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发表于 2007-2-13 10:19
[13-Feb-07][Berliner Zeitung]A discussion with Asia most meaning Popstar Rain
[Berliner Zeitung] A discussion with Asia most meaning Popstar young Ji-hoon alias Rain
Wir Koreaner jodeln halt gerne
(We Koreans yodel to stop gladly )
Zu Gast auf der Berlinale: Ein Gesprach mit Asiens bedeutendstem Popstar Jung Ji-hoon alias Rain
(To guest on the Berlinale: A discussion with Asia most meaning Popstar young Ji-hoon alias Rain )
Interview We Koreans yodel to stop gladly To guest on the Berlinale: A discussion with Asia most meaning Popstar young Ji-hoon alias Rain One calls it also the “Justin Timberlake Asia”:
Young Ji-hoon, 1982 in a suburb of Seoul born, are under its alias Rain at present the most successful asiatic Popstar - one first at all, which splintered it in culturally so far extremely region to landspreading fame brought. In its homeland South Korea it fills likewise the concert resounding and stages as in Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, China and on the Philippines; from its in the meantime it sold several millions to four CDs. In addition it is a well-known television actor, actor in panasiatisch popular Soap Operas like “Sangdoo Hakyo Gaja” (“Sangdoo comes into the school”) and “Full House”. In the competition of the Berlinale he presented his first motion picture film now: In park Chan wooks “I am a Cyborg, but nothing” again makes (to see on 18.2. ,) young a psychiatry passenger fallen in love plays 16,30 o'clock, in the Berlinale palace.
-Mr. Jung, in Asia you belong to the most well-known Popstars. In Germany however nobody knows you. Can you describe us approximately, what for a kind music them to make?
I move in different styles, but essentially, one can say, is based my music on black music, on HipHop and R'n'B. little Trance Pop also participates.
-Are category, which are generally popular in Korea?
Oh, that is music, which pleases all with us; all Koreans hear gladly R'n'B.
-Who are your models?
I love Ray Charles and James Brown, the Godfather OF Soul; and I admire Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson. In my dance style I combine Michael Jacksons MOO-mill with Martial kind elements. My choreographies develop I in principle; I want that they look differently, than one is used from American artists.
-While your music works almost prototypically American.
Is there at all Korean music, which pleases you?
American music became very popular in the last years in Korea. Above all Internet helped to discover it that is a process, which so correctly used straight only. In former times it was often difficult to come at American records and CDs now is enough clicks with the mouse. That is called however not that we import only US music, the process functioned also into the opposite direction. Owing to Internet the Korean music in completely Asia became very popular. It is not yet for a long time ago, there had each country its own star: South Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, Malaysia etc., and nobody knew from the other one. If I arise today in Beijing or come into Bangkok, ten thousands, if not hundredthousand humans. The Chinese have for it already their own word: han liu, the Korean wave - for the coming rule of the Korean Popkultur in completely Asia.
-Is Tokyo replaced as metropolis of the Pop of Seoul?
Hallyu - that is the Korean word for it - began before perhaps five years; Trip was the enormous popularity of Korean TV serials. I have in some from these series along-played, for example in “sing you come into the school” or into “A Love ton of Kill”, where I represent a Martial kind fighter. But the question is not at all, where the center of the asiatic Popkultur is. In former times was it in Hong Kong, then it moved to Tokyo, today is perhaps Seoul the most important city, well and? It is important that the asiatic continues to grow together always culture that asiatic artists can occur not only in their homeland, but also in the neighbour states - and everywhere in the world! That helps them to develop their talents and to bring their culture generally speaking forward.
-Do you believe that develops such a thing in the long term like an pan asiatic culture?
See, I make above all music, because it makes fun for me; but music is also always a means, in order to down-tear walls: between nations, cultures, humans. It is importantly that humans approach each other in Asia, a common language develops. As you in Europe created a European union, then a straight asiatic union develops, at least on the cultural level in Asia - perhaps that is the first step to bring our countries together also politically and economically. I believe firmly in the fact that it will give a daily such a union, and it will be a world power.
We entertainers can help today to create it.
-If you arise in China, in Taiwan or on the Philippines - do you change for your choreographies then somewhat in your Songs?
In my music and my dance style I do not change anything. But if I go to Japan, then I sing something on Japanese. Many Korean artists make in such a way. There is hardly someone, which sings at home in a foreign language; differently than in Europe, where all sing on English - like that something is rare in Korea. But if we arise abroad, we try to adapt.
-In the past year you played for the first time in the USA.
Yes, in the Madison Square guards in New York, a mad experience.
In the public Asian Americans were, the remainder were Afro and white Americans to seventy per cent. I sang also a Duett with P. to Diddy; that is for a long time friendly with my producer park Jin Young.
-They duettiert also with Christina Aguilera.
yes, that was an advertising spot, which Pepsi produced to the football WM. “There there there” the Song is called, very merrily.
-Did you know that it originally concerns thereby a German song?
No, in Ernst? No notion.
-It originates from the group of Trio from large kneading.
The Korean dte rodents loved that, last summer. In the film “I am a Cyborg, but nothing”, which was introduced now on the Berlinale, makes astonishment you by extensive yodelling. Where did you learn that?
Oh, in Korea is yodelled much, we to have there a completely old yodelling tradition. In addition, I had a very good teacher, Suh Yong ryul: that is Korea of most famous Jodler, he travels regularly to Switzerland and leaves themselves from the native iodine-learns the best chniques there to teach.
The discussion led Jens Balzer.
Berliner Zeitung, 13.02.2007
[ 本帖最后由 wmx1 于 2007-2-13 10:23 编辑 ] |