原帖由 laura1997 于 2012-3-23 14:26 发表
[上接 http://www.krdrama.com/bbs/viewt ... page=87#pid10750386]
What works with this sense of humor is that the characters are all playing it straight, treating their encounters without that self-aware wink at the audience that they know this is funny. There’s definitely a farcical, over-the-top aspect to the comedy, but the characters react true to their world, which makes is even funnier. It’s like Shannen Doherty being upset after seeing Heathers, because she hadn’t realized she was shooting a comedy. But that’s why it worked, letting the situation convey the absurdity rather than playing your reactions knowing they’re supposed to induce a laugh.
劇中的趣點之所以惹笑, 全因角色能演得如此自然, 把他們所遇上的諧趣惹人發笑的狀況連眼皮也不貶一下. 這便是表達喜劇效果的手法中, 最能讓人發笑, 一等一的方式. 而且角色的反應是存在他們的世界的真實反應, 便更有趣了. 就像Shannen Doherty 觀看完 Heathers [按: 這是 1989年一齣有名的美國黑色喜劇電影, 她有份演出其中一個Heather Duke的角色] 感到苦惱, 因為她完全沒意識到她是在拍喜劇. 但是, 這正是該片成功的地方, 讓觀眾看到故事荒謬之處, 而不是經由演員的演出表情來提點哪個點是笑點.
The show also got some surprise laughs out of me by highlighting small details that I’d never thought of. You hear about a Joseon prince time-traveling to the future and you immediately think of the obvious gags: cars, city lights, cell phones. You probably also imagine that look of wonder on their faces at the magnificent invention of the toilet — but you don’t necessarily imagine that they’d treat it as a simple water source and drink it. Or that they would take off their shoes before entering a bus, because that’s “indoors.” Oh, I died laughing at that one. And how amazed they were at the humble omurice dish.
片中一些我沒想過的小細節, 竟讓我不自主的笑出來. 當你聽到關於一位朝鮮王世子穿越的故事時, 你會立刻聯想那些噱頭是: 汽車, 城市的燈光, 手電. 你可能也能想象得出, 當他們看到沖水馬桶這一項偉大發明時, 他們那驚嘆的表情 ---- 但你不一定能想象得出他們會把它看成純是一個水源, 還拿來飲用. 或者在他們乘搭公共汽車時, 會因為把車廂認作是室內的地方, 而先把鞋子脫下才上車. 看到這幕時, 我快要笑死了. 以及那場他們吃那個毫不起眼的蛋包飯的有趣情形.
I reserve some caution for when the corporate/makjang machinations start to work into the plot more, with Tae-mu and Se-na scrambling to cover up their misdeeds. I’ll hold out hope, though, that even as those plotlines progress, they’ll be scattered between liberal doses of the rooftop family, who are endearing enough to carry a light plot. Fingers crossed.
對於將會出現因泰武和世娜為了掩飾他們的劣行, 而帶出來的公司產業/陰謀詭計的情節發展, 我是有所保留的. 我會堅信這些情節的發展, 是作為撒到屋塔房一家人身上的一些不愉快經歷, 他們會有足夠的愛去承受小小的陰謀詭計. 祝他們好運.
[原文轉自 Dramabean http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/03/rooftop-prince-episode-2/]
[ 本帖最后由 Kit09 于 2012-3-23 15:59 编辑 ] |