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▲主题整理▲2003洪基善《选择》The road taken










发表于 2004-5-16 21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
洪基善作品+ P7 E8 x: t6 B
主演:金重基、安爽焕5 B4 Z% g, s3 }4 B/ I: |6 }5 A) _
/ S) N' \! s/ t( h9 ~; v$ @

9 T! _' F+ }* D
; ^& U$ Y8 j0 R4 a2003年第八回釜山国际电影节[新浪潮]单元入选作品2 k% D$ y7 z5 \* F/ ?1 {
, V! i' ^. E7 o9 l! S- R2003年人权映画祭[Opening]入选作品

1 B& Y" `' }) `+ I/ y  V( ~" J) Y/ y" ~  p. j& H4 _8 Y
=====================================/ l: S$ f( u# ~* ?2 Q9 i

% z4 G5 M4 h& [4 R+ D% f电影导读
3 K" l( A# Q0 s7 t- L+ ?8 Q5 v7 p# ~! k. s8 @( v
作者:阳阳/ s8 {7 Z0 l8 [, u

# w6 y# C6 A! F十年磨一剑,厚积而薄发 ,洪基善的《选择》在关于政治犯的敏感刀锋间游走,却做到了游刃有余,用理性克制的镜头来表现一群狱中坚信共产主义的政治犯。比影片更令人敬佩的是影人这般不言放弃的勇气与精神。
' e' _2 y7 Q1 H! g: L1 ^$ w4 v" l. P
选择,顾名思义,影片主人公韩国政治犯金善明及他的狱友面对政府给予的自由与信仰的交换,该如何去抉择。当他们拒绝转化后所遭受到的残酷肉体及精神的折磨后,仍不屈不挠地继续斗争着,直到监狱方为不人道的做法道歉为止。这期间,政治犯的坚持与困惑,挣扎,痛苦。。。是此片的重点表现之处。导演的镜头是隐忍、间接的,给予了观众相当的想象空间,却不并因此而削弱影片给人的震撼力。在身陷囹囫的方寸之间,并不全是凄风苦雨的弥漫,相反,在以同志相称的狱友之间,有着乐观主义精神的洋溢,有亲人般的温暖呵护,有对统一事业的无限希望。。这些细节给影片抹上了几许暖色。; P% ~# h$ ^/ j. t% l

. k2 r* G: N3 Q* g" Y8 |影片中的一些对白也耐人寻味。其中,主人公金善明对狱官Tae-shik说:其实你也被禁锢在这里,禁锢在一场迷失的战斗中。。。影片结尾处, 当72岁高龄的金善明获得特赦走出监狱时,镜头中,狱官Tae-shik站在冰冷的铁门内目送金善明的离去,禁锢的又何尝仅仅是那些政治犯? 影片通过对金善明、狱官Tae-shik的刻画,看到了两人代表着对立的政治意识形态,并因此而付出的代价,一个是45年的阴冷牢狱生涯,一个是失去人的良知与亲情。对金善明来说,他的理想是“人的一生总要做一件有意义的事”,为自己的信仰,自己的良心而战是他毕生的理想。当他站在狱外的阳光下,他说:“人们认为自由是在监狱外边,但是我选择的自由是在监狱里边,也许你无法理解,但真正的自由在那里边,是我的良心给了我自由。”这句结束语颇有辩证色彩。只是,当看到片尾,当古稀之年的金善明终于见到骨瘦如婴的老母时,那抱头而泣的画面实在让人心酸、唏嘘不已。。。父亲与姐姐的被害令他执着于共产主义信仰,而坚持这信仰带给其他亲人的伤痛与代沟却永远无法弥补。。。。, _8 n; L4 O1 B( `% c: ?

2 U* X6 V2 |# y( P- U+ F如水波轻漾而去的政治记忆,却如此清晰地折射出个人命运的翻云覆雨,淡出的是历史,伤痛却一直不曾离开分裂的民族,检视历史留下的伤痕,希望的是可以少一些这样苦难的世事人情。
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3 \. J5 g( e. i1 X1 B$ R! Y
! N' w% q4 Z! @* e影评区, `2 Z( q+ k' X

( E/ z9 o; n. R6 [8 P! B! q《选择》----浅谈历史背景
2 _  }. d2 x* ?; n  q+ Z9 Z6 z
- X7 H: C( S+ C7 Y7 y
/ G, w4 L9 L/ X" L, G* A8 W. t" o+ N三言两语话韩片之《选择》(第45楼
8 f% l- ]0 x6 h+ Z5 ?. X$ O' E
+ M' k, p" V) g/ M1 p; Q8 Z: C=======================================
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影音区) w8 F3 h: t- q

9 s. T  z9 a+ C  r. ^预告片:
3 P" ~* Y6 u+ e8 bhttp://www.movist.com/movies/movie.asp?mid=6633
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*[两种人生](the road taken):
( A8 d" d$ x9 u& |8 ]5 Ohttp://player.bugs.co.kr/player5 ... mp;idx=kor0O227611,
4 ^% c" }8 o2 X2 I2 S. `踏着欢快的鼓点,伴着悠长的萧声,带着或悲或喜的心情,我们一起上路。无论是选择哪条路,都是我们自己的人生!
4 q; `, O$ g" x  @$ t4 k9 t! U& k3 ^5 k/ }) ]

. e4 [- b& z, R( [5 U*[John dull dances]:
" V2 o# V; r; n; ~; F  {8 Phttp://player.bugs.co.kr/player5 ... mp;idx=kor0O227615,: P$ u4 v$ S; q% Q0 X  ^. P! \
寒冬中也有让人温暖的东西!一起跳舞吧!( l8 r' q9 Y' E) w# ^1 e" e

4 G! b: d6 W4 U& L+ X
0 ]. `3 |6 N. _: R0 m* M  z6 Q- X*[妹妹的回想]:
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选择一样东西常常意味着放弃另一样东西,比如亲情。所以选择有时是残忍的!: g" a" K9 B7 `, ?7 r

' J7 Z2 U6 z( d8 ~. e; ?  e
5 x# P- ?* j. Q4 F9 ?5 L1 q& p*[为了一方而放弃另一方,这不是选择]:3 g' ~9 |8 A( w* W; |/ ~8 i- x
http://player.bugs.co.kr/player5 ... mp;idx=kor0O227618,
+ P# k. L2 }* N1 N其实在坚守一方时,就已经失去很多~# {, }6 g  g+ J% W) `
# |9 l+ Z4 \1 E  g" d
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http://player.bugs.co.kr/player5 ... mp;idx=kor0O227619,. m3 M. P# {3 z/ r0 c
绵长的萧声,诉不尽久别的思念之情~- u2 @2 E8 @8 S
0 e" Z! l; {- @7 H3 e+ c9 O3 x

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' D) b  U% w* r4 W4 ?8 u" t0 |0 R+ F, S4 r( d

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中提琴的浑厚,小提琴的悠悠。选择的代价,岁月不饶人~) @' u+ z5 r  B& O

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- x' K( ]( x1 M; p5 |( @+ j+ H: Y*[第三条路](The End):3 a6 {: B4 _& U8 ]
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; ?2 J' F8 W* Z/ x, u+ y
  c8 p, `* l. ^+ l) w, t$ t/ R9 g  A  R  s
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2005-7-5 at 12:59 AM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-16 21:45 | 显示全部楼层


English reviews. L' v4 V2 R2 r# ~* t

' h& x7 W; l6 q( a; d0 }=============================
$ M/ W& u+ R7 s; v"The Road Taken"
, D8 z# B, ~3 F/ q# Hby  TomG
- }1 r* p( i  \# ^& _* E: F9 e. n4 M. H2 m  h( L( H
   I was lucky enough to catch the screening of THE ROAD TAKEN at the Pusan International Film Festival. It is an amazing movie and now rivals MEMORY OF MURDER as my favorite Korean film of 2003. It may lack action, romance and comedy but it is never boring. The film-makers instead took a hard and honest look at the uncomfortable topic of political prisoners.
( W$ ^( \& A1 Z% L4 ~: R3 d6 YAlthough I really want to talk about it, I won't go into too much detail as I don't want to spoil the film for others. Basically, though. it is the life of Kim Sun-myeong who was charged with spying for North Korea and eventually became the longest held political prisoner in the world. He and the dozens of others like him in the South Korean jail are subjected to torture and enticements to get them to renounce communism. The prison policies of dealing with these inmates changes with the turbulent politics of 60's, 70's and 80's.4 n# Y  N. o2 f: c% F1 Q" K
What this movie reminded me most of was a mirror image of ALBATROSS in which Lee Jeong-jae's North Korean character tries to break the spirit of South Korean Cha In-pyo in a POW camp. ALBATROSS, made in 1996, is an anti-communist propaganda film. THE ROAD TAKEN is also, in a way, a propaganda film--one that promotes freedom of choice and celebrates the strength of one man's convictions.1 ]) J( Z  [" J7 r6 N+ Y
THE ROAD TAKEN (the Korean name is SEONTAEK--meaning 'choice') is directed by Hong Ki-seon whose only other work is the awkwardly titled SORROW, LIKE A WITHDRAWN DAGGER, LEFT MY HEART (1992). The lead actor is Kim Jung-gi who also appeared in YELLOW FLOWER and JUNGLE JUICE.
! H% @1 u" L$ o3 ^2 ]5 ^- fI think that you'll be hearing a lot more about THE ROAD TAKEN in the near future and I strongly recommend that you watch it when you get the chance--whether it be in the theater, at a film festival or later, on DVD. 3 z9 v( t- V( `% z
This film is scheduled to be released in general theaters in Korea on October 24.
1 ~) O  {1 Z' I1 \5 e! bfm:http://www.koreanfilm.org/htdocs/dcforum/DCForumID1/1915.html
$ n9 ^2 f* t7 _/ j  Q
4 n2 O% b" J. u# o, t: W==================================2 e7 b9 T# r5 L/ t6 v4 I
5 S# h1 A: n+ ~5 E  z. I% p
'The Road Taken' is a Journey to Reflect Changes in Political World
9 @" c! h- W. R7 b5 J0 q

- e$ P1 C" f2 ?8 T, B8 M( m1 _1 f% O) h
review by Joon Soh
' G+ v' M! O3 ~November 02, 2003" Y. H) R! P8 {. C, w9 j) i
Read: 467& r# L3 J7 k% W# p7 r8 B8 F
) \5 C+ j- `, m5 O- g; T8 \4 \
Some 11 years have passed since Hong Gi-seon’s feature film debut in 1992 and his next film ``Sontaek (The Road Taken).’’ The film, about the life of a communist who holds the world record for the longest time spent in prison, was first conceived in 1996, but due to the potentially sensitive nature of the subject, had a difficult time finding backers.
% y3 j, f9 m  k: ]1 b, t! K; m' G/ F) B+ e4 D, m  c, C& s* c9 B
``Companies were reluctant because of its political content,’’ Hong said. Hoping to find an international investor, Hong even took his script to the market at the Pusan International Film Festival in 1997, but ``I was told it would be difficult to make such a film.’’
2 y" I# Y! G. Z# g- o" v7 g) G/ z( a9 \; H  B1 [4 W
Hong was finally able to gather enough funding, which included a partial support from the Korea Film Commission, and made the film last year. Presented at the Pusan festival’s New Currents section earlier this month, ``The Road Taken’’ will be released in theaters this Friday.
3 z% c3 G* g, r* S- |0 F: b
$ [( n: o: y8 w) c9 r; vThe film is based on the experiences of Kim Son-myong, who was captured by United Nations troops in 1951 at the age of 25. Spending the next 45 years in a South Korean prison, much of it in solitary, Kim was released in 1995 after receiving a special presidential pardon and now resides in North Korea. ) W5 n2 ]' Y' a& i1 J
" ]* u) E2 A& R5 t. T
But the film shows how in some ways Kim and many of his peers chose the life they led. In the 1970s, which the film focuses on, the South Korean government promised pardon or leniency to such political prisoners if they would publicly disavow communism and embrace democracy and capitalism.
6 k+ b: V2 e9 _+ B- T) z9 ]' h: V' e8 f7 U
Ironically, the keepers of the prison used torture and other brutal methods in their attempt to ``convince’’ the political prisoners, called ``changkisu (prisoners with long sentence),’’ to accept democracy. While many broke under the mistreatment, Kim remained firm, refusing to sign a piece of paper that could have given him freedom, and ultimately walks out of the prison at the age of 70 with his ideological beliefs intact.
: V) D& h; R: g# u8 |2 X% H7 Q
8 O" |* I; E( _# o+ |* Q6 ]Since then, South and North Korea have gradually developed a more cooperative relationship _ a reason that ``The Road Taken’’ was finally able to be made, Hong says _ and much of the irrational Cold War fear of everything communist have begun to disappear. But while things have gotten better, the ongoing debate over the National Security Law shows that the South still has a ways to go. 2 K; a2 i( b3 H/ C8 d1 a- `

1 i8 ]) H1 k# g``A democratic society is made up of such things as the freedom of expression,’’ Hong, who has been making films with political content since the mid-1980s, said. ``The National Security Law goes directly against that by restricting freedom of thought.’’
, R4 ?% g+ w3 c$ ]2 A* H& _0 l5 G: J+ s" `. E; R* q% J
Yet at the same time, despite its inherent criticism of South Korean society, Hong says ``The Road Taken’’ isn’t a film that would be accepted by the North either. " V: N/ g8 U- u

9 d; r( Q; D& _2 b  }+ M``The film is closer to humanism, a story about individuals,’’ Hong said. ``The North has their own system and their own logic when it comes to films. I’d think that this kind of movie would be almost impossible to be screened for the masses there.’’ # r* s1 x. L5 Q( i4 Y
& K5 Q0 J8 E2 v& [1 a
(courtesy of KoreaTimes)

) e( e, t5 R5 M) O9 I
# z5 Q4 q' ]# L2 r1 y; _/ \2 N[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-5-16 at 09:50 PM ]









 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-16 21:45 | 显示全部楼层


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