[Fan Account] July 24 – Comic-Con Convention in San Diego
WRITE : Monika
DATE : 2008-07-25 11:14:46
July 24, Thursday – Ninja Assassin (Darkstar Panel)
Before I start writing about the convention, I have to mention just one thing: the trip getting there. Normally, it takes around 1 ½ to 2 hours to get there but there was a really terrible accident on the freeway, causing backup for a good few miles. Traffic was pretty much a stand still. It took a total of 6 hours to drive to San Diego today! We left at 8:40 AM, hoping to get to San Diego by 11:00 AM but we didn’t arrive until 2:30 PM. Needless to say, we were all exhausted and stressed. Oh, the things we suffer through for Rain. The girls and I were afraid we were going to be late, especially since we still had to get our badges and find seating inside Hall H. Fortunately, we were able to get in and get good seating once we got to the convention center.
Hall H is enormous, with half a dozen giant LED screens so we could easily view the movies they were showing and the panel for the guest speakers. Once we were inside, we found out that the questionnaire mainly is from audience participation, meaning the audience members can ask a question to the panel, with the question being screened beforehand, of course. Before the Darkstar panel came on, we got to see many other celebrities, such as the Rock and Carla Weaver.
Those of us who went to Comic-Con were actually able to see the trailer to Ninja Assassin before it officially hits the media. The trailer was so awesome! It’s extremely suspenseful, filled with action. There was no actual dialogue but it gave us a general idea of the plot. We got to see a lot of scenes of Rain fighting without his shirt on. LOL. I’m really excited to see the movie now. A lot of my doubts about this movie were gone once we saw the trailer. Even the majority of the audience who didn’t even know who Rain was responded very warmly to the trailer.
We were so antsy and excited by the time Rain came out. He looked extremely good. He wore a suite but I honestly can’t recall the color or what style, but it suited him very nicely. He did have little bags under his eyes but you couldn’t tell if he was tired or not. He was smiling and waving to the audience. We cheered for him very loudly and spazzing out, drawing the attention of everyone in that hall. I think we annoyed the heck out of a lot of those reporters and other attendees. But we were so caught up in seeing him that we didn't notice. I’m sure he heard us because he smiled even bigger and he started blushing. I think we embarrassed him a little but it’s ok. Hehehe. His face looked fuller, more rounded so I think he gained some of his weight back (Yay!).
It took a few of us a little convincing, but there were a few Rain-USA members who asked questions to Rain (Hua, myself, Jean, Darlene). I’m really proud of us for having the courage to ask Rain a question, especially in front of thousands of people. It was nerve wracking. He got the majority of the questions. But to be completely honest, he did struggle with answering since all the questions were in English. I think he understood what they were but he had a hard time getting out whatever he wanted to say. An interpreter was with him, but that didn’t really help with the situation. But he did the very best he could, and he even formed little jokes here and there, maintaining his composure. For that, we are extremely proud of him. (Debbie was able to record the panel and take pictures, so I’ll skip what the actual questions are for now.)
We left immediately after the Ninja Assassin panel ended, hoping to catch Rain at the airport before he leaves. Debbie, Carrie, Jean, and myself unfortunately missed him by half an hour. We were told by the other girls that he was wearing the same outfit he had on at Comic-Con, only he changed his shoes to flip flops. XDD He waved to them and said, “Hi girls!” before entering the gate. They said he looked really tired, so he’ll probably be knocked out on the plane ride back to Korea.
So that concludes this fan account. It’s always so great to see him up close again. I hope that he felt our love and support, and also that he had a good impression of us. I really can’t wait for the next Rain-USA event. It was so great meeting new friends and finally being able to meet a few others as well.
Sorry this account is so long. Lots happened. I decided not to take any pictures because I just wanted to enjoy the experience. There were others who took awesome pics and vids so you'll see them soon.
credits: Monika@rain-usa
Thanks Monika as always for sharing the event for all of us. Things were very rushed yesterday and I want to say hello again and thank you to newcomers to these awesome Rain happenings, Carrie and Debbie who came along ways to participate and to those who helped them and took care of them during their stay away from home. It seemed we all came and left in different directions. Things with Rain do not come easy or planned and appreciate your patience during your long wait on I5 in traffic. We kept in contact with the caravan stuff on the freeway
and tried to make the most of it. Darlene and I were stressed at times the situation did not look good regarding so many people, but we pulled together as a team in Hall H being so persistant in finding seats for all 13 of us to be close to the stage and together. I arrived home an exhausted happy and contented Rain lover once again and looking forward to seeing more of you lovely ladies at the next Rain event.
credits: rosekissme@rain-usa
Hi Everyone!
Where do I begin? MBC Interview, LAX Greeting, Comic-Con, or Farewell at LAX
First, I want to thank Jodie for setting up everything for the MBC Interview. I met new Rain fans: Judy, Christine, Carrie, and Debbie. We all greeted each other with warm hugs and shared our experiences about Rain. The MBC crew moved us into the eating area where we sang Rain a belated Happy Birthday song. Kay bought an ice-cream cake from Baskin Robbins with Rain's picture of his 4th album. After we wished him a belated birthday, it was time to cut the cake. There was many of us who did not want to cut the cake, or should I say cut him. Debbie took charge and started to cut the cake. Monika got his head, which she shared with me. I was extremely happy. Jodie got part of his wing and the other girls got his abs. After we the cake and food, we moved to the living room.
We watched Rain's 24 Hour Dvd. The MBC crew bought us souvenirs: wallets, pens, refrigerator magnets, and etc. As soon as the souvenirs hit the coffee table, we all started to grab which items we wanted. I'll let you guys imagine the scene. I think MBC thought we were funny. They asked why we liked him, how we were introduced to him, if we think he will be successful in the U.S., and etc. You guys can see the footage when it airs in October 2008. Afterward, they filmed Jodie's room which is filled with Rain items. We thanked MBC and they went home. That ended the night.
The next day we went to LAX to greet Rain. He looked so cute in his red and white striped shirt, black skinny jeans, and sandles. I think he was surprise to see so many people. MBC was also there to film his arrival. We all screamed his name and followed him to his car. He signed many autographs while walking to the parking lot and shook people's hands. When we got to the car, he turned around and waved to us and said "Thank you." He blew us a kiss and got in the car. MBC filmed our excitement, then jumped in the car to interview him. He waved us good-bye from inside the car. We all hugged each other and made plans for the next day for Comic-Con.
Like Monika said earlier in her fan account, traffic was horrible. It took me 6 hours. We all followed each other with loads of people. Monika and her crew, me and my crew, and Jodie and her crew. Eventually we all made it there. As soon as we saw Rain, we forgot about our trying day. Joel Silver came out and presented a few movies that Dark Castle was working on. As soon as Joel Silver said "Ninja" I started to scream. The cast came out and Rain was the last to sit on the panel. The microphone was open for questions from his fans.
Me and a whole bunch of Rain-USA fans asked him a question each. He was so cute and made jokes with his answers with a bunch of screaming in the background. He smiled and laughed a lot. Joel Silver said a lot of good things about him. BTW...we saw a trailer of Ninja Assassin and wow...he looks so good, but besides his good looks, the story plot is very interesting and the people who sat by me who didn't know who he was were very interested in the movie. I can not wait for the movie to come out in January 2009.
After the cast answered questions, they got up to take pictures from the press and left. We made a quick dash out the door back to LAX to bid him farewell. We waited for him at the departure side and he showed up around 10:15 pm wearing the same outfit in Comic-Con. He looked a bit surprise to see us, but smiled at us and said "Hi girls." I'm shocked myself that we we able to make it back on time. He checked in and walked to the escalators to his gate. We followed him but gave him space. He turned around and waved to us and said "Thank you." He got on the escalator and left. We were all so happy to have the chance to see him again.
I'm pretty much on Cloud 9 right now. That's pretty much my adventure with the girls from RAIN-USA.
credits: shorty@rain-usa
just got back from comic con..rain was soooooo cute!! he was there for about 30mins...definetly not an hr.
i saw him in the lobby before the Q&A. i didn't realize it was him at first. he was surrounded by a few ppl all in black suits. my friend asked if we could take pix w/him but his ppl said, maybe later. and just like that, he disappeared into the crowd. he looked skinny, or maybe it was his suit.
his english was pretty good. it definetly improved. his translator was there but rain seemed confident w/the questions. they were pretty simple questions. he seemed quite embarrased when ppl kept asking him questions and not the other ppl. his hair is shorter.
credits: samallama@Soompi.com
Thanks to kuiper-belt, who went to the 39th annual Comic-Con in San Diego on July 24, K-popped! has pics of Rain at the fest. 아싸!
Looking cute in his new mushroom hairstyle (tung-ku tau in Cantonese) the South Korean sensation promoted his upcoming Hollywood flick Ninja Assassin.
Together with co-star Naomie Harris and movie director James McTeigue, the crew autographed Ninja Assassin teaser posters.
Check out what kuiper-belt has to say about her meeting with the 26-year-old star:
Bi was SO sweet when I talked to him. He said hello and asked how I was, and I told him I was fine. And then, (because this is my once in a lifetime chance to tell him!) I told him I was a big fan of his music. He smiled and said 'thank you!' and I started kind of singing 'Nappeun Namja!'.
Wish: 'Thanks for liking my music...now like my movie.' :-P
Rain smiled and laughed and said 'Oh, Bad Boy!' and he thanked me for liking his music. I said 'Kamsahamnida' for the poster, and he laughed and smiled and told me to be sure to see his movie when it came out.
Rain will now rack up the frequent flier miles by returning home to South Korea for his long-awaited fan meeting on July 27.
Bad Boy: Ninja Assassin is scheduled for release on Jan 16, 2009
Source & Pics credit: K-popped! reader kuiper-belt & kuiper-belt's Mom (hee hee) |