Originally posted by braveduckbill at 2005-9-15 21:07:
韩国人都是这样的?相亲见几面 然后没有感情就结婚?
既然这样 什么对妻子不好 见别的女人什么的还有什么可说的?很正常的事啊 男1明明对女1就没有感情 你还要求他怎么做?我真不明白为什么明明没有感情就要急着结 ...
you are so cute. That is the way they are telling their story to us. If everything goes smoothly as we wish every married couple does, then this drama will end in episode 5, adding, no, narrating that prince and princess live a happy life ever since (referring My Love Patzzi). But, hey, the 'wedding' story just begins after 'wedding' ceremony literally being over, and we still have 12 episodes to see, to find out what twists and turns scriptwriter will bring us, and of course, our fragile hearts will become strong by enough ups and downs until to the very end of this show. Please take it easy and take a deeo breath, we need taste every detail to figure out what is hidden between the line. This drama is not a can of pepsi, it's a cup of ice tea, need to taste little by little, not drink all in once. In this show, both Sena and Seung need time to realize how deeply they care each other and how difficulty to manage a married life. Through this they will of course grow up and live a happy life together 'till death do us apart'. Through this, we may also grow up, too, and find out our own 'most important thing for a marriage', and who will be the one we would like to choose, to spend our rest of our life with...(just kidding)
BTW, I like every character in this drama. each one has his/her excellence and weakness and even the minor characters are attracting my attention. haha I hope this drama ends up with hooking up 2 or 3 more couples. |