


楼主: 志燮obba

【2004KBS】【对不起,我爱你】【已播毕】【苏志燮 林秀晶 郑庆浩 徐志英】一楼提供多









发表于 2004-11-17 09:17 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-17 11:38 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2004-11-17 12:17 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-17 12:18 | 显示全部楼层
“Sorry, I Love You” : Episode Three
::Word for Word Translation (Script)::
by purpletiger

(Episode 3 begins with the flashback of the previous episodes and it picks up from the ending of episode 2.)

(knock on the gate)

E: Who is it? Who is it?
M: Let me use the bathroom.
E: Who is it?
M: Bathroom. Let me use the bathroom.
E: This is not a public bathroom.
M: I’m going to pee my pants. Let me use the bathroom.
E: Than pee. I won’t stop. What kind of crazy person is that!
(moonhyuk pee’sˇlolˇEunchae opens the gate.)
E: ACK! (covers her eyesˇand turns to see moonhyuk.) Uh?? (covers her eyes again and starts speaking) Hey there. Australia right? Right?? Don’t you remember me?
M: I don’t remember.
E: It seems rightˇ
M: Do you live here?
E: Yes. (keeps looking at him)ˇ.maybe not.
M: Is this your house?
E: No, it’s not our house. We just live in the basement for rent.
M: This house is wealthy right?
E: Wellˇyes.
M: So, is it a hella rich house?
E: But hey, why did you pee infront of someone’s house? I asked why you peed! Ah, pee pee!!!
M: I marked this place as my territory. Why?
E: What?
M: Dogs mark their territory like this.
E: What the. How can this place be your territory?
M: See yah~I’ll come to pee again tomorrow.
E: What is this. So is he saying that he’s a dog or what.
M: That’s rightˇ.i’m a dog. Not a human, but a dog!

(grandpa speaking: “Your mom was a famous movie star a long time ago and your brother is one of the top singer’s in our country. Cool huh?)(Moohyuk walks around and sits down on the bench and pulls out a magazine page of his mom and brother. He crumbles it up.)

(Eunchae washes the stones that moohyuk peed on with water and broom.)

E: What a weird person I meet as I live. Ugh, disgusting. (flashes back to the scene in Australia, where eunchae and moohyuk met.)

(Moohyuk goes to the grandpa and strangles him!)

M: YouˇJason sent you here. Jason sent you here to kill me!! Did you think I’ll get tricked? Do you really think I was going to get tricked you old man!! How can that lady be my momˇhow can that lady be my mom!!!
Grandpa: It’s your mom, that lady is your mom.
M: Don’t lie! If she lives great like that, why would she abondon me. With that money, she can buy a lot of milk and raise 1000 children!!! It’s not like it was hard to live or even starve to death. How, not one but twoˇwhy would she abandon me!
Grandpa: Your mom is that kind of lady. Anything that gets into her way, children or othersˇshe has the ability to do that. You mom can do whatever she wishes.
M: Shut your mouth. I’m going to kill her. I’m going to kill her you old man!
Boy: (crying) Wahhhhhhˇ.Grandpa, I want to dieˇ.i want to dieˇ
Grandpa: Why, did your mom cause an accident again?
Boy: I don’t want to be the momˇ.i want to die.
Grandpa: Why, why again. Did your mom cause an accident?
Boy: I don’t want to be the mom. Find my mom. Wahhˇˇ

(eunchae running.)

M: Then, did he come to find me all the way from Australia? How did he know where I live? Is he crazy? (phone rings.) Oh, hey yoon. Pork?
C: Mm. I’m going to put it in the JahJang sauce. It’s not in your fridge? Than can you go buy it? Yah, with side skins (?)ˇokay, thanks. (gets off the phone.) I cook very well. (lists the foods that he can make.) Tangsooyook, Palboochae, Galbijim, shinsunyoo, pasta. There’s nothing I can’t do. Later, I probably can raise babies well. I’m not going to let your hands be touched with water. Well, we have to go there and seeˇbut I’m extremely a good match for a husband.
K: Do you really like me that much?
C: Of course (saying ‘carrots’ is a slang for ‘of course’ in korean tooˇI think)
K: Ahˇyou’re in big trouble chae yoon. You don’t know what you look for in a woman.
C: Don’t make me sad anymore. If you make me sad one more time, than I’m seriously going to die.
(minjoo knods her head yes and they hug. Just then, minjoo gets a text message that says ‘I’m going to wait by your house. I’m going to wait until you come out.’ She smiles.)

(eunchae is out in the streets.)

E: (bumps into people.) Oh sorry. Pork? Did he tell me to buy front leg skins? Or back leg skins? Or was it side skins? Argh, rock head rock head! Ah, I have to dieˇdie.

(Moohyuk’s sister getting pushed around.)

Lady: Do you know how much I worked to get that shirt. Give it back, give it back. These type of girls need to go in jail and eat bean rice to wake them up.
Police: Lady, lady... Is seems like she didn’t know. Why don’t you forgive her. I mean why make a big deal with just one shirt.
Lady: Just one shirt? With just this one shirt, I can feed 5 people in my family. Nowadays we don’t have much customers and we’re about to starve to death.
Police: Hey, why did you steal it? Didn’t Galchi teach you that it’s bad to steal clothes?
M’s sister: I gave money.
Police: You gave money?
(alright, I don’t know how to translate some of the words. But the lady said something like how m’s sister payed this amount of money. Than the police tells the lady that m’s sister technically didn’t steal the shirt than.)
Lady: Hey, do you also have feelings for this girl? All the guys in my family and the guys in this neighborhood has been drooling over this girlˇif you don’t put her in jail, I’m going to bring my lawyer! Why are you crying for? Huh, why are you crying for.
Police: Lady, sit down.
Lady: Hey hey, why are you crying. You haven’t done anything good.
Police: Hey lady, sit down. Lady.
Lady: Why are you blocking me.
Police: Sit down lady!
(I don’t want to translate this part, coz I barely understand what m’s mom is talking about. But yeah, m’s mom is in the studio, live on radio. I’ll pick up from E’s Dad’s line.)
E’s dad: Oh, excuse me. Can we talk for a minute?
Woman: Oh sure.
E’s dad: Couple days ago, there was a morning special adoption show right?
Woman: Yes, there was.
E’s dad: From the guests, is thereˇ
M’s mom: Oh, they must be twins. Aww, how cute.
E’s dad: SorryˇI’ll contact you again.
Woman: Oh okay, bye bye.
M’s mom: Sorry, but can I hold your baby? Ah, cute. Oh sorry, but can I feed the milk? (gives her the milk bottle.) I’ll feed you milk. Aww~no, no..doesn’t want it. Aww~twins are so cute. I want to raise twins too. Baby mom, you must feel so happy.

(M’s sister is sleeping on the couch. While Moohyuk is outside sitting on the stairs. The lady is counting money. Seems like moohyuk has given the lady a lot of money to bail his sister out of jail. Than, couple scene’s are shown with background music. The lady closes her store. After the lady leaves, moohyuk throws something at the window and the windows shatters.)

E’s mom: Hamchae wake up. The sun has risen you guys! Hamchae! Argh, disgustingˇdisgustingˇI just want to put them back into my stomache! Sookchae wake up. Hamchae wake up. Eunchae wake up. Where’s eunchae? Eunchae where are you?
E’s big sister: Even though she is small, she can’t go under the bed mom! She’s with Yoon to help him out.
(little sister says somethingˇ)
E’s big sister: That littleˇ.(throws a pillow.)
E’s mom: What theˇyou didn’t even notice your mom.
E’s big sister: Sorry mom!!

(eunchae/yoon/minjoo scene.)

E: Hey, I think that girl with thick lips recognizes you.
C: Ey, she probably thinks I just look similar. Ah, eat. In the whole wide world, I think that eating eggs in the Hot Room is very good.
E: You should have gone somewhere elseˇwhy on a Sunday? If we get caught, we’ll die.
C: Ah, eat! (minjoo walks in.) You find it well.
K: So this is how Hot Room looks like. This is fun.
C: It is huh?
E: Hey, not you too! Didn’t you know you’ll be in danger if you get into another scandal?
K: Okay. I’ll be careful. It’s okay, if I don’t have make up on, they won’t recognize me. Mm, fruit ice cream is great here.
C: It is huh? Should we come here and play everyday?
(slowly, girl and boy fans come bursting towards yoon and minjoo. Taking pictures on their cell phones.)
C: Ah, what do we do? What do we do Song Eunchae?
E: I’ll try to distract the people, so you guys try to escape when the time comes. Okay?
(eunchae starts to bawl out loud like crazy. Of course, it’s fake!)
Grandma: Why are you crying? What’s wrong?
E: Grandma. What should I do?
Grandma: Ah, what’s wrong? (cries alongˇ) What’s wrong. Did someone hit you?
E: No. My butt was hot.
Grandma: Huh?
E: Hot Room is really hot grandma.
Grandma: What?
E: Heheˇ


E: Ah, how embarassing. (phone rings.) Hey yoon. Where are you?
C: At the olympic route.
E: Olympic route?
C: I’ll go home after I take minjoo home. Oh hey, you’re bleeding. Does it sting? It stings huh? Hoo hoo. Oh, minjoo fell and scratched her knee.
E: She should be careful. I’m alright. I’ll ride the bus. Okay.
Lady: Motherˇ
Grandma: hmph. You look normal, but how sad. Here.
E: Thank You.
Lady: Let’s go mother. She looks alright.
Grandma: Ah~how would her parents feel.

(Eunchae and Moohyuk meets.)

E: Did you eat? You didn’t right? Ah, you look like you didn’t eat. Do you like me that much? Where do you like meˇ.from Australiaˇfrom that far a way place all the way to here. Do you know anyone from Korea? You don’t know anyone and you just came to see me? It doesn’t seem like we talked to each other that much. I’m not a person that someone would like at first sight. Anyways, thank you for liking a girl like me. We don’t have much food, but do you want to eat at my house? Lets go. Although I can’t receive your feelings, I can feed you food. Sorry. Lets go, lets go.

(goes inside)

E: This is Yoon’s house and our house is over here. Hey, our house is over here. Hey, it’s not there. Hey hey. (inside yoon’s house.) Hey, this is not our house. Get out. We’ll be in big trouble if the lady comes out. Get out. We’ll get in trouble. Get out. (repeat x) (flashback)(m’s mom cries while watching a movie.)

M’s mom: Aww, it’s so sad.
E: Hello.
M’s mom: Hey eunchae.
E: You’re here.
M’s mom: Yah. Stella is so sad.
E: Stella?
M’s mom: Stella from the movie ‘Last Concert’. Haven’t you seen ‘The Last Concert’?
E: No.
M’s mom: In the movie, there is a sad girl named Stella who comes out and has leukemia. Later she dies infront of her lover.
E: Oh.
M’s mom: Ahˇhow can her life be like that? Her mom dying and her dad running away because he loved someone else. And leaving behind Richard who she loved. How hard it would have been for not wanting to die.
E: Calm Down. It’s just a movie.
M’s mom: Even though it’s a movie, my heart is hurting. I’ve watched it five times and everytime my heart hurts. Ah, son. My son. Don’t you want to cheer me up? Go shopping with me.
E: Ohˇit’s not Yoon.
M’s mom: Who is that person?
E: Umˇit’s just a person I know. He came into the wrong house. Sorry.
(Moohyuk stares at his mom for a while and leaves.)
M’s mom: What’s wrong with him?
E: Hey.
M’s mom: Wait, why was he crying?
E: I did something wrong. I think he got hurt because of me.
M’s mom: Hahˇ.than why did he look at me that way?
E: Hey~~~~
Sorry. I thank you for liking a girl like me, but I already have someone I like. There is no room for you. Sorry~

(Moohyuk/sister/Galchi scene.)

M’s sister: Eat. Hey Galchi eat.
Galchi: I’m not eating. I told you that I’m not going to talk to you.
M’s sister: Sorry. I’m sorry. Talk with me. Huh? Talk.
Galchi: Going off stealing thingsˇmom, I’m so embarrassed because of you.
M’s sister: I won’t do it again. I won’t.
Galchi: You always say that you’re not going to do it again. Are you stupid?
(Moohyuk starts hitting Galchi.)
M: Didn’t you know your mom was stupid? If she doesn’t know, you can just keep telling her. You can teach her! Hold your spoon! You know that I’m a gangster right? Do you want to get hit to eat or not? EAT!
M’s sister: Here, drink water.
M: DRINK IT! Even though your mom lives her life like thatˇat least she doesn’t abondon her kid.
(Moohyuk drops his spoon and starts vomitting! He also vomits at his place. He calls up jiyoung.)

J: Hello? Hello?
M: It’s meˇDanny.
J: Moohyuk.
M: How are you?
J: Did you go to Korea well?
M: Yah. Thanks to you. I’m staying at a nice hotel with the money you gave me. You are rightˇit’s a lot enough to last me to the lifetime. Thank you.
J: Why aren’t you speaking in Korean moohyuk? Is there something wrong?
M: I called because I wanted to ask you something. How long did the doctor say I have to live? I heard I was dying, but I didn’t find out how much time I have left.
J: Moohyuk.
M: Do I have at leastˇa year? Not evenˇ.a year? (jiyoung cries and moohyuk puts the phone down. He looks at his necklace and there’s a flashback of his mom. He chews gum.)

(Yoon/Eunchae/Minjoo Scene.)

(Yoon is rehearsing his new song on stage.)

C: It’s your first time seeing me dance right? How is it? The pd says it’s corny.
E: Yah.
C: Huh? You think it’s corny too?
E: Yah.
C: It’s corny!!
E: Huh?
C: I’m not broadcastingˇI’m going home.
E: Hey. What’s wrong?
C: Is it really corny?
E: Did I say it was corny?
C: Yah.
E: When?
C: Right now.
E: It’s notˇit’s really cool. You rock.
C: You really said it was corny.
E: It’s notˇI didn’tˇI didn’t.
C: Does it really rock?
E: Yah, it rocks. When other people say something, you act as if nothing happenedˇbut when I say something, you act as if your life has ended. Am I the only one to be pick on? Am I some kind of passing dog?
C: Not a dog. God! You’re my God. Didn’t you know? If you like it, it’s good no matter what other people think. If you don’t like it, I break down. I really rock right?
E: Yah.
(minjoo enters)
K: Hey.
E: How did you come here?
K: I have a shooting close by here. It’s a short break right now and I heard Yoon’s song. I came to see.
C: You should have called before you came. Where are you shooting at?
K: Close by here.
C: Really?
K: When are you singing?
C: I’m going back up in a while.

(Yoon is back on stage singing. Moohyuk is in the back watching his brother dance/sing. Flashback scene. Minjoo’s old boyfriend comes to see minjoo and pulls her to go.)

Guy: Why are you doing here?
K: To see yoon.
Guy: Lets go.
K: We still have time before the shoot. Let go. What’s wrong with you.

(He’s dragging minjoo and everyone follows)

C: Stop right there Jo Yongho! Take your hands of hers.
Guy: You should go and continue to dance.
C: Take your hands off! Minjoo is my girl. Let go.
Guy: Are you trying to pull a fight?
C: I told you to let go.
Guy: Fine. Let’s end it today. Say it right now. Is it me or Chaeyoon? Is it me or chaeyoon?
K: Both of you, can you let go of my wrist? On tomorrow’s sports news page, it’s going to be our headline. My dad is going to explode again.
C: Didn’t you break up with him?
K: I did.
Guy: Kang Minjoo!
K: I did, but I don’t think he can.
Guy: You, do you want to see me die today?
K: Are you two debating? You guys always say you’re going to die. Gawd, it’s getting old. Do you guys die because of a woman? Do you guys die because of a person? Hmphˇthis is tiringˇI’m going to stop playing around with kids.
C/Guy: Kang Min Joo.
K: Sorry, but I don’t believe in love. Especially guys like you who always talk about loveˇI don’t believe in it more.
C: Minjooˇ
K: Hey Yongho. You said that if I died, you would come along with me. Chaeyoonˇdidn’t you say you loved me more than yourself? Would that be true? Would that really be true? Would that kind of love really exist?
(Falls into the lake.)
C: Minjoo.
(Yoon falls into the lake too.)
E: Minjoo and Yoon cannot swim. Both of them can’t swim!!!
(Eunchae attempts to save themˇbut moonhyuk grabs her and moves her to the side and jumps into the lake and saves minjoo firstˇthan yoon.)

(their saved!)

C: Minjooˇ.where’s minjoo?
E: Don’t worryˇminjoo’s fineˇminjoo’s fineˇ
uhh yoonˇ.yoon?

(eunchae and moonhyuk are alone together. Eunchae takes off her scarf and puts it on moonhyuk. She takes off her sweaterˇand puts it on moonhyuk, but he stops her from doing so.)

E: Ah, just stand still. Would you like to wait for a minute? I’ll bring yoon’s clothes. Do you want to wear that instead? Heyˇ.wait. You’re going to catch a cold. Your going to freeze. Gawd you don’t listen!

(moohyuk faints.)

E: Hey, wake upˇhey, wake up.

(yoon and moonhyuk scene. They play basketball.)

M: What did you do for all that timeˇnot knowing how to swim It seem like you like that girl. You must been embarrassed a bit.
C: Are you the person who saved us?
M: Probably.
C: Thank you.
M: You don’t have a brother right?
C: Yah.
M: Should I be your brother? Do you want to be my brother?
C: We’ll see.
M: Why? You don’t want to? If you don’t, than oh well.
C: I’ll be your brother.








发表于 2004-11-17 12:38 | 显示全部楼层
“Sorry, I Love You” : Episode Three
::Word for Word Translation (Script)::
(Episode 3 begins with the flashback of the previous episodes and it picks up from the ending of episode 2.)

(knock on the gate)

E: Who is it? Who is it?
M: Let me use the bathroom.
E: Who is it?
M: Bathroom. Let me use the bathroom.
E: This is not a public bathroom.
M: I’m going to pee my pants. Let me use the bathroom.
E: Than pee. I won’t stop. What kind of crazy person is that!
(moonhyuk pee’sˇlolˇEunchae opens the gate.)
E: ACK! (covers her eyesˇand turns to see moonhyuk.) Uh?? (covers her eyes again and starts speaking) Hey there. Australia right? Right?? Don’t you remember me?
M: I don’t remember.
E: It seems rightˇ
M: Do you live here?
E: Yes. (keeps looking at him)ˇ.maybe not.
M: Is this your house?
E: No, it’s not our house. We just live in the basement for rent.
M: This house is wealthy right?
E: Wellˇyes.
M: So, is it a hella rich house?
E: But hey, why did you pee infront of someone’s house? I asked why you peed! Ah, pee pee!!!
M: I marked this place as my territory. Why?
E: What?
M: Dogs mark their territory like this.
E: What the. How can this place be your territory?
M: See yah~I’ll come to pee again tomorrow.
E: What is this. So is he saying that he’s a dog or what.
M: That’s rightˇ.i’m a dog. Not a human, but a dog!

(grandpa speaking: “Your mom was a famous movie star a long time ago and your brother is one of the top singer’s in our country. Cool huh?)(Moohyuk walks around and sits down on the bench and pulls out a magazine page of his mom and brother. He crumbles it up.)

(Eunchae washes the stones that moohyuk peed on with water and broom.)

E: What a weird person I meet as I live. Ugh, disgusting. (flashes back to the scene in Australia, where eunchae and moohyuk met.)

(Moohyuk goes to the grandpa and strangles him!)

M: YouˇJason sent you here. Jason sent you here to kill me!! Did you think I’ll get tricked? Do you really think I was going to get tricked you old man!! How can that lady be my momˇhow can that lady be my mom!!!
Grandpa: It’s your mom, that lady is your mom.
M: Don’t lie! If she lives great like that, why would she abondon me. With that money, she can buy a lot of milk and raise 1000 children!!! It’s not like it was hard to live or even starve to death. How, not one but twoˇwhy would she abandon me!
Grandpa: Your mom is that kind of lady. Anything that gets into her way, children or othersˇshe has the ability to do that. You mom can do whatever she wishes.
M: Shut your mouth. I’m going to kill her. I’m going to kill her you old man!
Boy: (crying) Wahhhhhhˇ.Grandpa, I want to dieˇ.i want to dieˇ
Grandpa: Why, did your mom cause an accident again?
Boy: I don’t want to be the momˇ.i want to die.
Grandpa: Why, why again. Did your mom cause an accident?
Boy: I don’t want to be the mom. Find my mom. Wahhˇˇ

(eunchae running.)

M: Then, did he come to find me all the way from Australia? How did he know where I live? Is he crazy? (phone rings.) Oh, hey yoon. Pork?
C: Mm. I’m going to put it in the JahJang sauce. It’s not in your fridge? Than can you go buy it? Yah, with side skins (?)ˇokay, thanks. (gets off the phone.) I cook very well. (lists the foods that he can make.) Tangsooyook, Palboochae, Galbijim, shinsunyoo, pasta. There’s nothing I can’t do. Later, I probably can raise babies well. I’m not going to let your hands be touched with water. Well, we have to go there and seeˇbut I’m extremely a good match for a husband.
K: Do you really like me that much?
C: Of course (saying ‘carrots’ is a slang for ‘of course’ in korean tooˇI think)
K: Ahˇyou’re in big trouble chae yoon. You don’t know what you look for in a woman.
C: Don’t make me sad anymore. If you make me sad one more time, than I’m seriously going to die.
(minjoo knods her head yes and they hug. Just then, minjoo gets a text message that says ‘I’m going to wait by your house. I’m going to wait until you come out.’ She smiles.)

(eunchae is out in the streets.)

E: (bumps into people.) Oh sorry. Pork? Did he tell me to buy front leg skins? Or back leg skins? Or was it side skins? Argh, rock head rock head! Ah, I have to dieˇdie.

(Moohyuk’s sister getting pushed around.)

Lady: Do you know how much I worked to get that shirt. Give it back, give it back. These type of girls need to go in jail and eat bean rice to wake them up.
Police: Lady, lady... Is seems like she didn’t know. Why don’t you forgive her. I mean why make a big deal with just one shirt.
Lady: Just one shirt? With just this one shirt, I can feed 5 people in my family. Nowadays we don’t have much customers and we’re about to starve to death.
Police: Hey, why did you steal it? Didn’t Galchi teach you that it’s bad to steal clothes?
M’s sister: I gave money.
Police: You gave money?
(alright, I don’t know how to translate some of the words. But the lady said something like how m’s sister payed this amount of money. Than the police tells the lady that m’s sister technically didn’t steal the shirt than.)
Lady: Hey, do you also have feelings for this girl? All the guys in my family and the guys in this neighborhood has been drooling over this girlˇif you don’t put her in jail, I’m going to bring my lawyer! Why are you crying for? Huh, why are you crying for.
Police: Lady, sit down.
Lady: Hey hey, why are you crying. You haven’t done anything good.
Police: Hey lady, sit down. Lady.
Lady: Why are you blocking me.
Police: Sit down lady!
(I don’t want to translate this part, coz I barely understand what m’s mom is talking about. But yeah, m’s mom is in the studio, live on radio. I’ll pick up from E’s Dad’s line.)
E’s dad: Oh, excuse me. Can we talk for a minute?
Woman: Oh sure.
E’s dad: Couple days ago, there was a morning special adoption show right?
Woman: Yes, there was.
E’s dad: From the guests, is thereˇ
M’s mom: Oh, they must be twins. Aww, how cute.
E’s dad: SorryˇI’ll contact you again.
Woman: Oh okay, bye bye.
M’s mom: Sorry, but can I hold your baby? Ah, cute. Oh sorry, but can I feed the milk? (gives her the milk bottle.) I’ll feed you milk. Aww~no, no..doesn’t want it. Aww~twins are so cute. I want to raise twins too. Baby mom, you must feel so happy.

(M’s sister is sleeping on the couch. While Moohyuk is outside sitting on the stairs. The lady is counting money. Seems like moohyuk has given the lady a lot of money to bail his sister out of jail. Than, couple scene’s are shown with background music. The lady closes her store. After the lady leaves, moohyuk throws something at the window and the windows shatters.)

E’s mom: Hamchae wake up. The sun has risen you guys! Hamchae! Argh, disgustingˇdisgustingˇI just want to put them back into my stomache! Sookchae wake up. Hamchae wake up. Eunchae wake up. Where’s eunchae? Eunchae where are you?
E’s big sister: Even though she is small, she can’t go under the bed mom! She’s with Yoon to help him out.
(little sister says somethingˇ)
E’s big sister: That littleˇ.(throws a pillow.)
E’s mom: What theˇyou didn’t even notice your mom.
E’s big sister: Sorry mom!!

(eunchae/yoon/minjoo scene.)

E: Hey, I think that girl with thick lips recognizes you.
C: Ey, she probably thinks I just look similar. Ah, eat. In the whole wide world, I think that eating eggs in the Hot Room is very good.
E: You should have gone somewhere elseˇwhy on a Sunday? If we get caught, we’ll die.
C: Ah, eat! (minjoo walks in.) You find it well.
K: So this is how Hot Room looks like. This is fun.
C: It is huh?
E: Hey, not you too! Didn’t you know you’ll be in danger if you get into another scandal?
K: Okay. I’ll be careful. It’s okay, if I don’t have make up on, they won’t recognize me. Mm, fruit ice cream is great here.
C: It is huh? Should we come here and play everyday?
(slowly, girl and boy fans come bursting towards yoon and minjoo. Taking pictures on their cell phones.)
C: Ah, what do we do? What do we do Song Eunchae?
E: I’ll try to distract the people, so you guys try to escape when the time comes. Okay?
(eunchae starts to bawl out loud like crazy. Of course, it’s fake!)
Grandma: Why are you crying? What’s wrong?
E: Grandma. What should I do?
Grandma: Ah, what’s wrong? (cries alongˇ) What’s wrong. Did someone hit you?
E: No. My butt was hot.
Grandma: Huh?
E: Hot Room is really hot grandma.
Grandma: What?
E: Heheˇ


E: Ah, how embarassing. (phone rings.) Hey yoon. Where are you?
C: At the olympic route.
E: Olympic route?
C: I’ll go home after I take minjoo home. Oh hey, you’re bleeding. Does it sting? It stings huh? Hoo hoo. Oh, minjoo fell and scratched her knee.
E: She should be careful. I’m alright. I’ll ride the bus. Okay.
Lady: Motherˇ
Grandma: hmph. You look normal, but how sad. Here.
E: Thank You.
Lady: Let’s go mother. She looks alright.
Grandma: Ah~how would her parents feel.

(Eunchae and Moohyuk meets.)

E: Did you eat? You didn’t right? Ah, you look like you didn’t eat. Do you like me that much? Where do you like meˇ.from Australiaˇfrom that far a way place all the way to here. Do you know anyone from Korea? You don’t know anyone and you just came to see me? It doesn’t seem like we talked to each other that much. I’m not a person that someone would like at first sight. Anyways, thank you for liking a girl like me. We don’t have much food, but do you want to eat at my house? Lets go. Although I can’t receive your feelings, I can feed you food. Sorry. Lets go, lets go.

(goes inside)

E: This is Yoon’s house and our house is over here. Hey, our house is over here. Hey, it’s not there. Hey hey. (inside yoon’s house.) Hey, this is not our house. Get out. We’ll be in big trouble if the lady comes out. Get out. We’ll get in trouble. Get out. (repeat x) (flashback)(m’s mom cries while watching a movie.)

M’s mom: Aww, it’s so sad.
E: Hello.
M’s mom: Hey eunchae.
E: You’re here.
M’s mom: Yah. Stella is so sad.
E: Stella?
M’s mom: Stella from the movie ‘Last Concert’. Haven’t you seen ‘The Last Concert’?
E: No.
M’s mom: In the movie, there is a sad girl named Stella who comes out and has leukemia. Later she dies infront of her lover.
E: Oh.
M’s mom: Ahˇhow can her life be like that? Her mom dying and her dad running away because he loved someone else. And leaving behind Richard who she loved. How hard it would have been for not wanting to die.
E: Calm Down. It’s just a movie.
M’s mom: Even though it’s a movie, my heart is hurting. I’ve watched it five times and everytime my heart hurts. Ah, son. My son. Don’t you want to cheer me up? Go shopping with me.
E: Ohˇit’s not Yoon.
M’s mom: Who is that person?
E: Umˇit’s just a person I know. He came into the wrong house. Sorry.
(Moohyuk stares at his mom for a while and leaves.)
M’s mom: What’s wrong with him?
E: Hey.
M’s mom: Wait, why was he crying?
E: I did something wrong. I think he got hurt because of me.
M’s mom: Hahˇ.than why did he look at me that way?
E: Hey~~~~
Sorry. I thank you for liking a girl like me, but I already have someone I like. There is no room for you. Sorry~

(Moohyuk/sister/Galchi scene.)

M’s sister: Eat. Hey Galchi eat.
Galchi: I’m not eating. I told you that I’m not going to talk to you.
M’s sister: Sorry. I’m sorry. Talk with me. Huh? Talk.
Galchi: Going off stealing thingsˇmom, I’m so embarrassed because of you.
M’s sister: I won’t do it again. I won’t.
Galchi: You always say that you’re not going to do it again. Are you stupid?
(Moohyuk starts hitting Galchi.)
M: Didn’t you know your mom was stupid? If she doesn’t know, you can just keep telling her. You can teach her! Hold your spoon! You know that I’m a gangster right? Do you want to get hit to eat or not? EAT!
M’s sister: Here, drink water.
M: DRINK IT! Even though your mom lives her life like thatˇat least she doesn’t abondon her kid.
(Moohyuk drops his spoon and starts vomitting! He also vomits at his place. He calls up jiyoung.)

J: Hello? Hello?
M: It’s meˇDanny.
J: Moohyuk.
M: How are you?
J: Did you go to Korea well?
M: Yah. Thanks to you. I’m staying at a nice hotel with the money you gave me. You are rightˇit’s a lot enough to last me to the lifetime. Thank you.
J: Why aren’t you speaking in Korean moohyuk? Is there something wrong?
M: I called because I wanted to ask you something. How long did the doctor say I have to live? I heard I was dying, but I didn’t find out how much time I have left.
J: Moohyuk.
M: Do I have at leastˇa year? Not evenˇ.a year? (jiyoung cries and moohyuk puts the phone down. He looks at his necklace and there’s a flashback of his mom. He chews gum.)

(Yoon/Eunchae/Minjoo Scene.)

(Yoon is rehearsing his new song on stage.)

C: It’s your first time seeing me dance right? How is it? The pd says it’s corny.
E: Yah.
C: Huh? You think it’s corny too?
E: Yah.
C: It’s corny!!
E: Huh?
C: I’m not broadcastingˇI’m going home.
E: Hey. What’s wrong?
C: Is it really corny?
E: Did I say it was corny?
C: Yah.
E: When?
C: Right now.
E: It’s notˇit’s really cool. You rock.
C: You really said it was corny.
E: It’s notˇI didn’tˇI didn’t.
C: Does it really rock?
E: Yah, it rocks. When other people say something, you act as if nothing happenedˇbut when I say something, you act as if your life has ended. Am I the only one to be pick on? Am I some kind of passing dog?
C: Not a dog. God! You’re my God. Didn’t you know? If you like it, it’s good no matter what other people think. If you don’t like it, I break down. I really rock right?
E: Yah.
(minjoo enters)
K: Hey.
E: How did you come here?
K: I have a shooting close by here. It’s a short break right now and I heard Yoon’s song. I came to see.
C: You should have called before you came. Where are you shooting at?
K: Close by here.
C: Really?
K: When are you singing?
C: I’m going back up in a while.

(Yoon is back on stage singing. Moohyuk is in the back watching his brother dance/sing. Flashback scene. Minjoo’s old boyfriend comes to see minjoo and pulls her to go.)

Guy: Why are you doing here?
K: To see yoon.
Guy: Lets go.
K: We still have time before the shoot. Let go. What’s wrong with you.

(He’s dragging minjoo and everyone follows)

C: Stop right there Jo Yongho! Take your hands of hers.
Guy: You should go and continue to dance.
C: Take your hands off! Minjoo is my girl. Let go.
Guy: Are you trying to pull a fight?
C: I told you to let go.
Guy: Fine. Let’s end it today. Say it right now. Is it me or Chaeyoon? Is it me or chaeyoon?
K: Both of you, can you let go of my wrist? On tomorrow’s sports news page, it’s going to be our headline. My dad is going to explode again.
C: Didn’t you break up with him?
K: I did.
Guy: Kang Minjoo!
K: I did, but I don’t think he can.
Guy: You, do you want to see me die today?
K: Are you two debating? You guys always say you’re going to die. Gawd, it’s getting old. Do you guys die because of a woman? Do you guys die because of a person? Hmphˇthis is tiringˇI’m going to stop playing around with kids.
C/Guy: Kang Min Joo.
K: Sorry, but I don’t believe in love. Especially guys like you who always talk about loveˇI don’t believe in it more.
C: Minjooˇ
K: Hey Yongho. You said that if I died, you would come along with me. Chaeyoonˇdidn’t you say you loved me more than yourself? Would that be true? Would that really be true? Would that kind of love really exist?
(Falls into the lake.)
C: Minjoo.
(Yoon falls into the lake too.)
E: Minjoo and Yoon cannot swim. Both of them can’t swim!!!
(Eunchae attempts to save themˇbut moonhyuk grabs her and moves her to the side and jumps into the lake and saves minjoo firstˇthan yoon.)

(their saved!)

C: Minjooˇ.where’s minjoo?
E: Don’t worryˇminjoo’s fineˇminjoo’s fineˇ
uhh yoonˇ.yoon?

(eunchae and moonhyuk are alone together. Eunchae takes off her scarf and puts it on moonhyuk. She takes off her sweaterˇand puts it on moonhyuk, but he stops her from doing so.)

E: Ah, just stand still. Would you like to wait for a minute? I’ll bring yoon’s clothes. Do you want to wear that instead? Heyˇ.wait. You’re going to catch a cold. Your going to freeze. Gawd you don’t listen!

(moohyuk faints.)

E: Hey, wake upˇhey, wake up.

(yoon and moonhyuk scene. They play basketball.)

M: What did you do for all that timeˇnot knowing how to swim It seem like you like that girl. You must been embarrassed a bit.
C: Are you the person who saved us?
M: Probably.
C: Thank you.
M: You don’t have a brother right?
C: Yah.
M: Should I be your brother? Do you want to be my brother?
C: We’ll see.
M: Why? You don’t want to? If you don’t, than oh well.
C: I’ll be your brother.








发表于 2004-11-17 13:01 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by miln at 2004-11-17 09:10:










发表于 2004-11-17 13:32 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-17 14:08 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-17 15:06 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-17 15:36 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-17 15:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-11-17 15:38 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2004-11-17 16:50 | 显示全部楼层

http://mediafile.paran.com/MEDIA ... 614969_misa_4_2.wma



































































发表于 2004-11-17 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
8 미니시리즈<미안하다사랑한다> KBS2  16.9%

5 미니시리즈<미안하다사랑한다> KBS2  17.1%








 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-17 19:17 | 显示全部楼层

from soompi

translated by saturn

Episode #3


Let me use your toilet
Who are you?
Toilet~ Let me use your toilet!!
This is not a public toilet
I'm going to pee my pants. Let me use the bathroom.
Then pee. I won't stop. What kind of crazy person is that!



Ah~ hey~ Austrailia! Are't you? Austrailia Melbourn~~
Don't you remember?
No I don't
It must be you..
Are you living here? This is a rich house isnt' it? I mean... hella rich?
Yeh... But why did you pee on this house wall~~
I marked my area.. Dogs make their area marking in this way
So you mean you're a dog?
Yes. I am dog.. I am not a human but a dog.

啊~ 哈~ 澳大利亚!是你吧?澳大利亚,墨尔本~~


Jason sent you to kill me!! I am not be cheated.
How that woman can be my mom.
Don't lie! Why such rich person abandonded me.
With that money she could buy a hundred trucks of milk.
She could raise thousand kids!!
She has food to live, she is not starving to death
How.. not one, two
could she abandon her own kids!!!



Did you have meal? seems you didn't...
You liked me so?
How did you like me.. came from Austrailia.. that's pretty far...
Do you have any knowing fellows in Korea?
You don't? Then you came aimlessly just to see me?
We haven't make even a proper conversation..
I am not the type of person who fall at first sight...
Anyway thanks for liking me.



Moohyuk is crying watching Mom's picture



Son!! My son!! Let's go shopping with mom!
Who is that guy?
Eunchai: My friend.. we are in wrong place.. sorry ma'am
What is he? Why is he crying
Eunchai: I did bad things to him.. He may be hurt by me
Then why is he looking at me with such eyes?



Didn't you know your mom is fool?
If she doesn't understand, you should teach her again and again!
You little boy, you're full? pick up your spoon right now!
Eat! Drink water you boy!
Your mom is... living this mess life, such fool
But never abandon kid, you know..



It's me Danny..
Moohyuk, did you go to Korea well?
Thanks to you, I'm staying really nice hotel with the money you gave me
You're right, It's a lot of money
I called you because I wanna ask you something
How long did the doctor say I have to live
I heard that I am dying but
I didn't find out how much time I have left
Do I have at least a year ?
Not even.... a year....



I'll bring Yoon's clothes from car. You take them.
Hey man! wait!
You catch cold, if you go like that...
You're freezed to die!



What did you do till this age~ you can't swim..
Seems you like that girl,, You must be shamed.
Yoon: You are the person rescued us ?
MH: Yes maybe.
Yoon: Thanks !
MH: You, You don't have brother. Should I be your brother?
You, don't you want to be my younger brother?
Yoon: Younger brother... I will. Brother!


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