Ok ladies and gents; 'que sera sera' needs you!
(was that dramatic enough for y'all, I rehearsed it all night!!!)
'QSS' has managed to make me cry my ass off and it's managed to totally annoy the crap out of me... The performances have made me gasp for as much air and snivel almost as much as Han Eun Soo. I've even contemplated, you know, carelessly, giving it all up and leading a life of debauchery, in following the self destructive lead of the modern anti-hero, Casanova, Romeo; Kang Tae Joo (of course, I'm kidding. But you knew that right?). The two protagonists have knocked my socks off, so I fear, it's a lost cause. I see everything they do through rose-tinted spectacles; they have been that impressively brilliant (all hail Eric Mun and Jung Yoo Mi. ~Sorry I had a moment~). And no, I am not forgetting the fabulous contributions from the ensemble cast, accomplished direction and crew *bows to them all*...
Anyway, what was my point? Ah, yes! Seeing as how it has sadistically ruled my life for several weeks in anticipation of it, I wanted to give a little back *dabs tissue to eyes* (~forgive me I had another moment!~), before I no longer care about it *ahem* lol *PEACE* =P
I want you guys to support it. I want to know what you love and hate about it. We shall be immensely tolerant with comment's people. All that we ask is that they are honest and from the heart. So if you have been going as crazy as moi, if you perceive yourself as a critic and a reviewer in the making I urge you to post and tell 'QSS' exactly what you think of it.
Sock it to QSS here:
*Thank-you javabeans*
PS folks if you need to be reminded that articulate ramblings pertaining to the drama are preferred: pauses; then *clears throat* "articulate ramblings are preferred" ...
XENA... |