DO NOT PANIC. ) ~" ?0 a( D7 l8 \5 c' `* `5 Q
" z C* G1 x/ ^5 CA fan girl posted that at HJ's recent Tony Moly autograph signing, HJ was asked how he felt about finishing WGM filming and he apparently gave a reply of 'I feel free'. This story does not make sense at all because there's no way that MBC would have allowed him to 'announce' that he was done filming WGM (especially to a fan at a small autograph signing) and there is ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF that he actually did say this. It's a story posted by ONE person.
9 C/ t) R+ g7 m1 F9 ^% R2 Z* p( ~& k
About the Jeju filming, here's what I heard. It was a 1N2D trip. On the first day, they went horse riding. On the second day, they climbed a mountain (about 10km!!). I have not heard any official news that this was their last trip. I can understand why many fans would think that it would be their last filming. After all, they went to Jeju Island, where they first met and it seems like Jeju would be a good place to 'reflect' and 'wrap things up'. BUT this is all just speculation. And like HJ said today, there are many things that HJ and HB haven't done yet. I think for now until we hear any official news, it would be good to think of the Jeju Island episode as just another episode and if you really can't stop thinking that it might be the last episode, think of it as an episode where HJ and HB can relax, reflect and think about how they can progress. ' w. O& P% g5 d/ N
2 f1 [8 |2 K6 B% p8 H
EDIT/ About how they were seen taking their things out of their home: this has been reported many times before. They take their things out at the end of each filming and then put it back at the start of each filming. ) {. u& J; z6 m; _8 |6 n
9 f$ B/ ^! \9 V& i———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A6 K# O7 O' L6 X1 X5 D+ m q
& h7 f5 r F* W某饭说在tony moly的签名会上,PG被问到,结束了结婚的拍摄有什么感想。 : p) U; k$ V) R2 x5 a
) w c# J$ f8 \# Q. ^" e- T. P
7 ?0 j( \* s, m1 f" [# n. [这个帖子根本没有任何意义,因为MBC不可能允许PG单方面宣布他在结婚的拍摄已经终止了, 7 F+ q7 B0 K6 Q6 x3 N7 R6 D
而且也没有任何证据可以证明PG确实做了那样的回答。 & {; g6 r6 A' H; H1 ^
(更何况,是在一个规模如此之小的签名会上,而且,还是对一个饭说的) 9 f) k. q! E: l) @/ p. t2 h
3 Z' p, I% r7 H1 P' ~! X7 n# L
: Y& p4 Q. A. `0 A, h3 b这是一个两天一夜的行程。
, r4 m! P3 Z: Y: c. |2 J9 L第一天,是骑马。 / w a$ ?' G) T" Q5 Q7 A
第二天,则是爬山。(约有10KM) / [+ N7 Z' @. }& O
而关于这将是生菜最后一次旅行的传言,我没有听到任何官方消息。 / }4 R0 B6 M% p$ V$ v! \& H
5 k) ]4 l3 O2 \; \+ M+ Y( z
可以理解为什么会有那么多饭认为济州岛之行会成为他们的结束之旅。 3 T( {* [9 H$ U, E& b
: } }1 `" h% B( ]0 J( T0 @而且,似乎也可以把那里当作一个可以反省,可以把回忆打包的地方。
) D0 M. z! R+ Z1 K. @/ j: { [6 `8 {7 ^但这些,也不过是想象出来的罢了。
- V; u+ S5 K2 {# T( f! w% J9 H+ x! f- _8 {4 p
正如PG在今天的节目里所说,生菜CP还有很多事情没做。 , m% G9 y6 o. }/ @
所以,在官方消息出来之前,我们最好还是把济州岛之行当作一次普通的拍摄行程。 , h4 S' H, `2 L u
如果,你还是会情不自禁的把它和最后一期联系起来,那不妨想象成PG和JJ是去那里放松,反省,并且考虑他们以后能取得怎样的进展吧。 - h# G& [8 w" w1 q
; e! G1 W3 x- H" ~! {2 L
- q5 k- s% `0 ?+ y X3 |那是因为每次摄影结束之后,他们都会把东西从里面搬出来。 7 o; @* F8 o, M# _/ k0 J
然后到下一次开始录制的时候,再搬回去。 0 s* `& y: L2 x$ b3 [6 G4 t: m
翻译 BY tinteink
$ ^9 ~. W3 l, w C5 _) O+ G) L 转自:生菜岛 |