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发表于 2004-10-7 07:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2004年釜山國際電影節於十月七日開幕, 為期一週.
9 n1 q& |3 a! F. m1 ?王家衛新片《2046》被選為開幕作品 / E% j. b  V3 ]# K' Z6 I

+ C2 ?% m# V& ^- p+ E6 b# y + T2 a! P( _: T* _- A, w- {
& G/ B- m+ c3 M

. v  w' t. B* \! `3 [
3 t1 c0 [7 I8 u! S3 l! {        10月7日,釜山將成為電影天堂。
! J2 d! V4 l) R2 D. o( n        # \7 X1 {9 N' p) F
7 y! P7 Q" H* K! M0 s
8 u! l# u' C# E: \        參加本屆釜山國際電影節的作品共有264部。其中包括國內58部作品、亞洲國家101部作品和世界各國的105部作品。而且包括亞洲14個國家在內的全世界48個國家將參加電影節。其中,《狗和貓(Cat Leaves Home)》、《造雨人( Rainmaker)》等40部影片將通過此次電影節舉行首次亮相的世界電影試映會,這體現出日益受關注的釜山國際電影節的地位。 0 M1 m4 A: g/ F% C' d- a8 E

$ }( O' \% I: v7 W$ U. p . I& z, D# k& S2 F9 T& t" _

9 g! i, Z$ |1 i% T6 X3 E                               

. u; E" W; w0 u0 C6 W        ▶上映作品:首先,香港導演王家衛的新片《2046》被選為開幕作品。《2046》在今年戛納電影節上首次亮相,此次在釜山國際電影節上映的是重新拍攝和編輯的新版本。
5 g' [, V1 l0 o( @0 g: |9 }8 X
0 d4 N4 H/ s2 r3 i$ M7 X        因頂級明星韓石圭、李恩洙和成賢娥的大膽演出而成為話題的韓國影片《紅字》被選為閉幕作品,將于15日上映。
/ B7 V9 n2 p2 z- e% k2 K6 Y6 w$ l9 s  g/ y
         此外,釜山國際電影節還包括:既是電影節唯一的影片競爭單元,又是展示將領導亞洲電影未來的新導演的作品的“新潮流”單元;介紹韓國、亞洲和全世界各國電影的“韓國電影全景”、“亞洲電影窗口”和“世界電影”單元;介紹短篇電影、動畫片和紀錄片的“寬角度(WIDE ANGLE)”單元;以廣大觀眾為對象在露天劇場上映影片的“OPEN CINEMA”單元;以嚴格標准選出在巨大商業化浪潮下堅守自己藝術魂的導演作品的“影評精選(CRITICS CHOICE)”單元等。這些丰富多彩的節目將滿足觀眾不
  F0 \! D* m8 K7 q& @$ V( p同的需求。
. T+ L$ r% S0 {2 b
+ S7 D. x. M' v6 ~. |《紅字》
) H5 T7 W& e4 f' S" r5 }
, c, Q' f) J, i: O
5 @: x" R9 w' S/ T' k
# g0 Q/ ?# s6 t  _% ~1 C
$ @; X& b- b+ c% b6 x        除這次舉行手印活動的希腊導演安吉洛普洛斯導演以外,德國著名導演維姆-文德斯、獲得今年柏林電影節金熊獎的費斯-阿金、獲得今年戛納電影節最佳攝影獎的耶達、憑借影片《情書》深受國內影迷喜愛的岩井俊二等人將訪問釜山。
* P$ ]4 r9 B/ }) i" N5 _9 J- [/ X        
" _! D$ y2 v) K& d        雖然知名度有所不如,但朝鮮族導演崔健也將訪問故國。憑借《臥虎藏龍》和《英雄》等影片深受國內影迷喜歡的章子怡、日本人气組合SMAP成員木村拓哉、稻垣吾郎等頂級明星也將參加此次電影節。
9 x, [3 y# i1 J4 _, [/ P0 H6 m3 x* o% k7 A. P
        此外,無數好萊塢影視界顧問和各國制片人為挖掘埋在地下的珍珠,將參加此次電影節和釜山電影節亞洲電影資助計划(PPP,Pusan Promotion Plan)。 8 f8 j+ W" }0 T- s' J
/ W$ L; |3 K  l0 [% H: K4 g0 O

7 f# S) N' u- T! X$ T===[體育朝鮮]( `" o: @6 K4 m" n2 ~% u; g
0 j1 B% b3 r: f1 L+ w
[ Last edited by MyTerm on 2004-10-14 at 05:06 AM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-7 07:10 | 显示全部楼层


本届电影节将以香港导演王家卫执导的影片《2046》开幕,以韩石圭主演的韩国影片《红字》落幕。 4 V$ \5 W) c) E" s
5 n  M. u  e  A. {: D
第九届釜山国际电影节将从10月7日到15日在釜山水营湾户外电影场、海云台MEGABOX、南浦洞大荣电影院等地举行。本届电影节是历届最大规模的电影节,将放映264部影片。在这里先了解一下为期9天的“电影的海洋”中最精彩的部分。 $ z5 \! j! \6 p( B& i4 Q
5 I0 L3 y8 t7 n) x) _( u' E; e9 r
- U1 M! }9 M2 v* ?  p
● 开幕和闭幕影片 ' U$ D( M0 q+ v. }+ u% X
7 t2 w, E4 S) i! n4 n- v1 z  p' k
6 k1 b# y/ p3 C
- x7 u! {3 \1 @9 i- N& B! t
3 q6 B+ ~. @* t1 R9 P3 o+ Z3 i闭幕影片《红字》的重量也不一般。该片是以陷入杀人事件和欲望的强制执行组组长基勋为中心展开的推理情节片。主要演员有韩石圭、李恩珠、成贤娥、严智媛。20世纪90年代代表韩国电影的韩石圭重登银幕和自2000年执导《采访》以后4年来首次推出影片的导演卞赫的变化令人关注。
7 E; J8 f/ q4 u9 P8 d" Q2 R/ ?: [0 m2 _3 v$ f! }( k
% m5 t$ u+ h( s
● 9大部分 " h! ~# m3 [6 [: r

; v3 [, j* \2 r电影节分为9大部分,它们分别是“亚洲电影窗口”(45部)、“韩国电影全景”(13部)、“大型影片”(74部)、“New Currants”(12部)、“世界电影”(50部)、“开放的电影”(7部)、“评论家选择”(10部)等。
( C  _8 V$ m* f. K0 e
: T1 b2 O5 E! f, T4 y' `: C
  M, d  ]; Y2 U通过“亚洲电影窗口”可以了解中国、日本、泰国、印度等亚洲各国的电影现状。曾提名威尼斯电影节竞争单元的中国台湾导演侯孝贤执导的影片《咖啡时光》是值得一看的影片。该作品是献给日本著名导演小津安二郎的魔术影片,描绘了家庭、爱情以及新的生命。
/ N% P. m& g, w* c: p9 ^. H% q' P8 q) X7 d  u% s3 s& u

0 K' h3 {/ w& Q6 y7 v/ B在日本影片中,青山真治执导的影片《湖边杀人事件》和以执导影片《情书》而有名的岩井俊二执导的影片《埃利斯塙》等影片值得观看。 ! k# a7 q7 _  f2 r- Q
* q( b. ~# v; m" O# F5 [) `

) e0 t7 S0 @5 f! C( M在“世界电影”部分,推出了让•吕克•戈达尔执导的影片《我们的音乐》、埃米尔•库斯特里察执导的影片《人生如奇迹》等著名导演执导的影片和非洲、拉丁美洲的影片。塞内加尔导演奥斯马尼•塞姆班执导的影片《心痛》是以讽刺的形式描写非洲国家女性凄惨的生活现实的作品,在今年戛纳电影节“一种关注”单元获得了最佳影片奖。 9 z; w# x( S8 R) X8 X
: {1 \4 \" o& V

$ b# ]7 w+ }" \0 B4 U& W  L釜山国际电影节唯一的竞争单元“New Currants”将推出日本导演井口奈美执导的影片《狗和猫》、韩国导演卢东锡执导的影片《我们一代》等来自6个国家和地区的12名导演的独创性作品。在“韩国电影全景”部分将上映包括最近获得威尼斯电影节最佳导演奖的金基德导演执导的影片《空房子》在内的《人鱼公主》、《老男孩》、《三野兽》、《女人是男人的未来》等影片。 3 i: g; T( k$ X# }

% ]- V$ W1 k- G+ {: U& |8 G/ C
5 d( U  }6 W# H! Y0 {. g" ~● 特别策划节目 ! }+ v5 P; i" K

3 s5 h, t6 N9 `" B6 f: L最精彩部分是希腊著名导演西奥安哲罗普鲁斯回顾展。该节目中包括他的12部代表作品,其中有以军方独裁和镇压人权的希腊现代史为背景的三部作品《1936年的岁月》、《流浪艺人》、《猎人》。其中还包括在今年柏林电影节上放映的有关20世纪现代史的三部作品中的第一部作品《怒吼的草原》。 3 U6 c$ }3 i. Q+ g, I/ l- J6 U
9 D4 c5 k: I' N- H% p
“动画亚洲”部分将放映最近开始迅速发展的中国台湾、印度尼西亚 、中国香港的动画片,“韩国电影回顾展”部分将以“韩国与香港合作时代”为主题,放映《妲己》、《生死决》、《女子监狱》等从20世纪50年代末期开始到80年代初为止韩国与香港合作拍摄的影片。 $ K; r  b& w$ {2 h+ P2 `" E

5 t6 H5 k) d# E0 m7 U
) I1 |3 P. y. U# @, ~; @( Q====[donga.com]








 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-7 07:14 | 显示全部楼层


8 I, k5 r& x3 {. `! d% G# ^
+ N& r* D8 U/ B* [) _
◇推荐给影迷的影片 , O8 p" g! U  A; c' Q

( r5 i$ [3 S2 \* [& ?+ G0 m△《冬至晚上的梦》(Midwinter Night's Dream,2004年,塞尔维亚和黑山共和国)=2004年冬天的塞尔维亚。拉扎勒10年后获得自由回到了故乡。但是本应空无一人的他的公寓里住着波斯尼亚难民雅斯娜和患有自闭症的女儿约巴娜母女。拉扎勒因无法赶走无处可去的母女,开始与他们共同生活,三人开始建立起特殊的家庭关系。该片表现出了导演高兰·帕斯卡杰维奇对战争和家庭的出色的洞察力。 - U1 b$ `$ g$ e6 i7 }, e

/ m8 j, F- ]' T9 s0 d4 \* @; C/ j( p" M' g0 u3 Q) H" C
. D1 t9 ]+ B  G
* o0 B0 H2 g# Q: C* N, d" F4 i* s! b* Y5 B8 @
△ 《圣地亚哥的日子》(Days of Santiago,2004年,秘鲁)=23岁的军人圣地亚哥·罗曼经过几年的扫荡恐怖分子和毒贩的战争,回到了利马。圣地亚哥是因秘鲁政府政治上无责任性而导致的“失落的一代人之一”。回到利马的他所看到的是敌视和混乱以及颓废。虽然罗曼尽量努力适应日常生活,但是他的军人精神在每件事情上都引发冲突……
* Y3 ^" c$ c! V/ Z; q3 j) R
6 v( f0 l2 Y! _, r0 Z1 o
* i% c5 C$ V2 ]7 ~( T△《乌龟能飞》(Turtles Can Fly,2004年,伊朗)=该片是伊朗电影史上首次由库尔德族出身的导演执导的库尔德影片。听到美国即将攻打伊拉克的消息,很多人为逃避萨达姆·侯赛因的迫害都逃到了伊拉克边境地区。这些人中有失去双臂的少年汉克和岁数小但已有孩子的少女阿格琳。在这里已找到生存之路的被称为“人造卫星(Satellite)”的少年看到阿格琳后坠入情网,但是阿格琳因被军人强奸且生下孩子的噩梦般的事实,经常想以自杀结束生命。 " l+ r, X7 w) B4 O7 @8 N% |
! [$ v' A) U3 ?2 v0 \" ~6 P

+ f& }. I- {9 Q4 e5 P* N△《土地与灰尘》(Earth and Ashes,2004年,阿富汗)=与孙子坐在路边的达斯塔基勒。崩塌了一半的桥、干涸的河、灰尘弥漫的公路,如此荒废的阿富汗的风景围绕着他。他正准备到矿上告诉儿子村庄遭到炮击,家人全部死亡的消息。这是关于在残酷无情的战争面前丧失的人性和博爱的寓言故事。 , D/ J0 n1 W  O5 k; P4 p
( g: R& X+ K1 X0 q3 V1 M6 ~5 R' H  f

8 a% g& k* N( T7 V# ^◇为全家人推荐的影片 5 l' p$ P- x5 m; |3 X

0 }6 `, O, t1 h7 l# s7 g: |4 y1 p+ E2 f) L& N/ W
△《哭泣的骆驼》(The Story of the Weeping Camel,2003年,德国/蒙古)=突然有一天,在沙漠戈壁以牧羊为生的一家蒙古人陷入了困境。难产生下小骆驼的母骆驼拒绝给小骆驼喂奶。为了能够让母骆驼安心照料小骆驼,甚至进行传统音乐表演……现实和影片以及魔法融为一体,可以看到生活的另一种方式和感情的普遍性。导演:毕恩巴舒云·迪娃、路哲·费洛尼。 5 w% P; K+ F0 j  ^; i, X/ q
# u+ I% K6 m, d# ?, Q. A5 U

0 y9 @8 @8 e6 i0 P8 P△《拥抱大白熊》(Bear Hug,2004年,台湾)=戴俊是父母离异的9岁少年。他在堂兄李凡的照料下生活。就像两岁就独立的北极熊一样,戴俊也能独立生活吗?动画片
: Y7 k) Y, n& J2 r/ Q/ j5 M4 `
/ |, X8 Z% k; ]8 N; f8 S& K2 f2 U; n: A( L: j& T
△《梁山伯与祝英台》(Butterfly Lovers,2004年,台湾)=通过动画片描写了广为人知的中国民间故事女扮男装的祝英台与梁山伯的悲情故事。在女人不能接受教育的秦朝,富人家的女儿祝英台女扮男装后进入学堂,看到山村的平民青年梁山伯后坠入情网。中国版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。 : m+ h4 K3 s! D% ?3 U/ U0 _7 M/ i

- [$ y2 q5 l  a. {: K3 ^; I5 V; ]# @) x. p5 A( j2 P. O* w  U
△《麦兜的故事2:菠萝油王子》(Mcdull,2004年,香港)=从小猪麦兜的立场上叙述的香港百姓的悲喜和希望。经常拮据的家庭主妇麦冰照料着经常陷入空想的儿子麦兜。对不稳定的政治状况感到不安的麦冰开始购买保险、美元、黄金、手纸甚至自己的墓地。麦冰为了儿子开始讲有关丈夫菠萝油王子的故事。对此信以为真的麦兜于是出门远行…… ; B( M2 K8 L1 D. f, s% B; x2 \

3 A. W; f2 [7 H  r6 L( T7 H7 z8 J5 T! R7 b; U' B7 f3 Q6 o
△《家园》(Homeland,2004年,印度尼西亚)= 这是充满印度尼西亚文化和情绪的动画片。在暴风雨中失去船只,艰难活下来的福米说服其他人,建议重建理想城堡。第一个给予帮助的是巨龙,然后是喜欢打架的巴祖。一年后理想城堡成为理想的生活乐园。期间福米认识了旅行家尼莫,而尼莫给和平的理想城堡种下了纷争的种子。
! f! s) t9 ^" }& {5 n) s1 D! [7 N0 p8 C2 _% v, s. P
====[donga.com; 10-06-2004]








发表于 2004-10-7 23:14 | 显示全部楼层
第九届釜山国际电影节今日开幕4 Z9 \9 f. l; W( D5 w6 U- D, \3 W
2004/10/07 17:315 z0 b, Y1 P# T# R2 ~' p% i
! i# V- `/ @" I2 ?* ]8 ]
(联合通讯社釜山10月7日电) 7 }& ~) C! A/ f5 H( ?. F
" e$ i; z- E0 g! ~- o. M         
2 ]9 t  S! t- z4 s1 L9 \; L        本届电影节期间,63个国家的262部电影将在海云台的MEGABOX电影院等17家影院连续上映9天。 4 n$ k) N* D/ ^% H% B% p/ b5 T2 l
         7 l; Y& F0 ]2 ~8 l4 B1 S
        当天下午6时30分,在坐满5千多名观众的游泳湾野外剧场,釜山爵士管弦乐队演出的“韩国电影大行进”将拉开电影节帷幕。 / z5 I6 {0 z9 A6 p1 x' b1 ^
         / Z$ g$ V5 S/ ^8 H7 A
# S9 d  M3 N$ {. q7 Q9 [0 l/ Q; q         
' X. d$ X+ z$ @' `, E1 g        与此同时,釜山电影节亚洲电影资助计划(Pusan Promotion Plan,简称PPP)也将同期举办,作为支援机构及相关设备展示会的2004年釜山国际电影发行和电影制作博览会(BIFCOM2004)当天也在釜山天堂大酒店开幕,展期为三天。
" _! |5 `2 W, _1 u+ x         
7 z. s; N0 S' i* G# K% a7 o        在今年的PPP活动中,有23部电影受邀,寻求投资者。国内9家电影发行公司等亚洲地区13家电影发行公司和日本的Cine Quanon、安乐等电影公司将参加此次活动。
- {2 B7 a) \4 e! m! k- i" n1 r         
. D; c1 F  v( C9 ]' }& }9 c( H( d        来自14个国家的电影拍摄支援机构和特拍、设备公司等56个团体将参加BIFCOM博览会,并举行多种形式的彩排和外景拍摄场地引进活动。
: n! O/ c# q6 `! ?         " |7 o" Z' `0 r/ i* d
& @( M, u8 u! N; G* u" U. I* V, W4 h* t0 R6 V
From :联合网








发表于 2004-10-7 23:16 | 显示全部楼层
釜山国际电影节有望创收380亿韩元4 S$ o+ }/ {% L" H
2004/10/07 10:565 d1 K0 h4 d+ `1 s9 R% E+ R

! g- ]0 {" h: [, K1 B(联合通讯社釜山10月7日电)
3 S0 B4 h+ i0 D9 p6 d. v        釜山国际电影节已成为国际知名文化活动之一。今年举办的第9届电影节将为釜山带来380亿韩元的收益,为釜山经济的复苏发挥积极的影响。 4 @; O1 O- w5 [  m, {! z( @/ S3 O, S
         ! ^9 M5 ]$ b9 w( K6 i) V4 O
* Z4 g) J6 `) N' `  l8 h; G2 E         
3 `7 E+ b8 @  Q* N9 u5 g6 V        随着釜山国际电影节国际知名度的进一步提高,不仅可以提升韩国电影的国际地位和釜山的城市品牌价值,而且还可通过搞活电影相关产业,对地区经济的复苏做出贡献。
" ^2 X' F9 Y- x; i9 z9 f         6 P! D) N0 J  v2 ], ]* o
# g; E' L& p& n" }- _- @         
) D. @0 v6 h, w9 Z$ ?/ T( t        釜-蔚中小企业厅还表示,将积极配备具有国际竞争能力的电影放映室和录音室等构筑产业基础设施,以完善电影制作配套系统。 $ O# X# Z& n* i8 N6 w
         ' L( ^  i+ e2 [: o" w
4 e/ {- z7 s9 \& g: B- E- ]; E5 O: O0 e8 x/ H/ m) g8 L  p9 y2 Z/ e
From: 联合网* p9 }" i9 Z* F! }0 o8 k- W

# V0 U8 `( Y. d8 }1 ~7 n8 K; L9 y+ \: h/ E' n. V

8 m0 C' ]! C; T" m
# y$ u5 V  J9 \; \& u0 c釜山國際電影中介和電影產業博覽會10月舉行5 F& d+ m2 P- x$ w0 _" d
, A9 b& y0 |7 X0 q$ O- M
2004年度釜山國際電影中介和電影產業博覽會(以下稱BIFCOM 2004)將於10月7日至9日在韓國釜山隆重舉行。屆時,將有以亞洲為主,還包括美洲,歐洲等20多個國家和地區共70多個屬於拍攝援助機構的電影中介機構,電影后期制作機構,拍攝設備企業前來參加,並開展宣傳展示、學術研討、商業洽談、設備演示會等豐富多彩的活動,這是一次面向亞洲最高級別的綜合影視博覽會。
7 z4 F' C' B0 w! T6 l# z
- ?8 T8 M) Y; U    BIFCOM 2004將展望世界影像產業界對於實景拍攝環境的嶄新要求以及各電影中介機構和電影產業體的戰略與准備情況,並將為實景拍攝的需求者,電影后期制作需求者與參加者提供實際交流的機會與場所。屆時會有世界各地的主要電影中介機構與電影設備,后期制作等相關企業參加這次博覽會,為促進電影制作成功提供更多機會。; n9 U4 X/ ?0 R7 W+ R( ?: O

% T  S: L' B$ v9 r' M  |: U   上一次的 BIFCOM 2003,與亞洲最有影響力的電影節,佔據一定位置的釜山國際電影節的 PPP(Pusan Promotion Plan)項目在相同的時間,相同的場所同時召開。進行了超過300次的與實景拍攝,后期制作,設備相關的洽談, 參加釜山國際電影節的5000多名電影人中有3000多人前來展示場參觀訪問,成為了電影節期間的焦點。3 I8 d# @% y8 ]8 y5 r1 P7 Z5 Z5 s

( s  v5 ?) k7 b4 W0 A! T5 J    BIFCOM 2004將配合第9屆釜山國際電影節開幕式,在10月7日至9日舉行。選擇在全世界眾多電影人參加的釜山國際電影節開幕期間召開,可以為參加BIFCOM 2004 的所有人士提供多樣化的商業機會。/ D5 P4 A5 M8 R: y/ H
3 G8 l9 M$ f1 r, i; {4 q% @
6 t# Q5 m* V6 c( H  q$ x  T4 R
1 z1 v7 D: J+ E7 g7 O+ Q (責任編輯:王丹)
5 I* S% {8 N  Yfm:人民网. |5 a8 E/ n: A3 |: A4 U+ C4 B
' P: H  k& H$ M- @1 y' D: Z+ T( A. A
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-10-8 at 03:22 AM ]









发表于 2004-10-7 23:46 | 显示全部楼层
3 X& y7 k- b! j. Y0 J

. K, r" R' @% x% ^5 [, P.
0 O! w8 i3 p# B3 H9 G$ Z* W:本帖资料主要限于韩国本土电影及电影人在PIFF上的相关资料,非韩国电影的消息最好请发到寻梦园
  @$ q  p; J  n& H3 M4 C5 x0 ]( S. {
PIFF属于非竞赛型电影节,她的创办宗旨是:挖掘亚洲的新锐导演,对有才华的新导演给予财力上的支持,使他们以后能够毫无后顾之忧的充分展示自我;以亚洲为基点关注世界各国的艺术电影和独立电影,让这些非主流的电影在釜山的大舞台上各显风采。1 C0 ^: u8 E: G5 J

% O2 p- ^7 o: z) x) H电影节相关介绍,点击:, y1 q) N7 r. C6 R: s5 n
( M6 B, ?9 [9 S7 ]
: O4 k* B6 }$ b6 Y, b[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-10-8 at 02:50 AM ]









发表于 2004-10-8 01:28 | 显示全部楼层
4 s; r* w3 D8 F* H) R" A《申成日失踪事件》(Shin Sung Il is Missing)
6 u& S6 y4 A9 p& Uhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Shin_Sung_il(1).jpg. {% }. o2 p6 }! z7 q- R6 d
简评:6 l) e/ {& q1 z( B
There is strange dogmatic world in which appetite is a taboo symbolizing corruption. Sung Il leaves the orphanage where he was forbidden to eat. He suffered from hunger there and he left it to enter a world full of things to eat. This is a multilayered film which widens the horizon of filmic imagination. With its multiple meanings, the film raises issues about what might be more important than technically excellent films.1 o% B0 c" v, y2 q" x" }

) k  \1 O' Q* ]* M2 v/ l8 V- _下图为导演申在银:
  c3 e! \+ s  D* d. i0 C1 Xhttp://media.hani.co.kr/imgDB/ar ... ge/092320_pl435.jpg
% K- e% G! v2 D, j- K4 J- V& F申在银(原名:申美京)——这个名字对近两年的韩国独立电影有所关注的朋友来说一定不会陌生,她是韩国独立电影界大有名气的新锐导演!别看这个女生外表一副清秀恬淡弱不禁风的样子,人家才30出头,已成为忠武路又一位不让须眉的巾帼女将了。$ O8 V& R( N: @/ ?: \3 S
申在银1970年出生,1988年考取国立汉城大学,本来是个化学系的理科生,后来又转攻哲学,获取西洋哲学学士学位。她当时在汉大是个有名的才女,但可不是乖乖女,大一时因为跟男友的同居事件在学校闹得满城风雨,后被学校敢出宿舍。大二开始她和男朋友便在校外合租,这个从大一就一直相处的男友后来成为她现在的丈夫。1992年汉大毕业后的申在银曾一度迷茫彷徨过,找不到未来的目标,没有固定的工作,她开始租看电影碟度日,后来竟然像中毒一样沉迷在电影世界里,什么类型的电影都看,恐怖片、动作片、B级片,艺术片她都通吃,每天起码要看五部电影。爸爸对她这段日子的颓废的生活非常的生气,在爸爸的督促下,在银结束了无所事事的看电影生活,在一所大学里找了一份教授秘书的工作,但她对这种生活感到十分无聊。之后,她利用工作之余开始尝试写小说,1998年写成了一部抽象派疯狂另类的短篇小说集《葡萄酒》,她带这自己的小说集参加一家文化财团公幕并一举成功入选。后来她产生了想自己写剧本拍成电影念头,因为过去那短租看电影的日子也让她对电影产生了浓厚的兴趣,于是2000年又考入HanGyeRe文化中心主办的韩国电影艺术学院学习电影制作。在电影学院的学生以前大都在大学读过演剧电影专业,所以这对没有任何专业电影学理论知识的在银来说是个明显的劣势,因此她第一年学得非常吃力,也异常的刻苦,凭着对电影的满腔热情,申在银进步神速,第一学年末她就自编自导完成了短篇实验电影《天才少年李俊燮》(2001年),该短片获得了韩国第一界Mjsen(Mise-en-scène’s)短篇电影节的最佳作品奖;2002年的毕业作品《His Truth Is Marching On》获得第一界MBC映画赏(现改名为大韩民国映画大赏)的短篇电影单元的最佳作品赏,并蝉联第二界Mjsen(Mise-en-scène’s)短篇电影节的最佳作品奖。2004年新作《申成日失踪事件》(Shin Sung Il is Missing)是申在银的长篇处女作,也是一部DV独立电影。

$ J; B- g' r: t4 m/ }1 C: \{以上编译自Cine21“독립영화계의 문제적 감독 신재인 스토리”一文}# x7 o  C; j6 h" i4 j

& V$ q7 q0 S. u' L3 W7 ehttp://media.hani.co.kr/imgDB/ar ... ge/092459_pl435.jpg7 l3 @# p" J( r& O
http://media.hani.co.kr/imgDB/ar ... ge/092427_pl435.jpg. D! o. d' L! d2 Y! n5 q" }0 T2 m3 _
http://media.hani.co.kr/imgDB/ar ... ge/092444_pl435.jpg
+ i4 ?# l2 j. J6 d- j  j$ ^) t3 s5 @8 Y% b
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-10-8 at 03:27 AM ]









发表于 2004-10-8 01:28 | 显示全部楼层
PIFF单元之一“韩国全景”参展的韩国本土作品:: q/ V3 _' c; g$ e

8 t9 ?4 L4 h& @. B) N4 S* r- ]2 ?  N+ H( Z9 ]0 R( Y- }
今年釜山电影节的"韩国全景单元"参展的13部韩国电影题裁多样,各种电影语汇丰富风格迥异的类型电影在PIFF齐聚一堂。既有金基德和朴赞郁两位另类电影大师的异色电影,也有《犯罪重构》和《The Bad Utterances》此类的新人导演锐气之作,还有《人鱼公主》和《someone special》也都是颇受舆论好评的亲情、爱情小品.....当然也缺不了民族电影教父林权泽和学院派独立电影领军人物洪尚秀的新作。, c4 s  h# c; y9 c4 Y
This year's Korean films don't have a set trend but are varied in style and theme. Films like Im Kwon-taek's Low Life, Hong Sangsoo's Woman Is the Future of Man, Park Chan-wook's Old Boy, Kim Ki-duk's Samaritan Girl and 3 Iron have already been critically acclaimed at international film festivals. There are many genre films, such as Jang Jin's Someone Special, Park Heung-shik's My Mother, the Mermaid, Choi Dong-hun's The Big Swindle, Koo Ja-hong's The Wolf Returns, Kong Soo-chang's R-Point, Nam Kook's Spin Kick - all diverse within their different genres and possessing different cinematic languages. To this cornucopia, the omnibus horror film by Park Chan-wook, Miike Takashi and Fruit Chan, three MONSTER, is added. Jo Bum-gu's The Bad Utterances, made in the tradition of independent film, is also one of the great achievements of the year.; ]3 j, A5 t$ x9 h! }
7 X2 Q# B. u4 O7 h7 o
  J1 A6 d3 i7 L: i
1   空房子3-iron  = 金基德
: s( r0 k' ?, u8 @! e" X  p  n. p http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/3_Iron(1).jpg/ O  ~3 ^* P2 ?

, w$ ^* q. y. r. k+ @
" r! C4 k* i; A- x# y8 f2   Bad Utterences, The  = 曹凡久9 R3 a1 _8 L4 g: y# C7 n8 j
http://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... terences_the(1).jpg' S' e# b2 U, b& S, E( J

7 T' @. d9 y6 L! \: C, u) t' f4 q5 z
3  犯罪重构( Big Swindle, The)  = 崔东熏
- e" t, V. f7 Ghttp://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Bic_Swindle(1).jpg" B" B. |- Z5 w) J* o

9 |# s) Q, I8 v: G8 G4 M( s
# g& p& l: }8 o0 U$ r% W: b7 v% X4   下流人生(Low Life)  = 林权泽
0 M6 _5 O0 w' }: j7 Jhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... ryu-in-saeng(1).jpg% k+ p* l# w+ p/ C  H
7 |: G/ q  k- ]# i0 B" U

" ^5 w' B6 k% i5   人鱼公主(My Mother, the Mermaid)  =朴享植
6 S9 z1 t& p: i; B/ M; ]  Qhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... eoh_Gong-joo(1).jpg
9 b3 w, w' `: k% f$ v" R/ _7 I' q" _, j. T1 z
' w4 o7 D* o$ e7 E* w3 L. V
6   Old Boy  =朴赞郁7 G7 ~! }0 r6 b$ L. a9 m
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/OldBoy(1).jpg, o0 W, y+ q" A) p

7 v9 N, M0 z0 g, e8 W * q% u, n. t3 ^, ?$ v) |: h7 K  x1 O1 q
7   与鬼作战(R-Point)  =孔秀昌
' ?  V9 A  }0 }) S/ h% z# Dhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/R_Point(1).jpg$ i' _0 j1 E  b1 N8 o
! g- X! U* J1 e

1 L% T2 ^7 z! t6 V5 @) |: v8   撒玛利亚女孩(Samaritan Girl)  =金基德4 Y: v# q: v& }5 }
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/SamaritanGirl(1).jpg9 a& V5 q0 w: X9 r5 P6 t. T

  |1 u2 H' u) @' ?7 U : b& v9 j/ z3 R- O- P
9   我认识的女人(Someone Special)  =张镇
; a0 q5 @3 [, k* uhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... eone_Special(1).jpg. m: X9 j4 X/ k; Q
# Y6 b0 {/ ?% v2 r# v
6 N$ {% c: @2 s3 |; J
10   旋风腿(Spin Kick)  =南国1 D* K2 D0 Z, I! h3 h
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Spinkick(1).jpg9 h" w9 v2 ]3 L( V

  \4 j* v+ n8 i
0 k+ _3 r( Q& ?0 P$ r1 w) \) h11   三更2--CUT(Three2... CUT ) =朴赞郁; v7 r- R: i5 A1 u9 c+ h
http://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... onster_korea(1).jpg
. T$ \% a5 l4 k. q4 I$ w7 T1 n) _/ f% h
/ s! Z/ R! Z! a; b6 I$ }2 j' k; D
12   狼回来了(Wolf Returns, The  )=邱子洪/ Q$ ^4 o2 D0 l0 o
http://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... f_Reture_the(1).jpg  J0 @% H4 b0 n" o0 y. f5 W+ r7 G

* H3 E' m7 U2 Z+ k2 C- |  H
  I; b+ ?5 ?8 t" f13   女人是男人的未来(Woman is the Future of Man)  =洪尚秀
# p: m: v$ J3 Ahttp://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... s_the_Future(1).jpg

: L2 X2 n- a: ^0 d- |( V7 \' i+ d  L& r- B6 O( n* Z  `! I
2 E) ]! c, c: y3 V% I" X5 E4 x( t# W4 f6 ?7 Y5 d) m
[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-10-8 at 01:40 AM ]









发表于 2004-10-8 01:30 | 显示全部楼层
: o5 g& ^. d5 A- L1 j' s3 F& q# m0 p; @
1、《我们这一代》(My Generation)  h" j# l5 _; t4 b$ P1 m- s! b  ~
: Z2 g) e' Q- c5 W0 L: a7 @% x& [5 ~" q
简评:% O  V; \: J2 ?% ]6 J+ H
A couple in love is poor and both are introverts. The man dreams of being a film director but he is stuck shooting people’s weddings. The woman goes from job to job to make a living. The world seems to be against them and the couple become more and more marginalized. The two actors worked on the production side of this film as well, and five people in total made the black and white digital film, but the direction captures the characters’ instability and fatigue, and the acting is exquisitely delicate. % a1 H1 O% H( A1 r+ y) J0 O
, ^6 p) b( F) E% @

% y$ z, w" g0 f8 h4 a导演:卢东石9 l, P, ~% @, @+ a+ C9 g, h+ x5 O- v2 u
http://www.piff.org/data_images/director/dir_Dong_Seok_Noh.jpg; J+ O, W" z) o7 c. f% p. L
Graduated from the Korean Academy of Film Arts. The Audience Award was given to Noh’s first short film, Chorong & Me at the 2002 Independent Film & Video Makers’ Forum(IndieForum). His other short film, Doggy (2003) was screened at the 22nd Vancouver International Film Festival. The digital My Generation marks his debut feature. ; M9 ^; b. j2 P4 c2 |) u1 a

4 ~+ i9 K: }4 e9 \0 I( H. L5 P5 o! d4 |- Q) l! F  B
! J; ?, k2 J) o4 M3 R6 r% Y+ ~6 B4 w8 S+ g" m5 o
2、《女人--晴慧》(This Charming Girl)$ [. T0 p0 C! r5 r
http://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... harming_Girl(1).jpg
' c7 b5 ^( C! c# z: l7 W/ @* n9 Y& v$ u7 e" N. j& N, \* g* l+ c
简评:( n8 N1 ?* p7 K# V# T/ l1 q; B
Jung-hye is a slightly weird, seemingly unfeeling woman who works at the post office. No one takes much interest in her due to her slight strangeness. A painfully shy novelist starts coming to the post office regularly and Jung-hye’s face, normally devoid of any expression, little by little takes on a brighter air. Her hidden wounds from her past are also revealed. The film follows Jung-hye’s quiet life and reveals the landscape of the character’s inner feelings.
( K: _$ G) q% ?3 j* K
3 c: N' u& e1 _$ P1 t; G
% S; L/ ?  f% u  t& [导演:李允基
0 G( k: B% Q5 H, ohttp://www.piff.org/data_images/director/dir_Yun_ki_Lee.jpg% F" u+ T. ^; B" w
Lee Yun-ki graduated from the department of Business Administration of USC. Lee was producer of [The Contempt] which won the Best Film Award at the 1st Seoul Short Film Festival. He was a producer of E.J Yong’s music video [Promise], and was a assistant director for [Sketch of a Rainy Day](1989), [Like Music Like Rain](1992) and [Their Last Love Affair](1996). [Sado Sade Impotence](1995) was his first short film, and [This Charming Girl] is his first feature. He is currently developing two other projects [Love Talk] and [Club champagne] with LJ film.
1 o, R  l  V+ A. T- \3 O& y0 V) D/ \
3 `9 z  k/ U, n6 s  m$ ~fm:piff.org
1 [% |4 N1 H- e+ ~
/ O8 l7 K, N1 p! Y& n0 {[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2004-10-8 at 01:37 AM ]








見賢思齊 見不賢而內自省

发表于 2004-10-8 01:33 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.cine21.co.kr/piff/200 ... 04_1007_newstop.jpg
0 f. n0 W+ w/ S/ x5 S. p* F
- p" K% f5 m' y8 C; Z역대 최대 규모의 부산, 개막식은 어떨까?(+English) ( U4 d, i! V, J( d

% i) x( ^; E, b- h3 e( B
# O9 {) A' s, {' l" t제9회 부산국제영화제 개막이 초읽기에 들어갔다. 7일 축제의 서막을 여는 이번 영화제에는 역대 최대 규모인 63개국 262편의 영화가 초청된 상태. 세계에서 처음으로 상영되는 따끈따끈한 신작만 40여편에 이르러 그 어느때보다 기대를 모으고 있다. 개막작인 <2046>의 경우, 이미 알려졌듯이 예매를 시작한지 5분도 채 안되어 표가 동이났다. 15일까지 계속될 이번 영화제는 스타트부터 뜨거운 열기를 예고하고 있는 셈. 특히 영화제 예매 기간과 추석 연휴가 겹쳤음에도 불구하고 개막 일주일 전에 이미 좌석 점유율 50%를 훌쩍 넘겼다. 이를 감안한 영화제 조직위 쪽이 남포동과 해운대에 20여개의 임시 매표소를 증설했지만 올해 역시 지난해와 마찬가지로 매표를 둘러싼 적지 않은 몸싸움이 예상된다. $ u! p4 ]3 I% e/ r3 f% h
+ s4 x+ l! J$ T4 K, H+ D! p
개막식에 쏠리는 시선은 이번 영화제에 대한 높은 기대를 증명하기에 충분하다. 오늘 저녁 7시30분 부산 수영만 요트경기장 내 야외상영관에서 열리는 개막식은 부산재즈오케스트라의 한국영화 퍼레이드, 역대 영화제 다큐멘터리 영상 상영 등의 식전행사에 이어 허남식 영화제 조직위원장이 개막을 선언하는 순으로 진행된다. 재일교포 작곡가인 양방언 씨와 음악가인 원일의 합동공연이 개막식에 흥을 더하고 나면 김동호 집행위원장이 심사위원단을 소개한다. 왕가위 감독을 비롯해 양조위, 기무라 타쿠야 등 개막작인 <2046> 제작진이 무대에 오르면 개막식 분위기는 최고조에 이를 듯.
* D1 A/ r2 Q. Z' P' o5 l& K, A$ c7 J" v8 {" M" D" t1 J0 m; J/ P
이날 개막식에는 뉴커런츠 부문 심사위원장인 세르게이 라브렌티에프 러시아 소치영화제 집행위원장, 태국의 아핏차퐁 위라세타쿤 감독, 인도의 가린 누그로호 감독, 대만의 감독과 배우인 차이밍량, 이강생, 그리고 임권택, 한석규, 김기덕, 문성근 등 1600여명의 국내외 게스트가 영화제 개막식에 참석한다. 앙드레 김, 손숙, 윤석화, 노영심 등 국내 유명 문화인들도 아홉돌을 맞은 영화제 개막식장에 모습을 드러내 박수를 더할 예정. 개막작 상영은 저녁 8시30분부터 시작된다.
: G5 P) F, o# C
! e& [6 J+ ^8 E8 s" l. _+ _0 {한편, 개막을 하루 앞두고 6일 저녁 6시 남포동 PIFF 광장에선 핸드 프린팅 제막식 행사가 열렸다. 올해 핸드프린팅은 그리스의 감독 테오 앙겔로풀로스가 영예를 안았으며, 거장의 손은 13일 남포동 PIFF 광장에 흔적을 남긴다. 그러나 아쉬움도 없지 않다. 빔 벤더스, 미이케 다카시가 건강, 신작 준비 등의 이유로 올해 영화제에 참석하지 못하게 됐으며, <호숫가 살인사건>을 들고 부산을 찾을 것으로 알려졌던 일본의 아오야마 신지 감독과 <2046>의 여배우 유가령도 개막 하루를 앞두고 불가피한 사정으로 참석하지 못한다는 뜻을 알려와 부산영화제 단골들의 한숨을 자아냈다. ; Y% ?8 \4 E% K. s, W/ S
$ J& l! O% ?& ^+ B
3 N* {1 p. r3 J2 f; O9 H6 DThe 9th PIFF is coming!7 u; H# c2 }, }& Y" M3 s6 u

2 }2 T$ Z+ F! T' r7 s! A/ E: {8 q: S3 uThe 9th Pusan International Film Festival is now heading for countdown. The 9th celebration of PIFF will start from Oct. 7 to Oct. 15 with total of 262 wonderful films invited from 63 countries - the most in the fiestival's ninth-year history. The PIFF will be the venue in which 40 films make their world premiere, reflecting the film festivals' increasing influence in the cinema field. The tickets for <2046>, the opening film, have been all sold out in five minutes. The PIFF has already started up the fire before the actual opening on Oct. 7.
( x& }# u2 Z, a3 B0 f- I6 x* B7 X1 s
The Opening Ceremony hosted by Tony Leung and Lee Yeong ae will be held on Oct. 7 at 7:30p.m in the Haeundae Yachting Center Outdoor Theater. After Hur Nam-Sik, Festival Chairman will declare the opening and there will be the jointed performance of Korea-Japanese song writer Yang Bangean and Won Il, a musician. Then Kim Dong-ho, the PIFF Director will introduce this year's juries. Moreover, As soon as the staffs of the opening film <2046>, Wong Kar-Wai, Tony Leung, and Takuya Kimura and others will appear on the stage, the Opening Ceremony will heat up the atmosphere of this PIFF with audience.
5 ]2 ~& ^/ Q6 W/ a9 o6 O$ d
* t0 U7 Y# D# M* ^  ]In this Opening Ceremony, Garin Nugroho from Indonesia, Lee Kang-Sheng from Taiwan, and Im Kwon taek, Kim Ki-duck, winner of director's prizes at Berlin and Venice this year, and Han Seok-kyu and 1600 guests are invited from in and out of countries. The opening film will start at 8:30 p.m. In addition, on Oct. 6, a hand printing ceremony was exhibited for the eve of the PIFF at 6 p.m at the PIFF Plaza in Nampo-dong. Theo Angelopoulos, the director of Greece has been honored this year. On the other hand, Wim Wenders, Miike Takashi would not attend the Festival this year because of the health problem and new opening film. Also, Aoyama Shinji, director of and Carina Lau, actoress of <2046> informed that they could not attend the PIFF.
1 N  D1 j. T2 \  b& O8 \
+ M5 U! j) v; h7 W8 l' i3 r3 _- M$ w+ J+ Z
영문번역=김미진 5 n; D, L! d: I8 }* Z: S

3 ]% {" C0 d$ t) U9 H' @, u" |* i4 n' ]* I  L' k
Cherish what you have!!








見賢思齊 見不賢而內自省

发表于 2004-10-8 01:47 | 显示全部楼层
안성기와 이영애(安成基 李英爱)& L% F* q* i! \; n8 A7 X3 ]
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000065_o.jpg
  y  I# b) g% r% u  j공효진과 이영진(孔孝真 李英真)
$ @& T% f+ b  a) E/ T1 @( lhttp://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000063_o.jpg
9 I  C( t  j8 n& \곽지민(郭智敏)
6 v0 R6 i3 ^8 d, d, e3 i' m3 ~& N, Ehttp://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000062_o.jpg
2 f8 e1 _% T* F김기덕(金基德)/ Y! N1 a4 |/ T. r8 u9 q
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000061_o.jpg" m0 y3 P: X+ z$ e6 G6 P0 j" V* l
명계남과 김부선(明启南 金芙仙)! t1 [7 x8 j! {7 h. \- U: Z4 l
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000060_o.jpg
7 t) w8 ^/ @) B4 Q3 Y) y박해일9朴海日4 C/ n) W0 Z" g1 }6 R2 d& z" `: O
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000059_o.jpg4 p( ]6 j/ D1 Y: @8 p4 ^
김지수(金智秀)* ~, t0 }" A' ^, {) z
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000058_o.jpg' @2 b6 Z) d2 M' ?& J
$ O8 _. h0 [# F! chttp://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000057_o.jpg  d4 ^* y0 N6 q" |! r
윤진서(尹真舒)1 V' p7 W- B! G, R1 q+ W( d
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000056_o.jpg8 C0 a$ e% L. S4 w4 [7 T
4 x- {( _$ {& x6 k  {http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000055_o.jpg) f* Z2 `' q  J0 {9 N
이정진과 한채영(李廷镇 韩彩英)
3 m) c: A, B2 R& _1 I- mhttp://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000054_o.jpg9 t- N) D  h9 }" Y
/ ^, w( ^1 }- b7 e" }) \, K" F: }http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000053_o.jpg
: X! l( I8 I- o, m0 n) W( f최강희(崔江姬)/ b( t9 p8 }! b7 J! o; X, E
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000052_o.jpg
. T, K+ a  ~5 b! O2 |김가연(金佳妍)
, N7 t+ L6 C/ b3 G+ Q' Ihttp://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000051_o.jpg* m4 ~7 M. t; r2 U" \# d/ q
4 _8 A( \$ h; ~http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000049_o.jpg
" U3 O9 M& P' |  r/ V강수연9(姜秀妍)8 Q1 Z- g! l9 ?5 A, g
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000048_o.jpg  a( H$ K7 I: @
김지숙(金智束)$ s3 @9 d- I( m& T0 a
http://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000046_o.jpg0 s/ Q7 c8 B! W) [8 w2 v( m* o  `
# y- W* a8 E/ thttp://piff.cine21.co.kr/piff/20 ... 0000/00000044_o.jpg3 [7 \2 h0 y  J. n# r/ Z. @

" ?- L6 q( c$ o& o, U+ y[ Last edited by lalanono on 2004-10-8 at 08:25 PM ]
Cherish what you have!!








見賢思齊 見不賢而內自省

发表于 2004-10-8 02:27 | 显示全部楼层
Cherish what you have!!









发表于 2004-10-8 02:47 | 显示全部楼层
& n7 r/ C1 c  }) ?0 z+ B" b
* L6 x$ D1 w3 R5 M; N3 I3 P7 s* E! U“大视野单元”既有短片也有长片,展映作品的实验性强,主要为新人导演或DV爱好者的制作的低成本非主流电影(包括记录片,如韩国的描写非转向长期囚的《送还》)。这些年轻的导演以各种或荒诞或写实的拍摄手法和表达方式,展示他们各自独特的心灵空间,将视角伸展到更为异类边缘的世界里,提醒着观众电影本身的多元化和生活本身的多样性。 8 m9 r: x/ U7 z" ~/ E
0 b3 F1 u- k7 z% V
Camellia Project-Three Queer Stories at Bogil Island7 Q1 L( S8 b% j3 L& q+ k, t
LEE Song Hee Il etc...+ S) }7 K% P1 S! g& |
8 a/ f" R- h7 ^6 O. ?: y
Korea, 2004, 90min , DV, COLOR6 r5 L. L, W; A+ x5 T
5 s. X4 B- V& O, Y7 k
2 y9 |* q5 _2 f# MAn omnibus of short films about gay men’s relationships and partings. Kim Chu-ja is a fantasy musical about two men who were lovers in the past and meet by chance. Drifting Island is about a quiet, sad love story about a man who wants to leave and a man who wants to hold him back and in La Taraviata a woman comes to Bogil Island to meet her dead husband’s lover. She’s angry when she sees him happy. She sees the red camellia flowers and she comes to terms with her husband’s homosexuality while recovering from the hurt 0 l, ~& z) f! l. O$ k# \* V

" c$ t( M# H; m2 H5 d
" ?0 P0 q* ]% C! x, Q' N% X0 J; c; L9 z7 R% J% U4 I

3 u# P, h/ f7 A7 H* [7 W======================, l5 S8 F  N" k! A, x3 ^) k
: `- ?" X' N" I( l, W! }
Debtor, The3 @6 A$ I6 A4 l3 y& h3 i( i
WOO Won Suk + f9 a+ g. F" C% z" R( X3 _

) W. v& E# ], i1 z9 RKorea, 2004, 23min , 35mm, B&W9 p) b% K- A$ [. m
  T9 \" J9 ^: ^! M" `* g, H5 o4 ~7 D9 o9 U$ F% V! f( w
======================7 o! I' ?1 l! Z. G3 T$ Z1 j
/ v7 V( \7 e8 O: V! H9 Z
( y- I$ r1 g$ m8 z( G, w! K8 QCHO Gyu Oak
# k$ G6 }8 ^+ y3 Q3 u8 W9 l0 z6 K4 {2 p
Korea, 2004, 21min , 35mm, COLOR: m$ T$ C5 J  \" S1 @
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Fingerprint(1).jpg; |) T+ ]+ b8 U0 w4 [( ^% s

% M4 T* g* P3 N- V5 r  p; h6 v======================% M% t( M0 D' y" m3 F

0 T/ M+ h0 H) e8 ], TFriends or Foe
9 P3 w# o% i) J) B7 y4 Z1 \Lee Ji Young
3 a6 M" y+ h5 D5 {5 Q8 g9 l/ F. c& v) \/ A8 e6 [
Korea, 2003, 118min , DV, COLOR
" a5 w2 S/ }' }" g# Fhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Frends_or_foe(1).jpg) n/ U; Y4 a+ h" Y+ |% \0 e
This film documents the struggle of Korea Telecom temporary workers that began in December 2000 and continued for 517 days. It charts the establishment of the labor union by the workers to the disbanding that came about against their wishes. It tells us that before, the workers had only one enemy, but now there are many other enemies which hurt the workers. How would one define the defeat of the worker? This film shows the characteristic sense of reality of the Labor News Production Group.
" {. g$ O" [0 w# J
- b9 n! m0 w* P' Y2 }3 M0 R8 Z- U- P) i# A
http://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... 89_Ji-Young-LEE.jpg
6 X8 v& W& e3 e& L5 XLee Ji Young/ P' n, s% P  l4 B) A7 o* H

. c0 C9 c' K4 e4 H4 {, e5 B5 {& T2 w. u) B
Born in 1966. Lee Ji-young graduated from Korea University, majoring in psychology. She is currently a member of Labor News Production. She made her debut with Labor News16, Video Magazine(1994). She has made several documentaries, such as The Law of Labor(1995) and General Strike 1,2(1997). Her film, The Fired Workers(1996), was screened for the Wide Angle section at the 1st Pusan International Film Festival.  i: N  d7 r  i( m) G
$ l  ?) Y  x0 g" A3 u  B$ g
=====================+ V; S" U) p; ?" F) p  b  H
( A- l) {3 j+ O# O( \0 r
Function of Twins" U: X+ }9 |" k+ c  T
NOH Jae Seung
6 {* [( x5 r4 o2 q6 Q  `
* Y: a6 V8 i4 V$ `  H4 R( EKorea, 2004, 29min , 16mm, COLOR
* `, }+ F" y+ \! qhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... ion_of_Twins(1).jpg- m, A4 h) T3 G; r, h- `  `

4 k6 p2 ^7 R( Q* ~0 b  H
+ X! V: C5 d! y7 i% ]% {+ W) chttp://www.piff.org/data_images/director/dir_Jae_Seung_Noh.jpg
  C# ^; Q( h' p" z' K9 F  W5 FNOH Jae Seung . ]+ P+ _: R. O5 p, r( o
; Y+ I3 @4 H& z, \

! X% f3 ~) E$ w/ c5 Y4 x- TStudying at the Korean National University of Arts. [Scratch](2001), [The Internval](2001), [Deprivation](2001), [A Bite](2002), [And We Speak](2002) % o8 l: {! }/ [

5 T* r9 _: Z3 _. ?===========================$ S' n( V; k& t3 r: A" L( O7 G
& x3 o3 Y5 K9 u, |/ ?# j5 Y3 ~
Goldfish8 N9 d, K1 u- g6 V& q5 n
PARK Shin Woo
8 y9 c: J$ M5 t9 J: w7 y8 ]9 K# \
- q) J+ o9 j% k; H' MKorea, 2004, 17min , 16mm, COLOR2 s; c+ V" \9 e6 y1 |- D

0 o; ]0 [# g5 E7 X" }http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Goldfush(1).jpg
0 _8 Q/ z7 U9 E2 F0 Q1 X3 t
  e% u* d) m6 `) m. \9 |& r===========================
" M1 g7 D7 l( _4 X) ~1 _' d& L# n$ v- v1 I! A8 B# d) [  }8 ^
If I Wear a Sword in the Stone8 o+ m" m+ d- ~4 k$ l& f
Seong Ho( s  j* [8 V, U7 m
7 {1 m: H7 ]; R  j( l
Korea, 2004, 42min , DV, COLOR" d/ Z, z% x/ Y

+ v. I3 o. @/ ~( c. ~The research office in Chung Moo Ro is closed down and a relationship comes to an end. These two events are seen from a subjective point of view. The film rejects the conventional narrative style and it seems to have a patchwork storytelling style, even though there is a common thread of feelings throughout the film.
! J4 N5 T( J7 X8 V0 f/ a- Z/ i9 d% i) S0 j5 B1 o
. w/ y# ~/ c$ u$ _" O4 f7 d
. w7 ?' s3 t/ v, b& QIt Goes On-The Undocumented is Documented
% E; F2 R0 p! _; z/ s& BJOO Hyun Sook* m& Y' k: m: h$ E. T7 W
& y2 d' T- f/ P0 g: l
Korea, 2004, 74min , DV, COLOR
! j, p3 j) A2 y2 ^  b, ahttp://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/It_Goes_On(1)-.jpg
- [9 e$ G# A" K9 u. ^+ SIn the early 90’s, when the Korean economy was at its peak, the Korean government allowed the entry of workers from abroad. Many of them are now living illegal existences in Korea. In order to solve this “social problem”, the government has instituted a “employment permission system”, which has, instead of helping, marginalized foreign workers even more, driving some to suicide. In this film they have a collective voice and through them, we see the deep-rooted paradoxes in Korean society that we have tried so hard to hide. : W" n, j3 ]7 c# S& R9 Y0 X
6 n' q$ Q! \/ L3 M0 |' q7 P9 z
6 p1 o& O9 ?0 Y& p6 x8 i8 i! o2 q' U# L9 i
Life Goes on
' a" W$ H0 Z) b( k' }1 q1 oRyu Mi Rye& K$ O+ L& `8 F! ]: x8 {' t: r# t

2 ?# A  f& u" `' DKorea, 2004, 50min , DV, COLOR! G: {7 ^1 v8 \9 A# k7 E( ]
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Mather(1).jpg+ i5 T1 T  I% H( C  O
My mother’s life seen through me, a documentarist and the questions that I ask my daughter after I become a mother myself... This is a frank film that shows the relationships between my mother, sister, my daughter and me as my mother has a rather late love relationship. Within happy families there are always pains and wounds and this film is not a report abut women’s lives but rather a monologue. You might laugh when you’re watching this film but behind the laughs, there’s a hurting and upset heart. And so, on go the links between a mother and her daughter.    " \5 S0 k% S& {2 y9 i0 K0 T/ u
  ( B, Q0 s; Q$ H9 P: ?
=============================6 T! P: B# K7 T9 H- {- v, ^

6 N9 Q; X% m; _6 _9 V9 DLOST & FOUND
8 r5 ^. B: G% V8 h+ \* f" f) VKIM Dong Ryung
. }, L) @# V- r! R0 l9 N
8 G' u) J! q: aKorea, 2004, 17min , 16mm, COLOR3 O& M3 |6 j7 ?# Z$ E$ m: _3 r0 p
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/lost_and_found.jpg9 Q4 c" j& z# ]5 {- J# w

7 V* K7 g  }$ D( h============================/ A, X; K- S) H% O. Y
+ L, p5 u* S1 \' Z4 y" H: r& q4 U3 e
Out of Focus0 [3 L+ U( ]5 a( U# p
KIM Tai Yeon # Z- q, X  x6 q) r, O
! D5 V% f( D( S. ^) G# o  H8 U
Korea, 2003, 17min , 16mm, COLOR
* p1 L* D& [0 y  [http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Out_of_Focus(1).jpg  n2 Q7 N: V9 k) S% C

/ d6 c3 O: y+ H5 d. N4 N==============================
: c" @& H# I5 a; h
% \& @1 [* l  x* C7 \0 XPlay it Again
3 }* W! U" ?+ P" x6 Z& B# |Hwan Ki Min
+ W6 Y0 h2 G2 b4 w2 {+ k- a0 E; r3 A
Korea, 2004, 75min, DV, COLOR) L2 z* E& k. U8 j; y( b5 y
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/sandm.jpg0 y6 `/ U" Y4 I6 V% a8 t
A theater director and a group of actors are hard at work, trying to put a play called “Whore House” on stage in Pusan. The rehearsals go on relentlessly but some things are definitely not right. The director is angry at the actors for not following his directions and the actors are not happy with what the director is saying. The camera faithfully captures their rehearsals. They all think they’re doing their best but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The camera does not judge them, neither does it show any love toward them. The camera does not sneer. It merely stands by them.
2 K3 }7 A2 p4 J9 v$ S- b2 O: R& O
& l& q: s; m. t% e==================================
$ L/ F1 w% L" p
3 T: \' D9 Q7 p" w( O6 k; HPunk Eek$ t( ?4 P" `  f" n' f# r% v' ]
Kwang ju SON- J2 J2 \4 a+ c" ?0 }
1 J8 Z* i* _1 b& Y8 j
Korea, 2004, 21min , 35mm, COLOR0 d6 h6 }; z) M$ ~
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Punk_Eek(1).jpg. x; r' y" F3 I; ~! ]; p
* w% `% N$ C1 ]9 A
===================================0 v  n* @8 ?# b* p; u
. [( a5 c( F- d; \
Quick Service; q8 t, R- X# v0 Y
KIM Yi Kyuong + G: S, g* I# |$ v

* \* H; k& X8 Y- N+ [# z: FKorea, 2004, 16min , 16mm, COLOR  L, }  \% p- U  a: Z
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Quick_Service(1).jpg' r2 f6 E$ B9 p7 X) p" {9 t

$ I; E- e( \; r$ f6 E===================================8 W  Z) p2 J0 L6 H2 H: z) {

: W' r7 N- m, I* [5 E7 jRepatriation7 I! B# n/ u6 _. Y
KIM Dong-Won% y+ c# T* M$ Y8 C8 n" l

' h4 E/ P8 ?+ G- P$ W0 E0 j& Z" r6 JKorea, 2003, 148min , DV, COLOR& m/ \8 s' o: f! k. m
! g0 c* j7 R$ Z$ v* hFor ten years, the director met with POWs who refused to change their political beliefs. The film has a first-person narrator and is dramatic, especially as it spans over such a long time period. The director talks quietly and slowly about the block he felt during his meetings with the men, and about their isolation and their conflicts. The director invites us to experience history while breaking our prejudice of such men. Their ideology might be different from ours but they lived a life with strong beliefs, being victims of the division of Korea. This film is a masterpiece where one can feel the quiet power of the director.    * E" \* W" o4 u& p0 P6 p
" r1 _* w7 S1 I. _   : c8 T* v8 Z) U/ ~! H- M
    ( a. P- o$ `0 ~
  KIM Dong-Won
# O- N/ I3 ]+ U' u( Dhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/director/Dir_Dong_won_Kim.jpg8 l1 @- O- _% `; D% i" z1 L2 }
Kim is the president of [푸른영상], a representative documentary film group in Korea. He is responsible for such remarkable documentaries as [Six Day Fight in Myong-Dong Cathedral], [Haengdang-Dong People] which deals with harsh realities in Korean society. Formed in 1991, [푸른영상] grasps the turbulent times of 80s, becoming a birthplace for many Korean documentary filmmakers.  3 u- Z/ [% E) [, I) K# p1 i

2 I' v+ T2 j2 D$ d; N7 A==================================
, p; q# {, p, w% N/ W4 z: p+ g3 R9 {* V$ h
Sara Jeanne
, e; H1 a2 a6 \# j9 `% mKim Seong-Soog& d  F: x" a9 w2 L6 x; {

5 i- D/ M+ F- l+ `% g/ sKorea, 2004, 21min , 35mm, COLOR
" r. f+ E+ c( n2 }http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Sara_Jeanne(1).jpg3 M! k* J: C& o
7 E- ?+ g' ^8 y/ Z9 H9 q1 i
7 Y/ \- l4 J5 W* y& g% @: D$ O
http://www.piff.org/data_images/director/dir_Seong_Sook_Kim.jpg3 Q( h& e' J, ?; G: T/ M( B
Kim Seong-Soog$ L3 b$ C5 N/ q0 Y

6 V+ s6 z) o0 c- ]. J. p3 U. X! {8 f8 G2 u8 a
Graduated from Yeonsei University in 1992. Supervised Indie Forum 96, Seoul, Korea. Simultaneity (1997) was screened as opening film in the Indie Forum 98.
" U9 {# A1 J- e0 B6 O4 }
- }  |( w& m; z& T1 [4 P" H+ E7 }% d====================================
  H/ {1 m" I- z1 @' Z2 i! b& b
4 w4 M. j. v, Z: hSilent Forest / o, C  `. l% @( u+ A
Hwang Yun6 H7 `* B$ ]; X# F4 V; M* f( v

/ L: }% Z; p2 a" [Korea, 2004, 100min , DV, COLOR% h  D7 n0 j2 g& I, `
http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/silence(1).jpg" V5 K. F0 X: B: t8 t* r1 |
A film that shows the destruction of the environment by man’s greed. The few remaining wild tigers in China are pests to farmers but the Chinese government wants to protect the tigers. The Mountain Baekdu is being eroded by efforts to hunt down wild animals. Bears await their death in a cage too small for their size so that Korean tourists can drink the juice from their gall bladders. Their opaque eyes seem to tell us that the end is near, not just for them but for all creatures on earth. This is a strong documentary that reminds us about the absolute preciousness of wild animals. $ V8 w7 A4 [* Q( o4 i# B  n! V

; W7 {/ ~8 K+ S7 Y0 T0 s1 a
- B, l0 [) ?* [3 ?7 I$ }http://www.piff.org/data_images/director/hw.jpg
" _' l( F. T, `Hwang Yun
/ z) w+ c' g* }6 ]" z- a2 @" JBorn in 1972,
) B; G' d: S* z2 c5 t& ^/ {$ YHwang Yun majored in English at Ewha Womans University and began her film ' w$ e' c  @" J# Z
career on the production of Meat(1997) and The Natural Beings(1997). Since
3 N( Q7 s& c6 [! t, x. Q6 e1998, she has been working for the "Independent Film Production AL." She % a0 n: M7 s4 P; {" N
directed A Piece of Advice on the Road(1998). In 2000, she completed A
) E) z" e5 b/ L. h+ K0 V3 Y$ j+ l* qWinter Night Story, which presents the lives of young Korean filmmakers
: e. ?! G3 s) ^9 h* c% gworking on the production.
* Q' `+ }. _: z* [0 w3 x- N& W1 J' e, D, a
===================================- t, c1 a: w5 M3 _1 f
) J9 q2 ]! a6 O, m) r
Squadron Vignette
$ I! N3 L# P( `, {! zJI Min Ho ) Y& \0 |/ `7 W- ?8 u6 I* U

' @9 C. y; D/ C; qKorea, 2004, 38min , DV, COLOR& A. f' y( c0 n( U
http://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... ron_Vignette(1).jpg
  G/ z! `2 J' @5 ~0 `3 c) WThe earth of the future is at war between the northern and the southern hemispheres. The members of the 401 brigade are sent to war, having had their memories erased. The members meet their former selves in a state of extreme magnetic-pressure.
5 E& V9 N+ l  u( h9 A3 Q( @* @' `, e' F* H, k* q
1 e: X7 X5 J$ m) B, i( c. [8 y( P' n
Swaying Boat, The
6 e4 H' R1 {4 _$ l  Y% }MIN Jae Hwee
# |- B5 {6 ?1 W: M& ~
1 g9 S' J1 E( P/ H7 n# H+ u0 mKorea, 2004, 25min , 16mm, COLOR5 ?+ v- c9 l' S* z' E7 N+ m
, a/ T7 W5 R1 Z9 V5 h% y" R: x, Z: L' B" h1 ?0 z* N' F4 u
5 s" V# L3 K7 K* P% m
% E6 b4 L; P+ k9 k/ SSweet Home4 w$ L% a; p2 P
KANG Dee Hee 7 }. f; Z  n7 _( B
5 `5 f' _* C, N7 H) ~* k
Korea, 2004, 10min , 35mm, COLOR
# H) R4 G/ o* I' E' Phttp://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Sweet_Home(1).jpg, d/ X  t+ a$ i# G" S6 a! E
' a& A, Y9 I4 t$ W% C
+ d! L6 U+ G% I9 W, K; }+ G
" I+ `* ^+ W) ^( r, k2 s0 ?Taxi Driver
, L6 V4 ]' f% y  sYANG Young Chul - D, r  Z- \0 y. J- V8 i

6 K, A- ]% U3 ?Korea, 2004, 13min , 35mm, COLOR
* q' x" I7 w  J# D$ g- Ohttp://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... 060;버(1).jpg& N5 [. k3 ?7 Z3 ?/ v7 v5 ~) q  r

4 }5 O8 W2 e( q: m  E) ?) `===================================
* b( f9 I6 f% ^2 A" f$ K3 E1 R: Q6 Y2 _6 F3 t
Ten Ox-Herding Pictures#1-Going Out in Search of the Ox
' P  X+ N5 _( V. P( ~3 WLee Ji-Sang
; M! f4 x2 b7 m/ @( ~http://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Ten_Ox(1).jpg
$ X- K5 S1 _3 h) Y9 `. NI am a film director and one day I leave my sick, old mother and helpless father to return to a farm in the country. I don’t know why I made that decision. Before I left, I ask my mother to make a belt for me. I remember my mother’s shaky hands and her bright smile. One day, mother passes away. Through someone’s help, I get some land to bury my mother in a grave. I have a ritual for her with the rice I harvested myself. This is a film about a film director on a farm, as seen from a fixed camera. The camera captures his feelings towards his parents that go unexpressed as life and death quietly happen around him.
& I" d3 D2 b" f9 O' c, z1 s* \8 U  {6 t1 X$ \- }

0 U# s2 l. s# |) ~' x# d7 ]http://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... #51648;상.gif6 o' u- x) @  N5 h+ M% `
Lee Ji-Sang
6 r  \- E! u& q
6 m) |; @8 q8 g- {, r# j: P; M8 T0 E; T- d; y8 X$ X3 g
Lee Ji-Sang studied at the graduate School of Hankook Theological University. His first short film is [For Rosa] in 1993 and another short film [De-Pure Land](1996) was shown at the 1st PIFF. He made his directional debut with [Yellow Flower]. His other works include [A Sudden Crash of Thunder](1999) 3 t6 g8 `# X% t2 H( V' G
+ I' [: {! F) }$ C5 ~* q
1 e# g  W7 {3 ~& L+ E+ E( D5 J2 k3 h; o  c
The Winter of an Solitary Lady
9 v: f1 V% s7 g8 V& w) wLEE Jung Hyun
& Q# j' T5 K1 Q) Thttp://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... 45432;인1.jpg
, f& C: r9 z* L. x0 J% G4 Q& g& Y, a* Y9 U( v
==================================. K/ C/ K9 Q! k" l: M) o
$ \- z/ G+ ^- D# ]
Thief Specter
7 o* v# x9 w2 t! g& `8 v. w) VPARK See One ; r. [9 k' b( u3 V$ Y0 m
6 A) I) l: d- w3 K! J4 F! G
Korea, 2004, 11min , 35mm, COLOR/ A0 |8 g/ _! t" R1 a
( h- N$ X( @' H. z
- `; n) ~* ?9 l$ N- J0 ?( ?- ?4 v' M5 i====================================. ~: W0 Y  B) V1 b$ T. T
5 P' A1 g  W2 Y. ?4 g5 w
Walking for Life
% k4 S# F$ z7 m  D$ Y" lKim Tae-Il# c% ~4 O! |& R3 i$ x
8 |8 ?+ m( M- v! ]/ Z% h
Korea, 2004, 74min , DV, COLOR" I$ e' i$ x: o# Z) s" a! x- {
; r; \" f/ S/ w1 H  r: X7 uJoo-hee used to belong to Sesemteo, a support group for teenage drug addicts. She doesn’t want to become a homeless person so she learns how to farm. She meets a lot of different people at a rice farming group. Under the blazing sun, some leave and some stay on. Joo-hee has a dream to become a farmer and she stays on, revealing her weak, shy, hesitant and scared sides. This film doesn’t preach, nor is it sentimental in tone. Instead it tells Joo Hee’s story in a quiet, honest manner. $ g5 c3 p# d5 j& H, N

1 \  n2 L6 }5 n' h5 t======================================
! y, O# H4 Y& y8 b; S% {! z) h7 b! h2 e/ @! m
What Do People Live For
' P" z. Q6 Q% s4 C0 DLEE Kyung Soon
5 m: q: Q3 m. i) A0 k
, n% E  I8 I+ {Korea, 2003, 111min , DV, COLOR
! G0 ?9 M2 ^7 U) Ghttp://www.piff.org/data_images/ ... at_do_people(1).jpg7 r/ W0 E1 x( [# X) w
The family of the dead struggled for 422 days and finally a special law was passed to investigate the unexplained deaths at the hands of former governments. This film is a sequel to Mindullae, and depicts the activities and limits of committees and civilian investigators. Through detailed pictures of the committee’s activities, the film shows the conflicts, the structure and the bureaucratic limits. But it also goes further. The director herself gets involved in the narrative. The film asks what people live for. 5 L0 z9 s* L: e8 H$ g
$ y1 a2 R* Y$ X. n7 K2 `
=========================================) E( ~5 E) b' |! b& Y
4 }: ~* d0 Q6 n
Will be Okay9 s# N' l2 H0 E
Ryoo Hoon
& M) E' P1 }/ [; j3 j6 [  U- w/ N/ _2 m2 u% H
Korea, 2004, 14min , 35mm, COLOR
/ W; B& B- i4 v3 yhttp://www.piff.org/data_images/film/08/film/Will_be_ok(1).jpg; o1 e; C9 W3 P% z5 n' A

5 H, K) b4 n& {4 v& M7 j9 z=========================================
) A: X, H# x/ I$ o6 @0 e
; \' z7 N2 x* J; S8 A0 c, OWings, The
5 ]4 r1 c) r, l# ]7 A4 \SEO Hae Young ' F1 A( W$ f# f0 E

7 t1 ~5 k8 p) R4 e5 DKorea, 2004, 15min , 16mm, COLOR7 b- C  O: \& y" m' @








发表于 2004-10-8 09:02 | 显示全部楼层
开幕式上的一些图片3 S, m' E( l' |& W
# a( H- p. J& F- [( ?: s
http://imgnews.naver.com/image/1 ... 0721043640283_1.jpg; V4 ~$ [, A" l& v7 X# P

$ L% Y* h$ M4 P# F7 y' W4 l) Whttp://nimg.empas.com/orgImg/tn/ ... 0720471036775_3.jpg7 {  ], e7 _. S; A5 R( c
5 d2 `' r* r& X# I% S) p: c
http://imgnews.naver.com/image/1 ... 0721114919685_1.jpg( E, N5 s* Z( Q6 I  Y$ _& P

. f& y; Q! ]1 C/ Z  ahttp://www.cine21.co.kr/piff/2004/images/piff2004_1008_lya.jpg
You are On Your Own








发表于 2004-10-8 09:05 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.film2.co.kr/images/ph ... al_1303_11639_L.jpg
0 S1 B* _1 {, Q" _) U
3 `0 ^7 O! Y$ J- K" |8 P! y& h7 f' Z9 ]http://www.film2.co.kr/images/ph ... al_1303_11649_L.jpg
5 b2 r7 j) w/ N; l- U/ |! |2 f/ H5 \
! _6 E9 g) @' U+ Q) p  R, uhttp://www.film2.co.kr/images/ph ... al_1303_11646_L.jpg3 z1 X4 \4 n6 i& z' c

9 W2 a: F6 t5 p% v1 n9 }4 n* Mfrom:film2.0
You are On Your Own
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