Analysis: the overall rating is around 16~17% and the overall ranking is in #5 or 6. The rating reached its highest value of 21.5% at ep 14, in which director kim offered his infamous proposal to soomin. However the sweet moment between soomin and JM in eps20-23 did not attract much more attention and when JM met his father in EP 23, the rating reached a new low, but the rating increased in most recent three episodes. If this trend continues, the rating will increase in the next two weeks and may break the record of 21.5% in final episode, if all conflicts are released soomthly and uncommonly. It will be an uphill for the scriptwriter and PD in the next two weeks. I hope they will not let me down.
[ Last edited by ivsky on 2005-8-21 at 23:17 ] |