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孙艺珍: 还好李敏鎬看起来不会太年轻。。。
Son Ye-jin says relieved Lee Min-ho "not young-looking" (1)
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk 이메일보내기eleven@10asia.co.kr
2010.03.26 16:03
对孙艺珍而言,这部连续剧将是她出道以来,演出的角色中最喜剧的一个。对李敏鎬而言。是自KBS"花样男子,考虑很久后的回归作品。 对金基石来说。这是入伍前的最后一部作品。对王智喜来说,是她改变形象所踏出的第一步,而对林瑟雍来说,是成年后的首部作品。 MBC的"个人的取向"会不会是一部可以符合观众口味的特别的电视剧,就如对参与演出的演员们而言是个特别意义的作品那样?
以下是记者会的访问 :
For Son Ye-jin, it is a drama where she will play the most comical character since her debut. For Lee Min-ho, it is a drama he chose after long consideration for his comeback role since KBS TV series "Boys Over Flowers". For Kim Ji-seok, it is the last drama he will take on before entering the Korean military. For Wang Ji-hea, it is her first step toward creating a new image and for Im Seulong, it is his debut as an adult actor. Will the MBC series [tentatively titled] "Personal Taste" be remembered as a special drama that fulfills the taste of the public, just as it is turning into a special drama for the actors, each for his personal reasons? Below are excerpts from the Q&A session at the press conference for "Personal Taste".
Korean actress Son Ye-jin [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]
问 "你怎么会挑选参与演出"个人的取向" ?
Q: How did you choose to do "Personal Taste"?
孙: 到目前为止,我所演出的角色都比我实际年龄大。我看起来也并不太老,但是我总是挑选比较年长的角色,因为我尝试表现出我严肃与深沉的那面。 拍摄电影"白夜行",对我在心理与体力上都很辛苦,所以觉得下一个作品,要拍摄一部符合我年龄,年轻又新鲜的电视剧,所以选择了"个人的取向"并不是很困难。
Son Ye-jin (Son): Up till now, I have played characters that were older than my actual age. I don't really look old, but I had come to choose older parts because I was trying to show my serious, deep side. The film "White Night" was very hard on me psychologically and physically, so I wanted to do a fresh, young drama befitting my age for my next work. So it wasn't hard to choose "Personal Taste".
李: 我想演出比较阳刚的电视剧,所以这是在选择下一个角色时,我考虑最多的一个因素。 我思考了很久,关于大众对李敏鎬的印象是怎么样? - 也许是比较接近是个年轻小伙子而不是真正的男人。 我觉得当我年纪更大后,演绎比较沉重与复杂的角色会更好。我认为"个人的取向"是个最好的选择,,因为是很轻松又阳光,但是也可以又哭又笑的剧本
Lee Min-ho (Lee): I wanted to do a masculine drama, so this was actually what I thought about the hardest when trying to choose my next role. I thought hard and I thought about the image that the public had of Lee Min-ho -- probably closer to a young man rather than a real man. I think I would do a better job playing heavy and more defined roles when I am older. I think "Personal Taste" was perfect because it is bright, cheerful but you can also laugh and cry over it as well.
Q: Your character Gae-in is similar to the "dried fish girl" in Japanese drama "Hotaru's Light".
孙: 我曾听导演提起仁熙这角色是跟"螢之光"中的女主角很接近,但是我还没有看过那部日剧。我觉得在第三,四集里,我演绎得比较会让人联想到 "交响情人梦"里的"野田妹" 。她住在韩式的房子Sanggojae,但是里面到处都看到方便面的杯子,而且她很不喜欢打扫。当镇浩搬进去住时,他们简直是水火不相容,吵得天翻地覆。 我觉得她会是我演绎的角色里,最荒谬又很漫画的一个角色,
Son: I heard from the director that the character of Gae-in was close to the actress in "Light", but I haven't seen it. I think that around the third or fourth episode, I give off a vibe similar to Nodame in [Japanese drama] "Nodame Cantabile". She lives in this fantastic Korean-style house called "Sanggojae" but inside there are instant ramen cups rolling around and she is very messy. And when Jin-ho moves into "Sanggojae" later and lives with her, they fight like cats and dogs. I think she will be the most ridiculous and comic-book-ish character I have ever played.
问: 身为女演员,你肯定需要担心很多东西,但是演出像仁熙这样的角色,也肯定可以发泄很多情绪
Q: There is probably a lot that you have to worry about as an actress, but you must feel some catharsis when you play Gae-in.
孙 : 我真得很喜欢。 现在,我完全投入角色里了,除了演绎角色外,我还注意到了服装跟装饰。我是第一次直接跟编剧讨论,加入自己的构想。 我已经很久没有因为一个角色而这么开心,所以就算很消耗体力,我成为仁熙那刻,真得感觉到非常开心。
Son: I really like it. Right now I am completely into my character so I keep paying attention to other things besides acting such as my accessories and wardrobe. This is the first time that I'm talk directly to the writer and creating my own ideas. It is the first time in a long time that I have been happy about a role, so even though it is definitely hard on me physically, I am truly happy the moment I become Gae-in.
Korean actor Lee Min-ho [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]
问: 对李敏鎬来说,这是你休息很久后的首部作品。有那种所谓第二的霉运 (sophomore jinx - 大姨是说第二次永远表现不如第一次,好像如续借集总不如第一集那样的意思) 会不会感觉到有负担 ?
Q: For Lee Min-ho, this is your first drama in quite a while. There is a thing called the sophomore jinx -- do you feel burdened by this?
李 :我的负担不是很大,但是却比在拍摄"花样男子"时更加担心。 我对作品没有负担,却更加担心的是自己应该如何演绎角色。首先,孙艺珍是很出色的演员,其他参与演出的演员们也很棒,所以我感觉到压力,也非常渴望我的演技能获得好的评语
Lee: I feel less burdened but am more worried than when I did "Boys Over Flowers". I am not burdened about the drama but had worries over how to express my character. First of all, Son Ye-jin is a great actress and other actors are excellent too, so I do feel the pressure and desire to receive good reviews on my acting as well.
Q: I think there are similarities between Goo Joon-pyo in "Boys Over Flowers" and Jun Jin-ho in "Personal Taste" - how did you try to differentiate the two characters?
Lee: The director wanted to emphasize Jin-ho's cheeky personality, but I am trying to restrain that side as I build
up on my character. I think that Jin-ho should not seem like Goo Joon-pyo.
问 " 演绎一个假装是同性恋的角色有什么困难的地方?
Q: Are there any difficulties in expressing a character who pretends to be gay?
李" 我不晓得最后他是不是会假装是同性恋。 目前,他是被误会成同性恋。镇浩不是同性恋 - 他很男人却因为某些状况被误会成为同性恋。 所以我并不担心怎么去表达一个同性恋角色。
Lee: I don't know if he will end up pretending to be gay. He is being misunderstood at the moment. Jin-ho is not gay -- he is manly but is misunderstood as being gay for the circumstances he is in. So I am not worried about expressing a gay character.
问: 艺珍,有没有像仁熙那样幻想有个同性恋朋友?
Q: Ye-jin, do you have a fantasy about having a gay friend like Gae-in does?
孙 " 我身边有很多比较女性化的男人,跟他们谈天都很好玩,而且他们比女人还更加细腻。。坦白说,跟男人做朋友并不容易,但是跟他们我却觉得很自在。
Son: I do have a lot of feminine men around me and they are so much fun to talk to and even more sensitive than women. It is not easy to be friends with men, to be honest, but I feel very comfortable around them.
Korean actor Kim Ji-seok [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]
问: 第一次看到对方,有什么感觉?
Q: How did you feel when you first saw each other?
李" 很多人对我说孙艺珍很直接(鲁莽无礼)所以我有点担心? 但是跟她见面后,我觉得她很坦白也亲切,我喜欢她因为她是那种喜欢别人坦白直接跟她说话的人。她的个性很好,所以我希望别人别误会她 (笑)
Lee: A lot of people told me that Son Ye-jin was very impudent so I was worried, but when I met her, I found her very honest and down-to-earth. I liked her because she is the type of person who wants people to talk to her in a straightforward manner. She has a great personality so I hope other people wouldn't misunderstand her. (laugh)
孙: 敏鎬是第一个确定加入这电视剧的演员,我一位像他这样的男人来演出这角色肯定非常有吸引力。通常,男演员都喜欢演出强悍的角色,有很多动作的电视剧,但是我觉得李敏鎬非常聪明地在选择作品。
Son: Min-ho was cast first in the drama and I thought a guy like Lee Min-ho would be attractive playing such a role. In general, male actors like to play rough, strong characters and do dramas with lots of action but I think Min-ho is very clever in choosing his work.
问: 你已经很久没有跟同龄的男演员合作了?
Q: It has been a long time since you worked with an actor around your age.
孙:我没有弟弟,而且常跟比我年纪大的男演员合作。当我看到敏鎬时,我开始想象如果能有他这样的弟弟该多好。 我很担心在剧里面会看起来像他姐姐。但是我很庆幸敏鎬看起来并不是太年轻 (笑)
Son: I don't have a younger brother and have always worked with men who were older than me. When I met Min-ho, I started thinking it would be great to have a younger brother like him. I am worried that I might look like his older sister in the drama, but I'm relieved that Min-ho doesn't look young. (laugh)
问: 金基石,在"推奴"里获得的人气,肯定会感觉到压力要继续维持这个人气吧
Q: For Kim Ji-seok, there must be pressure that you have to continue the popularity that you achieved with "The Slave Hunters".
金: 其实,我非常疲惫因为推奴的最后拍摄跟个人取向的最初拍摄撞期。但是我并没有负担,因为我就只需要相信孙艺珍跟李敏鎬,其实,在推奴里,我也只负责3%的收视率。所以个人的取向,10%是孙艺珍,10%是李敏鎬,3%是我,然后其他的剧组成员会帮忙加高收视率。
Kim: I was actually exhausted because the final shooting for "The Slave Hunters" and initial shoots for "Personal Taste" overlapped. But I don't feel burdened because I am just going to trust and follow Son Ye-jin and Lee Min-ho. Actually, even in "The Slave Hunters", I was only responsible for about three percent of the ratings. So [for "Personal Taste"] ten percent for Son Ye-jin, ten percent for Lee Min-ho and three percent for me, and then a bit higher rating overall with the help of the rest of the cast.
问: 这将是你入伍前的最后作品,你对演出这电视剧有什么感想?
Q: This will be the last role you take on before you enter the Korean miliary. How do you feel about working on the drama?
金:这回是我的遗作( 笑) 我真得觉得这是我的最后一部电视剧。 这回是我以一个还没有当过兵的人演出的电视剧,也是我踏入30岁的第一部电视剧。。而推奴是我从20多岁跨入30岁的电视剧。 我认为我更加努力,也全心全意投入演出,因为我知道时间并不多。 在拍摄推奴时,张赫对我聊了很多关于部队的事。在当兵前,最恐惧的是害怕新的世界。但是我听到那么多关于那个地方的事情,反而感觉在心里已经是个军人
Kim: It is my posthumous work. (laugh) I really am acting thinking that this is my final drama. It would be my last drama as a person who has not completed his military duty and the first one of my thirties. And "The Slave Hunters" was a drama that I did while I was crossing over to my thirties from my twenties. I think I am working harder and doing my best because I realize that there isn't much time. Jang Hyuk told me a lot about the military while we were filming "The Slave Hunters". What scares you the most before going to the military is your fear of a new world, but I heard so much about the place that I feel like I have already become a corporal in my mind.
Reporter: Yoonina, TV critic
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr, Lee Ji-Hye seven@10asia.co.kr
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[ 本帖最后由 nbsally130 于 2010-3-29 16:22 编辑 ] |