writing this script. However, as I was hunting for shooting locations, I began to feel a kind of sadness, looking at the shabby and filthy clubs surrounding the military bases in great numbers. It was isolation and loneliness I felt from the GIs wretchedly returning to their military base after spending time with Russian or Filipino girls they bought for a couple of dollars. For the first time, I asked myself if I had ever tried to understand them. It dawned on me that these men were just like the Korean soldiers dispatched to the Middle East. It made me see another side to the issue of sex crimes committed by U.S. soldiers. What could they really do in the extraterritorial jurisdiction area around the military base? They were only young men spending their youth in a foreign country In this sense, I would like to say that the position I take in Address Unknown is at the conjuncture between 'pro-U.S.' and 'anti-U.S.' sentiments.
4 d4 p4 @+ Z7 P
! O/ R& z8 A" Z; ?/ L! W+ ^# I  g$ W! v$ R& e. M
Q. Unlike in your previous works, you place politics and history at the forefront of this film. 5 g9 ~' A4 o8 C* i+ t9 s
A. I think I have always talked about political issues in every one of my films. For example, Crocodile focuses on issues of normality and abnormality, and Birdcage Inn examines class distinctions. Perhaps it is the lyrical rather than political approach that separates those films from this one.
* R' H  h) h( X
7 Z7 N, `& |2 w# ~! ~. _% U[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-15 at 03:02 AM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-15 02:54 | 显示全部楼层


Kim Gi-Deok’s 'Address Unknown' Goes to Venice
  u$ x+ s# U' z& \+ [0 L
' t: x, f5 r7 r# D1 H. ^& \( ^% ~review by asiandb2 }; K; N0 p; V! B1 T4 ~
August 30, 2001
' H( ]% b9 N  vRead: 7732 k# Y# q8 x6 N( \. Z
Director Kim Gi-Deok and actor Jo Jae-Hyeon took their film, Address Unknown, to the Venice International Film Festival on Tuesday. This is the second time for one of Kim Ki-duk’s films to be invited to the prestigious festival for competition, after last year’s movie The Isle. % W; ~. T" n: F/ Q1 ~0 Q
( \4 U  s3 {7 Y
The 58th Venice Film Festival, which runs from Aug. 29 through Sept. 8, decided to screen “Address Unknown” as its opening movie.
( @& m, l' a- G3 v4 C3 E. J1 \) B
3 w9 n% P4 n, N7 VKim’s latest feature film follows the lives of three youths in the 1970s, with a U.S. Army base as a backdrop. The director’s “implied violence,” one of the dramatic devices he often takes up, is contrasted with three youngsters, who were rejected from society after the Korean War.
+ {( e$ j5 X5 \+ s, Y/ g$ V, j  j& W
The main character, Chang-guk, is the offspring of a Korean bar waitress and an African-American soldier. Eun-ok, with a cataract in her left eye, is a girl who agrees to bestow her body to an American soldier in exchange for getting eye surgery, and Ji-hum is a silent boy who can’t manage to deal with his disabled Korean War veteran father.
, x3 X3 g6 p1 L
+ ^" F3 C- v/ c; ?8 M9 e8 DAs we have seen in so many novels, dramas and movies, Chang-guk’s mother, a former prostitute, writes a string of letters to her husband, who has left for the U.S. She anxiously tells her son that his father will soon bring them to the U.S. Her letters, however, are always returned with the stamp “Address Unknown” on the envelope, where the title of the movie comes. . r# \( M) `+ `3 l# l, Y
" N0 N& p! @: x, G4 ]/ C& y
Kim implied that all the characters, not only Ji-hum’s father, are “disabled veterans of the Korean War,” although none of them seem to realize that. + W. a/ d( N1 s' ?0 d' V/ P; S
/ _7 d) `2 u- n: e
The film, unfortunately, attracted no more than 10,000 movie-goers and was pulled from cinema screens only a week after its release, making it another of his films that are unpopular at home, but rather highly estimated by overseas film festivals.
. @$ N. i. `4 p) H: f  p
) l) Q& V) n" G& h/ WJo Jae-Hyeon, who turned up as a “dog butcher” who met his death after being attacked by a flock of angry animals, and who starred in Kim’s recently completed film Bad Guy, 9 L# Z2 s# p1 p6 K
accompanied him to the film festival.% ?4 S6 u) P0 h% i* }

4 X' D; }# M6 x( y. p+ b[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-15 at 03:10 AM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-15 02:55 | 显示全部楼层


English review
9 J1 t9 q% E. V( w0 Q
( e% p2 U2 l7 q# i: z! [/ y======================================
5 k: R4 H1 c) K. n, K& p; L3 ^Rotterdam, the Netherlands5 H6 u: t" b2 X4 |( W
& Z6 E, h+ ?8 U; I) m( i9 ]
Date: 24 January 2002
2 [# D7 N3 j: N' r- LSummary: A jewel of solid led
$ ]! l0 i4 s  M, Y- ?5 ]1 Y
+ V* e) A4 W# e0 q$ z$ e& b& ZWow. I never felt so scarred after leaving the cinema and seeing a good film. Doom is making it's appearance and it will not go away even after the very end. The whole setting of the film is marvelous. Desolate, hopeless and there's no way out of the barren landscape. All persons are victim of this place, knowing they cannot escape, with all consequences. The fact that those who should have gotten it don't, makes it a very bitter ride. I watched every second, hopeless but fixed to the screen. Only minor is the somewhat overacting of some of the featured American soldiers, but okay still a perfect 9 out of 10. Highly recommended, another fine piece of Korean cinema.
6 [9 d7 N3 _4 k: E% i0 l8 S$ O
6 C. H# _3 O2 q========================================
2 O) {: l  l! I+ l  W
3 m# |& \  v0 g1 r% oStockholm, Sweden
/ R( K& x" J( h/ P# p3 E3 N1 k; G: P' Z3 T' H
Date: 31 January 2002  V7 z. Z7 l% C" z# ~
Summary: This movie made me experience physical pain9 {$ \& s7 k* d

+ [* @* c9 _9 `  O: i" U4 W. LI love this movie! OK, it's horrible, it's disgusting, watching it made' o7 i+ P, K: q# d( T4 y8 c

, O# R- ~. B7 j% @' B2 j# G% B1 ?% L( yme sick...and saying that I experienced physical pain is not a lie.! C; y. E* d) b
! b, H- e0 F; r4 Q- x& I
There is no happiness in this film. Everyone is depressed and/ ?$ E* R4 Y- t, T  g5 ?* D/ o8 I, A

- U7 Z, c; g0 W! X+ {6 |! Y9 X8 F' Oeveryone has difficult problems to deal with, and those problems. J# m+ }* b, W; t) |0 X$ M* s

, h. r  O# \" _) Cdon't get solved, but rather get worse during the film. But this is
+ `) C  B6 J, O& \/ {
2 Y/ t+ f- Z: |% j& Y0 L* \% x$ Qwhy I love it! A film that can give you such strong feelings, even if
! p, ]1 @" N/ P7 e# g' b# Z: p. c+ ?( r9 p
the strong feelings are depression and pain, is a GOOD film!
# L) Q8 |; C: [1 ^
3 P: T/ i  n. A4 {) H. MMight be good to see this if you think YOU have problems. =) 6 i1 }1 O& X. [( U

- Y7 c# m9 _- _( x/ a, U% X6 ^: x6 r9 E1 t- l/ e

; M2 n( X# Q, d5 _=======================================  \5 M  C/ @3 P" f! U
3 b6 I5 ]. P# Y5 L4 ~9 M- m. i
michael cumming
% |3 S8 y, ]! JOttawa, Ontario( _; K  n- d& e

5 z2 c% e/ O' p1 Y3 h; MDate: 31 December 2003
* \7 v$ \% U3 a6 M  z  O4 ]: O% w* |5 E6 y! b1 ?+ \2 p) H
Not unlike the Oscar Wilde play from which my "One Line Summary" for this comment is co-opted the director of `Address Unknown' requires his audience to think. ! {- D5 p/ m" J( I- a, @

7 I" j! l6 F& t# e: iIn all of the Kim Ki-duk films I have seen (The Isle, Address Unknown, Bad Guy) what lies on the surface differs greatly from what lies beneath it. He is working in a language of metaphor and allegory with characters that range from caricature to archetype to fodder. By fodder I mean they are impenetrable and near impossible to empathize/sympathize with for the sole reason that emotional attachment is not the director's intention. He is creating a fictional world made to comment on the world we live in.
- p5 Q* m& T" t, \% a/ F8 A% X, g. J/ N+ X5 j3 D. [
By exploring the eclectic residents of an isolated South Korean village in close proximity to an American military base Ki-duk is dealing with a number of issues such as globalization (the base, the bullies who moved to America), language (the theme of English, the comic interlude of the Playboy translation), gender (obvious), race (obvious), history (that family whose father turned out to be a traitor, the constant references to the past from the veterans), tradition (the archery), relationships (Korean girl and U.S. solider), war (obvious) and violence (obvious). The bleak, violent, at times repulsive world the film takes place in is so over-the-top that the audience can't help but think that it is just a means to an end.$ ?5 u0 m: [/ ^( Y

& N' m4 D9 b5 Y  _% o2 T, E, bIn films like `The Isle' and `The Bad Guy' the black humour and sarcasm are more evident. `Address Unknown' is a tad more subtle but there are more than enough hints to indicate the film should not be taken at face value.
( s* @( t; S* L7 Z) c( w6 g/ [
! J) \" D% }8 _( E. t8 bKim Ki-duk is one of a handful of directors striving to create intelligent cinema that is accessible as well. The East is bursting at the seams with talent and I really hope it starts to get the recognition it deserves.( Y; M4 S# e: ]3 ~1 \) z$ h4 k1 F
0 M& Q3 v. j, Q: M$ L8 a5 U: u
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-15 at 03:16 AM ]








发表于 2005-5-11 13:38 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2007-1-20 21:41 | 显示全部楼层










发表于 2007-1-21 09:27 | 显示全部楼层
那个打狗的情节说明WHAT? 那个杀狗的心情又想让人体会WHAT?  S& M' o' y' f# z* a. m& m' t








发表于 2007-2-17 00:05 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2007-10-20 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
实在喜欢他的影片,光是金基德三个字就对我很有吸引力。前几天把《漂流欲室》下到IPOD观赏中,,画面好美,音乐也搭配得恰到好处,情节也十分到位。: J* S$ t+ U* s7 c' }& M. g
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