原帖由 香益苏 于 2011-9-1 10:33 发表
吵架也是一種認識彼此的方法, 但誤會不解釋清楚..缺乏信任 任何關係就會開始出現危機.
而這次初戀的出現,加上累積的謊言, 估計就像你預計的~~這對要認真談離婚了
p.s. 兩個媽媽實在太可愛了.
p.p.s. 初戀的出場不狗血...我稀飯
原帖由 ily919 于 2011-9-1 10:00 发表
收視率這問題~ 應該是剛好卡在另外二台的戲都已經播出一段時間,
在這時候上檔可能不太好吧?! 很難搶走收視群眾。
恩 很多因素 天時地利人和吧, 收視不如慢慢放下, 細細品嚐劇會開心點.
dramabeans 給的評價也不錯. 這劇..雖然偏小眾, 但欣賞的人應該會繼續喜歡下去.
This show’s a great pick-me-up because while the conflict goes from bad to worse, the drama itself stays light and fun, which I appreciate. It’s a nice reprieve from the other series I’m watching lately, which are pretty much the embodiment of doom and gloom. The couple remains delightfully bickering and cute, but mostly just very human and relatable.
Dude, you are SO busted. While I don’t think Hyung-woo is exactly cheating on her or doing anything nefarious, he’s clearly not as over Hee-soo as he’d like to think. It’ll probably take him a while to realize it though, which is just going to lead to more loaded misunderstandings.
I love that Eun-jae finds out right away, literally minutes after the boys make their silence pact. It’s going to be painful to watch Hyung-woo continue to dig his own grave, but then again, he might deserve it if he keeps up the lies.
So far I like that Hee-soo doesn’t seem to be the typical scheming second lead type. She’s certainly a type though – just the rose-colored nostalgia-laced first love type. But it at least means that the conflict will be believable, especially if she’s the One That Got Away and he still harbors a torch.
I’m actually torn between wanting Hyung-woo to clear everything up, or really just step in it, because so far the fighting has been mostly of the disgruntled threats kind, but they don’t seem to actually be on the verge of real divorce.
Hee-soo’s reappearance coupled with their explosive fighting might be enough to drive them over the edge, which from a story point of view, is a necessary turn. Gotta break up to make up, right kids?
[ 本帖最后由 jessiefang 于 2011-9-1 11:45 编辑 ] |