


楼主: viva1124

【2008SBS】【家门的荣光】家门的荣光 荣光的家门 楼内诸君 与有荣焉~~~~^^









发表于 2009-1-19 01:04 | 显示全部楼层

原帖由 荷河谷 于 2009-1-19 00:39 发表

原帖由 天翻地覆 于 2009-1-19 00:42 发表
http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=2yN0q ...


[ 本帖最后由 我爱美女 于 2009-1-19 01:18 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-19 01:08 | 显示全部楼层

回复 9888# 忍者心动 的帖子

KEN DAI 这都说了啥子?

原帖由 九月金秋 于 2009-1-19 00:55 发表
看预告,江石和丹雅在河边见面后,两人很快来到丹雅的办公室互诉衷肠,互表决心了。江石还时不时来一点亲密撒娇的举动,让两人在之前备受煎熬的心尽快康复。看样子丹雅的办公室以后会成他俩约会的好去处,这丹雅以后 ...


原帖由 我爱美女 于 2009-1-19 01:04 发表

也算有勇有谋、单刀赴会、逐个击破~(夸上就停 ...


[ 本帖最后由 荷河谷 于 2009-1-19 01:11 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-19 01:12 | 显示全部楼层

回复 9880# 忍者心动 的帖子









发表于 2009-1-19 01:17 | 显示全部楼层

回复 9882# 孤獨的兔子 的帖子









发表于 2009-1-19 01:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 荷河谷 于 2009-1-19 01:08 发表

原帖由 我爱美女 于 2009-1-19 01:04 发表



[ 本帖最后由 天翻地覆 于 2009-1-19 01:54 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-19 01:33 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 天翻地覆 于 2009-1-19 01:19 发表










发表于 2009-1-19 01:46 | 显示全部楼层
E30 Ental  Foxmail 下載連結

Family Honour.E30.090118.HDTV.XViD.Ental.avi(665.74M)  [下载]  
(有效时间到: Monday, 26 January, 2009 1:43)








发表于 2009-1-19 01:53 | 显示全部楼层
收购大成,江石既是制造者又是内贼。对于恶意收购这种事情,总有一天不是收手就是失手。在爱的名义下, 就快点让江石“质变”。








发表于 2009-1-19 02:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 荷河谷 于 2009-1-19 01:33 发表










发表于 2009-1-19 02:20 | 显示全部楼层
e30 Brief fr Shirley/soompi

KS was in the room with grandfather ha while the rest of the family await outside ,
anxiously about what is KS 's intention . DA brought tea in but KS only took a brief glance at her

then it was KS and grandfather alone in the room but actually they all can hear from outside !! !
i dun understand is there any privacy in the house lol

er i think KS was telling /grandfather how they had prepared
for this and there is no way that they can fight against them
and advise maybe it is better if the Ha let go then be forced to
or something --;;

taeyong was very upset hearing what went on
and rushed into the room and grabbed KS by his collar

DA was shocked to see what her brother was doing
grandpa ordered him to let KS go since he is guest

Grandpa seem also pondering over what he had said
KS left but not before he ooked at DA who seem scared to met his eyes directly now .
i think after what happen just now .

the family together discussing what had happen

Dong dong was preparing for bed .er i think he mentioned to grandfather
that the ahjushi is a bad guy --;;

Ks went home to tell his father about his proposal to the Ha family .
KS's father seem quite upset about what KS proposed

i guess he might be thinking of not openly taking the management rights
but wait for the ha family to decide or something

anyway the father was extremely worked up , he even asked the mother to go in
when she intervened gosh i think KS is actually telling the father that the Da Sung company ( i meant the Ha famiy ) are good person er and not to force them too much or something . that they trusted them
the father think he had gone mad to be so weakling

grandaunt was quite surprised at how things turned out between
the young man and their family . that the young man turned out to be a bad guy .or something
anyway it hurts DA to see her whole family thinking very badly of KS ..

grandfather was looking at the great grandfather picture again. DA went into the room. hmm
i think he was talking to her about the Lee family and that maybe she has some influence over them
or something .

DA in the room , she wanted to send phone message to KS
that she know what he is trying to do and that he didnt need to do so ,but for
coming here with the suggestion she thank him .but the message didnt get send out

at home

KS was recalling what DA said to him during the last meeting at the

Grandfather seem to want to accept KS proposal but TY strongly objected ,though the rest of the
family seem to agree .that is the only option

DA at the school office , KS came to see her and asked to speak with her for a
moment . the professor friend was upset at seeing him appear --;;after what he had done
but DA told her to let her speak with KS alone . .

the professor left leaving only KS and DA

i think KS asked her about what the grandfather think about his suggesion
she asked him he doesnt need to do this , why is he doing this which is defintely
not beneficial to the lee family

he told her that for her compassion towards him , he has this last ounce of conscience to do this for her

just as when he stood up to leave , DA said something more to him and thanking him for what he is doing
er but i think KS was like saying why are you grateful to such a person like me or something
hmm i think also that DA seem to say something about the slap that she doesnt regret not slapping him that time
er that i not sure ( i guess maybe about the game suggestion )

JA saw that YI throwing up in the washroom .and was concerned for her .
JA went to YI 's office .YI seem to be telling JA to look after SY since he
will be troubled now ..JA seem quite surprised at her words . and YI acknowledged
JA 's and SY relationship .ah YI is nice , i think she giving advice on love to JA
JA asked why is she so nice to her ,she just a cleaner
she seem to tell JA that because she is the person whom her oldest son love
and that SY is really a good man .

TY went to MS drunk and complaining because the whole family
his father and brother all dun agree with him. he so troubled that
he came looking for MS lol MS was like upset on his behalf and
called him darling .TY seem to find it abit mushy hahaa
but she pulled his hand and seem to support him
then he was so touched that he hug her .
asking why would she like someone like him

but then suddenly she pushed him out of the house , realsing i think
er they are alone in the room or something

lol i think she asking herself to get a grip and dun lost control

HG sleeping at the cafe i think maybe he hadnt got a house to stay yet
HJ was there helping him prepare his make shift bed . i think HG told HJ that he is
giving up on DA .or something ..

HJ seem surprised .

JA make coffee for SY .~~ she really took YI 's advice to show her concern .JA knitting away
as she sit in SY office .^^ she has a very sweet smile..i think SY was saying he doesnt feel so tired
watching her knitting there

i think KS father is pretty upset and keep drinking , KS mother was
scolding KS for always drinking and asked him to speak to his father

er i think the father keep telling KS about how tough he had
went through to arrive at their current position .or something
and if like KS is tired of being his son

KS fiercely say he understand his father completely and never regret about being his son

then the father suddenly scolded him then why is he doing this , if he is his father son

KS try to defend his position .though the father doesnt seem convinced

HJ saw her brother came upstairs and spoke to him why he is drinking everyday.
this is the first time i think HJ is seeing her brother like this
and asked if it is because of Professor Ha

er i think KS did answered because of the woman this is a first time for him also

and then HJ didnt give up and follow into his room and asked directly does he love professor Ha

but then KS reminded her ,she know what her brother is like
er i guess referring that his past treatment of woman

ohhh then KS alone , he spoke to the bear ..!something about his owner .

DA spoke to grandfather ..about that KS came to see her i think
i think grandfather asked DA that the family seem to treat her as a friend
to ask her to pass word .-;

next she went back to her room and spoke to the obba picture . that she is back now .

the KS and his father spoke to the Ha family .i think they agree to KS suggestion , though i think
the Mr Lee put in some other conditions or something . i dun know but i guess this is a better then the takeover
they intend to make .

i actually think his father really let KS take the decision .though he isnt happy about this
i think he asked the secertary to keep alook on KS --';

grandfather went to see grandaunt ex.
the guy was shocked to see him .i think the guy
is a bad guy ..that what he say to grandaunt before
wasnt the real story . --;;

grandaunt overheard them and rushed into the room
screaming at the man asking if what the granfather say is true
he admit it that he did took the money .

grandaunt slapped him for his lies and what he had done to her life
he said he was sorry and went off
back home, the grandaunt came back drunk again .it quite sad , she crying
and speaking to grandfather .maybe asking why he had kept it from her
for 18 years she had hated her father and brother i think for what happen
now she crying so hard for the whole misunderstanding
i think grandfather kept it from her rather her hating the family then know
she was betrayed by the man she love over money

grandaunt in the room with DA . she telling DA about her own life ,

HG went to look for KS at the pub.
KS offered him a drink .while HG just watches him with such er ..firece eyes

then HG started to say he wonder if he should came here to see him , that he understand
why he get himself drunk everyday .and that woman also get herself drunk

Ks asked him what he want to say

then HG say that woman .er i think he start to tell KS about how much DA heart is hurting
and about her memories of her obba
that she is scared she cant remember Jinhae obba eyes .because of him (KS)

that it was the first time that person , that woman wept like that infront of him
that she wont take off her scarf when before she doesnt even wear a coat because of her oppa
er i think he say alot more but i dun understand .something also about that DA cried for KS
anyway i think he told KS all about what DA said to him and that she is hurting so much .

Ks just listen on as HG speak ..deep in thoughts and trembling in heart i suppose as well
what HG had revealed to him

HG left . KS wept so hard ...recalling what HG said

HG stood outside the Ha family house . SY was home and saw him
er i think HG Was telling SY that he is giving up ..that DA has been through too much .
i dun really get what he say completely

DA was just outside in the garden and overheard their conversation she seem to feel relieved or something.

back to her room DA was holding the scarf and speaking ..that about the memoeries of their time together .i think she meant her and KS

the next morning

back to the theme park where they went before ..~!!

KS again at the same stall remember that day they were there .
ahhh and how she won the bear for him ^^ i missed those happy times

he looked so sad ..

the old man at the stall remembered him ..that 40K won fellow lol

AND THEN ..told HIM THAT the lady was just here!!!
KS faced changed ! lolllll!! YES!!!

she was at the lake and *drum rolll****

she turned and he was just infront of her !!

they stared at each other like eternity for me !!

he walked up to her and just hug her in his arms .and he say to her er like he is here because she doesnt seem to
want the thing between them to end ...(er actually the music was so loud hahah ...i dun know if that was what he really say also ..i just somehow make out some part of it ..
江: 我来这里是因为你似乎不想让我们之间的事情结束。。

ANWAY whathever he say HE IS HERe to stay ! (you know too that we weren't acting so now I'm going to have to hold onto you.)


[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2009-1-19 03:47 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-19 02:27 | 显示全部楼层
fr shirley/soompi
he business talk that occurred in DA's dad's office yesterday

sy: every since the announcement about a possible takeover, stocks and investors are all taking a turn for the worst.
yi: what are we going to do? with our resources, it wont be easy trying to attain more stocks.
ty: well we cant sit here and do nothing.
yi: what about looking for an outside source of help?
dad: outside help?
yi: this is a war of consumption (kinda like dog eat dog, fight to the death sorta thing) They attacked us knowing well of our weak situation. If we don’t do anything, we really might be left with nothing.
ty: mother, what are you trying to say?
yi: Think of all the normal business that went bellyup during IMF. Many were companies without even bad rumors surrounding them like us, yet they were consumed by larger companies or went bankrupt due to the situation.
TY: but the companies werent the only ones that collapsed.. the ones that tried to take over often collapsed too.
yi: But Lee’s resources and back up is quite strong.
ty: dont you think it will make a difference if we fight back with all our strength. I dont know about anything father, but I want to fight. even if we collapse when we collapse, i want to grit our teeth and fight back to the best of our ability.
dad: what about you sy?
sy: i understand mother’s opinion on wanting to get outside help. that might be the best last step. however i think they are the kind of people who are all or nothing. (like they would want the whole company, rather than have a small part..)



I think KS told the grandfather that he would allow the HAs to leave the firm with honor and save the HA house and keep the Resort as is if the HAs didn't fight the take over. KS told the grandfather that under normal circumstances they would be selling off the HA assets to the highest bidder but that KS knew that grandfather borrowed money from the Lees specifically to save the resort for the townspeople.

The dad was very upset at KS for giving away a huge concession....this was a card to use as a bargaining chip at the end...not at the beginning. He was also very upset that KS would show a weakness to the HAs and not a threatening front.

TY hit KS because he thought KS came to their house to threaten the HAs and grandpa but grandpa recognised that KS was making an offer he didn't have to make. He told DA that perhaps she did have an effect on the Lees seeing how KS came to their house to offer something that he didn't need to do at this stage. The grandpa actually can see that KS was being sincere and that KS wasn't there to threaten. KS pointed out that he had been planning the takeover for a long time and that the HAs, if they fought against the Lees probably would not win and would be left with nothing. KS pointed out that he knows the grandpa would be OK with fighting until he has nothing but he knows that Grandpa would not want to endanger the townpeople - so that's why he was making this offer.


The scene where KS and his dad are in the dad's bedroom, the dad says to KS, I know that sometimes you think, if only I wasn't the son of a money lender. It's logical that you would want to have been born into a family like the HAs then you wouldn't have to live the way you do....it's OK to feel that way, I used to feel that way too. When I was young, I used to wish I had been born to different parents too....then I would have had lunch to take to school, I would have been able to go to school....I understand that feeling (I think Papa Lee's parents were sick and died when he was very young).

KS tells his dad that he's never been ashamed to be Papa Lee's son, that he's been proud to be his son but he feels that in this one fight, he doesn't want to treat the HAs like everyone else because the HAs are not like everyone else. They are good people. The dad said that once you show compassion it is hard to put it back...if you show weakness once it's more likely that you would show weakness again. Later in the office, after the HA elders tell KS and Papa Lee that they are agreeing to their terms Papa Lee tells KS that he'll let this go only once. I think later Papa Lee tells KS' secretary to watch over him and keep track of the old disgruntled business partner's son.

[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2009-1-19 10:43 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-19 03:53 | 显示全部楼层
by sandybabe/soompi

ha family waits outside while KS is in grandpas room.
TY: why is that jerk here?
dad: be quiet.
da and granny serve grandpa and ks tea and leave the room.
ks: im sure you were suprised that i can without calling in advance.
grandpa: what brings you here?
ks: hwejangneem.. (the way a president of a company is addressed.) I will not say I’m sorry.
(family can hear convo outside)
KS continues: you trusted and joined hands with us,so im certain you feel betrayed.
outside TY: You know and do something like that you..
Dad quiets him. “lets hear why he’s here”
KS: however i told you that you’re making a risky choice in the beginning.
grandpa: i know this. That we made the choice on our end.I’m sure you’re not here to make that clear..
KS: Please think of this logically (without emotion). The longer this is dragged out, the more troublesome it will be for both sides. There will be others in the middle trying to profit out of the situation as well. And in the end.. one side will fall to their knees. My father and I are not ones to jump into a fight without the finish line in sight. We’ve preparedfor this fight for a long time. We waited until your company was in danger, then jumped in. Isn’t is obvious then which side will win?
Grandpa: Then what is it you want me to decide without emotion? Are you saying since we don’t have a chance, to please give up quickly?
KS: I want to give you a chance to walk away before things get too ugly. Our side will assume possession of your current home, and give you the price you want for it. Instead of losing everything, what do you think about accepting our proposition?
Grandpa: Mr. Lee.. I’m not unaware that this may be an unnescssary struggle. As you say.. you have prepared for this for a long time, and I’m sure it is your side that is going to win. However our family, knowing this, is still commited to doing our best to keep what is ours.
KS: When you first met with me, you said in order to keep your honor/promises to those that believed/invested in your company, that you had no choice but to accept our help.
Grandpa: And?
KS: We will consult with all the stockholders on our side, and perhaps get rid of the resort. Our side just wants to make money. We don’t really think about what’s best for the resort. You don’t have many options.. either the resort gets gotten rid of, or you can just walk away.
TY storms in and grabs KS.
TY” are you here to threaten us?” and hits him. “ do we look that weak/easy to you jerk?”
Grandpa” let him go. “
TY “ this jerk.. who does he think he is to come here and..”
granpda yells” I said let him go! He is still a guest on our home.”
TY lets go. Grandpa tells KS that he understands what he’s saying and asks him to leave.
KS leaves.

Dad, TY, SY, YI
dad: i have nothing to say to grandpa. To let him be threatened by a guy like that..
sy: he’s a tough guy, seeing that he knows what grandpa’s weakness/heart is and is usin it to his advantage.
ty: hes not even a person. hes someone that just is crazed for money.
dad: im sure he took everything into consideration as he held hands with the lee family.
yi: grandpa knew what he was getting himself into, and what he was risking.
dad: it was me who convinced him to do it. we thought it was the only way to save the resort.
yi: whats the use of thinking like that now. weneed to just think of an escape
dad: will we able to find one? they said they will get ridof the resort if we dont comply.

DD: grandpa, that man is a bad guy isnt he? I wont becomea bad guy like that when i grow up.
grandpa: go to sleep

grandaunt: wow.. you really cant tell someone by their appearances. when ty said ks was a jerk, i thought it couldnt be. now i realize it was true.
DA looks sad..
grandaunt: seeing as he could have said that to your brothers or your dad at work, he really is something to come directly to grandpa. Somethings wrong with me.. for me to have praised on how good-looking he was. Danah.. i think it’s going to be difficult. Our side guys are completely different from the Lee side. I think we’re going to have to hand over the business that your grandpa spent his whole life raising up. What a night..

At the Lee house.
Leedad gets up” what are you saying?! what do you mean we’llpay what they want for their house?why use that money?”
mom” is ks doing something wrong?”
dad “you stay out of it.
ks” if the fight gets longer, we’llend up having to spend that much moremoney. “
dad “thats why we’re collecting assets andmoney”
ks” if the grandpaaccepts our proposition, let us let them walk away. it could be better to just let them walk away with dignity than us waste extra money.
dad: you dont even know how much they will ask for!
ks : im sure they wont ask for something unreasonable.
dad: how do you know that? its all money wasted anyways!
mom: hon sit and talk. have you seen ks ever make amistake?
dad: He’s doing something hes never done before!
mom: really? i think his opinion is right..
Dad tells wife to go into the room
dad: if you decide to give them what they ask, you know things may get moredifficult for us in the future.
ks: ill take care of it. let’s just let them go.
dad: this is unlike you. whats wrong with you. we can chase them out dirt-poor, yet you are giving them a way out?
ks: i dont want to do that. (chase themout dirt poor)
dad: what?
ks: just because we chase them out, it wont get rid of any vengenace, anger..
dad: is that what youre afraid of? because of what happened with haejoo (situation in their past dealing with revenge) You’re afraid of people having grudges? I thought you said yourself lt them throw stones.. you’ll still be by my side.
ks: to those people.. i dont want to do that to those people.. you saw yourself what kind of people they are. they trusted us..
dad: trusted us? they just needed our money.
ks: if they didnt want to protect the resort, they would never have asked for our aid. but because it wassomething the village people had invested and given their hearts to, president ha had no other choice.
daD: what does that have ot do with you?!
ks: i dont want to fight with those people. they are not opponents i want to go against.
dad: you.. i never thought you would show such a weak side.
ks: im sorry father.. but please just listen to me this once.
dad: we shouldnt have met up with those people often. If not you would not be acting like this!
KS leaves.

DA: the night is late..
Grandpa: da..i keep thinking you spending time at that familys wasnt a complete waste. That young man.. the proposition he made, so that we can leave with dignity.. TY may have thought it was a threat, but I realize that was something KS didnt even have to offer. As that man said, he found us a way out.. forsomeone who said with his own mouth that his nature is a vicious salesman, what could have motivated him to come here to offer a way out. I’m sure he had thought of everything before... (DA lookslike she realizes KS is doing this for her) I feel like as you went to that household to tutor, you must have made quite an impression on what kind of family we are.

DA in her room gets out her phone to text KS
“i know you cant stop.. but i know how you tried to stop. thats why you cam today. im so thankful....even for that” but she doesnt send it

KS drinks and remembers DA saying KS wouldnt have been tormented if she wenret the daughter of the company KS was trying to take over.

Grandpa is sitting with the family.
Grandpa: i thought about it long and hard.. i think accepting the young man’s offer is the best decision.
TY: grndpa.. thats just you giving in to his threat.
grandpa: dont you think we need to protect the resort?
ty: please grandpa.. i know its important to think of our neighbors/investors, but we need to think of ourselves to. we dont even know how much they will give us for the house. what if they do whatever they want?
grandpa: even if we leave empty-handed, i cannot let them tear down the resort.

next morning..ks family
dad: i feel like this isnt the way to go
ks: father..
dad: we can’t just give into them
ks: i told you.. theyre not the kind of people who will make an unreasonable demand.
dad: you.. (word for word cant translate, but means he played his card to early in a sense. we shouldnt be doing this)
ks: this is the first time ive ever asked you for something..
dad: lets just eat.
KSgets up and leaves
mom: whats this? you guys are arguing?

Ha’s dads office
TY: i dont care what grandpa thinks. we cant just let this happen
dad: i know youre angry, but what can we do. I want to protect the resort as well. what about you sy?
sy: i agree this is the best way. if we reject the offer, KS might just sell off the resort and profit fromit.
ty: what? this is just a threat.
sy: you know what kind of person this is. he will do what he says he will..
yi: i think whatever decision grandpa makes is right. he is hte biggest stockholder on our side, and for us to do what we want isnt right. that wont change anything.. i think it would be best to just get the most we can out of the offer.

professor to DA
prof: i heard from HG.. i heard that guy..
KS knocks and comes in
ks: can we talk for a moment?
Asks the professor to leave
Prof: you must have some thick skin (no shame). How can you come see DA? After what youre going to do to her family..
DA asks professor to leave.
da: sit.. ill get you coffee
ks: i dont need any. pleasetell your grandpa.. not to mull over the offer too long, nor ask for an unreasonable sum. tell him we will give him double the price of the home. at that price, i will take care of it in the middle ( i think hes saying he will pay out of his own pocket almost)
da: why dont you tell him directly?
ks: because he might not accept my proposition. he might think its regretful to accept,and might want to fight til the end. but i feel if you discuss it with him, he might listen to you. because for some reason i feel more than your father or brothers, you have more favor in your grandpas eyes.
da: grandpa.. he just wants to protect the resort. even if we leave empty-handed, he is someone who will not consider it a loss if he can just keep the resort standing.
ks: then two times the value of the home should be enough..
da: why are you making us such an offer? even my grandpa thought it was weird..
ks: it must be the last of my conscience.. for you who took compassion/ pity on me. although i dont know if i can even call it a conscience..
da: you said you would take care of it in the middle. what do you mean by that? it seems us accepting the offer is not all. who do you mean (in the middle of whom and whom.. i think it means ks is between the ha’s and his father)
ks: its a relief.. that i never met you as a competing businessman. if that had happened, i would have to fight much harder. My dad is an experienced fighter ( economically) He doesnt believe in showing weakening. That is why Im saying I can only help in the middle. I’ve relayed the message.. i’ll leave now.
gets up..
da: yesterday.. i didnt need to be the one to bring you tea. but i wanted to. because it seemed it might be the last chance i could make you tea. Just as you said you came to make a proposition because of your conscience, i wanted to do that even though i didnt know what you had come to say. i was thankful..
ks: youre really pitaful. like your brother said i went there to threaten the family.. why did i do that? because it would be too weary to fight with your family too long. cuz then everything i had with you would become bothersome to me.
da: i know.. that this way you talk is to hide your true thoughts/feelings. thats why i dont regret it.. dont regret not just slapping you that one day and rejecting you asking me to date.
ks leaves.

ty in sy’s office
ty: why are you making this report so detailed?
sy: because the people taking over need to know whats going on.
ty: wait.. youre making that jerk a detailed report?
sy: thats the last thing we can do for the resort.
ty: dont you have any sensE? were getting everythign taken away, and yet youre ding this for them?
sy: youre going to do the same
ty: no way. never. imstill going to try and find away out
sy: youre still part of the family. i know you may even be more loyal than i.
ty: no im not!

yi in bathroom is geting sick. .
ja: are you ok?
yi: can you hit my back?
ja: you must have indigestion..

yi and ja
yi: you can tell somethings wrong with the company right? usually workers around can pick up on those things. hm.. is the way i said that offensive?
ja: no..
yi: i m pretty blunt so i hope you understand. with everything going on too, im getting moremorning sickness. you didnt know? i guess sy didnt tell you.. i guess hes not the type of person to announce his stepmom is pregnant. do you know why im being this straightforward with you? because im accepting you as the person for sy. im not sure if that got across right..
ja:.. thank you..
yi: sy is a good person. to others your relationship may be hardto understand, but im trying to look at you guys unbiased. from now on.. if you need anything come talk to me. i can listen and be your help.
ja: why are being so nice to me
yi: because youre the woman he loves. why do you look suprised?
ja: because he neversaid that...
yi: that he loves you right? you know that those that cant say i love you have the bigger hearts right? but you know right? you will probably not be able to hear it easily. but when you do, you will probably have to stay with him forever. you seem as innocent as my eldest son. thingsare getting tough.. please be there for him
ja: but i have nothing i can do
yi: just being with him will probably be a great help

sy sees ja cleaning
sy: why are you working so late?
ja: you didnt leave yet either
sy: i probably have to stay late. you should go home..
ja: i saw your assistant leave.. can i make you somecoffee?
sy: are you still here because of me?
ja: im loyal huh?

makes him coffee
sy: thanks
ja: um..
sy: yes?
ja: do you think ill be a burden if i stay here while i work? can i do something while you work?
ja starts knitting in sy’s office.. pretty cute..
sy says he didnt want to do his work, but watching ja knitting there in is office is making it more enjoyable for him. smiles*
ja: you dont know right? everytime you speak, i realize why it had to be you..
sy: i know this, that youre the only one that can listen to what i say

ms’ room
shes mumbling that shes pissed about that jerk making TY work late
*knocks, its TY
ms: what are you doing here?
ty: can i come in.. what abut your roomate?
ms says shes not in yet and he comes in..
ms: why did you drink by yourself?
ty: because i was embarassed
ms: ive seen you drink plenty of times
ty: ms.. why am i like this? i really.. i really want to do something great. so at times like these i can make my grandpa and father proud..
ms: i told you to let me take care of it!
ty: no.. besides i already punched him
ms: why are you doing things like that jahgi (affectionate term)
ty: did u just call me jahgi?
ms: did i?
ty: dont say that to me ms.. im really nothing. theres nothing i do well.
ms: jahhi..
ty: i said stop! when u say that i get all weird inside
ms: jahgi..
ty: whats with you?!
ms: i really like you as you are jahgi. you who wants to do something great for your family. you who came to see me after drinking..
he hugs her, saying he doestn deserve her. she breaks away and makes him leave (i guess theyre alone)
she kicks him out haha funny..

at cafe hg spreads out a sleeping bag
hj: are u really going to sleep here?
hg: until i get a place
hj: why arent you looking for a place?
hg: i have a lot on my mind. i guess im not as kind as you are. well.. i already knew that but.. i said i would give up, but i guess there’s part of me that still is holding on. why ami not waiting? maybe your kind of love rubbed off on me.. ( just being content on watching over someone)
hj: dont be like me.. only someone dumb like me..
hg: why do you keep calling yourself dumb?
hj: cuz its true..
hg: thats not true.. its because youre so innocent..
hj: why are you giving up?
hg: because.. do you think your brother and she were just a show? if it were, they would not be struggling right now.. in this situation..

ks comes in drunk again, and mom is pissed. says dad is drinking too
ks: dad.. they wont make an unreasonable request. i said max would be two times the value..
dad: you must hold a grudge against me too. why you werent born into a great family like the Ha family.. if u had never been ason of a money crazedperson, you would never have so many people against you and could have lived as a proper human being. right?
ks: dad..
mom: why are you saying that? when did ks ever say anything like that?
dad: i know too..i was like that too. born under parents who were so poor they couldnt even go to get treated at hospitals properly.. i thought if i hadnt been born under them, maybe i could have been like other kids.
ks: dad.. im proud to be your son. thats why even if people pointed fingers, i never moved, and still tried to live as your son
dad: then why are you like this? if youre my son.. then why are you trying to raise up afamily you know we can knock to the ground?
ks: i just want to this once. just know that this once i was able to let someone go..
dad: ks.. its not like i dont understand your point. but if you do this once, what makes you think this is the last time? you might become weakened from now on, and be shaken..
ks: this will never happen again. trust me..
dad: go upstairs
ks: please think about it dad..
ks goes upstairs and mom pleads with the dad to listen to ks, since he has never acted like this.

hj: why do you keep drinking? its not because of work right?
ks: go rest
hj: oppa, is it possible.. is it because of professor ha?
ks just goes in. hj follows
hj: you never drank like this. even when you had hard times you never went around this drunk
ks: yeah..its becauseof her. she makes me want to drink..
hj: do u love her?
ks: you know.. i dont have a heart to love anyone. i’m just drinking because i have to do something like this to someone as kind as her
hj: then dont do it..
ks: im trying not to let it get too far. so just go rest. i dont want to let it get to the worst either...
hj leaves
ks says to the bear “it’s only up to here. what i can do for your owner.. it’s only up to here”

da is speaking with grandpa
da: he said up to twice the value of the house. anything else would be too much..
grandpa: hecame to you to say that?
da: yes..
grandpa: as you visited their house, he must’ve truly befriended you. seeing as he comes to you to make a request for the company.. ok, go to bed.
da: grandpa...i know business is notmy place to discuss but.. i hope you accept it. his proposition
grandpa: ok.. go rest

da to her oppas picture
“come back now.. i need at least your memory to hold onto..”

at company lee’s and ha’s
ks’ dad: my son must feel burdened for having to carry out a fight amonsgt such “noble” families. i guess let’s just find a middle ground for both sides.
grandpa: mister lee..
ks dad: yes?
grandpa: i will not ask for anything else.. please do not think of the resort as just a money-making place. please remember the resort is a place where tired families come to rest..
ks dad: ok.. ill try to remember that. can you start the process of handing over the home? we need some time as well to prepare the payment, but if you can start on your side as well.
ha dad: ok..

dad: its just this once. if it ever happens again,i will not forgive you even if you are my son
ks: yes dad..
dad: do your work

as ks’ dad is leaving he asks assistant to make sure ks is safe and that one sketchy company people dont get too close.
ty, sy, yi and dad talk
ty is mad about the price, but the dad says theres nothing else they can do

as grandpa gets in, he gets acall fromgrand aunt’s co-worker
rubberlips: i set up ameeting saying i needed to discuss grandaunt.
grandpa: ok.. thanks. ill go there..
granny:are you going out to meet kyeongsuk?
granpa: yes..
granny: i know its not myplace, but since grandaunt has been struggling so long.. can you let her live as she wants?
grandpa: theres something you dont know about the situation..

grandaunt to rubberlips
grandaunt: you can lend me the money right?
rl: you wont need it
aunt: what?
rl: im sure theres a different solution
aunt: what? what are you saying?

grandpa goes to meet kyeongsuk(ex)
grandpa: sit
ex sits.
grandpa: i cant understand how you can appear in front of joojeong again. if youre human, you couldnt have done so.
ex:i have nothing to say..
grandpa: i thought you would at least have a conscience, but it doesnt appear so.. JJ must have told you she will get you some money.. how can you askher for that?
ex: i.. i never asked her for it
grandpa: even if she offered, you shouldnt have ever made it seem like you would accept. after making her life like that, how can you appear again?
ex: im sorry elder.. ill disappear..
grandpa: how could you have done that along time ago? i knew our dad would never accept, so i gave you that money to take her and run away. how could you have taken that money and just fled?
ex: uh.. that..
grandpa: you not only betrayed JJ, you betrayed me, who lied to my own father in order to help you two..
JJ: oppa... what are you saying? what are you saying? you tdid what to try and let us be together?
JJ looks at ex
jj: what is my brother saying?
ex: im sorry jj...
grandpa: tell us.. i want to know why you did that too
jj: is that really the truth? my brother tried to help us run away together? was that it? you even got money?!
ex: i didnt have the courage.i had no education, no family.. when i got that money, i thought i could never make JJ who came from a completely different family happy.. i didnt have the will to always place her on that pedastel and live..
grandpa: was that all she was to you?
ex: im sorry jj.. i didnt come here really to beg for money. i just missed you, and was sorry..
jj slaps him
jj: do you even know what youve done to my life? how you ruined it?!
ex: ill never appear again.. im sorry

at home.. da comes home and finds grandpa has been sitting in the room with great grandpas pic for a long time. she goes in..
da: grandpa.. everyones worried because you havent eaten yet..

outside JJ comes in again drunk.
jj says to her bro: why did you do that? why didnt you tell me? why? why did you not tell me that that man left with the money you had given him to take me away? why did you not tell me he betrayed me?
grandpa: i just wanted you to be angry toward us. just dad and i.. because at one time he was someone you gave your heart to.. because if you had known you had been betrayed, that you would hold animosity towards him always.. i didnt want that
jj: but still.. you should have told me.. so i could get over it.. i spent the last 18 years wasting my life, spent it hating our dad and you over someone who was not even worth being heartbroken over! (really sad.. and it truly shows grandpas compassion and sweetness)
grandpa: im sorry.. i thought you would get over it soon...

da iscleaning grandaunts hands..
grandaunt: da.. what has become if my life? i spent my life aspractucally an alcoholic over someone who left me formoney. da.. maybe youre living your life right. you who is holding onto the memory of someone who died to save you. yeah.. maybe thats the way thats right.

at a bar ks is drinking when hg comes in
ks: i let you hit me plenty. what did you want to see me for? sit. are you here because youre still angry? then lets drink and start. i think im not drunk enough to just let me hit me however you want
hg: i hesitated a lot.. why i have to say this to you. i could just leave it as it is.. why should i get involved. so i hesitated..
ks: what do you want to say?
hg: that woman.. got drunk, and asked me if for once i could be that person. so i said yes..she called me oppa, and said she needed to remember the look of his eyes as he turned the steering wheel to save her life, that she had held onto it. I found out for the first time that man died saving her.. i realized why she tried so hard to hold onto him. but that woman.. she said the memory is fading.. she said she couldnt even wear a coat remembering him, but now she couldnt even take off the scarf you had given her. I yelled at her, to look at me and remember that man. But she just cried.. Do you see why I hesitated? Because I am confessing on her behalf... for her who probably would never be able to confess this to you. Are you really going to still hurt her? .. I did everthing i can.. now, its up to you...

DA is in her yard thinking.. KS is crying thinking about what HG just told him. (realizes DA is in love with him.. )

HG is waiting outside. SY comes home and asks if he’s here to see DA
HG: no..
SY: do you want to get a drink? lets go..
hg: no.. thats not it. i think this is the last time ill be standing here. i said i could wait a long time, but i dont think i can
sy: are you tired? because shes notmoving?
hg: no.. its becasue i realized.. i thought that i looked so much like that man because it was what would tie us together.. but i realize that wasnt it. I realized i was there to help her cross a river (like a bridge) so she can move on.
(At this point DA hears h?
hg: i did something i never wanted to do. i never wanted to, but i still did.. so i was able to tell you and get it off my chest. thank you.. ill leave

(awww HG redeemed himself for being crazy stalkerman lol)

da looking at scarf and is remembering ks.. says to herself
“i know.. i know that i have to wrap up all our memories in this scarf, and take it off.. but i dont think i can take it off yet...”

next scene is that lake place they went to get dolls.

ks is standing in front of the doll stand, remembering her winning the doll for me.
the little grandpa wakes up
grandpa” oh.. it’s you... the girl you came with already came by earlier..

da is sitting... she gets up and turns, and sees KS <3 <3 <3 he walks to her.. hugs her
“you know it too.. that this was not an act for the both of us. so i.. i'm going to have to hold onto you..”


preview 31

ks mom: are you saying there was a picture of a guy on hj’s computer?
李妈: 你是说慧珠的电脑上有个男人的照片?
ks dad: are they dating?

ks to da: thinking about never being able to see you again.. i felt like i couldnt breathe. hugs her around the waist.. “i feel like i can breathe properly again..”

ja to sy, holding the knitted scarf
ja” i did it!”
sy “good job”
ja” wait.. why is this unraveling?! haha

da: ill not hang up first from now on (but aunt comes in and da just closes the phone
ks: what is this woman? is she trying to make me angry on purpose? *hits ssahdagi

hg to ks: its nice seeing her laugh.. go and make her laugh more..
ks to hg “if it werent for you.. i would have struggled internally for a long time. thank you..”

ks to da
“from now on, just do one thing for me.. from now on, no matter what everyone else says, please only trust me..”

different scene
da: im saying you dont have to work so hard to try to be together
ks: me.. im going to marry you.
江: 我。。要跟你结婚。

[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2009-1-19 09:53 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-19 06:26 | 显示全部楼层
Dear laura,
Thanks, you posted the e30 dialog. I very enjoy it. Thank you a lot.By the way  I think we have similar time zone. Say again, thank you.








发表于 2009-1-19 06:51 | 显示全部楼层




原帖由 水元素 于 2009-1-19 01:12 发表

水呀!偶满头雾水 你回的是我下面贴的这个!我米发现什么??





原帖由 忍者心动 于 2009-1-19 00:24 发表





[ 本帖最后由 忍者心动 于 2009-1-19 07:46 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-19 07:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 laura1997 于 2009-1-19 03:53 发表
by sandybabe/soompi

ha family waits outside while KS is in grandpas room.
TY: why is that jerk here?
dad: be quiet.
da and granny serve grandpa and ks tea and leave the r ...

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