From allkpop
http://www.allkpop.com/2011/09/j ... k-hug#disqus_thread
原本稿子来自韩网新闻: http://star.mt.co.kr/stview.php?no=2011092717361128439&type=2
Allkpop新闻po 出来六个小时, 快两万的点击数,207 个留言, JJ 真的是国际巨星, kekeke
有兴趣的人 可以去看大家的回答, 在中粉丝真的都很可爱~~
JYJ’s Jaejoong gives Choi Kang Hee a back hug (JYJ 的在中给崔江熙一个后抱)
JYJ‘s Jaejoong has given Choi Kang Hee a tight back hug, causing fangirls to shout with envy.
JYJ 的在中给崔江熙一个紧紧地后抱, 让女粉丝们嫉妒地大叫.
On September 27th, Jaejoong tweeted, ”Popping Kang-jjang [Choi Kang Hee]”
9 月27 日, 在中推: "引爆崔江姬"
In the photo, Jaejoong looks like a sullen puppy who’s unwilling to let his owner go. Hilariously, Choi Kang Hee looks a little embarrassed by the gesture, as seen by the awkward smile on her face.
照片里面, 在中看起来像一只忧郁的小狗, 不愿意让他的主人走. 好笑地是, 崔江姬对这样的姿势觉得有点不好意思, 从她脸色尴尬的笑容可以看出来.
Fans who came across this photo commented, “Ah! You can’t do this oppa…“, “Please show us a great show until the end“, and “Oppa, what are you doing? That should be me T_T”.
看到这张照片的粉丝都评论说, "阿, oppa 你不可以这么做!" "请到结尾都给我们一个很棒的秀" " Oppa, 你在做什么?? 我应该是那个人"
Jaejoong is currently starring in the SBS drama “Protect the Boss” as ‘Cha Moo Won’. “Protect the Boss” which was supposed to end on September 22nd, but the producers have extended the drama, and so it will end on September 29th.
在中现在在SBS 的电视剧"守护boss" 里面饰演车武元. 守护boss 本来是九月22 日结束, 但是制作人方面已经延长,所以9 月29 日结束.
Source: Money Today via Star News |