本帖最后由 精灵圈 于 2013-6-25 11:04 编辑 - T7 s, G9 S$ e- C
7 r% Q ]8 L! h, J/ V ^IMDB显示这部电影的首次上映时间其实是1972年,上映国家是西德和奥地利
/ h7 b$ X! h- j7 i8 q" F而1977年是在美国的正式上映时间! X3 L8 F- V% a
# S: }+ f9 f. m6 \6 J- a, Y
: W2 P* V2 e. N, L; I+ [0 bDie Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter (1972)7 l/ B, j4 P% B& h6 s5 R
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066773/, G! ^1 l1 O7 M8 ?
9 e8 O2 t' B7 l5 B6 `4 y4 V3 i. R* _而且这是导演Wim Wenders的自编自导自演作品" e: P X) |* K6 }! A1 o5 E) Q
没错,楼上剧照的男猪脚目测就是导演sama本人= = @7 g. A) e" {* r# y8 N
! {( B& N& K) p5 \+ U2 {Wim Wenders,德国人
/ Z+ f0 p+ U' ]+ ^1 p! w已经看到Oscar提名的字眼……# G% w/ S# s* Y& i
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000694/, l4 b- ]* s5 a! L' a
4 g4 ]& d2 T. x2 ]. h3 ]
) D" A" z2 c6 S2,维姆文德斯———公路上忧伤的诗人 / \5 u& f6 P2 j; f% w
) w/ `$ e" O; v Q8 a* H& X. }- Y6 Q* t1 Z, y- i
* r# I- F q4 D+ Q* M( O% ?! d& Whttp://tieba.baidu.com/p/7549443 ... amp;cid=0#498595222
4 b. [$ Q f3 m4 s! O. b, N8 e' D2楼开始:
- G {% u$ @; }2 E维姆·文德斯 - 新德国电影的魔术师 6 }9 L! p5 O" v4 w4 y
维姆·文德斯电影作品年表(1970-2000) - y( l- q7 c3 d$ E2 w4 ?8 |
- w2 r8 h+ y9 D1 Q
$ \9 h$ Z3 b6 Y$ I: f其中评价电影是“非情节化、不求表意的《守门员害怕罚点球》”' U5 c3 l' \4 x7 g
1971年 《守门员对点球的焦虑》 The Goalkeeper’s Anxiety of the Penalty 威尼斯电影节(电影评论大奖)
& u9 B8 W" k0 f. W0 A7 I v
G! ], N t* {$ v. R体育足球电影的题材分类,IMDB上也是显示的sport" p. ?7 Z0 H7 {2 A4 ?& l
http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2062553 ... mp;cid=0#1930778606
% D) P8 N+ W( X( K9 ]4 k* ]0 B3 w. A3 U2 X) q
世界著名导演电影名录(部分)' W& J7 w6 L7 X$ _* m
4 ^$ M6 v9 \& J' @http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2299482 ... p;cid=0#32130477717" x; V# E* y8 {7 ^4 [
f' O, M$ K" ]( d$ H/ v选自《地球表面的图画——维姆·文德斯摄影展》图册(导演大人非常多才多艺) $ I9 p' L9 C) x1 o0 o. @7 B9 K9 B. s
http://www.douban.com/group/topic/1540039/' z# \7 T, P+ _8 k4 P( U8 e
4 Y9 @$ R: L. n' Z m剧情简介(这个比较详细,不过剧情也很囧……):
, n0 e' U* R- k. @2 Z" W这是关于德国职业守门员布洛赫的故事。他被停赛了,所以某一天就走出赛场,在城市里懒散地游荡。读读报纸,看看电影,逛来逛去,后来随手杀了一个常去的电影院里的一个售票小姐。他去了乡间,拜访从前的女友,心烦意乱的守门员无事可做,只有等待警察来抓他。; E% ] S4 I& K" R2 v
* U$ m8 `* A- |: m8 YUser Reviews3 t1 W0 o: O8 d+ g2 ^6 d
A Powerful and Unnerving Film
* ]- X6 y! [( z i+ }2 September 2002 | by Howard Schumann (Vancouver, B.C.) – See all my reviews
6 s3 c" W1 n6 h" X8 }: b8 [& F# R* @6 }1 a; O+ X. { P$ L5 c) h/ d& v
Based on the novel "Die Angst des Tormannes beim Elfmeter" by Austrian existentialist writer, Peter Handke, The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick is a powerful and unnerving film by the great German director Wim Wenders (Wings of Desire, Paris, Texas). As the film opens, the goalie, Joseph Bloch, (Arthur Brauss) is suspended from a soccer game in Vienna for missing a penalty kick. Seemingly not upset, he goes into town, then commits an unplanned and seemingly unmotivated murder of a cinema cashier.
6 \' l: g+ ?( C7 w1 b& w1 W9 y+ ]8 F+ |: P3 t2 H
Presenting us with a world that does not fit our picture of what constitutes rational behavior, Wenders refuses to explain the goalie's senseless action. Bloch simply continues his life in a matter-of-fact way, although a great deal of emotion seems to be churning under the surface. He retreats to a country inn to find his old girl friend. Nothing much happens. He goes to the movies, converses with the local residents, drinks a lot, gets into a fight, and ostensibly waits for the police to close in. His expression remains the same no matter what he is doing. As stated by Adam Groves in his review in The Cutting Edge, "He may be a homicidal sociopath, but Joseph seems to fit in quite well with the world around him, which seems to be the whole point"
, R1 ? ~5 @, e- b- j' M$ e6 h0 f/ p9 j& C+ m
Bloch talks about his life as a goalie throughout the film. At the end, he wanders into to a local soccer game and explains to a visiting salesman the thoughts that go through a goalie's mind during a penalty kick, for example, how the goalie must outguess the shooter. Perhaps dramatizing the dehumanizing effects of modern society, Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick is a strange, intriguing, and complex film that definitely deserves repeated viewing to unlock the puzzle. A possible hint involves a repetitive theme of a lost boy who drowned because he couldn't communicate.
$ d' t) x! W) \' w7 A3 O$ ~9 U( ]" c3 E7 m) v- r9 S0 P! C
原来是奥地利作家小说改编,难怪会跑去奥地利首映~& h8 A4 l$ k0 j& c& J* T, T& |6 a+ o8 q. H
* P L0 B4 i2 e/ Q% N& Z) k5 V! z4 o- S2 d3 ?4 e
==============================# r4 z) ~( M1 g1 l. L: Z) y, w1 D1 E
1 ]5 m$ P1 @0 b; e" ~麻麻,这句话你确定看懂了吗?=w=- `5 \! P; \ I) e8 w4 q% ` R+ f* Y, l
我有时会想,行万里路是不是真的会比读万卷书更有益呢?是我们太固执了吗? |