[이지훈, 1일 교통사고로 악!…큰 부상 없어 스케줄 강행]
가수 겸 연기자 이지훈이 교통사고를 당한 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다.
이지훈은 1일 오후 KBS 1TV 일일드라마 ‘너는 내운명’(극본 문은아·연출 김명욱) 촬영장으로 이동하던 도중 승합차와 부딪치는 사고를 당했다.
이지훈 소속사 관계자는 “도로 위에 쓰러진 오토바이를 피하던 승합차와 부딪쳤다”며 “차 범퍼를 비롯해 밴 승합차 앞부분이 반파될 정도로 큰 사고였지만 다행히 탑승자 모두 부상을 입진 않았다”고 전했다.
밴 승합차 뒷자석에 타고 있었던 이지훈은 사고 당시 무릎에 통증을 호소했다고 한다. 그러나 병원에서 큰 이상이 없다는 사실을 확인하고는 곧장 드라마 촬영장으로 가 스케줄을 강행했다. 운전했던 매니저 역시 큰 부상을 입지 않은 것으로 알려졌다.
소속사 관계자는 “다행히 상대편도 큰 부상이 없었다”며 “이지훈은 놀란 가슴을 빨리 가라앉히고 새벽 4시까지 드라마 촬영을 무사히 마쳤다”고 말했다.
이지훈은 드라마 ‘너는 내운명’에서 백수 태풍 역으로 많은 사랑을 받고 있으며, 5월에는 6집 ‘더 클래식’을 발표하고 가수로도 활발하게 활동 중이다.
스포츠동아 홍재현 기자 hong927@donga.com
转自:www.leejeehoon.co.kr (CAMAEL)
[Lee Jee Hoon had a car accident on June 1st, but he was not hurt much, so he kept shooting as scheduled]
Singer and actor, Lee Jee Hoon was belatedly reported to have had a car accident.
When Lee Jee Hoon was headed to a shooting scene for the KBS1TV daily drama in the evening on June the first, "You Are My Destiny," the vans collided with each other.
According to a staff of Lee Jee Hoon's agency, JH's van was hit by a van which tried to avoid a motorcycle which fell on the road. The staff said, "Though it was a big car accident as the bumper and half of the front part of his van were broken, fortunately, all the people in the cars were not hurt."
Lee Jee Hoon sat on the back seat of his van and he was said to complain of knee pain at the accident. When he got to make sure there were no big problems with his knees at a hospital, he went to the shooting scene and kept shooting as scheduled. The driver, JH's agent, was known not to be hurt much, either.
The staff said, "It was fortunate that the other driver was not hurt much, either" He added, " Lee Jee Hoon calmed down himself quickly and finished his shooting for the drama at 4:00 a.m. the next day."
Lee Jee Hoon is now loved much as acting "TaePoong" in the drama, "You Are My Destiny," and he is active as a singer as well after he released his sixth album, "The Classic" in May.
Though he had a car accident late Sunday night, there were no news articles about the accident on Monday. Now, from this afternoon, I can find many news articles about his accident, but they are different from each other a little. I guess that his van was after the other van. And he went to a hospital right after the car accident and then headed to a shooting scene for the drama. A reporter said that JH would have his knees examined tomorrow, and another reporter said that JH was considering seeing a doctor and having his knees examined after his live stage "Music Bank (KBS2TV)" this Friday.
6月1日晚,当李智勋赶往KBS1 TV日日剧“你是我的命运”的拍摄现场时,两辆车子相撞。
目前,李智勋在“你是我的命运”中饰演“泰峰”这一角色很爱欢迎。在五月发行了他的第六张专辑“The classic”后,李智勋还以歌手身份活跃在舞台。
目前,李智勋在“你是我的命运”中饰演“泰峰”这一角色很爱欢迎。在五月发行了他的第六张专辑“The classic”后,李智勋还以歌手身份活跃在舞台。
虽然李智勋在上星期日深夜出了交通事故,但是星期一并没有新闻报导。现在即今天下午,我找到了许多关于他车祸的新闻,但是这些都略有差异。据我猜测他的车子当时在追赶另一辆车子。事故发生后他去了医院,然后前往电视剧的拍摄场地。有一则报导说智勋会在明天去检查他的膝盖,另一则说智勋会在这周星期五“Music Bank (KBS2TV)”的现场舞台后去医院检查他的膝盖。
[ 本帖最后由 aquama029 于 2008-6-4 12:59 编辑 ] |