第四集非常非常好看...(ost再多來點更好) 劇本的量和質絕對是ok的. 劇組繼續努力
延亨宇你下跪吧你. 雖然我心疼, 就算你出發點都是好的,就算你也沒出軌的念頭
但 讓你老婆躲在漢江偷偷哭, 讓你老婆天天以酒消愁, 說你老婆結婚後不酷了, 你這大豬頭真的應該跪下. 
It’s war, and it’s also the first episode where I sided more significantly with one character over the other. Listen, when you break the heroine’s heart, you spend the recap in the doghouse. Rules are rules. Stop looking at me with those puppy eyes.
Yay, it’s begun! I know, what a weird response to divorce papers. But I’m glad from a story point of view that the central conflict has taken flight, now that the couple’s relationship has been established. I like that there are sufficient reasons for them to stay together OR separate – because otherwise it’s not an interesting drama.
Now we’ve got an alternative in play that so far puts Eun-jae more at peace, even though she’s presupposing that he doesn’t really love her. There were a hefty number of misunderstandings to maneuver them here, but at the core, I think their issues are real and not just explained away by Mom and other excuses.
While I think it’s stupid to have Hyung-woo continue to keep his trap shut like an idiot, I don’t think that their relationship is all that solid to begin with, so I don’t doubt that this is where they’d end up. The point is to go backwards and get to know each other, oddly enough through the process of divorce.
It seems like there’s a lot they have to discover about themselves as well, which I think will be the rewarding part of the journey for them. While their immaturity is comical, it’s certainly something they’ll have to overcome if they ever want to make their way back to each other.
[ 本帖最后由 jessiefang 于 2011-9-2 17:10 编辑 ] |